About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
What's Good For The Goose... CODE: M (set in the Manitou Island storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Gerard Dupries/Ocryana (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Potential spoilers. This one was a false start scene. Ocryana, former mate of the lake demon Ocryx (who, as you can tell from his many adult scenes, REALLY gets around), is rather miffed that he's out siring so many offspring and she doesn't have any to her name, except Tal Natha...and look what a disappointment HE turned out to be. Seeing as Ocryx is currently engaged with Justine Dupries, Ocryana thinks it's only fitting to seduce her husband, Gerard. It's already known that Gerard is unable to father children, but Ocryana thinks maybe she can find a way around that. Turns out she's wrong...so everything that happens here is for naught. (Cue Moon Wolf...but that's another, as-yet-unwritten story.)
DISCLAIMERS: Well, it served no ultimate purpose, but I guess it still happened, so... Also, the mention of the "pedestal" and "book" is outdated, a remainder from my older stories when I claimed that Ocryx determined people's deaths by writing them in a book--this no longer happens in current stories.
* * * * *
What's Good For The Goose...
"Your wife?" Ocryana smiled. "Ocryx enjoys the favors of your wife almost nightly. You would hardly be shaming her."
"You lie," Gerard whispered, his blood going cold. Vague memories of that one night--that night he'd dreamed seeing the beast ravishing his wife right before him--started coming back.
"Do I?" The demoness waved her hand. Gerard started when the air before him flared and began to glow, forming a wavery image. He blinked to make it out.
It seemed to be taking place at a distance--in a cave--though he couldn't tell where. He recognized Ocryx, the giant demon he'd seen in his room that night. The creature sat upon a type of rough pedestal before a book. Justine--his wife--was joined with the demon in sensual union, her legs draped on both sides of his lap. She held him closely with her arms wrapped around his back, her face pressed to his breast. The demon dwarfed her; he was almost twice her size, yet it was all too clear that they were coupling, and enjoying their odd lovemaking. Gerard silently watched Justine's buttocks quiver as the beast pushed his hips up and into her, the rest of her barely moving, simply surrendering to him; his snake tail slithered forward and wound around her lower back, tugging her closer. Gerard heard her cry; when she threw back her head the two of them kissed, the demon's long wolf tongue trailing inside her mouth. He growled and rocked, thrusting slowly.
Gerard turned away.
"See!" Ocryana waved again. "He enjoys her in ways she's never shown you. Look, human, and learn."
He turned back. The two had changed their position, or rather Justine had, to better accommodate the demon as he was used to mating; she still sat in his lap, though now with her back to him, while Ocryx coupled with her from behind, his tail winding sinuously around her legs, and then around her waist to draw him further into her. Gerard could hear his low growl of pleasure as he licked at her neck, his clawed hands fondling her breasts, one squeezing hard enough to bruise. Justine gasped and bit her lip.
"See, human?" Gerard barely noticed Ocryana's voice as he dimly watched the demon place his wife upon her belly on a stone bed and lie down upon her, his giant frame engulfing hers, just her head and lower legs visible beneath the labored back and forth thrusting of his body. When his tail whipped from side to side Gerard caught a fleeting glimpse of his member, so massive that he couldn't see how Justine could take it. His heavy panting hissed out between bared teeth, his glowing eyes narrowed and a low growl in his throat. Justine cried out and writhed beneath him so he increased his thrusts. His wife let out a cry throaty with passion.
"You see," Ocryana murmured again with a smile. "Your wife goes to him and they enjoy each other while you sleep. So I would see no harm," she went on, her own eyes narrowing, "if the two of us should do the same thing."
He turned to her. "What do you suggest?" he demanded in a hiss, anger and disgust flaring up inside him.
The demoness smiled, her fangs gleaming. "What the wife does is just as good for the husband. And what Ocryx does is just as good for his supposed 'mate.' I merely suggest we take advantage of the situation. Your wife is absent, human, and I doubt she'll be back for a while. It appears our demon friend likes her company as much as she does his." She glanced at the glowing image--Justine pushing herself up on her arms while Ocryx's hips pinned hers down, a vicious snarl escaping him as she sobbed in climax--and laughed.
"You don't even attract me," Gerard replied in a low voice. He didn't care how she took it. The creature turned to him quickly, her eyes narrowing further with a dangerous look. Then she smiled again and approached him.
"That can easily be taken care of. You think Ocryx's looks alone attract your wife? There's much more beneath the surface that you know nothing about."
"What are you talking about?" Gerard said, backing away.
She reached him--standing taller by about six inches--and placed her arms over his shoulders, so close that he could feel her breath. "Let's just say...we Ocryxes have a natural attraction for others."
He shuddered. Yet her glowing eyes trapped his and after a moment he felt his disgust begin to dissolve. He tried to fight it, but slowly he felt himself being drawn to her. The wolf face and claws and scaled tail didn't seem so repellent anymore; if anything, they attracted him, the thought of being with such a bestial creature, more so the thought of possessing her, subjugating the creature to his will. As his resolve faded she started laughing again.
"So easy! You humans are the simplest creatures, so easy to win over. You're all ruled by your animal instincts. I should have known you would be no different."
Gerard wasn't listening anymore. With a snarl he grabbed her arm--she merely cast him an amused smile--and turned her around, pushing her over the bed. He unbuckled and struggled to pull down his pants over the rapid swelling inside. Freed, his member throbbed outward, as if with a mind of its own; he pushed the snake tail out of the way and thrust brutally inside. A ragged groan escaped him; a jolt of pleasure surged upward through his body. This was better than he'd ever thought it could be.
Panting hoarsely, he sank his fingers into her fur and started pushing hard.
Ocryana laughed derisively. "You call this lovemaking? You're so small, I can barely feel you. What little twig are you using, human?"
He taunting infuriated him. He ground his teeth and drove harder, propelling himself inside her so hard that the large oak bed shook. His skin grew red where he slammed into her. The fire coursed through him, only increasing his lust. Yet the demoness only continued laughing.
"Do you need some assistance, human? You can't find your way inside? Here, let me help you."
He felt the snake tail wrap around his waist, drawing him closer, but also almost squeezing the breath out of him. His head reeled with dizziness. He barely heard his own harsh groans, his desperate cries of desire, his frenzied animal grunting as he pounded, thrusting savagely, his pants bunched around his knees and his thighs quivering. Just dimly, he thought he finally sensed the demoness gaining some small amount of pleasure from the coupling, a swift pant escaping her, a slight arch of her back; Gerard let out a guttural yell and drove his hips forward, his fluid exploding from him, felt also her tight clutch of climax, and then the tail wrapped around him more tightly than before, cutting off his yell and forcing the air from his lungs. His eyes bulged and he struggled to suck in a breath; Ocryana unceremoniously pulled him off of her, turning and standing so she towered over him, her wings flaring. Her tail released him and he fell to the floor, gasping brokenly and holding his cracked ribs.
When he managed to look up at her she sneered and let out a light snort. Her breast rose and fell a little more quickly than before, and her eyes possessed a strange glow, but apart from that he found no trace of passion from their frantic lovemaking. "Puny human," she muttered, nudging him away with her foot. "As much as I loathe Ocryx at least he has something to offer me, a tall sturdy tree compared to your petty twig. I'm surprised you managed to find your way inside me at all. If our one-sided union produces anything of note I certainly hope it grows to be more impressive than you."
"P-produces?" Gerard gasped.
She snorted again. "You really think I came here for my own enjoyment? Please. I could always convince Ocryx to join me if that was what I wished; spirits know he would take the opportunity. His thoughts are ruled by the same things as yours. Still, a human with half my strength should be powerful enough."
Gerard gaped up at her. "You...you wanted me to father...your child?"
The demoness's lip curled with disgust. "Don't think I chose you for any outstanding reason, other than the fact that your wife isn't here to get in the way. Ocryx has fathered enough half-human offspring, most with their own great powers, among them your son. Don't look so surprised, human--did you really believe he was yours? It's about time I started propagating my own little family. We wouldn't want him gaining too much control over the Island, would we?" She stooped to present him with a false smile, lightly touching his chin. "Don't worry your simple mind, human. Just because you can't give your pretty wife children doesn't mean you won't work for me. I have ways of making things work. And believe me, though our first little tryst here wasn't very...exciting, you'll be seeing more of me in the future. I have plans for you. I simply hope you can keep up with me." She stood tall again and her form began to glow and then fade, leaving only the echo of her laugh dangling in the air behind her, Gerard, drained and half naked, watching the empty space where she'd stood.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.