About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Windup Toy CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Alec Bodine/Shrine Knight (M/M)
EXPLANATION: This piece technically is nonconsensual according to the definition I use--the character "Shrine Knight" is NOT consenting to these acts. However, this could also fall under the erotic subgenre of hypnosis/mind control fantasies and so...well, here it is. Basically, Shrine Knight is a programmed killer inducted into the Scorpio cult. He was kidnapped from his abusive mother when a teenager and brainwashed to serve the cult; as he was already developing dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality to those of you who aren't aware it has a new name), this was just a bonus to those who further programmed him to do their bidding. One of the programs introduced was a sex program...which former Scorpio high priest Alec Bodine makes use of in this piece. I'm not positive of Shrine Knight's age in here--he's a teenager, but I'm pretty sure he's of the age of consent. It's just that he's not in his right mind at the moment, which is what makes the piece nonconsensual...compare this to the "Flashbacks" pieces for further commentary. In case you have yet to read any of Bodine's other scenes, yes, he is one sick puppy. Thankfully he's dead now. :P
DISCLAIMERS: I'm not sure if Shrine Knight's age is right so that he would fit into the timeline accurately--was Bodine still high priest when he was a teenager?--so that's a possible continuity problem.
* * * * *
Windup Toy
Bodine gave a malicious grin. "So...you're really programmed to do what they say, are you?" As he said it he reached up and touched behind Shrine Knight's ear. The man's eyelids lowered the tiniest fraction, just for a second, and his eyes immediately changed color, pupils dilating. Bodine's grin grew. He recognized the look.
"Let's see just how useful you really are, huh?"
He unzipped his pants--he was getting hard already--and reached up to press on Shrine Knight's shoulder. As soon as he descended to his knees Bodine grabbed onto his hair, panting, and forced his head forward. He pulled his hardening member from his pants and directed it at Shrine Knight's waiting mouth.
"Go on," he ordered, voice low and husky. "Suck it."
Shrine Knight obeyed. Bodine shuddered as the lips slipped around him, head and shaft disappearing in Shrine Knight's throat. "Ohhhhh, yeah," he murmured, tipping back his head. "I haven't had this in a good long time...feels perfect." He shifted his hips, then leaned back against the table. "Come on. Start moving. You can do better."
Obedience. Shrine Knight's lips moved over him, his tongue moved around him. Bodine shivered with pleasure and began to move himself, hips rotating slowly, then faster. The warm wet sensation against his scrotum was driving him mad.
"Touch me," he ordered. The man's hands moved to his legs, running up to his buttocks, slipping inside his pants. Bodine panted hard. He liked this, but it wasn't what he wanted.
"Mmmmmm," he murmured, tipping his head back. "Yeah. You have a good mouth. Almost as good as Derrick's." And he gave a short laugh.
Shrine Knight didn't reply, just continued his soft sucking and caressing.
"Enough." Bodine reached down and pressed on his head, pushing him away. The man wiped his mouth but said nothing, indeed didn't even react. "That's enough. Don't wanna lose it so soon. You've got a lot more to you, right?"
No reply. Too bad they hadn't programmed him to talk. Bodine stood up straight, penis still hanging from his pants. "Turn to the wall," he ordered, voice harsh. When Shrine Knight obeyed he moved forward, unzipping and removing his pants, pulling them down to his knees. "Put your hands on the wall!" he snapped. When Shrine Knight had, he caressed his smooth perfect buttocks. His partner was much younger than he was, barely in his late teens, but he had grown up well. He was taller than Bodine, and could probably break him in half had he been programmed to. Instead, this was what Bodine decided to take advantage of tonight. His sex program.
"Ever had someone in you?" he queried, not expecting an answer; he laughed when he didn't get one. "I heard your mother wasn't too nice to you when you were little. Served her just like a little windup toy, huh? Now you're gonna serve me, too." He nudged Shrine Knight's leg impatiently, watched him spread them. From his vantage point he could see his testicles swinging free in front, and had the sudden desire to...lick them.
Enough of that--he's supposed to lick YOU!
"Open up," he said, with a breathless laugh. When he forced his partner's buttocks apart, the knot of his anus relaxed almost immediately. Ah. So he'd been trained in that manner, as well. He'd probably been much requested within the other branch of the religion. Bodine was a bit disappointed that he wouldn't be able to experience the force and pain that were supposed to come with the act, but shrugged it off. This was better than nothing.
Straining himself, he entered brutally and began to push, hard. Shrine Knight said nothing, didn't move, but with every push he took in his breath a little, muscles tightening. Bodine couldn't tell if he liked it or not. That didn't matter, so long as he liked it. And he did. He let out a loud groan as he thrust, moving rapidly already, not bothering to build up to it. That was a waste of time. He wanted to enjoy this, now.
"Yeah," he panted, "yeah. Good. Not too loose like I thought you'd be. Mmh. They really did do a good job on you, huh? Mmh. I bet your mom really got a kick out of you, whenever she called you around...mmh..."
Silence from his partner. The young man simply stood still and waited. Bodine glanced down at him, saw that he was indeed erect, but not reacting. How could he keep so cool about it?
"Aren't you excited?" he demanded, nudging him. "Aren't you liking this? Huh?" He pushed harder, beginning to snarl. "Answer me!"
No answer. He practically raped the man now, slamming into him viciously, but Shrine Knight didn't do even so much as gasp. He attempted to catch his breath, but not once did he cry out in pain.
Bodine snarled louder. "Some program! They don't even teach you to enjoy...getting...fucked!"
He exploded, losing his load on the last push, finding some tiny bit of satisfaction in Shrine Knight's resulting jerk and shudder. A small squirt of seed escaped him, but Bodine knew there must be more, much more, especially after all of this. What was wrong with him?
Bodine scowled. "Why didn't you come? You didn't think I was good enough? Huh? Answer me!" He grabbed Shrine Knight's arm and whirled him around abruptly, slapping his face. "Answer me, dammit!"
A blank look. Bodine seethed. How well had they trained this guy, anyway?
"Won't answer, will you?" he muttered. He pulled his knife from his pants pocket and flipped it open. "Would this persuade you by any chance?"
No reply. Bodine calmly pressed the knife to Shrine Knight's arm and sliced down it slowly, opening the skin. Blood began seeping out, not as fast as it would have seemed to in the movies, but it started to gather and pooled down over his hand. And still the same odd pale blue eyes met his. Bodine couldn't help but blink this time, baffled by the lack of reaction.
"Don't you feel that at all?" he asked, stunned.
No reply.
In response Bodine stepped forward and slashed open the front of his shirt, laying open the skin on his chest. The slash went red and began to trickle; Shrine Knight didn't bat an eye. And suddenly filled with literal bloodlust, Bodine moved closer and pressed his lips to that broad chest, licking and sucking, his voice in his throat rising to a moan as his hands roamed further.
"So you aren't gonna talk," he whispered, tongue traveling upwards. "So do you act? Can you take orders? Stand up straight, back over here. Behind me."
It was bizarre. He'd never let any of the other men inside him. Ever. Yet with Shrine Knight here, he had the sudden insane urge, overwhelming, to feel that massiveness inside him. Filling him, overflowing him. He'd never felt such a lust for another man before. Yet here it was.
He unbuckled his pants and let them drop, putting his hands on the table. "You! Come here!" he snapped, and heard his companion move closer. He spread his legs as wide as he could, panting hard.
"Take it out. Completely." Shrine Knight did as he was told and Bodine spat on his hands, rubbing it upon him. No lotion nearby. Judging from the size of him, this could get painful. He turned back to the table and spread again. "Now stick it in me. Come on. Fuck me."
The young man took his hips in his hands, his thumbs spreading his buttocks apart. Bodine panted and dropped his head. He waited for his companion to test his readiness with his fingers, make certain he was ready to be entered, yet that didn't happen. Instead something big and hot pressed against him. He gasped and lurched forward as it pressed harder, slowly forcing its way inside him, deeper then, and deeper. His mouth opened in a silent cry. He heard Shrine Knight let out his breath as his hips met his own, and he seemed to pierce through to Bodine's insides, he was so long. He pulled back, and then pushed forward again, and this time Bodine groaned.
"Oooohhhhhhh..." He sucked in a breath when the pressure released, then entered him again. It did hurt, but not as much as he'd thought it would. Damn this guy was huge! "Y...yeah...that's it...touch me too...and keep moving...faster..."
The young man complied. Bodine dropped his head back now, giving a guttural yell as he was impaled repeatedly.
* * * * *
Gregory walked down the hall, staring at the paper in his hand. It contained his own scribbled notes that he had to deliver to Bodine. He disliked this part of his job immensely, but saw no way around it. At this time of the night, Bodine was usually "occupied" with some woman or other from the cult. Often it would be that Clare woman, and Gregory loathed seeing him assault her. Not that he felt pity for her...it just wasn't his thing. Sometimes it would be a different woman, and once in a while she'd appear to be willing. He couldn't get the images out of his mind from the one time he'd stepped in to find him with two women, pulling on the hair of one while the other giggled. Had they both liked that?
The worse part was that Bodine would make him stay and watch if he interrupted them. That was the way he was. Rather than get angry, he'd usually tell him to stay. "Have a little fun...or at least see some!" he'd laugh. And Gregory would have to obey, not turning away lest Bodine see his wandering eyes and lay into him. It wasn't worth the trouble.
On the other hand...Bodine had been clear in that he'd wanted these notes now. Whether he was with someone or not shouldn't matter. It was imperative.
Gregory sighed. He hated this job. As he neared Bodine's rooms he slowed his step. He craned his head and tried to listen for telltale noises.
As expected, he heard a soft moaning noise...he recognized Alec's voice...and sighed. Well, no other way than to just get it over with. He'd been feeling a bit tense himself lately, perhaps he could get himself excused if he pretended it was exciting enough.
He thought briefly of warning him, then decided that catching him offguard might better his chances of getting out of there. He twisted the handle and let himself in, speaking and looking at the notes as he went, pretending to be oblivious to the noises.
"Sir, I got those notes that you--"
He looked up and cut himself off abruptly, eyes going wide, gaping. Yes, Alec was preoccupied...yes, he was preoccupied with sex. But no, that was not a woman he was with. He leaned over a table with his hands pressed to the surface, head dropped forward, panting and groaning. A tall young man held onto his hips, pushing his own forward repeatedly. Bodine's pants were bunched around his ankles; his buttocks quivered.
His head twisted and he noticed Gregory. "What!" he barked, his voice hoarse.
Gregory stared at them a moment in silence, speechless. It wasn't that he hadn't seen Alec with men before...he'd just...never seen one in him before. He recognized the young man they'd brought from Australia; his face was as impassive as ever, even as his hips thrust. Bodine gave a strained groan and clawed at the table when he pushed deeply, and Gregory realized that the man must be well endowed. The high priest let out his breath. "What?" he demanded, again.
Gregory blinked and shook his head. "Uh--notes. Those notes you wanted. I finished them up and have them all ready for you."
"All--all of them?" Bodine panted hard as he spoke. He leaned down on his elbows, knees locked and thighs tightening and loosening.
"Uh--yes. All of them."
"Put...put them over...over there."
"Yes, Sir."
Gregory walked around them, in as wide a circle as he could, placing the notes up on a shelf. He started making the large circle again only to have Bodine call out.
Gregory froze, cringing. He forced himself to turn back, so he had the perfect view from behind of the man pushing into Bodine, Bodine's legs quivering on each side of him.
"Wouldn't...wouldn't you rather...stick around and watch?" Bodine panted, and lay his head down upon the table.
"Um...actually, I was thinking...perhaps of going to the common room and looking for somebody." Gregory tried hard to keep his voice nonchalant. "I had this dream last night that..."
"Oh, I s...see. Had a...had a dream that got you all horny, and now you're gonna...gonna go find a juicy little thing to take...take your mind off it...huh?"
"Something like that, Sir."
"What...what was the dream about?" Bodine turned his head, and Gregory caught the dangerous look in his eye. The young man continued pushing, as if they weren't even there. "Tell me exactly."
Gregory stared at him for a moment. Didn't this asshole ever mind his own business? If he wasn't demanding that somebody play Peeping Tom, then he wanted to know what they'd just been up to. He found himself describing in lurid detail a dream he'd never even had, just to satisfy Bodine's sick curiosity.
"Truthfully, Sir...I dreamed I tied up a blond lady and made her give me head. Then I slapped her around a little and convinced this brunette to take an enema..."
Bodine started laughing weakly.
"...And when I was done with that there was a redhead that I hung upside-down and stuck her in behind. So I'm feeling a little bit adventurous today."
Bodine only continued laughing. He put his head down on his arms and shook. He lifted one hand and waved it vaguely at the young man coupling with him. "Try...try to finish this up soon, would you...? Greg, you're getting to be more fucked up in the head than I am."
"Hope you can find a blond, a brunette, and a redhead in the common room willing to do all of that at once!" He started laughing again. "And if...if you can't I'm sure they'll do something just as good--OH, AAUGHH!"
Gregory jumped. Bodine bolted upright, arching wildly. The young man clasped his buttocks in his hands and his hips trembled. They remained locked and frozen in this position for a moment, until the man just barely let out his breath, and Bodine followed suit, sinking back over the table. He panted heavily, his knees shaking. The young man pulled himself from him--Gregory couldn't believe his size--and tucked himself back in his pants. Bodine was bleeding.
He took a step forward. "Uh...Sir...if you want me to get you anything...?"
"No." Bodine's voice was faint and muffled; Gregory wondered if he was sick. "Fine."
"I left the papers where you said. I'll get going now if you don't need me for anything..."
"Wait a minute." Gregory ground his teeth but kept his face neutral. The young man had stepped to the side and now stood there with his hands folded behind his back as if awaiting orders. Bodine slowly pushed himself up, his breathing still hard; he rubbed his eyes and turned to look at Gregory, then beckoned him close.
Gregory bit the inside of his mouth but obeyed. As soon as he reached Bodine and stopped the high priest reached out and grasped his neck and brought his head forward, crushing his lips against Gregory's in a kiss. Gregory's eyes widened and he let out a startled noise, trying to pull back before remembering who he was messing with. So he stayed and tolerated it--he kept his mouth shut, though Bodine's tongue prodded between his lips--until the high priest broke the kiss, abruptly letting him go and panting, wiping his lips.
"Well," he murmured. "You could use a little more work on that. Go on and find your ladies and tell them I sent you."
"Y...yes Sir." Gregory put his hand to his mouth as he turned, eyes goggling. What the hell had THAT been? He didn't dare ask. It was best to just get out of here as soon as possible.
The next time the boss was in here with another guy, he was going to stay out in the hallway. Thrashing or no thrashing.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.