About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Brief Respite CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Both scenes: NA
PAIRING: Gregory/Elise Danbrook (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Gregory, that VERY uptight character in some of the other scenes with former Scorpio high priest Alec Bodine and later on with Luther Broderick, really really really needs some action! This attempted pairing with then-cult member Elise Danbrook (see "Keep Your Enemies Close" for more info on her) was just some such action. Temporary action, might I add. I'm not entirely positive if this fits in with the timeline of events, if Elise was the right age or was even in the cult at this time...so...if the timing is NOT right, then just excuse these as out of continuity. Or something. Blah.
DISCLAIMERS: Some POV problems. I think I already mentioned how I'm not even sure if these scenes could have really taken place in the existing timeline or not. I should really keep a calendar. o_o; Also, there is no reason for Elise to be wandering around the cult compound without a male chaperone--at the least!
* * * * *
Brief Respite
Gregory followed Elise into the bathroom, making sure to keep a slight distance behind her. He didn't want it to look like he was stalking her. Even with his high position in the cult--or perhaps because of it--he didn't get--or take--many chances to go with one of the many women in the common room. Alec had offered him the choice several times but Gregory had never taken it, unsure of whether the high priest was joking or not. In any case he noticed that Alec had next to no interest for Elise, and that could be a good thing; whenever Alec was interested in a woman it meant stay away. He couldn't remember anymore how long it had been since the last time he'd been with one, but it had been a long time, and Alec's half-joking prompts on several occasions only served to remind him of that. He could barely take it anymore. He had to find release somehow.
She went to a sink to look at herself in the mirror, not noticing him yet. When she did she let out a little gasp and jumped, one hand flying to her chest. He hadn't meant to sneak up on her like that. Nevertheless, it was his only chance. He wouldn't give her a chance to speak before moving in. If she did protest, he'd back off. But only then. He wasn't going to force himself on her.
Elise was startled to see Gregory follow her into the bathroom, and even more startled when he came straight at her, covering her mouth with his and grasping her arms firmly as they met. She was too stunned to even say anything. She hadn't expected this; he'd never given her any kind of sign before that he was interested in her. He'd never even looked her way! She had to avoid tripping over her own feet as he backed her toward one of the stalls, reaching out one hand and shutting the door behind him as they entered it. Then he only continued kissing her, touching the side of her face lightly with his fingers, still holding her arm with his other hand.
He was trying to be gentle, at least, even though being in such close proximity to her was making him burn even hotter inside. She wasn't ugly, but she wasn't beautiful either; he didn't care one way or the other how she looked, just as long as she functioned properly. He ran his tongue along hers; she'd been caught so offguard that he'd easily pried open her mouth and gotten inside, without even one yell. She certainly wasn't putting up much of a fight. He reached down and started pulling at the zipper on his pants, his breath coming faster, fumbling to remove the hardening swelling inside.
He was intending to make love to her. That much was clear to Elise as he started undoing his pants. She was still too confused to do much of anything, other than allow him to. Was this a good idea? Why had he chosen her anyway? Had Alec put him up to this? Was it a trick? How long had he been keeping an eye on her? She didn't even know what to ask herself. At least he wasn't being rough with her, as she knew Alec would be if it were him. Luckily she'd never had the chance to be with the high priest, and if luck kept up things would stay that way.
Maybe I should go along with this. It can't hurt.
It was better than refusing him and possibly making it hurt. She didn't know what was going through his mind. He was gentle enough now, if not too patient; she dropped her arms down to her sides and relaxed against the wall where he was pressing her, one hand now reaching for her pants. The other still squeezed her upper arm, not hard, but insistent.
Gregory pulled at the waistband of her pants and managed to get them down to her knees, and then push them off with his foot. He nudged at her leg with his knee to spread her. She complied. That surprised him. She wasn't fighting back at all, as he'd expected her to; instead he felt her muscles relax and she let him remove her underwear without saying a word. He kept kissing her, just to try to hide the huskiness of his breath; hoping dimly that no one would come in and interrupt them in the middle of things, he positioned himself, brought his hips forward, and pushed up, entering her.
He let out his breath abruptly. It had been far too long for him; he was glad now that she hadn't fought back, or else maybe he really wouldn't have been able to control himself. Not after a first taste like this. It didn't matter now if she could function or not. Getting inside her was good enough, and if it wasn't good for her, at least it was for him.
Elise sucked in a little breath when Gregory penetrated her, not in a sharp thrust but in a steady, controlled upward push. She was surprised by how much restraint he had despite his almost fierce kisses. He didn't caress her as he made love; he put his hands up on the wall, above and to the sides of her shoulders, kissing her neck, their bodies only meeting where he pushed into her. And now it was barely a push. He seemed to be doing it with barely any motion at all, swiveling his hips in a strong, circular motion, relying more on their closeness than on any thrusting power he could build up. He reached just as deep. Elise dropped her head back against the wall, pulling in a long breath, allowing him to trail his lips across her throat.
Gregory felt the pressure in her body, straining through her like vibrations through a wire, the tremor that passed through her making her press almost unconsciously against him. She didn't touch him, either, at first, as if knowing that the only thing he was interested in was his own release; yet as he moved faster into her, undulating smoothly and with control, she pulled her arms away from the wall and slipped them inside his pants, down to cup his hips as he pressed against her. It quickened his breath. It took him a moment or two to realize that it was her desire that was increasing his pleasure. He hadn't known that such a thing could or would happen; he'd just gone in to have sex with her and leave, whether it was enjoyable for her or not, but her enjoyment just increased his own.
He truly hadn't known that turning a woman on could be so arousing.
He quickened his pace, as if to get it over with, hips swirling against hers in a tight circle, smoothly, faster. She just clutched him tighter, eyes shut, gasping out loud with her head back and her neck bared. Gregory panted, unable to stop it; he stared at her, and the sublimely rapturous look of pleasure on her face made him want to pull her away from the wall, toss her down upon the floor, and start thrusting into her, or perhaps take her out and over one of the sinks, bending her over, going at her rapidly and urgently while standing behind her, between her legs, or falling down himself, and feeling her long smooth legs on both sides of him, straddling him, sitting atop him, letting him push upwards as she rode him, his fingers clutching her bared breasts, or maybe even taking her in one of the filthier ways that Alec had mentioned doing Miss Clare, placing her over a chair and kneeling to enter her or having her arch herself up on hands and feet and pulling himself into her like a wheelbarrow, or mouthing her, or having her mouth him--
Elise let out a small cry. Gregory snapped back to the present, immediately filled with alarm and disgust at the images that had gone racing through his head, yet also ashamed that they actually turned him on, now that he had a woman here with him who'd be able to do them for him; he gasped and tried not to cry out himself as he came, imagining himself squeezing her breasts beneath her shirt, and as he released he could feel her come too, arching sharp against him and crying out again, her head bent far back as her chest heaved and she tightened around him. Her hands, still inside his pants, held him to her tight until the vibrating in her body died down; as soon as she let go, slumping back against the wall with a slight letting out of breath, Gregory removed himself from her abruptly, earning another gasp. Now that it was over he had to get out of there as soon as possible before he even considered doing any of the things that had passed through his head. Going at it here in an empty bathroom stall was bad enough; just thinking about all of those filthy things that only Alec would do disgusted him. He turned away from her as she pushed herself up, zipping up his pants and quickly smoothing out his clothes.
Elise watched him silently, wondering why he seemed so intent on leaving so quickly. If they were caught it probably wouldn't mean much; Alec had established that he wasn't interested in her, and that made her fair game for anyone else, though she'd never expected the attention. Gregory's sex had been passionate enough, his need urgent. She honestly didn't think that one time would do it for him.
Gregory didn't think so either. That was why he had to get out of there. He forced himself not to look back at her as he turned to the door and left her behind, pacing briskly away. Elise only watched him go before stooping to pull up her pants and underwear, tucking in her shirt and smoothing herself out as best as she could, running a hand back through her long straight hair. She wasn't quite sure what all that had been about. He'd been pretty set on leaving but she found it hard to convince herself that he wouldn't be paying her any more visits. She hoped that next time--if there was a next time--it would at least be somewhat more private than the restrooms. She forgave him this time, though, for his obvious urgency, and, after briefly straightening herself out before the mirror, she also left the bathroom, walking away in the opposite direction of the one he'd gone in.
Just Once More
She was dismayed when a man appeared in the hallway in front of her, blocking her way. She thought that she'd been keeping a careful enough eye out for anyone, but apparently not. He carried a gun and gave her a look she didn't like.
"What are you doing down here?"
Elise shuffled a foot and backed away a step or two, fiddling. "I--uh--I was just--"
"You're supposed to be in the common room. None of you out here alone."
She nodded briefly. "I know, I--"
The door opened and Gregory glanced out, seeing first the guard, then Elise. His look remained guarded but she was almost certain that she'd seen something flash in his eyes. "It's all right," he said to the guard, who scowled at Elise and turned away. Gregory went back into his room; relieved, Elise followed, silently shutting the door behind her.
She'd expected him to be alone. She was right. It had been several days since he'd encountered her in the bathroom, and he still hadn't returned, or even said anything to her. She wasn't expecting him to, not really. But she thought that there might still be some need in there waiting to be taken care of, something that would only grow and grow until someone did something about it. He'd come to her the last time. Maybe she should come to him.
"What?" he asked, in an odd, flat voice that told her he was hiding anything he might be feeling.
Elise fiddled her fingers again, nervously. She wasn't sure if this was too good an idea. "I--uh...I was--going to..." She tried to think of some reason why she'd be showing up, and none but the truth came to mind, so she trailed off, staring at him helplessly.
He turned and looked back at her, and after a moment the hard flat look in his eyes started to fall. Elise let out her breath and realized that she'd been right. One time wouldn't be enough for him, when he'd been holding off for as long as he had. He took several uncertain steps toward her, and they paused; then he was kissing her, devouring her, probing hard at her with his tongue, one hand holding her jaw open and the other running down her side.
Elise abandoned herself completely to him. It was what she'd gone there for. He broke away from her mouth only to start on her neck, his lips teasing her across her throat to her ear. She opened her mouth and arched her neck for him. He was holding her side, and as his kiss became more insistent his hand moved lower still, clutching through her pants, sinking into her. A low growl rose in his throat.
"I'll do anything you want," Elise whispered huskily. It was the truth. Until he'd taken her in the bathroom she'd felt useless and unwanted by the cult; now that she was fulfilling some purpose it made her feel better, attractive even.
Gregory groaned inside. Why did she have to say that? Because it only made him hotter, and made all of those images that he'd tried to shut out of his mind come back with a fury. I'll do anything you want. Would she still be saying that once she actually was? He wanted to control himself, to contain himself, but it was getting so much harder to do.
I have to have her, just this once, I have to have her, all of her, all of her, now--
He knew that "just this once" would never be the truth. But he had to have her. He had to have her his way. To hell with everything conventional, lying on top of her or even her on top of him or him in her mouth; one of the images that Bodine had put in his head, with Miss Clare, kept burning itself into him, and he knew he had to do it or go crazy thinking about it. Elise had said "anything you want." To hell with her changing her mind in the middle of things. He couldn't take it anymore.
Still, he tried to fight it, at least temporarily. Elise continued receiving his kiss and was surprised to suddenly feel herself moving, until she realized that he'd picked her up and was carrying her--not to the bed, as she'd thought, no--but to a stand leaning against the wall. He hoisted her atop it, his tongue still in her mouth; once she sat there facing him he reached in front to fumble with the buttons on her blouse, somehow managing to undo them and pull her shirt open. He undid and tossed away her bra impatiently; Elise gasped to feel him drop his head, licking at her breasts, mouthing the nipples until they grew hard. Her breasts weren't very large; but Gregory didn't care. She was useful enough. He moved back to her mouth, cupping and squeezing one in each hand, then dropping a hand and pulling at her pants.
He removed them, just like last time. He unzipped his own as he had before. Elise automatically reached out to fondle him this time; Gregory's panting grew faster but he didn't object. She could touch, as long as she didn't interfere. He pushed her legs wide, pulling himself to her, hands clutching at her buttocks, her knees crooked up to his elbows; he devoured her mouth deeply, pressing hard against her, feeling her legs curl around him and her own hips push expectantly at his; but after a moment he groaned in frustration and abruptly pulled away. It wasn't good enough. He couldn't get that image out of his head. He knew that he wouldn't go satisfied unless they did it that way.
Elise stared at him for a moment, confused and panting, her legs still opened for him; when he turned away, running his hands down his face, she gingerly stepped down from the stand and went to him, hoping that she hadn't gotten him mad somehow. When she cautiously touched his arm he turned back to her, and she could see the fire still in his eyes. He still wanted her, but obviously not that way. He was holding back.
Why so? Still puzzled, Elise stood up a little straighter so her shirt fell back a little and her breasts stood out a bit more. She dipped her head slightly, her eyes at once shy and beckoning. Gregory's own breath increased again; his eyes wandered from her chest down to the patch between her legs, slightly obscured as she stood with her legs crossed, a little nervous. But he knew that look she was giving him.
I'll do anything you want.
So she'd meant it. She wasn't leaving now that she had the obvious chance. He didn't know why; and frankly, now that he knew she wouldn't, he didn't care. He kissed her again, felt her arms around him; he steered her toward the other side of the room, where his chair stood near the wall; he was dimly glad now that it had a padded back and no armrests. He didn't want her breaking a rib and he needed all the space he could get. They reached it and as he turned it around Elise seemed to know what he meant; she didn't move as he brought her to it, setting her up on it so she bent over its back with her knees on its seat. Her hands rested on a shelf behind the chair, low enough so that she was bent nearly double, her back to him. Her own breath quickened a little; this was something she'd never thought of. She supposed that Bodine had put it in his head at some time. Only Bodine would think of something so weird. Nevertheless, she stayed still and waited for him.
She wasn't objecting. That was good, very good. Gregory thought of kneeling on the chair, as Bodine had told him to do; but that would have been very awkward indeed. He stepped up and straddled the chair on both sides, and found that it was just high enough so he could enter her without having to stand on his toes. His breathing grew more heated; an almost savage gleam came into his eyes. He moved closer, spread Elise's buttocks--she let out a tiny gasp as he did so--and thrust inward, rocking forward on the balls of his feet. His back arched; his head fell back as he filled her, deeply, deeply.
Oh, God, he thought--though he didn't believe in and despised God, it was the only word he could think of--she feels so good, she feels so good--
He pulled back, thrust in again. Elise let out a little cry. He didn't care if it was one of pain or not, though he could tell that it wasn't; as he grasped her hips she let go of the stand behind the chair, knowing that she wouldn't lose her balance now, and he could see her hands running up and down her thighs, up over and cupping her breasts as she arched her neck, almost as if she were wishing for him to touch her. He couldn't reach her, down there; besides, he had to keep her steady for his own use. She could touch herself all she wanted. He pulled out, and began pumping steadily, a little rapidly, panting hard, hearing her whimper and seeing her hands run up and down her body again. The sight turned him on; he imagined her doing the same thing to him.
She had touched him, earlier; it wasn't such a long shot to believe that she would do it again, once she got the chance.
Oh, God, please, please--I'm going to do her, a voice in the back of his head murmured as he thrust, I'm going to do her like I'm doing her now, and finish, and come; and when I'm able I'm going to do her again, in front this time, where I can see her breasts and her face and feel her touch me back; and then I'll do her again, with her atop me and her legs wide, and then I'll do her again, and again, and again...
He was truly confused by this tendency to fantasize about her like that, when before he'd never been interested in her in the least.
Elise moaned, her hands running up and down, up and down. Gregory thrust harder as he imagined her hands upon him, stroking him up and down as they did now, making him hard, accepting him in her mouth, her warm wet tongue curling around him slowly--
The picture, and the feeling, were both so vivid that they brought him to climax, Gregory groaning aloud with his eyes shut, thrusting deeply into her and arching again, spurting inside her as he imagined himself spurting full inside her mouth; Elise cried out, arching as well, her fingers clutching her own breasts tight enough to bruise. Her thighs quivered, Gregory shuddered; then he let out his breath and sank back onto his feet, his hardness dying away inside her. Elise's own muscles loosened and she let out her breath as well, sinking over the chair, waiting for him to do whatever he should do next.
He chose to remove himself, pulling out slowly and backing away; once he was clear of her Elise sat up, feeling dizzy, and stepped carefully off of the chair, one hand brushing her long straight hair back from her eyes. She looked at him, to him, asking silently what he would like her to do next, because she really would do anything he wished. It was the least she could do. He was making her feel wanted for once.
He gave her only a brief glance before turning to his bed, obviously tired. It was late. She took one step, faltered; he reached his bed and lay down with a sigh, turning onto his side. She wasn't sure if the look he'd given her was an invitation or not; with Gregory nothing was ever straightforward. She only stood there for a moment or two, feeling rather stupid, before taking her chances and stepping silently over to the bed, staring at him briefly before putting up one knee and climbing in, as carefully as she could.
The movement of the bed caused him to look back over his shoulder at her, as if in disapproval; she froze but he turned away again, seeming to ignore her, so she now had no idea whatsoever what he wanted. She might as well stay; walking around without a chaperone was, as she already knew, a stupid thing to do. It would probably be safer to just spend the night. She lay down beside him, her back to his, and curled up so as to take up as little room as possible; it was only a long while after she'd shut her eyes and was just starting to doze off that she started awake again to feel him shifting, turning around behind her, his arms slipping under hers and around to hold her to him, hands cupping her small breasts and his head resting gently at her shoulder, his hips pressing warm against her. She started awake because it surprised her; he'd been treating her so cold except for when they made love, when he almost ignored her altogether, except for the feel of her body; she hadn't expected this from him. He didn't speak, and she sensed that he didn't want her to; he didn't want to have to explain any of his conflicting feelings to her, or hear her own about him. He just wanted to have sex with her, hold her, and sleep. Elise understood that, and shut her eyes again, sensing the darkness filling in around her.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.