About Tehuti
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I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.

As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!

My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.

Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!

Tar! :)
Keep Your Enemies Close
CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)

TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): All scenes NA; Scene 1 possibly from Trinity (unwritten)

PAIRING: Derrick Grant/Elise Danbrook (M/F)

EXPLANATION: Potential spoilers. If any of you have read my novel Lucifer and then turn to this pairing, you're probably thinking, "Wha...? Wasn't he just trying to kidnap her??" O_o And I'd be like, "Yeah, you're right." That's why I stuck these two together...it seemed both appropriate, AND startling! Bwa-ha-ha! *cough* For those of you who have NOT read the story...Derrick and Elise are both survivors of a cult named Scorpio. Elise was kicked out of the cult as useless, whereas Derrick was first the scapegoat and whipping boy of former high priest Alec Bodine (who was quite likely also his father--his mother, Amelia Grant, was kidnapped and gangraped by the cult), then the esteemed second-in-command to current high priest Luther Broderick (who caught other cultists beating Derrick as usual and commanded the abuse to stop, seeing in Derrick a kindred spirit). In the storyline, Derrick attempts to befriend and trick protagonist Damien, while Elise, an old friend of Dami's (Dami escaped the cult as a child), tries to warn him off. Toward the end of the story chaos ensues...a police officer is killed, Elise is kidnapped, and Derrick flees, all while Damien's FATHER is attempting to beat the crap out of his son. Much fun is had by all. Later on in the storyline, which spans MANY unwritten novels, Derrick is hit by a car and abandoned by the cult; much later than that, Elise, who escaped just shortly after being kidnapped in Lucifer and has been in hiding, returns...and a little later than THAT, the two end up together. Derrick was never a "real" bad guy, just very messed up, and Elise knows how to deal with that problem. Seeing as he has some major issues with trust, and the two of them already know each other, it just seemed fitting that they should end up together. Besides, a yaoi pairing of Derrick and Damien is never gonna happen in the real timeline, so phhbbbttt. (Oh. Derrick's problem with a certain kind of sex in the scenes? That stems from what Bodine did to him in the cult. Naturally.)

DISCLAIMERS: In "Keep Your Enemies Close," Derrick does something to Elise early on which is kind of contradicted in later parts, even in that same scene. :/ Also, I'm not sure if Derrick and Elise would be QUITE so daring as to go at it in public, nor that Kat would protect them...but who knows anyone for sure, right?

* * * * *

Keep Your Enemies Close


Elise moaned, head tilting to the side, a soft plea in her voice. Her body trembled. Beneath his hand, Derrick could feel her heart beating hard. His fingers slipped lower beneath the curve of her breast, the lobe of her ear between his lips. His other hand ran through her long hair.

She had come to him, for whatever reason, for comforting. Not knowing what else to do, he'd held her. That had been yesterday. Today she had come again. He rarely even spoke to her, and had no idea why she bothered with him. Yet he had ended up kissing her anyway. She hadn't stopped him...indeed, now he believed that was why she had come. But one kiss hadn't been enough for him. On tasting her lips, and her mouth, it was as if he started burning up inside...he wanted all of her, to taste all of her. The feeling had seemed uncontrollable. He wasn't certain if it had been, as he hadn't had to fight. Within moments of their first kiss, he and Elise had been naked and reclining back into the chair. He had pressed her down into the soft cushions with no complaint, and this was where they were touching each other now.

His hand stroked down her tight abdomen, feeling her flinch and hearing her gasp. The feeling of her body against his was a strange one. He'd never made love to a woman before. This wasn't to say that he was untouched...he'd had sex with plenty of men. Or rather, they'd had sex with him. He couldn't remember a time when he had been the active party, nor a time when he'd been willing, many of those times having been with Alec Bodine. He'd had no idea that he would even be attracted to Elise. He still felt intensely disgusted remembering the several times that he'd been excited while Bodine coupled with him...he hadn't been able to control the feelings of pleasure that had sometimes come over him, even as the high priest pounded into him roughly, and every time he had come on his own Bodine had laughed at him. So...you like it that much after all, huh? Perhaps I had you all wrong? If you keep enjoying this so much, I may have to find myself a new partner...

He bit his lip to keep from letting out a disgusted noise. At least, he meant to. Instead he bit Elise's ear and heard her cry out, but at the same time her body arched up into him. The blood roared in his ears so that all he could seem to hear for a moment was his own hard breathing. When he opened his eyes, his first sight was of Elise's small breasts, pink nipples rising hard from her chest.

With a surge of desire he leaned down again and closed his mouth around one. Elise moaned again and writhed. His hand ran down her belly to her thigh, and then between her legs. His fingers parted her. She shook harder; juices coursed from inside her to wet his fingertips. He had the sudden desire to suck the juices from her, to run his tongue inside her and out, his fingers as well, to touch and taste every inch of her body, top to bottom...the desire manifested itself as his tongue ran along the base of her throat, up her neck, to her jawline and inside her ear. She shook and her arms went around him, hugging him close. His lips moved to her eyelids, fingers running through the short crinkly hair between her legs and up between her buttocks; he felt her fingernails dig into his back, and caught sight of her teeth bared as she put her head back.

"Derrick," she moaned again, softly, pleadingly.

He wasn't certain why she cried out his name, but he knew that he wanted her. He didn't know why, only what, and when, now. Now. More than ever. Her skin pressed warm against him. Her hair fell back over the chair, her hazel eyes, when opening, glazed with lust. Her fingers dug into his skin. Beneath him her hips trembled, wet and smooth and willing and ready.

He separated her legs, gently pushing one aside. He started when he felt her own fingers reach out and curl around his testicles, slowly rubbing. His member rose and went hard almost immediately at her touch; the breath caught in his throat. She snuggled herself back into the chair, and her legs wrapped around his waist. Her breasts pushed out; a low sound rose in her own throat. She managed to form the words to tell him exactly what she wanted. "Now...Derrick...now..."

She let go of the warm sac, hand caressing his penis once, briefly tangling in the curly hair, running up his belly to his chest, his shoulder, his neck. Lips brushed his cheek.

"Now, Derrick..."

He said nothing but he lifted his hips to form a small space between the two of them and then pushed himself forward--feeling her rising up to meet him, the two of them becoming one. He pushed through her and the smoothness and slickness caused him to shudder in pleasure. It had not been what he'd expected. It was a hundred, a million times better than he had imagined...all that he had known before were the brutal poundings he had received from the men in the cult...he'd thought of what it might be like to be with a woman, when he had masturbated himself to relieve the tension...but he had never imagined that it would be like this, never at all. He had had no idea...

Elise writhed against him, and he started to move. The rocking chair accommodated their motions. As he pushed it rocked backward gently, and then forward again as he pulled back. Elise's legs slid down to wrap around his calves. Her belly was warm and tight, pressed to him, her hair tangling with his own. With every push of his, her head tipped back and she gasped, a long low moan escaping her. He had to taste as much of her as he could...his tongue, his lips traced along her face, her neck, her breasts and arms and nipples...

"Derrick..." Her thighs quivered. He clenched her buttock, felt her shaking. Her leg slid up and down against his own. When he pushed he could feel her hips grinding into his, pelvises rotating.

He gently bit her neck, went for her mouth, felt her wet tongue greeting him as her wetness greeted him below...she growled slightly and her head thrashed, her blond hair whipping across his face. She squirmed beneath him.

The motion excited him. Panting hoarsely, he moved faster and harder. The chair rocked forward, and Elise's hips rocked into his; he slid forward and in. She cried out again, voice ragged. He wanted to devour her, every single piece.

He heard a low noise and realized that it was himself, responding to her cry. She whimpered and he let out a guttural growl, which rose into a heated groan of desire. He couldn't believe the heat, the building pleasure he felt. Her fit was so perfect...her hot silky smoothness enveloping him, sucking gently at him as he pulled out and pushed in; the smooth white curve of her neck, the rise and fall of her breasts, the pert pink nipples hard with excitement, so he had to close his lips around them and suck hungrily, dreaming of milk...

His fingers worked up between her buttocks and into her anus. She let out a silent, breathless scream, her body going into paroxysms. He recognized her orgasm, the now-familiar tightening around him; he too had tightened before, in brief moments of lust, to feel Bodine finish within him, before his own seed sprayed the floor...

He came within her now, his own climax on the heels of hers; she shook against him for several moments like a piece of paper caught in the wind. He let out his breath with the brief explosion of seed leaving him, and rather than sink into her exhaustedly, pulled himself from her. He had to lie beside her for a moment, her legs tangled with his, their chests rising and falling rapidly. The chair's rocking slowly came to a stop and they lay breathing heavily; Derrick looked down at her, at the sheen of sweat lining her body, and again wondered why she had ever come to him.

He had enjoyed her once; he suspected that it was enough.

Nevertheless...after some time of resting and recovering, he felt compelled to lean forward and lick the salt from her face. Her eyes came open suddenly, as if in surprise; they then shut again as his tongue caressed along her eyelids and brow. The salt of her sweat, mixed with the slightly sweet taste of her skin, made him feel faint. He still desired to taste every inch of her body...

His fingers massaged her opening again. She whimpered softly.

"Derrick..." He stopped his tongue on its course along her jaw, and gently nibbled at her ear instead. She shivered. He felt her arms go around him.

"Make love to me again, please...whichever way you want...just make love to me..."

He found that he could not resist, or refuse her...her touch was so warm, and welcoming...he crushed his mouth to hers, lifting her up in his arms, her own arms and legs pressed to him. The chair rocked forward with their weight. Elise suddenly seemed to understand him. She broke her embrace, her mouth leaving his; a moment or so later her arms were wrapped around the back of the chair, knees spread wide and back arched. She trembled greatly but her opening was visible, and his aim was right; he took her hips and with a soft grunt Derrick pushed up and inside her, and then slipped his arms under her own--hands crushing her breasts tightly--before beginning to thrust, hips rocking slowly, slowly into her as the chair started to rock as well, back and forth, back and forth with their motions. It creaked. Elise shook, and after a moment Derrick could hear her crying softly. The tears streamed from her eyes, her head back; he leaned forward, into her, to lick them away.

He finally allowed himself to whisper her name. "Elise."

Silent sobs racked her body.

He wasn't certain why she wept. Pain, guilt, desire...it all seemed one in his mind now. His fingers dug into her own skin, bruising the tender flesh, her nipples pressed to his palms; his teeth scored her neck, his lips brushed her ear. He tugged on the lobe, felt her start when he whispered to her.

"Elise...don't cry..."

She only cried harder. But she moaned as well, a shuddery hoarse moan which indicated her excitement all too well. Derrick attempted to catch his breath, and pushed forward, once, twice, again, picking up the tempo. Elise sobbed and clung to the back of the chair as he groaned and pumped into her, hands moving now to squeeze her buttocks. The chair moved faster with them, rocking with a protesting creak as they coupled, their lovemaking growing stronger, faster, deeper. All previous thoughts of Bodine and the pain and guilty pleasure that he'd brought fled Derrick's mind; all that he could see was Elise. His fingers sank into her, then moved to clench in the hair between her legs. He swayed rapidly, pushing in, in, deeper. Elise let out a long, hard cry, spine arching. Derrick felt a thick viscous wetness come to his fingers and groaned loudly, desperately. When Elise bucked abruptly, her cry filling the room--"Derrick!"--he yelled as well, though he articulated no words, merely a primal lustful shout that somehow still seemed to have the same effect on her as her cry did on him. The hot slick tightening again--and his own back arched so he thrust with a grunt one final time, spurting forth. This time, when his flow died, he allowed himself to sink over her, panting hoarsely. Elise's own body seemed to meld to his, their sweat acting as glue, keeping them bound together even as they were apart.

* * * * *

Elise's eyes blinked open slowly. She squinted at the ceiling for a few moments before remembering where she was, and then her eyes turned to the form lying on the bed beside her. Derrick slept on his side, head propped on his arm. The weather, plus their activity from last night--after making love twice in the rocking chair, they had somehow made it back to his room, and though hazy she believed they had had sex again, albeit briefly--had left them hot, so the sheet didn't cover him completely. As her eyes traveled down she could barely see the dark tangle of hair around his member, and for some reason averted her eyes shyly. He breathed slowly, his look peaceful; he seemed younger this way. Without thinking she reached out and gently brushed the bangs from his face.

With a slight snort he came awake almost immediately. Elise drew her hand back. He blinked at her groggily a few times, then started looking around himself as if confused.

"Good morning," she said, lamely; "I didn't mean to wake you."

He stared at her for a moment, before sitting up--he didn't try to cover himself when the sheet fell aside, exposing him completely--then getting up and out of bed, rubbing his eyes and stumbling away toward the bathroom. She couldn't help but let her eyes wander down his back to watch his buttocks as he walked away into the next room. Then she felt guilty for staring at him. He had hardly cast her a look, although she too was pretty much exposed, her breasts hanging free and her mussed hair cascading over her shoulders.

She pushed the sheets, tangled from their frenzied, barely remembered lovemaking, aside and got up, following him into the bathroom.

When she reached it she discovered that the shower was running, and he was inside, the door cracked open; he stood with one arm on the wall, hand over his eyes, the water spilling down over him. She knew that he didn't like the water, so his retreat into the shower mystified her. She stepped forward, tentatively pushing the door wider.

His head jerked up and his eyes focused on hers. She could tell that he hadn't expected to see her. Her cheeks flushed a little--they were both still naked--but she told herself to get over it. It was nothing either of them had never seen before.

"Good morning," she said again, and felt stupid. Was that any reason to follow him into the bathroom, to say, "Good morning"? When she'd already done so? He said nothing in response anyway, just stared at her, so she felt her face growing even redder. Why had she bothered following him anyway?

Wasn't it obvious?

Her eyes just barely drifted southward again. Derrick glanced down as if to make out what she was looking at, before realizing that it was himself. She couldn't tell if he flushed or not, though he lifted his head, and it did seem as if he glanced her over briefly as well. The water drenched him so his hair fell in his eyes, and she had the sudden compulsion to brush it aside again.

Without thinking this was exactly what she did, stepped forward into the shower, fingers brushing his hair aside as her body brushed against his. The water suddenly pelted down on the back of her neck and she felt like shuddering. She drew her hand back and stared into his eyes, wondering what she had to do now.

What she did was...step forward and lay her head against his chest, closing her eyes.

At first he did nothing. This was a test, whether he knew it or not. The same way she'd approached him the day before yesterday. He had comforted her then. If he did so now, there was more to it than merely lust. If he didn't, she could forget about it all, forget about him.

A moment or so passed before she felt his arms go around her as they had before. His own head rested against her shoulder. She felt a thrill run up inside her body. She leaned back slightly, looking into his eyes again, wondering.

He answered her unasked question for her when his mouth abruptly met hers. She didn't fight it; it was suddenly as if she knew what she'd been looking for. Their wet bodies pressed close; hands explored mounds and clefts, the showering fluid making them sleek and slippery. They fumbled awkwardly, fingers exploring, legs shifting, trying to find the best position. Elise sucked in a breath, and with it a mouthful of water, and sputtered it out against Derrick's chest. He didn't even notice it. His teeth bit her ear, stinging; she felt his fingernails draw blood from her shoulder. She ran her hands up underneath him to cup his testicles again, this time just barely fingering his own anus. He jerked against her and hissed; she pulled her hand away, sensing his displeasure. She'd forgotten the numerous sexual assaults and torture by Bodine and his men.

Still, he didn't push her away. She allowed him to back her up against the door, mouth sucking the water from her body. She ran her hands down herself, and then over him, when his lips closed around her breast, and moaned. By now her hair hung limp and dripping over her shoulders and he nuzzled at her ear, chewing the moisture away.

"Derrick," she moaned, as she had the night before. She chewed on her lip to keep from screaming. Her hands ran over his wet slick back.

Lips brushing against her ear, tongue flicking inside so she shivered. "Elise," he whispered, and his hand brushed her own hair back.

She stared into his eyes. There was no hate, or even anger there, for once. Their blueness seemed to swallow her. She hugged him tight again. She'd never felt so...safe with anyone before. To be sure, this was the one who had tried to kidnap her, and perhaps had even wanted her dead...but now she felt warm and protected when she was with him. He had changed...he must have...he'd proven it.

She wondered if he felt the same way about her.

There was hardly time to ponder it, as he was evidently growing excited, and she was as well. He gave her little chance to think anything over. It wasn't long before they were moving against each other again, slipping and fumbling and seeking release, seeking to come inside each other. The water made it very awkward. Still, their desire was so strong that they couldn't deny it. Elise slipped against the door several times before Derrick simply turned her around again and pushed her legs apart--she arched herself and spread her buttocks for him--and they both gasped at the sweet, delicious pleasure of his penetration.

Derrick groaned and Elise shivered at the sound. She was excited that he was excited. Her breasts pressed against the glass of the shower door as he pushed against her. Her hand gripped the metal edging and when her head tipped to the side she could see the bathroom mirror beyond, see their muted, blurred reflection through the glass, the pink blur of herself moving up and down against the glass, mouth forming a dark O, the darker, less distinct blur of Derrick moving up and down behind her hurriedly. He clenched her buttocks with a harsh tight groan. She wailed lowly.

"Derrick...Derrick..." she gasped, unable to articulate what she needed to say to him. She needed him right now. More so than ever. He was the right one, the right one for her, and she had never known this until now. Did he even know yet? Or did he just comply out of his own need? She knew that men thought differently...did he even understand why she was giving herself to him so willingly?

"Derrick!" she cried, hoping that he understood.

Fingers clutching her hips, holding her own in place for him to push, push. Her blurry reflection pressed repeatedly against the glass, the dark patch of her private area forming a vague triangle in the mirror. She wished that she could see his dark region in the reflection...

Tears came to her eyes.

Lips against her neck, her ear again.

Whispering, pleading. "Derrick...please..."

The barest sound, so she could hardly hear it. "Elise. Don't cry."

She let out one sob. Only one. That was all. Before an incredible pleasure such as she'd never known filled her entire body, causing her to yell at the air, tossing her head back. She cried out with every thrust. Derrick did the same, his shouts mingling with hers even as their fluids mingled, as the water sprayed over them, slickening them. Derrick grunted with the effort; Elise gasped and jerked. Her pink reflection crushed against the glass over and over, dark triangle and pale pink orbs with darker centers, a final darker circle opening and closing. She tipped her head back; his mouth closed over her neck.

"Oh my God, Derrick! Please, please, pleeeeease--!"

Elise screamed. Derrick shouted hoarsely. His hips pressed hers hard to the glass of the shower door and she watched hazily as her reflection trembled in orgasm. It seemed to go on forever, and yet not long enough. All too soon the sweet, exquisite pleasure began to die away as Derrick's fluid stopped coursing inside her, and he started sucking in exhausted breaths over her shoulder. His hardness died down and after a moment she felt him pull out of her, and felt empty without him. She pushed herself weakly away from the shower door, smudged with their fluids. She turned, and took his hands, pulling on them; without protest, they both sank down into the tub and lay back against the side, water showering over them in a seeming torrent which neither noticed.

Elise shuddered as she tried to catch her breath, and her strength. A bit of it seemed to come back to her when she felt Derrick's arms around her a third time, his head against her shoulder; she held his hands and shut her eyes and relaxed back into him, into his protective embrace.

Two In The Bush

The people chattered and laughed and the music blared as Elise, holding Derrick's hand, led him away from the main gathering. She smiled back at him briefly as they went. From what she knew he had never liked large gatherings, yet he'd come to this one, along with her. And he was letting her hold his hand.

She found a spot more secluded than the rest and, pulling on his arm, sat down on the grass. He sat down beside her and they stared ahead at the party going on. It wasn't that she herself disliked gatherings, but she wanted to be alone with him, as alone as this place could offer. She still held his hand and smiled to herself this time, fingers curling around his. The day was so warm and bright; although it was late afternoon and evening was coming on, everything lit with an orange tinge, it wouldn't get completely dark for hours yet, and then there would most likely be fireworks to keep the place illuminated. She took in a breath, the smell of hotdogs, fruit juice, and mown grass filling her nostrils. Suddenly giddy, she giggled and leaned over to kiss Derrick quickly on the cheek. His hand automatically went up to touch it, surprised; he'd forgotten that he still held her own hand so he brought it up to his face as well. His eyes met hers and she had to cover her mouth to avoid laughing at him. She didn't know how he would take that.

"Sorry," she giggled, and leaned forward to kiss the other cheek. "I guess I like it here today. I'm glad you came with me, even if you don't believe it."

He didn't say anything, as she'd expected. It didn't bother her. He turned to look at the proceedings again and she stared at his profile. Almost always there was a certain...sadness, or something, in his eyes. Perhaps not sadness, but a look of betrayal. She knew that she was not responsible for it; it had been there long before she'd ever met him. It still pained her to see it, no matter what its source.

She touched his face and drew his attention again. He seemed slightly cross, though she knew it was his expression more than anything else. Perhaps the crowd bothered him.

"We can go, if you like," she said.

He shook his head and turned away. "No...I'm fine. Really."

She smiled again. "You should talk more often, you have a nice voice."

This time his look was irritated. She laughed. "Well...you do. I'm not lying. You don't talk very much."

Of course he didn't reply to that. Elise's smile grew, and to spite him she kissed him on the mouth. Then she leaned forward and kissed him again, only this time longer. He opened his mouth as if to say something but his tongue met hers and whatever he might have been planning to say vanished immediately.

Elise put her hand to his face, fingers combing lightly through his hair. Oh God. Not here of all places. On kissing him on the lips she'd been filled suddenly with that intense desire to be with him again. It overpowered her so strongly that she couldn't keep away from him, no matter how many people surrounded them. She didn't know what to do with it.

What was more, he seemed interested in her offer, as his own hand touched her hair, then her neck.

She felt the breath rising, hitching in her chest. Her hand dropped to his knee and she could see a swelling bulge forming against his pants, growing larger. Oh God... There was nowhere nearby, no buildings and definitely no cars, that they could retreat to. Yet she felt the creamy wetness forming between her legs already, and tried to keep them clamped together so as not to stain her shorts.

Her eyes glanced around, panicked. Nobody had noticed them--yet. That would soon probably change. Derrick's hand moved down her neck, his fingers sliding inside her shirt to touch her back. She trembled. She finally noticed the small clump of bushes behind them--thick and knotted branches with a good screen of leaves. They had been planted in patterns and so there was a small hollow between them. Their very own private spot. Incredibly risky...but right now she felt that they had no choice.

"Derrick," she whispered, hoping to get his attention before he began to take off her clothes in front of everybody. She edged toward the bushes. "Not out here. In here. Come on."

She pulled herself along the ground, ducking to go under the low branches, a few of them scratching her face. She nearly fell into the little opening and glanced around, feeling a bit claustrophobic; the leaves shielded even the top of the enclosure, such as it was. Derrick crawled in behind her, dust lining his knees, and once he was inside there was little time left to admire the view. His mouth met hers, and his fingers hastily worked at the buttons on her blouse before she could even tell him to be careful.

Hoping that he understood anyway, her own hands reached for his pants, pulling the shirt out from them, unbuckling and unzipping, pulling them down. His hand ran up her back, inside her bra, snapped it open in front. Her breasts emerged and bounced as they moved. She found his underwear, hooked her fingers in them, pulled them down. His penis rose immediately, yearning for her. His breath came in her ear, panting and hard. Fingers clutched her breast and she shut her eyes.

"Careful," she whispered. "We have to be quiet..."

His hands roamed her body; she suppressed a whimper. They shifted within the tiny space, trying so hard not to rustle the branches though it was almost impossible. Not too far away, someone laughed; Elise nearly froze, and started to whisper something to Derrick, when he kissed her neck, got on his knees and brought her close to him. Kisses rained over her collarbone and shoulder, then her cheek and ear.

"Careful, Derrick," she whispered again, though her resolve was waning.

"We're being careful," he whispered back, and she was surprised to hear him speak.

"There's people around...oh, I knew this wasn't a good idea..."

"They won't see us. I've got to have you."

She shuddered. She hadn't expected him to say that much. "Maybe we should just try to hold off, call a cab home..."

"We can't wait. It has to be now, here..."

This isn't a good idea! Elise's mind exclaimed, but her body had no say in it. She gasped; Derrick had slipped behind her and put his arms around her middle, mouth to her neck. His hands ran down her belly to her thighs. His fingers spread her open, rubbed her clitoris, collecting her juices as she began to swell. She shook harder.


Lips to her earlobe, the barest whisper. "Do we both want this?"

No choice left. She bit her lip and nodded, once.

His hands left her vulva, roaming up to her hips. His own bumped against her. She put her palms flat to the ground, raising her hips and squatting on her knees, legs parted wide--as wide as she could in the small space. Derrick grasped her hips and she felt him position himself behind her. He moved forward. She sucked in a breath and heard him do the same. His grip grew momentarily tighter as a slight pleasured shiver coursed through his body. Then he began to move.

Elise bit her lip again, eyes squinting shut. Derrick pressed down close to her back, his panting filling her ears as surely as his member filled her. The fire and lust grew stronger. Her arms scraped against the low branches as they moved, a slight rustling surrounding them. She could still hear the talking and music of the party around her. Around them. They made love with the merest leafy shield surrounding them, biting off their cries of pleasure to avoid detection. What were their chances of being seen?

She had to fight down a moan. "Careful..." she whispered, just barely.

And just barely in return... "We're being careful..."

Elise's mouth opened in a silent cry. Her fingers dug into the soil, and then clutched his own.

* * * * *

Kat made her way through and around the small groups of chattering people, carrying a drink in each hand. She had to reach the other side of the park before she could take a break for once. The party was good, but also tiring. She would be glad when this was all over.

She slowed down to let a group of children run by, laughing, so she wouldn't spill the drinks. She very nearly had to dodge out of their way and let out a frustrated sigh before bringing her outstretched arms into place and passing the bushes on her way to the picnic tables.

The leaves rustled off to her side.

Puzzled, she slowed down yet again and finally stopped several yards away. Her brow furrowed. The bushes were moving; some animal must be in there. Big, from the sound of it. Maybe a stray dog or cat? There was no use taking any
chances; there were kids around, and a stray could mean trouble. Not setting the drinks down--there was nowhere to do so--she edged closer, eyes narrowing, trying to see what might be causing the disturbance.

As soon as she could make it out, her eyes only grew wider instead of narrower.

Elise knelt behind, within the branches of the bushes, knees spread wide and shorts and panties discarded. Her shirt hung open, as well as her bra; her breasts bobbed with her motions, hair falling around her face. Her hands clutched Derrick's. He knelt just behind her, hands on her hips, own knees spread, hips pumping steadily. He bowed over her back, his own pants and underwear bunched down around his ankles; he had been too hurried to take them off. His fingers sank into Elise's skin; his member plunged into her repeatedly. Kat could see his groin muscles tightening with each lunge, his buttocks contracting with each push. The noise of soft grunting came from within the bushes.

Elise whispered something that Kat could not make out--their bodies were mere flashes of pale skin against green leaves, shadows shifting as they moved against each other hurriedly--but her mouth opened wide, as if she moaned aloud, and her fingers knotted with his more tightly. Her back curved, arched, her shirt slipping up to reveal her own buttocks, round and smooth; Kat could even see the dark curly hair around Derrick's member as he pushed. Both had their eyes closed. Derrick gritted his teeth. Kat could hear a low groan come from him, saw their tightening and loosening muscles, their raw animal desire.

She put a hand to her own mouth, nearly spilling a drink, to keep from yelling in surprise. She hadn't expected to come upon anybody having sex in the bushes in a public park. Not only that, but if she had expected it, she hadn't expected it from Elise and Derrick. What were they doing together? What had happened that she'd missed? How had they gone from enemies to...lovers? For that was obviously what they were right now, with how heatedly they coupled, oblivious to everything else, unless he meant to kill her when he was done.

What a horrible thought!

She couldn't contemplate it right now. She was too busy, and--this was just too bizarre. She felt her ears grow warm and knew that she couldn't tell anybody what she'd seen; too embarrassing. If they wanted to chance it, it was their own choice. She'd just have to make sure that the kids stayed away from here until they were done...flustered and blushing, she went on with her drinks to deposit them on the table, all the while keeping her eyes open for anyone approaching the bushes. It looked like she'd have to play guard for now.

* * * * *

Elise barely heard Derrick begin to grunt as he pushed into her. She bit her lip and tried to block out the sound--"Unh. Unh. Unh..."--but it excited her too much. She could tell from his labored breathing between sounds how desirous he was. His fingers clenched her so tightly. The low noises came from his throat continuously.

She held his hand tight, squeezed it to remind him that they had to keep quiet--only to shiver and let out a low "Unnh-oooooh," herself. She sucked in her breath. No! They had to keep quiet! She felt tears spring to her eyes with the effort.

"Derrick," she whispered. He continued grunting softly, pushing determinedly. "Derrick...please..."

"I do it for you," he whispered, and his grunts took on a harder edge, forming into short soft groans.

He'd misunderstood, apparently. "No...we have to be...we have to be quiet..."

Breath hot on her neck. A hoarse whisper. "I can't help it...when I'm with you...unh...I can't help it with you..." His hands released her hips, moved up her torso, under her breasts, cupping, squeezing...

"We have to be...careful...Derrick...!"

She almost cried out his name and then bit her lip so hard that it bled. Her own hands grabbed his. A slight moan escaped her. Fingers dug at her breasts, then caressed her neck, then slipped beneath her arms, drawing her closer, tighter. He spoke in her ear, centimeters away.

"I love you...Elise..."

Elise's whole body shuddered and her head went back. His whole body pressed against hers. She wanted to kiss him, take him in her mouth, anything. She couldn't believe what she'd just heard, yet she believed it just the same.

"I love you, Derrick..."

His lips enfolded her shoulder and he moaned. She jerked, knowing that anyone could have heard it. His breath picked up and his chest heaved; after a moment she realized that he was...crying.

"Don't cry!" she begged, his own words to her the first time they'd made love. She clasped his hands, felt his returning squeeze; then down to her waist they went, pulling her onto him, pulling, pushing, pulling, pushing, pulling, thrusting...

Her head tipped back to his shoulder, as much as the cramped space would allow. "Oh God Derrick...don't cry...I do love you...I do..."

His tempo had been picking up, his noises growing more forced. But as soon as she said this he grunted harshly and spurted hard, fluid flowing within her, a last desperate groan escaping him. Elise gasped and whimpered, spasming against him. Their buttocks quivered as he emptied himself into her. She felt him growing flaccid inside, and a moment later he sagged against her so they sank to the ground, limbs entangling, breath coming hard. They lay in the soil like this for some time, Elise against the ground, cheek pressed to the dirt, panting and sweaty. Derrick lay atop her, arms still around her, breathing hard, pants bunched sweaty around his ankles. Only their shirts and their own bodies covered each other from the peeking view offered through the leaves.

Elise lay panting for a while before she felt her lover's weight leave her, and his hands helping her up. As soon as he did she leaned against him to gather her strength, also holding him close. Her lips brushed his cheek a final time. His fingers running through her hair told her that he had meant what he'd said, even in the moment of his extreme passion.

He loved her...and she loved him.

Dimly, the sound of laughter and music came to their ears once again. Elise lifted her head, Derrick doing the same, and they glanced at their surroundings, finally realizing just how easy to see within the bushes were. At this realization they couldn't gather their clothing and straighten themselves up quickly enough. Elise scrabbled in the dust for her shorts and panties while Derrick tugged his pants back up, tucking himself in and doing up the belt and zipper. When she fumbled buttoning up her blouse he assisted, and smoothed back her hair, while she wiped the few stray tears from his eyes. When her hand touched him they kissed once more, not a lustful kiss as they had earlier, but this time full of devotion and love--and with a final dusting off they crawled their way out of the bushes, into the sunlight again.

Perfect Morning

Sunlight worked its way into the room, falling upon the two figures lying sprawled in the bed, their eyes shut, breathing slowly. One...the woman...opened her eyes as the light hit her and blinked several times, before looking around in recognition and settling back again. After a moment the man yawned and stretched, and she smiled and snuggled close to him.

"Good morning..."

He too blinked, and then saw her. A slight smile came to his own face and he reached up to brush back her hair.


Her smile grew and she leaned down to kiss him. He caught her head and their kiss lasted a bit longer before he released her. Her eyes grew coy and she traced a finger along his bare breast.

"How're you feeling today? Did...did you enjoy last night, any?"

He stroked her arm. "Of course."

She blushed and put a hand to her mouth as if to stifle a giggle. "I liked it too. God, after what we did in the park...I can't believe we did that!"

"Nobody saw us."

"What if they did though? I would be so embarrassed...how would we explain that? Having sex in a public park! Like that!" Her giggle grew and she had to hide her face. "Oh, excuse me a minute..."

"It takes two, you know..."

"I know, I do...but Jeez...let's not ever do that again..."

His smile grew dirty. "I thought about a public restroom, next."

She gasped and slapped his arm. "Don't even!"

"No, really." He pushed himself up to lean on his elbows. "You and me...bathroom stall...in the supermarket or Wal-Mart or something. I could sit on the toilet, and you could hang onto--"

"DERRICK!" She hit him again. "I can't believe we're even talking about this!!"

"Like it doesn't turn you on?"

"Of course it does, stupid! That's why I'm so embarrassed!!" She burst into laughter and collapsed atop him, burying her face against his chest. He smiled and stroked her hair while she laughed. She clutched at the sheets and he sucked in his breath and tensed. She lifted her head, falling silent, looking downward.

"Oh..." She flushed again, and then smiled, a bit guiltily. "Had a pleasant dream?"

His smile was now slightly tense, strained. "Sort of."

"What about?"

"Take a wild guess."

"Oh!" She laughed aloud and pushed the sheets off of herself. She wore a short shirt, as she had when they had gone to bed together the night before, laughing and falling into each other's arms; yet the rest of her was bare. She got up onto her knees and beamed down at him, giving him a quick kiss.

"I've got just the thing, if you want some!"

He gave her a questioning look before she dropped to all fours, buttocks facing him, and parted her legs, wriggling her hips and giggling. He blinked a few times, her vulva wet and pink just before him. She could see a distinct rise in the sheet covering him below the waist.

She wiggled and laughed softly again. "Come on, just a little short one. It'll feel real good. I used to give these sometimes to Gregory before I--"

She gasped and cut herself off, flushing and averting her eyes. He could see the sudden shame there, and sat up quickly.

"It's...it's all right."

She peered at him, still looking embarrassed. She bit her lip. He offered a smile and rubbed her thigh.

"A little short one? How can I be sure you won't draw it out or anything?"

She blinked and then started laughing anew. "Like you would care!" A wiggle. "Oh, come on, Derrick. I want it just as much as you do, take a look at me, I'm all wet!"

"All right...hold on..."

He pushed the sheets off himself, completely naked except for a necklace. She giggled again and spread her legs further. He got up onto his knees and placed his hand on her hip. She could feel the tip of his member throbbing at her opening.



"The other way. Do it the other way."

He stared at her in confusion.

"What other...?"

"Oh, God...you want me to say it?" Her face turned red. "The other...I want you to come in me the other way. A little bit, ahm...a little bit 'north' of where you were headed." Another giggle, this one embarrassed.

His fingers slowly let go of her hip. He stared at her.

"Wh...why that way...?"

"Oh...it...it can feel good, sometimes. That's all."

"Good?" His voice grew cynical and she peered back at him, biting her lip again.

"Um...I'm sorry..." She started to draw herself in. "I...um...I forgot. Sorry..."

"No, wait..." He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm just...I wasn't really sure if you were being truthful..."

"Oh." She paused, then raised her head. "Well...yeah. I am...it can feel good both ways, I just like to switch around sometimes...I thought a change would be nice, maybe you would like it too, I just forgot about..."

"That's all right." Now he paused. "You said you actually like it like that? Sometimes?"

"Sure, yeah, just as long as it's not all the time...look, I know that you wouldn't like it, I'm sorry I brought it up."

"No..." He trailed off and stared vacantly ahead for a few moments as if thinking of something. She looked at him, silent, before he spoke again.

"A few times while...some of the times while...he...was...with me...I couldn't help it...it must have felt good or something, because I...you know..."

"Oh..." She lifted her head and nodded quickly. "Yes, I know. That's--that's normal. It doesn't mean you liked it, it's just what happens."

"I know. But some of the times, I think I did like it." His face grew dark. "That's what...that's what I don't understand."

"Oh, well--that's normal, too!" She pushed herself up and around to face him, taking his hand. "Look, that doesn't mean you liked what he did, either. I mean, this, it's meant to make us feel good, it's just that he, he used it to make you feel awful...that doesn't make it right...but it doesn't make this wrong, either. Whatever you like...as long as you're not hurting somebody...it's good! You don't have to feel bad about it!"

He stared at her for a moment. She gave a tiny smile and fiddled her fingers. After another moment he smiled back, and leaned forward and kissed her.

"All right...but you got one part wrong."


"First things first." He touched his still-swollen member and grinned wryly. "I think maybe I need something to put on this before we start having any fun."

"Oh!" She burst into laughter once more. "Jeez, I'm stupid! Hold--hold on. I think I have some jelly in the bathroom." She leapt out of bed and vanished out the door, returning a moment later with a small jar, still giggling uncontrollably. She plopped herself down next to him and unscrewed the top, and for a moment or two they both laughed softly together while they rubbed it on him, she giggling even more when he poked his greased fingers at her and rubbed her as well. Only when they were ready, and certain that the other was ready, did she drop to her knees again and spread herself for him, their laughter ceasing only when he took hold of her hips and gently eased himself into her, at which point they both shut their eyes and opened their mouths, arching. He withdrew, and pushed inside again. This time, he bowed over her back to kiss her neck, and let his fingers play between her legs, rubbing her juices and slowly poking inside her vagina. She shuddered beneath him and moaned.

And so the two new lovers, Derrick and Elise, spent not the next few minutes, but well over an hour, slowly rocking, their buttocks bunching in unison, their breath thick with desire, skin rubbing and hands caressing cool and gentle, his tongue meeting her neck, her hand meeting his swaying testicles. They murmured to one another, soft encouragements, tender names, muffled groans and muted grunts of pleasure.



And so they continued at their leisurely pace, forgetting about any time, stopping only when their need grew too great and he spurted within her with a low groan, her own cry echoing his, their bodies trembling together in shared orgasm. And once they were done with that...and had kissed and touched and quietly talked and laughed with one another for a short time following...they gave up their schedule yet again, tossing time to the winds as they rose from the bed and made their way to the shower with kind smiles. He reached in, for the water, turned it on, let it flow; he took her hand and led her inside, silently sliding the door shut behind her. Two creamy-colored shapes merged into one behind the frosted glass, giggling softly.

For the next half hour, all that could be heard was the splash of water over quiet, desperate moans, the sight of something shifting and moving slowly behind the glass, until a soft grunt, a faint murmuring cry, and the splash of fluid against fluid ended the motion. Afterwards, the creamy shapes parted, slid down into the tub, and could be heard quietly talking and laughing once more. Only one sentence was understandable, followed by a laugh:

"I think maybe we should do that again..."

Such a perfect, exquisite morning.

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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)

I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.

Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome.
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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