About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Stream Of Consciousness CODE: T (set in the Trench Rats/Tunnel Rats storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Sgt. Camo Rat/Cpl. Anna Julian (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Among the Trench Rats, it was widely guessed that Sgt. Camo Rat and Cpl. Anna Julian, at the time the only female member of the Trench Rats, had more than platonic feelings for each other. Those were never realized before the Headquarters were bombed and both characters went missing in action. (In an old version of the story, Julian had actually been kidnapped, raped, and told to remain silent by some envious Trench Rats, and this just happened to coincide with the trench bombing...I think I've since discarded this scenario and she simply went missing.) Fast-forward in the storyline until the two meet again, and yes, those feelings are still there. Only they're finally willing to ACT on them. About time.
DISCLAIMERS: This scene has so far been my first and only exploration of the mysterious subject of female ejaculation. (The reason why Julian freaks out here.) I realize that much artistic license must have been taken here, hence this scene may not even be physically possible. Who knows; I certainly don't. I guess I was just bored. O_o
* * * * *
Stream Of Consciousness
Almost as soon as the door shut...and the darkness fell...Camo and Anna Julian were melded together, bodies almost one, lips and hands exploring. Her fingers lightly raked his back, her head tipped baring her neck; his mouth tasted her own, her jaw, her neck. He unbuttoned the top button of her blouse, tongue grazing her shoulder; he tugged the bottom of her blouse free from her skirt, hand traveling up her body, freeing one breast of its constraints, squeezing and fondling it gently but hungrily. Damn the war...damn their strict schedules...damn the ache inside him that became so great as to almost overwhelm him. He and Anna had been meeting like this for several weeks now, privately and furtively, stealing a few precious moments to be together whenever they could. So far, they had never gone any further than this. There was simply never the time. Perhaps the kissing, the touching, the gentle exploring would be enough to sate them...but not so this time...the ache inside him, the need, was so bad that it hurt, and he sensed her growing frustration as well.
He wanted to taste her breasts, imagine sweet honey milk coming from them...to feel himself inside her, one with her, at last. If only there was the time.
Anna's breath came in short fast gasps as his mouth moved up her neck behind her ear. A tremulous moan escaped her; he worried that it might be heard by someone else. When his tongue wetted her cheek, he heard her whisper coming up to him, soft, urgent.
"Please...Sir...I need you now...please...take me here...come inside me...please..."
Even as he said it he loathed himself for doing so. "There's no time...no space..."
"Please, Sir...I've been longing for you...for so long now... All we need is a few moments...I need to feel you. Please...please..."
God...he needed to feel her, too...he would ache forever inside if he didn't...
One hand slipped beneath her skirt, inside her panties, thumb and index finger reaching in and massaging. Anna arched and whimpered as if in a dream. Camo's fingers grew sticky but he himself grew hard. He felt his erection stirring, unbidden. He couldn't control it; he had to be inside her, or lose it.
The room was so small and dark...there was room only to stand. Camo put his hands on Anna's waist and turned her around, away from him. Pulled her skirt up in back, then her panties down. Eyes scored her buttocks; fingers gently caressed and kneaded the soft fleshy skin.
Anna moaned.
Camo's fingers clenched.
His tongue tracing along her neck again, her soft desperate pant sounding in his ears. Oh God...
Her hands on his. "Please...Camo...please..."
She'd never called him "Camo" before.
God, please...just give us enough time...
Dim and cramped. Camo pressed Anna Julian against the wall, fingers parting her opening. Anna moaned and arched, buttocks spreading. So little room...so little time...Camo placed his hands on Anna's buttocks, and his penis, long and hard, pushed up deep within her.
He let out his breath, exquisite pleasure, pain, joy, agony, love, lust welling up within him.
Anna's muscles tightened, head went back. Her eyes shut, mouth slack, voice husky. "Oh...Camo..."
And so this was it, this was the first sweet coupling of Camo and Anna, their hungry bodies finally joined as one, the consummation of all their waiting. Camo stood panting behind Anna and pumped his hips gently, hands squeezing her own. Anna rocked with him, head back, soft moan escaping her. Camo kissed her neck. His breath was hot. He didn't like this, that they had to resort to doing it like this...he had wished, for their first time making love to each other, to see her face, to see the joy that he brought her, for her to see him--not to take her like some dog in heat. But their pain was just so great...there was no choice but this...so for their first act of love together, they stood clothed in a small dark room, pressed close to the wall, pushing quietly, coupling desperately, seeking release within each other.
The sweet agony that Anna brought him was almost more than Camo could bear. Her smooth slippery wetness aroused him like nothing else had. He had not been with someone since his wife, so long ago now, it seemed...and even then he had never felt this desire, this need. His urgency--her urgency--were apparent. His fingers sank into her skin, he bore into her harder; her moan grew.
"Oh...Camo...oh God..."
Mouth on her jaw, against her ear. Barely a whisper. "I love you, Anna."
"I've...I've wanted to hear this for so...for so long..."
"I've wanted to be with you...I've wanted to be in you...you around me...there was never the time...never the chance until now..."
"Oh...God...I love you, Camo."
"Never enough time..."
"We have now."
"We have so little..."
"You have me. I have you." A gasp, an arch. "Oh! Camo!"
He groaned. Oh God, how he wanted to take her to his quarters, to take her to his bed--to press her down to the mattress, to see and kiss her face, to plunge inside her. To rock with her, hold her close and tight to his lap. To feel her thighs pressed against his, see the rise and fall of her breasts, hear her cries of ecstasy. To be free of having to be secretive--to cry out her name at his climax, to hear her do the same. To be with her, to be free with her, to love her as his own and never let her go...
Camo and Anna moved more quickly together, rocking on their heels, hips rolling, Anna letting out increasing whimpers, Camo thrusting gently still but rapidly, hands grasping tight, teeth clenching and breath coming fast. His throat had gone dry. The fire and lust rose within him. He pushed--harder.
Anna whined.
Camo's hips pumped.
Anna tossed her head back, whipping it from side to side with a forced whisper. "Camo...oh my God...Camo..."
He couldn't take it.
He pulled himself out of her. Anna gasped. Camo turned her around abruptly, pushed her back against the wall almost forcefully, and, grabbing her buttocks and hoisting her up to his waist, plunged deeply within with a raspy snarl. Anna let out another gasp, quivered against his tight body, hands roaming over his muscles. He leaned forward, teeth tearing at her blouse, fumbling inside it, mouth closing around her left breast, tongue swirling around the nipple. Anna's chest heaved. Push--push--push--she grew tight around him, and he knew that their time was almost gone--push--push--push--he gently bit her shoulder, sucked at her lip, traced his tongue along hers--push--push--fingers sinking into yielding skin--push--
Anna shrieked soundlessly and convulsed against him, eyes gone wide and muscles locking. Camo released within her with a gasp of his own--then gasped again in surprise as Anna sprayed his belly and chest with a thick white fluid. It shot from her like a thick stream of water and didn't die down as the flow of Camo's fluid did. Rather it sprayed him several times over, some even splashing in his mouth--he tasted its sweet tang before letting go of Anna's leg and putting a hand to his lips.
As soon as he let her go Anna's eyes rolled back and her body went limp. She began to slump to the floor before he caught her and lowered her gently, looking her over. At the same time he attempted to wipe himself dry, only to see that Anna still quivered, and the thick fluid still coursed out of her, though not as strongly as before. The strange reaction baffled him.
He pulled down a packaged sheet from one of the shelves, ripped it open, and pressed it between her legs. Anna moaned softly and trembled as if the sensation aroused her; her fluid soaked the sheet. After a moment or two she grew limp again and slumped back against the wall, panting and half conscious. Pulling the sheet away, Camo saw that whatever had been happening had passed, for now; he used a drier corner to wipe her and himself off as best as he could. When that was done he touched her face, her brow, pressed his fingers to her neck to feel her pulse...after another moment more her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him groggily.
"Are you all right?" he asked, voice low.
She blinked, then nodded weakly. "I...I think so. I've...I've never felt quite like that before. With you it's the first time. I can't explain it..."
"Do you hurt at all...?"
"Yes...no...it's a good hurt...don't worry...I like it, it makes me think of you." She blinked again, noticing the soaked sheet that he was holding. "What...what happened?"
"It's from you." He reached down, wiped off a bit more on his hand. "When you...when you came, this...came out of you. Sprayed out of you. In a torrent."
Anna's eyes grew wider. She struggled to sit up, difficult because of her weakened state. She stared at the sheet, at Camo's damp hand, then at the sheet again. "You mean that...I did that? It's from me?"
He nodded, rubbing his fingers together.
Anna's face grew white and she looked mortified. She put her hands to her mouth and then hid her face, her voice sounding unbearably ashamed. "Oh my God! Sir, I'm...I'm sorry! I never meant to...to go all over you like that!" Her voice cracked and her ribs started heaving.
"What? No--no, it's not that at all." Camo set the sheet down and took her arm, stroking her face. "It's all right--you didn't...'go' all over me. It's nothing like that."
"What?" She sniffed and peered at the sheet. "I can't think of what else it is, Sir..." he noticed how she had stopped calling him Camo "...I mean...I got it all over you...during this...I'm so humiliated, I'm sorry, Sir, I truly am..."
"It's not urine." He pressed his fingers to her lips before she could back away. Even then she started to, before noticing the scent, and then paused, confusion lining her face. "See...it's not like that at all." He leaned over her, toward her belly, where some of the fluid had splashed back on herself, and she let out a startled little gasp when his tongue grazed her, licking it up. He sat up and touched her face again.
"I'm not certain...but whatever it is, it's harmless. Not disgusting at all."
"I'm sorry I got it all over you, Sir...that's...that's never happened before, I don't know what caused it..."
"I don't think you need to apologize." He stroked her jaw and stared into her eyes. "I think it was natural...you felt good...that was how you showed it. The same way I did...don't try to stop it if it feels good and harms no one. Especially you and me."
Anna flushed and averted her eyes. In response Camo leaned toward her belly again, stroking her arm, tongue lapping at the sweet juice that remained. Her body trembled but she said nothing else.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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Click "Contact Me" to let me know what you think!
This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.