About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Some Kind Of Sign CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Both scenes: NA
PAIRING: Chance Devetko/Page (M/M)
EXPLANATION: Page (last name never given) was Chance Devetko's first boyfriend, in college. Prior to their relationship he really did not know he was gay--rather he was in denial about it. (That much is clear from "Some Kind Of Sign.") The relationship ended when Page was killed in an automobile crash...it turned out that he'd never told his parents he was gay, nor that he was involved, and so Devetko had to introduce himself at the funeral as merely Page's "roommate." Of course, this was very awkward for him... Also, while it might seem like this could have been a decent relationship had it continued, I think it was for the best that it didn't...it's not clearly stated here, but there are hints that the two of them were not equal partners in the thing--notice how Page is always taking the lead, and is rather bossy and manipulative, whereas Devetko is submissive and often giving in just to make Page happy. While there's no apparent force or anything involved as there was between Stan Brooks and Will (see "Last Warning"), it's obvious to me that Devetko never would have been truly happy in this pairing. Of course Page's death wasn't a GOOD thing, but it was probably best that Devetko moved on and eventually found Brooks. I think "Some Kind Of Sign" was one of the first, if not THE first, of my M/M pairings. Yes, it kind of stumbles, but at least it was a start.
DISCLAIMERS: I was going to say a ton of them, but, eh...Devetko comes across as pretty much a doormat, but I already explained the dynamics of his relationship with Page. I hate the whole intro to "Some Kind Of Sign" as I have no clue what Dev's college experience was like, so you can just ignore the babble leading up to the kissing part. Other than that, and a few personal details, I guess the scenes are still tolerable. (Except for the atrocious POV problems, of course. ICK!)
* * * * *
Some Kind Of Sign
"Maybe they do. But I don't know where they get their ideas."
Page glanced over at Devetko, then down at his book. "Maybe they were inspired by the revolutionaries?"
Devetko shrugged, as if unconvinced. "It doesn't seem like they'd get their inspiration there."
He fell silent and Page just stared at him as he flipped through his own book, glancing at the text. He did that for a while; Page knew that he should be looking through his notes, maybe trying to help out a little, but he couldn't help it. He kept wondering if he should go for it or not. What if his hunch was wrong? He would look like the world's biggest idiot then. At least.
Devetko finally lifted his head and turned to him, maybe to speak, maybe just to ask why he was staring at him; Page leaned forward and kissed him. For the briefest moment Devetko did nothing, being too bewildered to react. However, as soon as Page broke away he stood up abruptly, knocking over his chair. His hand went to his mouth and the look on his face was absolutely horrified.
"What the hell?" he cried.
Oh, shit. Page stood, holding up his hands. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I--I thought I was--I thought you were--"
Devetko didn't seem interested in listening to any explanations. He was too busy backing away, still wiping his mouth and staring at Page as if he were nuts.
"I'm sorry," Page said a third time, despairing. God, what a mistake that had been. "I thought--I just thought I got some kind of signal, but I was wrong, and I'm sorry I upset you--"
Devetko just scooped up his books hurriedly, dropping several sheets of notes, and turned away, leaving the library as quickly as he could without running. Page broke off and watched him go. As soon as he was out of sight he sat down at the table again, banging his hand on it and dropping his head with a sigh. So much for his "hunches." He knew Devetko had definitely taken that the wrong way. He just hoped that he would get over it. Forgetting about it would be too much to ask.
* * * * *
As soon as Devetko reached his room he dropped the books on his dresser, not caring whether they fell off or not. He slammed the door behind him and started pacing back and forth like a caged animal, running his hands through his hair. He couldn't believe what had just happened. What the hell had Page done that for? Signal? What signal? He stopped pacing to stare at himself in the mirror. His eyes were wide, round as marbles. It looked like he was in shock. He wouldn't doubt it, after all that.
What signal? What's he mean by signal? What the hell's he talking about?
He moved toward the dresser, sweeping all the books onto the floor and sitting down in the chair, dropping his head in his hands. He'd never felt so bewildered in his life. He couldn't understand why Page had singled him out for that--that. But it wasn't so much that that scared him as it was the other feelings that had started up just after it happened.
God, what's happening? Am I going crazy? Why am I even thinking these things--?
No matter how hard he tried to deny it, he'd definitely felt something when Page had kissed him. Something that wasn't even related to confusion or fear. That was what terrified him the most.
He just kept staring at his image in the mirror, trying in vain to sort his thoughts and figure out what was going on. When a clear picture finally started to form he pushed it away, trying for another. But every explanation he came up with was the same. He could hear voices buzzing in his head.
How many dates have you been on since you came here, Chance?
Do you really go out that often? Have you even hit on anyone yet?
What was the first thing you thought--the first thing--when Page did that to you?
Are you really as disgusted as you think you are, Chance? Are you?
His hands started to shake. He couldn't believe what he was thinking.
Oh, my God--
As if looking at himself in the mirror could only make the matter worse, he pushed himself away, turning his back on his own image.
* * * * *
Page was sitting at his desk, poring over his lecture notes, when the knock came. He glanced up at the door, then at the clock. 12:30 AM? Who would be calling at 12:30 AM? With a sigh he got up and went to answer the door anyway, unlocking it and pulling it open. He froze when he saw that it was Devetko. Devetko gave him a look that said he was just about ready to go running away down the hall. It seemed that Page had caught him unawares.
"Dev," was all that he could get out, he was so surprised. The last time he'd seen his study partner had been three days ago, in the library. They most certainly hadn't parted on the best of terms. He wasn't sure whether this was good or bad.
"Hi," Devetko forced out. He still looked stricken. For a moment they both stood there, saying nothing; then Devetko seemed to snap out of it, glancing almost uneasily over Page's shoulder, into his room. Page looked back too, wondering what he could be looking at.
"You don't have any roommates," Devetko said, sounding surprised.
"No." Page shook his head. "Kinda glad about it too, with how late I'm always up studying."
They both fell silent again. "Could I come in?" Devetko finally asked, not sounding as if he wanted to.
"Sure," Page said, a little too hastily, moving aside and gesturing for him to enter. Devetko did so, and stood staring at the windows, as if uncertain of what to do next. Page shut the door and stayed where he was. He didn't say anything until Devetko turned back to face him, and then he took a step forward, clasping his hands and trying not to wring his fingers.
"Look," he said, trying hard for words, "I'm sorry about what happened in the library. I should not have done that. I assumed--I just assumed and I was wrong, and I should never have tried that--"
"That's what I came here to talk about," Devetko interrupted, his voice quiet. "I don't think you were wrong."
Page cut himself off again, his words dying in his throat. What? What did he say? You were right?
He tried to talk again, only his voice was stuck. "...I don't..."
"I didn't know," Devetko said, still managing to keep his voice level, though Page could sense the strain lying beneath the surface. Devetko was saying something he truly didn't seem to want to admit. He took a breath, steeling himself, struggling to find the right words to say. "I--that's why I did that in the library. I didn't think I was interested. I didn't--think I went that way. It wasn't until you--it wasn't until that that I..." He trailed off, completely at a loss. It took him a minute or two to finish what he was saying. He shrugged helplessly. "I realize--I realize I think you're right."
Page just stared at him, speechless. After a moment Devetko made eye contact, and he could tell that it was the truth. He wouldn't have forced himself through all of that if it weren't. He kept his face straight but his eyes said he was just about ready to die from embarrassment, and seeing that, Page felt the same way. He broke the stare, glancing at the floor instead. This seemed to relieve Devetko slightly, and he looked in the general direction of the wall.
"I'm sorry you had to find out this way," Page said, truly meaning it. God, he'd had no idea. "Please do not take this the wrong way, but I thought--I just assumed you were, I'm not saying you look like you are or anything, I just get this intuition, I thought maybe there was some kind of sign there, and--Jeez, I feel like an ass." He laughed a little, shaking his head. Devetko managed to force a very slight smile, though he still looked as uncomfortable as hell. "If I keep going on I'm going to say something I'll regret so I'll shut up."
"It's all right." Devetko still didn't look at him. "You were pretty much on the mark. I just wasn't aware of that yet." His smile was self-deprecating now, and he shrugged as well.
Jeez, I'm just making this worse and worse. "Look, I can just drop this whole thing," Page offered. "Nobody'll hear it happened. You can go on doing what you want to do, and I'll--"
"No, that wasn't it." Devetko forced himself to look up again. Now, finally, Page noticed a very slight something else in his eyes which he hadn't seen before, it had been so well hidden. It was mostly confusion and embarrassment and even fear, yet there was something else there, too. He paused, seeing it.
After a moment Devetko turned away again. He took another deep breath. "I..." He smiled and shook his head, staring at the floor. "I think maybe there is something, has been something, only I didn't pick up on it because I didn't know about it yet, you know?" Page managed a slight nod. "I think maybe..." His voice faltered a little; then he seemed to draw on something inside, as he lifted his head and looked Page straight in the eyes, still with that embarrassed smile. "If you had any kind of offer, I might take you up on it."
Page blinked. After all that had happened, he hadn't expected anything like this to come up. He suddenly realized why Devetko had mentioned his lack of a roommate. His mouth opened and closed several times without making a sound.
"If you're not interested, I can go," Devetko added.
"No! It's--uh--" Page flushed at his outburst. "It's okay. I--" a half-embarrassed laugh "--I just didn't expect anything. Not--not now."
Devetko nodded and said nothing.
"God." Page dropped his stare. Well, he's here. Now what am I supposed to do? "Uh--would you like to sit down or something?"
Devetko shrugged slightly. Page moved aside, gesturing to the chair; sitting on the bed would probably not be in Devetko's best interests right now. He looked almost like a teenager on his first date, scared witless. The situation that he was in helped Page realize just how afraid he really was.
What a horrible way for him to find out--I just hope he can get used to what he is.
Page sat down on the bed instead, and for a while they said nothing. He couldn't help staring at Devetko, who studied his hands, locked so tightly that his knuckles were going white. After some time Devetko finally summoned up the courage to look at him again, and they stared at each other in silence. Maybe that was what he needed, somehow. Some silence to build up his courage. Page didn't say anything to him.
He could hear Devetko breathe in this time. "I've never really--done this before," he said, examining the walls. "So I'm--I'm not exactly sure what to do."
Page could tell that he wasn't a virgin. He was as far as this was concerned, though. He offered what he hoped was a warm smile and replied, "I could show you. If you want."
Part of Devetko obviously didn't want. Yet the wary smile that he offered in return showed that another part of him did.
Another pause. Page stood up, and Devetko followed suit, a little too quickly. He's nervous as hell. No wonder. He stepped forward, careful to move deliberately. It was a good thing that he'd never gone for the fast kind himself, as that would probably just scare Devetko off. It looked like he needed something more gradual right now.
When Page reached him he barely--just barely--touched the side of his face with his fingers, leaning forward slowly until their lips met. He felt Devetko's jaw tense, momentarily; when Page didn't move away he opened his mouth just slightly. Page did the same, lightly licking Devetko's lips. This had to be done slowly. A slight flinch passed across Devetko's face; he was obviously still fighting feelings that this was the wrong thing. Yet a moment later he opened his mouth a little further, and when Page's tongue met his he didn't back away, warily allowing Page to taste his mouth, at the same time getting the feel of him. Page didn't do anything else. Devetko had to get used to the idea of doing this first before they could go any further. He didn't mind; everything he'd started feeling for Devetko before their meeting in the library began rising to the surface, making his present thoughts all the more tender. He could be patient. Devetko needed time to adjust.
Thus he was somewhat surprised to feel Devetko touch his face, a little uncertainly, with just the tips of his fingers. Page took his hand and held it in his, caressing it warmly. He sensed a slight hitch in Devetko's breathing. So. Touch was the way to go. He picked up on this signal and decided that he would use it.
He seemed to like having his hand held, at least. Page continued holding it, running his thumb over Devetko's fingers, as he reached out with his other hand, for Devetko's shirt. They were both still dressed for classes, neither of them having prepared for bed; he slowly undid the top button, and when Devetko didn't move away, the second, and the third. Their kiss had become slightly more passionate; when Page pulled his hand back Devetko started unbuttoning his shirt.
He's feeling it already. You can move ahead.
But still not too fast, remember. This is technically his first time, and he's going to be unsure no matter what you do.
He carefully removed Devetko's shirt and tie, making certain not to pull them off abruptly. Devetko did the same to him. He reached for Devetko's belt and again they echoed one another, until they were finally naked, standing before each other. Page went on kissing him, cupping his hand in his, as that had been the first positive sign he'd gotten. Devetko touched his face again with his free hand, and this time actually trailed his fingers up through Page's hair. His breathing had sped up again; Page knew that he must be just about ready.
As if sensing this thought, Devetko gradually broke their kiss, pulling his head back to look Page in the face. There was still a good amount of anxiety in his eyes, Page noted with a pang; maybe this wasn't the best idea after all. But Devetko just bobbed his head forward a little, uncomfortable, and spoke, his voice very soft.
"I--uh--I'm not quite sure how you do this."
He hadn't meant the statement to be funny, but Page couldn't suppress a little laugh. Devetko flushed and forced a smile. "I'm sorry," Page apologized. He touched Devetko's face, and his own smile was sincere. "I'll take care of it. I can guide you through it if you want."
Devetko nodded once, still with that helpless grin; Page got rid of it by kissing him again. Devetko was squeezing his hand a little hard; Page decided not to tell him that. He needed some kind of support right now. He started backing toward the wall, facing the foot of the bed without any windows; Devetko took the hint and followed, though somewhat uncertainly. When they reached it he continued kissing him, reaching for the dresser and picking up a small package.
"You might want this," he said, smiling slightly.
Devetko took it. He couldn't believe how embarrassed he felt--it wasn't as if he'd never been with anybody before--but another man! He still wasn't sure how he'd tell his parents about this. How had Page done it? He thought about all of this as he put it on, seeing Page do the same thing. Well, at least there was one thing he didn't have to worry about.
Page kissed him briefly, then, taking his shoulders, turned him around so he faced the wall. Devetko allowed him to do so without any protest; his heart was pounding, and not only from desire. He was terrified. He couldn't think of any sane reason why he should be--it was obvious that he was in good hands--yet he couldn't help it. The feeling wouldn't go away. Once this happened, there was no way he could ever turn back and say he'd been wrong.
Page took his right hand, placing it up against the wall. Devetko did the same with his left hand. When Page leaned over him he could feel his breath on his shoulder, warm and measured. He was grateful that he could keep a straight face himself; nevertheless, he closed his eyes briefly, counting to five before opening them, in an attempt to calm himself down a little.
Page moved up close to him, running his hand up his side. Devetko flinched again, but only once. "Do you mind if I talk to you?" Page asked, his voice low in his throat, almost breathless. Devetko hadn't realized until now just how aroused he was, even if he didn't show it.
He shook his head. Page could talk all he wanted. He wasn't going to say anything, not with how his throat was stuck. Page responded by nuzzling his neck, murmuring and caressing his chest. Devetko closed his eyes again, still attempting to control his breathing and his nerves. Easy. There's no need to be so scared. Let him take control like he said. Give it a chance. If you don't like it you can always stop whenever you want. But keep in mind maybe this is the only way it can be.
Page murmured again, his hands going down lower, running over his hips and buttocks, moving in front to finally touch him. Devetko jerked slightly, trying to force himself not to shake. Page's fingers curled around him, slowly running down, then up, down, then up. He couldn't suppress a gasp. Page kissed his neck, pulling his hands away, taking Devetko's right hand in his own.
"Go ahead," he whispered, guiding Devetko's hand behind him. Devetko felt something hot and jerked again; he forced the feeling down and curled his fingers, as Page had done, running them up and down, hearing Page murmur again as he felt him growing harder, hotter, rising. Page abruptly stopped him, reaching in front to touch him again. His breath was coming quicker now. Devetko's sped up as well as he started to feel his own erection, brought on by Page's deftly moving hands. Page quit fondling him long enough to caress his buttocks again; he leaned forward, whispering huskily in Devetko's ear.
"Spread your legs a little."
Devetko did so. He started shaking as Page's hands ran up underneath him, raking lightly at his skin. He tipped his head against the wall, hoping that he'd be able to take this. Page separated his buttocks, and Devetko held his breath as he felt his hardness between them, pushing slowly inside, penetrating his body. His mouth opened; he would have gasped, but he had no breath with which to do so. Page let out his own breath, nuzzling behind Devetko's ear; he pulled away just slightly, then moved forward, repeating the motion several times before Devetko realized what he was doing. He was beginning to establish a rhythm, pressing inside very slowly and gently, testing his partner's boundaries first to see how fast he should go. Devetko forced down a whimper; his fear was beginning to melt away, his breath quickening as he also realized that the new feeling spreading through his body was one of pleasure. Pleasure that he'd never quite felt before.
"Do you like that?" Page asked, his voice still a throaty whisper. He ran his hands down Devetko's sides. "Do you want me to move faster?"
Devetko could only manage to jerk his head once, his eyes shut tight. If he tried to speak he knew that nothing coherent would come out.
Thankfully, Page understood him; he grasped Devetko, starting his rubbing motion again, up and down, up and down. As he did so he began to move, behind and inside Devetko; his skin was hot against him, his muscles contracting. The slow motion became a steady thrust; only now did Devetko fully realize what was happening. He let out his breath abruptly, beginning to pant, his fingers digging into the wall. Page moved slowly and gently, still instinctively aware of his partner's need for deliberation even if no longer consciously thinking of it. His breathing was harsh and fast. Once in a while he would stop stroking Devetko to run his hands along his body, touching his sides, his hips, his buttocks, feeling him all over; at one point Devetko pulled his hands away, so that his head remained tipped to the wall, and grasped Page's hips, caressing him as well. To Page it seemed that the motion was somewhat urgent, as if trying to prompt him to move faster; whether it was a signal or not he did so, dimly hearing Devetko gasp and let go, banging his fists against the wall. He moved in a smooth, upward-gliding thrust, rubbing his legs against his partner's, panting heavily as he did so. He rested his head against Devetko's neck, fighting back the urge to lose all restraint.
"I love you, Chance," he whispered thickly, not even fully aware of what he was saying. Devetko shuddered; Page's breath was hot on his neck. His thrusting motion had grown strong enough so that both of them were moving, Devetko being pressed up against the wall. "God, I love you."
Devetko didn't reply. Not verbally. He gasped again when Page let out a forced groan, squeezing him tightly. He was full and hard inside him, pushing deep; Devetko could tell that his desire was strong, wild, so that he was only managing to go this slowly because of Devetko's own situation. He wasn't even sure that Page would be able to keep this up much longer.
His own fear was pretty much gone. He cocked his head, allowing Page to trail his tongue over his ear, still murmuring endearments that Devetko wasn't sure he meant.
"God, I love you," he moaned softly, his own eyes shut. "I love you so much--you feel so good--God, it feels so good in you--I wish I could get deeper in you--God, I just wish I could go deeper in you--" When he stressed this word he groaned and thrust upward, squeezing Devetko's buttocks this time. Devetko let out a broken cry, his heart pounding wildly. He liked going slow, but he could tell--
He's going to lose it. He really is.
"--I love you," Page muttered, and he grunted, his fingers sinking into Devetko's skin, forcing himself hard inside. "God, I just love you--so--much--" He grunted, a guttural animal sound, and thrust again.
Devetko opened his mouth, panting, trying to speak. Only the slightest whimper came out.
Page brought his face close, his breath thick. "Do you want me to go faster?" he panted. "Deeper inside you?"
Devetko managed a short nod, gritting his teeth.
Page pulled his head away, gripping Devetko's hardness tightly; immediately his hands started working rapidly up and down, and he thrust upwards sharply, crying out. Devetko's breath rushed out in a whoosh. Page pulled away and entered again, his earlier gentle, easy glide evolving into an almost frantic, grinding plunge. Devetko's heartbeat sped up even more than it had before. Page didn't even have to rub against his hardness to keep the high buzz in his head going. Several times his partner clutched at his buttocks instead, groaning in unsuppressed pleasure. Devetko bit off a cry more than once, his blood feeling ready to boil. Page's grinding was desperate.
"God, I love you, I love you!" he cried, his thrusting only increasing. Devetko never even thought of anyone else in the dormitory hearing. Page's voice dropped slightly as he spoke again, murmuring throatily in his partner's ear. "I love you, Chance, I love you. I want to be hard in you--deep in you--deep in you! I just want to fill you up, you feel so good, you feel so good around me, it feels so good deep inside you--"
Devetko groaned out loud, the heat, the pressure, the speed getting to him. His fingernails were gouging holes in the wall. He felt ready to lose it. Page kept pushing frenziedly into him, pressing him against the wall, grabbing his hips to pull himself deeper inside, struggling and straining, his voice rising higher as he ground inside, faster, harder, further, deeper, panting and groaning, grunting once in a while as he did so--
"--God, I love you! I love you! Oh--deep inside you--mmh--you feel so good inside, you're making me crazy--oh!"
Devetko couldn't answer. He was too far gone, moaning at the air, his eyes squinched shut, baring his teeth, his fingers digging in--
Page continued building up toward his release, crying out, shouting out what he felt--
"Oh--Chance--" He stroked Devetko briefly, then his own fingers returned to his partner's hips, and he squeezed so tight that they broke the skin as he thrust rapidly inside. "Oh--God--Chance--uhh!--I--love--YOU!"
He rammed inside, groaning loudly, feeling the relieving gush of his fluid as his grip loosened. Devetko cried out, breaking it off in the middle, also feeling his release, the hot spurt, the relief and pleasure as his hardness died away. He let out his breath abruptly, sinking against the wall. Page still pressed against him, and they stayed that way for a while, breathing heavily in exhaustion. Page laid his head against Devetko's shoulder as they waited for their strength to return, and there was something comforting now in the way that his breath brushed softly against Devetko's ear.
Page could finally feel his senses returning; he lifted his head, still panting, looking at Devetko still leaning against the wall; and then he felt ashamed. Damn it, he'd never meant to go so damn fast--it was Devetko's first time, and he'd just about used him, forgetting that it was about him and thinking only of his own satisfaction. When he moved back Devetko turned away from the wall, still supporting himself against it with one hand, looking at him. For a moment Page could only stare back, before finally shaking his head slightly and saying in a faint, hoarse voice, "Dev..."
Devetko pushed himself away from the wall, stepping forward to kiss him. Page's words died in his throat as their tongues met, tasting and exploring. His fears started to die with his words. Devetko didn't seem very upset at all.
After a moment he broke away, staring deep into Page's eyes. It was Page's throat which was stuck this time. Devetko lightly caressed his hand, and a faint smile came across his face.
"You have a lot to show me," he said, his voice low, barely above a whisper.
Page only stared for a minute before smiling back. As much as he hated to admit it, it was Devetko who had surprised him this time.
Page dropped his books on the desk and smiled at Devetko as he shirked off his jacket. "It's been a long day," he said.
Devetko nodded as he did the same. Page had been the one to suggest that, as neither of them had roommates, he move in with him. No one would ever be suspicious. At least, not with how discreet they were in public. How they acted in public had nothing to do with how Page acted toward him once they were alone.
Page sat down with a sigh on the small sofa lining the wall beside the desk, rubbing his temples as if he had a headache. He glanced up at Devetko straightening out the books. "Come over here," he coaxed; Devetko caught the hint in his voice. "You can always do that later, and it doesn't even need to be done. Aren't you tired?"
Devetko had to admit to himself that he was. He didn't know if studying drained you or not but that was how he felt. He abandoned the books, going over to the couch and sitting down. As soon as he did Page moved toward him, putting an arm around his shoulder and nestling against him. When they were in public everyone would have thought that they were just friends. Whenever they were alone, however, Page automatically assumed the dominant role, and Devetko accepted it without complaint. When Page lay back, curled into the corner of the couch, he took Devetko with him, putting his arms around him and sighing contentedly. He was glad that Devetko had taken him up on his offer of being his roommate; it gave them the chance to be together more often without having to make any annoying excuses. He loved just being near him. Of course Devetko never spoke much about it--he never said anything while they made love, it was Page who did all that--but that didn't bother him at all. He knew it was a little harder for him to express himself that way. Simply accepting Page for who he was without question was reward enough. He'd never thought that he'd actually find someone this close on campus. That made him love Devetko all the more.
Devetko allowed him to gently caress his arms, nuzzling his neck as they curled up on the couch. He nibbled lightly on his ear, stroking his face. He was holding Devetko from behind so he rested his head on his shoulder. It had been a long day, and he was sure that they were both tired. He wasn't sure if it was tiredness or something else that made Devetko close his eyes as Page caressed him. When Devetko sighed he guessed that it must be a combination of the two.
He moved his arm, reaching down and carefully pulling at Devetko's belt.
Devetko's eyes flew open. He turned his head to the side, and Page sensed disapproval in his voice. "Page."
"It's all right," Page insisted, placing a packet in his hand. Devetko glanced at it. "'Always be prepared,'" Page went on. "I know. Relax."
Devetko sighed again, this time in slight annoyance, but did as he was told.
Page finally managed to undo Devetko's belt, pulling his pants down as far as he could, considering that they were still curled up together in the corner of the couch. He loosened his own belt and did the same, grateful for Devetko's somewhat grudging assistance in removing his own pants since Page couldn't reach them. He nuzzled his neck again, trying to dispel his irritated mood. At first it didn't really seem to work much--Devetko just didn't appear to be very interested--but when he started caressing his arms again, taking his hands in his own, Devetko sighed a third time, closing his eyes and cocking his head slightly to the side as Page kissed his neck.
This was the approval that Page had been looking for. He slid his hands down Devetko's body and stroked him until he began to grow hard. Then he pulled his hands away, moving to Devetko's buttocks, gently kneading and fondling them. His breath was beginning to come faster; all that he had to do was feel him before he started to become excited. He continued nuzzling his partner's neck, moving his legs while Devetko stayed still, twining around him, rubbing slowly against his skin. He murmured soft words in Devetko's ear as they touched.
"I love you," he murmured, kissing the back of his neck. When Devetko arched slightly he nibbled his ear again. "You're my pet, my darling, my little boy. I just love you."
As always, Devetko didn't reply. He kept his eyes closed as Page kissed him, his hands clenched in front of him while Page's hands ran under and between them. "You make me hot for you," Page went on, his teeth scoring lightly against Devetko's skin. "You make me hard for you. I want you to touch me. I want you to feel me."
Devetko did so, reaching his hand behind them. Page grasped it and guided him back. He let out his breath when Devetko touched him, trailing his fingers up and down. He did this only for a moment before Page abruptly removed his hand, grasping his buttocks again, kneading harder than he had before. He was panting over Devetko's shoulder.
"I want to be in you," he breathed, his legs twining. Devetko didn't reply. Page spread his buttocks and positioned himself, then took Devetko by the waist and drew him toward him, letting out a soft cry as he pressed slowly inside. Devetko still made no sound, though his breath was coming fast. Page now put his arms around his partner again, hugging him close, and slowly, carefully, started swiveling his hips, trying to find a rhythm. He knew that Devetko preferred their lovemaking to be slow and easy; that was the way he actually preferred it, too, yet he often couldn't control himself. He wrapped his legs around Devetko's for further leverage, as their position was a little awkward; then he started pushing, gently, easily, pressing against and inside his partner, his heart pounding hard in his chest.
"Chance, Chance," he whispered, caressing his face. Devetko understood his need to speak while they made love. He usually said the same things, though now he had different names by which to call him, besides his given name. "God, I just love you. Can you feel me? Can you feel how hard I am? It's for you. You do this to me. God, Chance, I love you. You're my darling boy, my darling boy. I love feeling you deep inside, deep inside--"
Devetko gasped and jerked slightly. Page's arms moved down so that he hugged him around the waist; he moaned softly. Of course they were moving relatively slow right now; however, Devetko could sense Page's need to go faster, his urgent need to move harder. As before he knew that it wouldn't be long before he started to lose control. It was something he needed to get used to, as he knew that there was no way he could stop or control it.
"Chance," Page breathed, swiveling his hips a little faster. He let go his hold around Devetko's waist, again stroking his hardness, as he had before. "My boy. I love your body. I love you. I love how you let me in, how you make me feel. Nobody's done this but you. Nobody--" He jerked himself, his hands suddenly squeezing. Devetko cried out, partly in surprise, partly in pain, partly at the thrill which passed through him. Page felt a flush of embarrassment and let go, instead fondling his buttocks again. He hadn't meant to grab so hard, and was sure that had hurt. He didn't need to stroke Devetko to maintain his excitement, he knew; it would be better off if he kept his hands away from there when he didn't know what he was going to do next. He sensed that he was moving faster again; no matter how hard he tried to control it he always ended up going too fast. It made him feel guilty for Devetko, as he knew that he liked going more slowly; yet there was nothing that he could do.
Their breath was coming fast. His swiveling was becoming a hard, undulating grind; his fingers sank into Devetko's buttocks as he moved, growing quicker. He gave voice to his fevered thoughts as he moved.
"God, I need to get deeper," he whispered huskily. Devetko winced. "I need to feel you deeper, Chance, harder--I love you like crazy--deeper--uunnhhh!"
He groaned loudly, squeezing hard and thrusting, his hips jerking forward, sharply into his partner. Devetko cried out again, his own mind racing.
This is it. This is it. This is it.
"--Oh, God!" Page moaned, his fingers sinking into Devetko's skin. He threw back his head, clenching his teeth. "I can't control it--God, I love you! You feel so good--my pet--oohh!"
He abandoned all thoughts of moderation. The wild urge he had now was simply too strong. He wrapped his arms over Devetko's legs, clutching him tight, and pushed at him hard, thrusting, plunging. The motion was so hard and fast that the two of them moved together, Page pressing hard against Devetko, who gasped with each movement, it was so sudden. Page groaned, his muscles spasming as he thrust repeatedly.
"Chance!" he cried. Devetko moaned. "Oh--deeper--deeper--I love you--I've got to feel you--hard in you--full in you--mmhh," he grunted, his chest heaving from the strain. His plunging, stabbing motion was rapid. "--Deeper in you--I love you--my boy, my little boy--oh, God, Chance--oh, God--!"
His hips bucked, arching upward. He moaned, shivering with pleasure and relief, feeling his release. Devetko let out a long, low wail, as if in pain; his hands were gripping Page's tight, and from where he was Page could see him quiver, his erection waning and dying. They both sank down into the couch, Devetko on top, Page still penetrating deep inside him; they let out their breath and went completely limp, panting and gasping for air. For a long time they stayed that way.
It took quite a while for Page to catch his breath. By the time he'd finally done so, he started to move--only to find Devetko not following suit. He paused and looked at his partner intently. He was sure that he hadn't meant to do it, but Devetko had dozed off, purely exhausted. That surprised Page; it was simply something that Devetko wouldn't normally do, especially not when Page was still inside him! Nevertheless, he was asleep. Page smiled to himself and relaxed against the arm of the couch. He didn't mind the company. In fact he thought it a rather pleasant way to fall asleep. With a tired, satisfied sigh he nestled close again, holding Devetko to him and resting his head on his shoulder, and fell asleep, himself.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.