About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Something About The Water CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Various novels in the D Is For Damien/Minot crossover storyline, following Blood Secrets (unwritten), & NA
PAIRING: Det. Chance Devetko/Stan Brooks (M/M)
EXPLANATION: Please see the explanation given in "Consummation" . This is only Scenes 6 and up; "Consummation" contains Scenes 1-5. ("Ready Again" takes place a long while after the events outlined in "Last Warning" (an NC scene), and the events outlined in "Random Scene 3" (non-erotic story).)
DISCLAIMERS: Same as the above.
* * * * *
Something About The Water
Devetko sighed and laid his head against Brooks's chest. His lover held him from behind, gently stroking his arm. The water roiled and foamed around them. Some dinner, some wine, and now they rested together in Brooks's tub. Before meeting him Devetko would never have considered sharing a bath with someone else; now, however, he snuggled closer into Brooks's embrace, feeling warm and...safe.
He had no reason to feel unsafe. But Brooks's presence comforted him anyway. He wasn't certain how to explain it; with Page, and then with Russell, the relationship had felt so...unequal. Brooks, though of higher social standing than he was, seemed to understand the equality that Devetko sought. Once in a while Devetko felt the need to be dominant, and this suited Brooks just fine. Most of the time, however, he wished to be protected instead, and this Brooks also did well with no complaint. He could always tell what Devetko wanted at what time. He somehow knew.
Right now Devetko watched the bubbles roil around them. Brooks's embrace was warm and close. Devetko felt a bit sleepy from the dinner but this only heightened his sensitivity to the water; he enjoyed the feeling of the warm currents around him. He splashed Brooks playfully, and appreciated the slickness of their skin. He reached behind him to touch Brooks's neck, and sighed again contentedly.
Brooks let out a slight chuckle. "Feeling frisky tonight?"
"Something about the water," Devetko murmured.
His lover looked at him with an uncertain smile. "Did I give you a little too much to drink? You're not sounding quite like yourself..."
"No, I'm fine." He turned his head back to smile up into Brooks's face. "How are you enjoying this?"
Brooks's smile softened. "As long as I'm with you I'd enjoy anything." He kissed him behind his ear and then shifted a little, resituating himself. "Why do you ask so suddenly?"
Devetko kissed Brooks's shoulder back. "No reason." He sat forward and moved away from Brooks, who cast him a surprised look, then came forward again and kissed him. He put his arms over his shoulders and Brooks held his waist.
Devetko's kiss moved to Brooks's chin, jaw, cheek, ear. "I want you to make love to me," he whispered, voice barely audible. Brooks looked surprised again, hearing him speak, especially to say that--but he didn't object to his lover's overtures. Devetko's hands slipped under the water, clasping Brooks's member and stroking it, fingers caressing up and down. Brooks's breath increased; his hardness rose and broke the surface of the water, just barely. Devetko climbed over his lap and came down, breath leaving him, knees up at Brooks's sides. He kissed him again. Brooks reached between them, where Devetko's own hardness pressed against him, and began stroking.
He gave a start when Devetko moaned, his head falling back, and, gripping his shoulders, began pushing himself up and down. Brooks's hand trembled as he stroked; his other hand moved to his partner's behind, first fingering him, then clenching his buttock tightly. Devetko's legs clasped his sides. His lover's moaning--the slickness of their skin--inflamed him inside.
The two of them struggled in the water, slipping and shifting, their lovemaking all too brief. After about seven minutes Brooks released, felt the warm splash of Devetko's semen against his chin; he let out his breath with a bit of disappointment that it should be over so quickly. But his lover continued to kiss and touch him. Unable to refrain, Brooks grasped his arms, forcing open his mouth, kissing hard--he tasted blood--and, barely hearing Devetko's moans, he turned him over, head and arms over the steps of the tub.
And he halted. What was he doing? A brief surge of horror passed through him, when he suddenly realized that Devetko wasn't struggling or trying to move on. He could see how his fingernails gouged at the tiling, hear his gasping pant, see the trembling in his lithe slick body.
God...how he loved that body...so slender yet strong, so lean, taut muscles tightening in anticipation, firm buttocks trembling for his touch, which he rewarded them with. Devetko gave a low moan and he could tell exactly what it meant. He leaned over him again to kiss at his neck, his fingers playing over his lover's anus.
"This is what you want...?"
"This is what I want..."
His tongue moved over his ear and Devetko shuddered.
"This is what we both want..."
A hazy nod. Brooks's kiss moved to his nape as he positioned himself. Devetko placed his hands against the tiling and spread his legs out straight, parted wide; Brooks brought himself over him, gently pulling him open and pushing inside.
A soft whimper. Brooks let out his breath. His hands clasped under his lover's arms, grasping his shoulders from beneath. They began to rock.
Now, this time, there was more time to savor the feeling, now that their immediate need had already been met. Brooks trembled and sighed at the feel of the warm skin rubbing against his. He sought his lover's penis and found it, beneath him, clutching it, squeezing and bringing his hand up and down. Devetko gave a louder whimper and tightened. He sensed that it felt good for him. This excited him. He always loved exciting his lover.
What he found most exciting, however, was watching Devetko's reactions, listening to the sound of his breath, the moan in his throat, the whispered words coming just barely to his ears. This excited him more than anything.
A soft gasp. "St...Stan..."
Brooks leaned down to nuzzle at him again with a murmur.
He licked his tense nape, over the edge of his ear, to his cheek.
"If you want to...we can switch when we're done..."
A gasp, a soft cry and a jerk. His penis jumped in Brooks's hands. They moved slightly faster now, rocking steadily, slippery against the steps, their bodies rubbing rapidly until with a loud shared groan they both climaxed, Brooks spraying inside his lover and Devetko spraying into the water until they sank back with each other.
And Brooks kept his word...he knew they would not end the night satisfied, until he'd tasted Devetko inside of him. His love granted his wish, willingly; for about a half hour they stood pressed to the wall, sliding up and down gently, buttocks tightening, loosening, tightening, loosening, with each push...it was so glorious. Brooks moaned and dropped his head back against his lover's, and accepted his kiss. Devetko's able hands easily coaxed the seed from out of him and he felt his flow slickening his lover's fingers, heard his soft laugh, and gave an even louder moan, yet more thick fluid emerging. Devetko gave a soft grunt and Brooks let out his breath, relishing the warmth that spread throughout him. For good measure, he also enjoyed the cool fingers trailing over his skin as they sank together in climax. What a night.
He disliked having to dry off, clean the bathroom up again. Yet Devetko helped him, smiling at him the whole time, and didn't leave once they were through. Brooks's own smile was slight and awkward. His confusion melted away when Devetko took his hand and led him to his bed. Ah. So their night would go on, after all.
Pleased that he would stay the night, Brooks lay back and brought his lover over him so they kissed. Then they snuggled close to one another, still both smiling, waiting for when the heat would overtake their hungry bodies once more.
They would both be ready for it. Indeed, in the middle of the night, with Brooks thrusting deeply into Devetko after a particularly arousing dream, both of them rocking upon hands and knees, puffing and groaning loudly...they were quite ready.
Ready Again
Brooks's eyes slowly came open. He found himself staring at his ceiling, and for the briefest second panicked, before feeling an arm around his own and knowing that he wasn't alone. Turning to the side he felt relief flood through him to see Devetko there, lying on his back with eyes closed, one hand draped over his chest. The night was hot so he wore a shirt and shorts, the shirt pulled up to his chest from his various movements during the night. His leg was tangled in the sheets and his breathing slow and even, arm still locked in Brooks's. An immediate wave of love and gratitude welled up inside Brooks on staring at him. He couldn't believe how lucky he had been to be with him.
He reached out and lightly trailed his fingertips down his lover's taut stomach, feeling the tensing of his muscles as he did so. He loved how Devetko felt. He leaned forward now to place his lips upon the warm skin. He just barely kissed him--hearing Devetko sigh and feeling him shift slightly in his sleep before falling still.
Brooks placed his lips to his chest, his belly, the tops of his hips. A strange desire now began to fill him, and he pulled himself closer. His kisses rained over his lover's body while his hand drifted down to Devetko's shorts. He hadn't felt like this since before his rape, which seemed both long ago, yet not long enough. First he had worried that Devetko would no longer want him afterwards...he wasn't certain that he'd want himself. Yet he had stayed next to him throughout the aftermath, the trial, and after the verdict, which had, thankfully, been guilty. When Brooks had needed him, he was always there. At the trial, he had even testified on Brooks's behalf, and had admitted publicly, though it was no secret, that they loved one another, and he had not had any look of regret.
Brooks felt soiled afterwards, dirty, broken; and he knew how Devetko detested filth. Yet the arms around him had always been his lover's. He had never wavered once, though Brooks could tell that the situation pained him.
He'd never deserved such pain...he'd never deserved Brooks.
He savored the warmth and tightness of Devetko's skin against his lips. He parted them and trailed his tongue over his belly, into his navel. Devetko's muscles tensed again and his head tipped to the side, his breath coming heavier even as he still slept. Brooks moved his fingers over his lover's stomach while his tongue explored his chest in a swirling sensuous stroke. He heard Devetko let out a small moan in his sleep, and he smiled.
He had worried about this also, that he would never be able to feel comfortable with him, would never be able to make love to him again. The thought had terrified him, filled him with disgust and shame. He had never told Devetko this, though he had so hungered for his embrace, to protect him at night. He had thought that the sex might never come again.
But now, as his tongue traced over Devetko's nipple, stopped, and lips pursed to suck at it, his fingers slipped under the waistband of his shorts, feeling the soft warm skin, trailing into the thick downy hair. Devetko's muscles trembled.
Brooks brought himself slightly forward to kiss Devetko's jaw. He caressed his shoulder, softly panting. His body...it felt so good, so welcoming. It was almost as if this were his first time, discovering what he truly loved, the taut curves and plains of a man's body.
Devetko moaned again, shifting his leg. Brooks moved back down to his hip to see the slight bulging against the fabric of his shorts, slowly growing to push them out, his arousal forming a small cloth tent between his legs. Brooks admired the sight before reaching to gently pull the shorts down, freeing him. Devetko's member stood tall and throbbing, his breath shallow now. Brooks wondered if he dreamed.
He slipped his hand beneath Devetko's testicles and caressed. He appreciated the anticipatory trembling beneath his fingertips. Squeezing gently, he leaned down toward his lover's hardness, mouth opening, eyes shutting, lips closing around the hot flesh, tongue meeting his throbbing tip, cheeks sucking softly.
Devetko immediately gasped and came awake with a jerk. Brooks opened his eyes to see him blink and gape at him. Though his look was startled the breath still came fast in his throat.
"Stan--" he blurted out, bewildered.
Brooks released him below and pressed his forehead to his lover's, locking his hands behind his neck and murmuring softly. "If you don't like it I'll stop..."
"But...you never...not before--"
"I know, love." He kissed Devetko's brow. "I thought that we might enjoy it now, if we tried it..."
"I didn't think you, I..."
He trailed off as Brooks kissed him. "I know...neither did I...but we can try it. If you want to. If you don't want to, I don't mind..."
Devetko's eyes were filled with a strange mixture of confusion and desire as his mind warred with itself. Brooks could tell that he had enjoyed their oral lovemaking, however brief.
He smiled slightly, touched his lover's cheek. "If you trust me."
Devetko paused, then struggled to find his voice. "You're certain that you're..."
"Ready." Brooks kissed his chin, his cheek, his mouth. "Yes. I'm ready. To be with you. I'm always ready. I miss you..."
Devetko offered no word. Brooks bent down and took his shaft in his mouth again, watching his face. This time Devetko's own eyes closed and his head fell back and he moaned loudly, shaking. He would have smiled, if he were able; his partner's desire aroused him as well. When Devetko fell back on the bed, panting and reaching for him, Brooks felt a thrill run through him. So they were to both...be together. He got onto his knees, putting his leg on the other side of Devetko's face, feeling his partner pull his own shorts down to his knees and past. He brought himself down, straddling, tongue tracing along Devetko's shaft, jerking and murmuring at the feel of Devetko burying his face between his legs, mouth touching him everywhere.
"Oh God," he moaned. Devetko nuzzled, tongue licking the fleshy sac of his testicles. Brooks groaned, then brought his mouth into place and the two of them began rocking, pushing, slowly.
They had never had oral sex together, before. Now, it was exquisite. Brooks's eyes rolled back in sheer pleasure at the feeling of his lover's lips so deliciously around him. Likewise he adored the pleasured moan rising in Devetko's chest, matched by his own. He felt that he could have gone on like this forever...
Instead, he lost track of time, but it felt like both forever and too soon when his partner's increasing moan told him, the time must be coming. He opened his eyes to watch Devetko's buttocks contract slowly, Brooks's tongue pleasuring him. His member grew thick and hot. He felt his lover's fingers dig into his thighs, the smooth warmth that surrounded him, oh God, it was so beautiful. He wondered briefly if Devetko had ever done this before. It hardly mattered now...he groaned and pushed his hips down hard, silently begging for release. Devetko's motions matched his own. He couldn't control his desire. Using his knees, he pushed himself forward, again, again, praying for the end to come. Devetko moaned as his own hips rocked, penis thrusting hard into his throat. It was so good. So very good...Brooks grunted and let out his breath as his seed left him, felt his lover's body tremble beneath him before a warm sweetness filled his throat. He was pleasantly surprised by the taste, and sucked it up hungrily, every drop. Devetko's grip loosened from his legs, and a moment later, his mouth from Brooks's member; Brooks heard him fall back again, gasping and panting for breath. He relaxed against him and released his now soft member from his mouth, chest rising and falling, pushing himself up and back to face his partner.
He touched his face, and Devetko kissed him. They lay side by side, touching one another.
He was almost certain that his love would believe them done for the night. He had intended it to be so. But the peaceful, contented look upon his face, eyes closed, lips in a slight smile, hands running along Brooks's abdomen, made him want to please him more. He had been there for him, always. He deserved so much that Brooks could never give.
He carefully turned Devetko over onto his stomach. Devetko sighed but did not resist, and Brooks nuzzled at his neck for a while, massaging his back. He looked ready to fall into a deep, happy sleep.
Brooks pulled away from him, creeping back down toward his legs. While Devetko breathed deeply he slowly parted his lover's buttocks, spread his legs when he was allowed. Devetko's breath picked up again but he said nothing. Brooks took this favorably.
He lowered his head to run his tongue over his lover's anus, moistening it. Devetko stiffened and panted, fingers clawing the sheets, but still said nothing. Brooks couldn't tell if he liked it or not.
He pulled his mouth away, now gently inserting first two fingers, then three, four, five into the quivering opening. Almost immediately Devetko's body went stiff again, from his head to his feet, as if surging through with electricity. He tightened instinctively, and so Brooks stopped...for a moment. When he began to relax again, again Brooks tried, wiggling his fingers a bit, slowly, very slowly, pushing his hand within.
Devetko dropped his head to the bed again, moan muffled by the fabric. "Ooohhhhhhhhhh..."
Brooks kissed his buttock. "Am I hurting you?"
His only response was a sharp gasping. Devetko kept his eyes squinched shut, fists clenched.
"Please tell me...I don't want to hurt you."
A hoarse pant, and then, finally, struggling speech. "What...what is..."
"Oh." He touched his lips to his lover's backside again. "This...this is fisting. I thought you would know, that you'd done it before. Is it too uncomfortable? I'll come out, if it is. Some people can't take it..."
No response. Brooks assumed that he was too overcome. He slowly started to withdraw his hand.
The cry escaped his lover's throat abruptly, like a bullet firing from a gun. He froze and looked at him to see that Devetko gasped harder than ever now, fingers tearing the sheets.
"Did I hurt you?" he asked, growing alarmed.
Devetko quickly shook his head, as much as he was able. "N...no. Pl...please...go back in. Go...go deeper."
Brooks stared at him for a moment, before smiling gently to himself. He rested his head upon Devetko's buttocks, using him as his pillow, loving the smell of the warm flesh against him. And he slid his hand back in, balling it into a fist, and then pushing and pulling, pushing and pulling, very slowly and easily. At first his lover tensed around him, but the longer he moved the less it became, until Devetko's entire body relaxed aside from his pleasured trembling. Brooks so loved the sight, so adored him. He pressed his fist in and out, slowly, gently, relishing every moan of desire that his partner let out, knowing that it was all for him. This knowledge excited him as much as it would have had he been inside Devetko himself.
His lover's soft cries..."Please...oh God...please, Stan..." only reinforced his beliefs...
So of course he sighed, contentedly, when his lover's body tightened around him again, stiffening, a sob escaping him, and Brooks released himself, his member having been full and hard almost from the moment he had first touched; a damp pool formed beneath Devetko, while Brooks again grunted softly, his thick white stream spraying across the bedspread and to the floor. For a while they simply lay beside one another, panting, welcoming each other's presence in the afterglow of their love.
But though tired, Brooks did not mind it when his lover whispered to him, touched his shoulder, and when he felt obligated to reply. Obligated, hell. He was honored.
"Anything, for you," he whispered in Devetko's ear, earning a shiver. They shifted. And for the next half hour they languished in pleasure, Devetko lying upon his side, one leg tossed back over Brooks's, Brooks clinging to him and thrusting gently, between him, in him, deep within him, his partner's fingers gouging lightly into his arms, his neck arching each time he let out a desiring moan...Brooks loved this, and cherished it. Even when he had climaxed, both of them shuddering at the flush of his seed, he did not pull from his companion, but instead they lay together in a close embrace, still joined as one, before drifting into a deep, exhausted sleep.
He so looked forward to tomorrow night.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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Click "Contact Me" to let me know what you think!
This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.