About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Waterlilies CODE: H (set in the Horus/Kemet storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Ra/Renenet (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Hm. Y'know, I can't really think of one for this scene. o_o I guess I just wanted to pair Ra up with somebody who wasn't one of his wives, you know, a little fling. Renenet just happened to be the flingee. Er. Whatever. Cue jealous wives as the voyeurs. Well, at least one jealous wife. Rayet knows she's getting a pretty sweet deal.
DISCLAIMERS: Once more, when this was written Rayet's name was originally Rat.
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Renenet tipped her head back close to the edge of the pool, shutting her eyes and keeping her breath level as Ra thrust into her. The god's breathing was level also, but thick, and she could tell that he enjoyed her. Everyone she'd been with had; none of the gods she'd let lie with her had ever gone away disappointed. For some reason, they were always attracted to her; very few of the male deities had managed to look at her without any feelings of desire. She wasn't certain why this was, but even if they didn't approach her, she could tell. Osiris and his son Horus, they were two she could truthfully say hadn't been affected by her "charms," even if she didn't attempt to charm anyone directly. Lord Thoth, also, had always been polite toward her, as he was toward everyone, but she could never tell his thoughts so she had no idea how he might feel. But nearly everyone else at one time or another had either come to her or at least looked at her longingly. She always went over in her head how they compared to each other, the ones she'd been with; Min, whom she'd given two children, had been passionate and fiery, taking her quickly three times in one night. His lovemaking had been brief, but both of them had managed to satisfy themselves. Hapi, the river god, had swept her down into the water while she was picking lilies, covering her mouth with his so she could breathe, coupling with her all the way down to the bottom and back up again, both of them bringing each other to climax as they broke the surface. She suspected that he'd liked the thought that he was carrying her away without her consent, and hadn't argued; it had been a delightful little diversion, at least. The brothers Aker and Harakhte, they'd both noticed and looked after her, but neither had approached. Though she knew that they'd fathered children by other goddesses, she also knew they were both too honorable to sweep her away as Min and Hapi had. She wondered what they would be like; Buto, who had borne Aker two children, had told her that the lion god was most polite, and gentle, though she had managed to bring out some of the fire in him; he also was passionate, but not rapid and furious like Min or Hapi. Meskhent, who'd been with Harakhte, told her that he was much the same as Aker, loving and tender, only more so. Evidently the two were much alike, even in their lovemaking; Renenet would have liked to experience them herself; even entertaining the idea of both of them together wasn't too much for her, although she suspected that neither of them would appreciate the group approach. Still, she wondered. As for the others... She couldn't be certain what Lord Upuat felt; he had his own wife now, and she sensed that he respected her, but she hadn't known him well enough before he'd been married to tell what he might have thought. Anubis had noticed her. He'd never said anything, or made any motions, but she knew that he'd noticed. He was a bit young for her tastes, though she knew that wasn't what kept him away. Then there was Sokar. She was surprised that he hadn't come to her yet, with his reputation. She supposed that it was only a matter of time before he did; until then, he had Selket to keep him busy.
And now Ra. The sun god himself had shown an interest in her, and hadn't worried about the impression he might make approaching her. Indeed, he'd had her called to his palace, and she'd known from the beginning what for. She'd heard word of his interest in her; it was most probably just a passing interest, as it was with the others, as he had two wives of his own with whom he could satisfy his desires whenever he wished; Renenet had even seen them on her way through the palace. His second wife, Rayet, had merely watched her pass in curiosity, looking her over to see who had caught Ra's eye this time; his first wife Nebhet Hotep, however, had stared at her with barely suppressed rage burning in her eyes, her fists clenched, her face a stone mask hardly able to conceal her hate. Renenet knew well of Nebhet Hotep's jealousy, even toward Rayet, and hadn't spoken to either of them, though Rayet had briefly caught her eye, offering a tiny, shy smile as if giving her blessing. Had the goddess considered her a comrade in arms? She wasn't certain, but the gesture had been an odd one, considering.
Evidently Ra had noticed Nebhet Hotep's jealousy as well, as they didn't go to his private chambers, as she thought that they might; when she finally met him he led her silently through the palace, their footfalls barely echoing in the vast halls, the light of the many oil lamps flickering off of the tall columns whose tops disappeared in darkness. They wandered for a long time--possibly to throw a spying Nebhet off their trail, Renenet supposed--before he showed her into a smaller room lit only by two oil lamps standing beside a shrine, the light flickering off of the gold hawk statue inside. A small pool floating with lilies lay before the shrine; it was here that he stopped, turned her to him, and took hold of her jaw, gently forcing open her mouth and kissing her. Somehow, she always knew what would please her current suitor best; she circled her arms around his neck and drew him down over her, and they lay down beside the pool. She removed his clothing, making certain to touch him often, her fingers running over his warm skin; she let him disrobe her, his hand caressing up and down her long thigh. She took his hand and placed it between them, over her private area; his fingers curled in the hair growing there, and she sensed his breath increasing. He nuzzled at her neck and rubbed against her; she reached out toward the pool and plucked a lotus, holding it up to him when he lifted his head. She knew that he liked lotuses; all of the pools in the palace were filled with the flowers, and paintings of them adorned his walls. As he looked at it she used a little bit of her heka to turn it into a true offering, its petals lighting up and glowing like gold, then like sunlight. Ra blinked, staring at the glowing flower; Renenet reached up and tucked it into his diadem. He smiled at her then; certain that he'd very much liked her offering, she cupped one of her breasts to his mouth and let him suckle at her as if he were a baby. She knew that the magic lotus had gone over well with him, and so both of them would enjoy whatever should come next.
She had enjoyed both Min and Hapi, as well as most of the others she'd been with, but Ra was certainly different. She could sense that he could be just as those other two were, should he choose; but she also felt that he could be like Aker and Harakhte as well. She well knew of his prowess, as did everyone; he and Rayet alone had almost twenty children together. The number of offspring he'd had with Nebhet Hotep was fewer, but still considerable.
His kiss moved back up behind her ear. She felt his fingers enter her, gently prodding and feeling. She couldn't help it but the sensation sent a tingle up her spine. Neither Min nor Hapi had done that; she found that she rather liked it. She must have shivered in pleasure, as a moment later he was deftly massaging her, his fingers playing over the cleft between her legs. Renenet did shiver this time, letting out a small gasp and arching slightly. She took his hand and raised herself up on one elbow; rolling over toward the pool, she brought him with her, and together they sank down into the dark water until the lilies floated around their necks.
He hadn't let go of her. She couldn't see his body anymore beneath the surface of the water, but she felt him take her by the waist and draw her closer, bringing her onto him. She gasped again; she hadn't even known that he was hard until now. His hand ran over her belly, then over her hip and up her back; he held her to him and started pushing against her, the water slowly swirling around them as they moved. Renenet draped her arms over his shoulders to stay afloat and let her head fall back, a lotus tangling in her hair. When Ra pushed harder she rose so her breasts broke the surface of the water; he bent his head to lick up the droplets that ran glistening down over her nipples. She let go of him to pluck another lotus and placed it between her breasts; he let out a low guttural sound, and she sensed that the gesture aroused him still more. He put his head down again and attempted to grasp the flower in his mouth; Renenet laughed softly and pushed out her chest, offering it to him. He caught it by the stem and raised his head to look at her with another smile; they kissed each other then, the flower still in his mouth, so their tongues played along the stem even as they shared it.
A hand lightly touched one of the columns, and someone silently peered past it into the small room.
Rayet pulled her head back slightly. "They're in the water," she murmured, watching the two figures moving quietly in the pool.
Nebhet Hotep nudged Rayet aside to look for herself. Her fists clenched even harder. In the pool, the light barely illuminated the two preoccupied there, rising and sinking slowly in the water, moving into each other; the goddess's breasts glistened wet, and she placed a flower between them, which the god took in his mouth. They kissed with it between them, then he tucked it over her ear, and her head fell back and she arched with a moan. They rose high out of the water; Ra clutched her to him tightly, and their hips quivered together as they sank back down.
"The harlot," Nebhet muttered, barely able to contain her rage. "Why she had to take him in the water is beyond me."
"He likes it in the water," Rayet said, before realizing that it had never been so with Nebhet, and shrinking away, expecting to get hit. When the other goddess failed to answer, she ventured to add, meekly, "At least...he's taken me in the water, at times; it's so much easier, and more pleasurable, and I believe he performs better that way--"
"Will you shut up!" Nebhet whirled on Rayet, causing her to cower back away from the column. "I don't care how he takes you. As if I don't know! In the water, on the floor, up against the pillars, you two would go at it onboard his ship if you had the chance!"
Rayet shrank a little, keeping silent. She decided it best that Nebhet not know about the several times that she and Ra had spent aboard Millions Of Years when no one was around.
Nebhet turned back to glare at the pool. "I don't see why he needs her so much anyway, when he married me--and when he spends so much of his time with you! For gods' sakes, aren't I enough for him, much less the two of us?"
"Of course he'll have his moods," Rayet said quietly; when Nebhet whirled on her again she flinched back but didn't shy away. "He's been with others besides us, even with that mortal woman once. It's simply the way he is. We shouldn't try to change him, as long as he cares for us."
"Cares for us!" Nebhet hissed, flinging up her arms. "Look at that!" She jabbed a finger in the direction of the pool and its distracted occupants. "Do you think he cares about her? If he does care so much, let him marry her! Let the Lady Renenet become his third wife! And why not take a fourth, and a fifth, and maybe a few concubines while he's at it? Do you think he cares about you, either? Have you ever noticed how much time he spends with either of us? Doesn't it strike you as odd that he only shows up when it's time to play bull and his cow?"
Rayet made a horrified face. "Don't talk about him like that!" she whispered urgently.
"You honestly haven't noticed?" Nebhet went on. "He sails in that damned boat all day, and when nighttime comes then he can manage a little time for one of us, or maybe both of us if for some reason I don't manage to make him happy. Then in the morning it's back to the boat, and at night back to bed with one of us, if he still has it in him by then. So why find time for others! It's not caring, it's boredom. I know he only married me so he could gain a tie to the House of Amon, and he married you because you just happened to be young and nubile and you caught his eye!"
Rayet shut her eyes and turned away, tears starting to stream down her cheeks.
"And her, her--the 'Lady Renenet,' if you could call her a lady--she'll gladly spread her legs for any male who looks her way! She's given children to Hapi and Min, and let gods know how many others lie with her; Lord Horus is probably the only one who's never had the chance to enjoy her, and only because Lady Hathor would never let him! Who knows how many mortals she's been with by now--she puts Sokar and Selket to shame!"
"I'm not going to listen to what you say," Rayet said softly, trotting swiftly away, her hand going up to her eyes.
Nebhet clenched her teeth and turned back to the pool. The other two hadn't even noticed the fight. They still continued on as before, rising and sinking slowly, rising and sinking slowly, only not so slowly now, and there was no more loveplay with the flower, as both were too occupied for such things, not even kissing now, their eyes closed and their heads back. It was as if they'd lost track of everything but the feeling of being inside each other, and nothing else existed but Ra's member pushing fully into Renenet, and Renenet welcoming him deep inside, warm and moist. The two of them panted heavily, Renenet's breath thick, Ra's hoarse; his feet must have been touching the bottom, as they rose higher with each push, so Nebhet could see Ra's hands clutching Renenet's buttocks tightly. She ground her teeth in rage, not even feeling her fingernails breaking the skin of her palms. She would never understand why Ra needed to make love to another, when he had her, and even Rayet, to keep him satisfied; with how many children they'd both given him, she knew that he must visit them quite often, so why should he need to be inside another?
She knew that he'd most likely be extremely angry, if not worse, should he catch her spying. Still she couldn't turn away. She had to know what he thought of this new one, whether there was a chance that Renenet might surpass either her or Rayet. Ra hadn't seemed interested in taking another wife; but he hadn't shown any signs of wanting or needing another wife before he married Rayet, either. If Renenet entered the household, Nebhet was certain where she'd turn her anger now. Forget the simpering Rayet; she had her cowed enough.
Ra dropped his head to kiss Renenet's neck; they clutched each other and he thrust heavily, and the goddess threw back her head with a gasp and a cry, breasts quivering. Ra's hips bucked and he groaned; after a brief moment they both sank back down into the water, up to their necks, their cheeks touching as they panted softly.
Nebhet clenched her fist again. No, there were no tender words and talk of marriage; instead Renenet, the strumpet, pulled the flower from Ra's diadem and began gently plucking its petals with her teeth. What an insulting gesture! But she merely held the flower out to Ra, and let him remove a petal himself. When they had finished that they did the same to her flower, and then he nuzzled behind her ear, and she moved into a shallow corner of the pool and disappeared from Nebhet's view when he mounted her again and started pushing. He moved more quickly this time, hands grasping her shoulders, panting and grunting urgently; Nebhet now saw what was really happening, and her vision nearly went red, the fury inside her was so great.
Renenet leaned over the edge of the pool, her arms upon the tiled floor, her head resting near her elbow; Ra, her paramour, her mighty lord, clutched her shoulders and moved above her, thrusting into her from behind like a bull coupling with his cow, the sounds he let out even bull-like, snorting with the effort. This was more as Min and Hapi had taken her, quickly and furiously; yet Ra was much more skilled than either of them had been, and much more pleasurable; she quivered and gasped in desire at his thrusting. He did feel like a mighty bull within her. The low, urgent grunts that he let out with each push made her desire to see him, to see them as he took her, their blood boiling with passion. She had to imagine the sight of them, she submitting, the great Ra copulating with her, his hips rolling into hers, buttocks contracting thrust by thrust. What a magnificent pair they must make! How she longed that his seed would take root within her; a child deserved to be born of this union, if for no other reason than to prove his potency with her; yes, she felt that she would honor him by giving him a child...
Renenet gasped again and cried out, raising her head and arching her back so he penetrated her further. Ra's bull-like grunts increased; he thrust into her more forcefully, his fingers clenching her shoulders and pushing her onto him. Renenet suddenly broke off a cry as she felt herself tighten and go rigid, despairing a little that his climax hadn't brought hers. But Ra pushed up into her deeply, letting out a bellow of pleasure; the warm spurt of his seed brought her again, and again; she gasped and trembled against him, welcoming his orgasm, certain that something so potent, so powerful, simply had to result in a child. Yes, she would honor him, she knew it.
Ra let out his breath, taking her hips and gently easing himself out of her; she lifted her head and pushed herself around to face him. He smiled at her this time, a little tiredly, and placed a fresh lotus behind her ear. Renenet smiled back and did the same, picking yet another flower and tucking it in his diadem, to replace the one they'd lost. He kissed her neck lightly, and they held each other close, floating silently in the pool.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.