About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Yes, Sir CODE: T (set in the Trench Rats/Tunnel Rats storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): The Trench Rats (in progress)
PAIRING: Ratdog/Godfrey Klemper (M/M)
EXPLANATION: Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha. I had to have me some fun with Lt. Ratdog, the extremely mentally oriented Trench Rat hunter working alongside the Nazis. (He is NOT a Nazi himself. Get that through your head.) As he's a very ambiguous character in the story (he apparently lives to kill the Rats, yet gives them plenty of chances for escape--what's up with that?), I decided to play around with that--is he?--or isn't he? Is he or isn't he WHAT? Well, in one scene he's fooling around with the very female (and off-limits, being Roma and thus "impure") Mirela (see "Love & Hate"), and then in this scene he's apparently fooling around with the very male (and very Aryan) Klemper. Or did Klemper just dream it all up? What the hell's going on? Meh, *I* already know, but you can decide for yourself. ^_^
DISCLAIMERS: I'm not aware of any.
* * * * *
Yes, Sir
He leaned close, and Klemper shut his eyes with a stifled gasp when lips pressed to his own, then to his cheek, his neck. His breath picked up when fingers lightly brushed against his face and then ran up into his hair. The mouth met his again and their tongues met, the sweetest taste he'd ever had. The wall pressed against his back and their bodies pressed close. He whimpered at the feeling, and his arms instinctively wrapped tightly about the waist of the one who held him. He breathed in the scent of his body, his breast naked, his touch strong but soothing. He moaned.
His lover touched his face again, held his head, kissed him deeply. His build was so lean, so powerful. Klemper felt ready to faint from the feel of him. Those hands slipped inside his shirt, pulling it off, baring him; he let go of him to clutch the wall behind him. Fingers then slipped down inside his pants, caressed his thighs, came up beneath him, cupping and squeezing. The private dropped his head back and moaned loudly. His body trembled; he could feel his penis straining against his clothes, yearning to be freed. He whimpered anew and shook.
As if in response the lieutenant took his arm, one hand looping behind his back to steer him; Klemper's head fogged so he didn't know how, but they ended up upon his bed, just the same. At the feel of the soft mattress beneath him he arched and gasped. His genitals tingled and he couldn't stop his legs from moving. Swift fingers undid his pants, slipped them down, slipped his undergarments down over his knees and off of his legs. He sank back to the bed even as they ran over his skin again, and his eyes shut even tighter, tears squeezing out.
Oh God. Please, make love to me.
He could only murmur and take hold of his lover's waist again. The kiss that met his own told him that he had not long to wait. He trembled heavily as the one above him undid and removed his own pants, kicking them casually from the bed. He came down upon him, mouth working over his breast and neck. Klemper arched and clawed his back. The strong hands slipped between his thighs, massaging him, trailing over his tight testicles. He whimpered.
Lips moved to his ear and whispered, just barely.
"Not yet..."
Klemper bit his lip. Oh, God...how could he be denied now. His body ached so badly. He sobbed softly to feel his commander pull away, yet his fingers still caressed his throbbing hardness. He prayed that they would never leave. He suddenly felt something warm and wet flick against the tip of his penis and his hips jumped, a hoarse cry escaping his lips.
A shadow fell over his face. He finally opened his eyes to see a sight above him--lean hips descending toward his face, spreading, what lay between them...
Klemper's eyes glazed. He murmured and opened his mouth wide. He'd never thought of doing this, yet now the thought excited him beyond all measure. He reached up to grasp onto his lover's buttocks as his penis met his mouth, and as soon as it did the warm wetness slipped around him and he moaned around his mouthful. The strong hands clasped his own buttocks; with a gentle nudge from the one on top they began to move.
Klemper lost track of time, the pleasure and joy welling inside him were so great. He couldn't take count of how long he and his lover rolled slowly upon the bed, their hips pushing gently into their mouths. Klemper wanted to hold him tightly to himself forever, yet knew that he could not. He moaned again when he heard a soft grunt from below, tasted the bittery flow within his throat; a push or so later he came himself, feeling the searing jolt course through him into all of his limbs, out of control. He threw back his head and yelled hoarsely when they sank to the bed.
His love turned to him, panting, lips salty with sweat when they kissed. Klemper would have giggled if he were able; instead he took his head in his hands and rubbed his leg against his mate's hip. The hand stroked his skin and he sensed the lieutenant's amusement, and finally did give a soft laugh. His head was giddy with the lust that welled up inside him.
"Please, Sir...more, please."
"You enjoyed that...?"
"Yes, Sir. So much so."
"You wish for more...?"
"Oh God, yes, Sir...please..."
A soft kiss to the base of his throat; Klemper sighed and embraced him. "Sir...I so love you..."
No response, but again, fingers slipping between his thighs. Klemper instinctively parted his legs, smiling up at his commander. The smile he received in return sent chills through him and he shivered. The fingers worked their way gently inside him and he stiffened with a strained sound.
Lips again to his ear, to his cheek. "This is how it feels...you will bleed. Do you wish to bleed?"
"Yes, Sir, for you."
"You are tight."
"I know...please, Sir..."
A kiss to his chin. "Very well..." Another finger slipped inside him and he moaned. They felt his insides, palpating lightly, testing his willingness. Klemper forced himself to relax, felt his muscles loosen, go lax. His lover came down, pressing their hips together; something hard and warm pushed on Klemper's thigh and he jerked. Cool hands ran through his hair.
He lifted his legs and hooked them over his lover's so their hips touched close. His breath came in quick short spurts.
He felt his lover's feet digging into the mattress for leverage, and prepared himself. He arched so he was parted. One hand held his buttock tightly. The hardness slipped between his legs, poking at his opening, and slowly pressed inside of him. Klemper gritted his teeth and suppressed a cry. All of his muscles jumped at the sensation. The lieutenant's hot shaft slid into him, slickening with his first blood, and Klemper cried out throatily at the air.
Their hips locked and they struggled briefly. His love bent down and bit gently at his neck. Klemper gasped and pushed himself upward into his embrace. They fell still for but a moment, then the lieutenant began to push, steadily.
The private whimpered and tossed his head. God, the feeling was so exquisite. The pressure stung, hurt, even, yet he didn't care by now, the pleasure was so great. A cool hand slipped atop him and stroked down the shaft of his penis so he yelped. The thick panting, the heavy breath wafting over his skin made him tremble wildly. His body lost all control and he wrapped his legs about his lover's hips, clinging to him tight, crying out loudly at every push. They made an unusual couple for any who might for some reason have watched, the young private clinging desperately and lustfully to his commander, the older lieutenant panting hard as he thrust deep and quick. Oh God, if only it would last forever.
It lasted not nearly long enough. Klemper was far too excited. His buttocks quivered and he yelled throatily. His penis sprayed over them both, splashing against their chests. His lieutenant gritted his teeth and grunted and pushed. Klemper orgasmed a second time, shrieking and squirting at the hot pulsing feel of his lover's seed. Wet lips sucked at his own, traveled down his shoulder, licking the semen from his skin. Klemper's eyes rolled and he shook. His lover lowered him carefully back to the bed before he could fall from sheer joy and exhaustion from their hurried lovemaking.
He let out a low moan as his back once more touched the mattress. He couldn't let go. He didn't want to. It had felt so good, so much better than anything he'd ever felt; he didn't want to let go now, so soon. His beloved kissed him before gently pulling his arms loose, earning a soft whimper. The cool fingers stroked down his wet belly and he flinched. He shut his eyes which streamed with tears. The gentle touch stroked up and down his shaft until it hardened again, swelling and rising up, and continued doing so until he murmured and climaxed once more. He peered into the dimness to see his lieutenant dipping his head to catch the spray within his mouth, lapping at it like water from a fountain, and smiled lazily, sighing in satisfaction. The cool fingers brushed against his face; salty lips pressed to his own, and their tongues flicked. He shut his eyes once more and drifted into a pleased, exhausted sleep.
The last thing he felt was the fingers of his lover trailing across his breast, away from his body, a soft creak of the bed and the weight of someone leaving him...
* * * * *
Klemper frowned in his sleep as his mind began to drift back toward consciousness. He fidgeted, tossing one way, then the other. He squirmed a bit and folded his legs. Something felt wrong. With a start his eyes popped open and he sat up with a sharp gasp, glancing about wildly.
He lay in bed. A strange bed...not his own. After a moment he remembered whose house he was in...and then...what had happened. A hot flush came to his skin--had he really done that? Could he have done something so--so--horrid? And yet...he was still flushed with pleasure. How could he have done that!
He glanced to the side, where his love had rested the night before, only to find...nothing. No one was there; he was alone.
With another frown, he patted at the sheet covering his lap and winced. He lifted it to peer beneath.
He had made a mess. His legs, the mattress, the sheet, were all sticky with...he didn't wish to say what. It was too humiliating. A gooey stain marred the sheet over his lap, where his penis still poked upward, tip flowing. With a soft hiss he pushed it down between his legs and tried to will it to fall still. Then he pondered. Maybe...maybe, with the amount of fluid that was here...what he had remembered never happened. Perhaps it had been just a vivid--very vivid--dream? The side beside him looked as if it had not been slept in. And the one whom he had dreamed about--the one who even now still made him hard--was nowhere to be seen.
Flushing even more deeply, hoping that no one would pop in, he pulled the sticky sheet from himself and pushed himself off of the bed. He could hear water splashing now within another room and knew that he must be in there, washing himself. A good idea. Best to get rid of the evidence before he finished. He wiped himself off on the corner of the sheet, sought out some fresh clothes, and put them on. He reached for the sheets to pull them from the bed when something strange caught his eye and made him pause, then filled him with an inexplicable confusion.
Here, where he had been sleeping, the giant sticky puddle of his semen, it was obvious. And yet here...over here...the faint tint of blood...and beside that, an even smaller sticky spot, where someone might have been lying...
He swallowed, and it was as if he could taste salt in his throat. The other stain...perhaps his commander, hearing his moans, had had an erotic dream of his own. Perhaps that was why he had left early to clean himself up. But this...this little mark of blood...he could think of no explanation. Darting a furtive glance about the room, he hurried to the mirror and pulled down his pants. His eyes widened in panic when he saw the red stain flowering on the back of his underpants, finally felt the stinging pain.
What in the hell...?
He pulled his clothing back up and hurried for the bathroom. He had to wash. Only once he'd gotten there did he see his commander already at the sink, rubbing a towel against his head; he glanced at him with a mildly curious look as if to ask what he was doing up so early. Klemper's eyes grew even more and he stammered uselessly, unable to speak. He crossed his legs uncomfortably; the hardness was still there.
"Good morning," Ratdog said.
Klemper nodded. "G...good morning...Sir."
"Do you need to wash up? I was just finishing."
Another nod, this one hasty. "J...ja, Sir."
Ratdog set the towel aside and brushed past him out of the room. The brief touch of their skin sent a jolt down Klemper's spine. With a barely suppressed whimper he bolted for the shower, yanking the curtain shut and turning the water on burning hot to surge down over him. He quailed for a while as a thin trail of blood ran down his legs to dot the floor, yet it eventually faded, and he then scrubbed himself off, inside and out, as well as he could. He felt so dirty now.
...Especially since, he knew that he had liked it. And still did.
Ratdog set about cleaning up the rest of the room while Klemper stood immersed under the shower, head tossed back and hands working rapidly up and down his tight testicles and hard penis, moaning in desperate climax just inches from the one he loved.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
InkSpot.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Click "Contact Me" to let me know what you think!
This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.