About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
New To This CODE: M (set in the Manitou Island storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA (prior to Manitou Island)
PAIRING: Mitchi Manitou/Ocryana (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Potential spoilers. Well, I needed a reason for the character Kawaduk in Manitou Island to exist...and this is it. Frustrated in her efforts to mother a powerful male offspring who will side with her, Ocryana seduces the dimwitted Mitchi Manitou. As she finds out here, he's quite eager and willing to comply. See Manitou Island for the results...as creepy as they are.
DISCLAIMERS: The details regarding Ocryx having relations with a male manitou (see "Substitute") may be out of continuity.
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New To This
The two large furred shapes crouched in the dimness. One bent low to the ground and its teeth glinted; its long tail slowly swept from side to side. The second one looked down at it and bared its teeth as well. They growled at each other and their eyes flashed, as if communicating. The standing one craned its neck, and its head tipped down; it began to nuzzle at the backside of the crouching creature, its nose poking between the first creature's buttocks. The crouching creature tensed and stiffened. After a terse inspection the standing creature bent to seize the crouching creature's nape in its teeth; it parted its legs wide and brought its hips down over the other's. It gave a hard push.
Ocryana let out her breath at the sound of the heavy grunt above her, and shut her eyes and briefly imagined that Ocryx mated with her as he began to thrust, moving her slightly forward with each motion. She hadn't been with her mate since he had gotten her with Tal Natha; and she longed for the feel of his hard lean body against hers, his thick rod inside her. Nevertheless she was pleasantly surprised by her new lover.
She turned her head to the side, shivering at the hard panting that met her ears, the sting of the teeth against her neck. "You...do your master...a good service," she whispered, as his motions lifted her hindquarters into the air.
Mitchi Manitou's blue eyes glittered down at her, narrow and glazed. My kind may couple five or six times without resting before we grow tired, he replied, as if proud of this fact. Ocryana shivered again and her tongue lolled out over grinning teeth. She lifted her head as much as she could.
"Then mate me more, manitou, and you'll end this night most satisfied indeed."
He growled and bared his teeth in a strange hollow approximation of her grin. Ocryana stiffened and whimpered. Mitchi's thighs pressed hard against her. Her breath was too heavy to allow her to speak further. He growled softly, his large penis filling her full. She panted hard. He went somewhat slowly the first time, as if to savor her; she could sense his thoughts, unmasked, and felt his pleased lust. She saw images in his mind, images that aroused her as well as him...the sight of Ocryx, the almighty Ocryx, bending over to hurriedly couple with his own manitous in order to sate his own needs...and then another vision of the demon mounting and pushing at a male manitou as it coupled with another male, the two rocking frenziedly beneath his desperate thrusts. She chuckled to herself at the sight. Foolish demon, to force himself upon his followers when all that he had to do was what she had done, and easily won over his strongest manitou.
Mitchi grunted and his hips spasmed. His teeth held her tight and he let out his breath as his seed drained within her. She felt him shift slightly and bite at her nape again to get himself into position.
Do you...do you never try any other positions, manitou?
She sensed a curious thought from him, more puzzled than annoyed. Her mouth twitched. I mean anything more than in this manner, from behind like a dog. Do you never try anything else?
Else...? He seemed genuinely confused.
Ocryana growled. Get yourself off of me and I'll show you.
At first he seemed puzzled again, but then, sensing that she didn't mean to end their coupling, he complied. She carefully rose to her feet, wincing at the slight ache that twinged through her. She turned to look Mitchi up and down; he panted slightly, and his big penis hung fat and limp between his legs, not having retreated into its sheath. She assumed that it must stay out as long as he coupled. The breath caught in her throat for a moment and as she moved toward him she reached down one hand to cup his dangling sac. Mitchi stiffened upright and his eyes widened. The demon grinned.
You mean to tell me you have never tried even that?
N...no, he managed, blinking.
Then prepare yourself for some pleasant surprises. You poor fool. Have you no imagination at all? Lie down upon the ground here.
Lie--lie down--? Me?
Ocryana growled. Yes, you. Hurry up. I grow impatient. In case you forget my only concern is not playing dog-and-bitch with you.
He bared his teeth but didn't snarl. He did as she said, and lay down upon the ground, though with an utterly confused look. Ocryana spread her wings and came down over him and his breath hitched. She was just slightly smaller than he was, not much, but enough to make a difference. Her furry legs straddled his own and she stood over him for a moment, her hands reaching beneath herself to spread her vulva open. Mitchi began panting and salivating just looking up at her.
She smiled and ran her clawed fingers slowly up and down the glistening hood. Do you enjoy this?
He nodded hastily. Stupidly.
Her smile grew. She pushed her hips forward more and her hands reached to her buttocks, parting them to reveal the tight pink ring of her anus. Do you enjoy this?
His breath spurted in and out of him. He blinked a few times, but then nodded. Ah. He was new to this.
She let go of herself and leaned down, reaching out and cupping his sac, fingers trailing up his rod which trembled and began to rise. She licked away the bead of fluid at the tip, and her tongue trailed down the shaft to the root; she gently took his testicles in her mouth, sucking and then releasing them slowly. She blew upon them and he yelped and jerked, spurting prematurely.
She grinned. Do you enjoy that?
He whimpered and nodded.
She came over him again, again spreading her vulva. He stared up at her with glazed eyes and open mouth; when she came down over his face he at first started and struggled, but the pressure of her most secret area against his mouth, and her sharp moan, caught his attention. His tongue slipped inside her and probed at her tight wet walls, his nose snuffling. He licked over her clitoris and she arched and whined aloud. She had to pull away or risk losing herself to him. She panted heavily.
Do you enjoy that...?
Yes, he barked. His body squirmed beneath her. Pick one and let us at it! I cannot control myself!
Which would you most like at the moment, manitou?
Any, any, so long as we get started! I am hard and full to bursting! Quit this torture!
The demon gave a low murmuring laugh. Very well...then I choose this. She quickly took him in her mouth and sucked, hearing his whimper, before backing away. She reached beneath herself to part her buttocks. Mitchi's glazed eyes followed her exact motions as she brought herself down upon him, the thick rod of his penis slowly pushing its way up into her anus. Ocryana bared her teeth in a silent snarl, eyes slitted and hackles rising; Mitchi whimpered again and his hips rose. She implanted him within herself, letting out her breath; she placed her hands upon his breast, her thighs tightening, and pushed herself down once, and twice.
Mitchi seized her hips and pushed upwards once, and twice. His back arched.
This time they went a bit more quickly, considering; she didn't blame the poor fool, being as apparently unsatisfied as he was. If she ran this place, she would have her pick of the choicest males around here whenever, however she felt like it. She considered the thought of two of the big strong bulls within her at once and the idea made her tongue loll anew. She allowed Mitchi to share the thought, and he whined and tossed his head, claws sinking into her.
Two...at once...? This could be done...done with two females as well...?
Of course, fool...you could even take three if you wished, or more...have you no imagination whatsoever?
I...we did not know this was possible. Not until we saw the master doing it...but we thought perhaps, it was only possible for him to do...
Ocryana snorted. Your sort truly is stupid...you may take whoever you wish, however you wish, whenever you wish. Do not wait for some silly female to come to you and raise her tail out of heat. Take what you need when you need it. If you need two females to satisfy your needs, then take two. Couple with one, while you mouth the other, if you so wish. Spirits, have another male poke you in the back while you're at it!
The demon growled and her ears went back. She began to bounce atop him, earning a yelp. Truly...truly stupid creatures you are; it's a pity, with how well hung your sort is, too...
She quit trying to communicate with him, except to allow him to see the carnal thoughts that flew through her head, she imagining manitous, herself and manitous, in all sorts of interesting positions making love. Mitchi moaned louder the more he saw until he ended up seizing her hips with a harsh cry, climaxing, before pulling her from him and sitting upright. When he took hold of her leg and brought it over his shoulder, biting at her own shoulder, she laughed.
I see you learn already, dumb manitou? What will you do now?
Be quiet, silly female. You wished to be taken by the best bull there is. Now you shall. I have counted. Upon my best night I came fourteen times within the same female and left her bleeding and exhausted by morn. She mothered an excellent brood. I believe I will top this number with you as you are stronger than she. Perhaps I may take you sixteen, seventeen times this night, as I am so full of juice.
Ocryana shivered and smiled, eyes narrowing. Already he held her hips tightly as he swiveled his own, penis pushing in and out of her slickness, her vagina clinging to him like a fist. Oh...you really think I will lie around and let you do as you will, as long as you will? I have a life too, dumb manitou...you'd do best-- She shut her eyes and arched with a murmur. --To remember this fact.
He growled and his teeth seized her neck, making her gasp and go limp. Quiet, female! You told me to take you as I saw fit, and I shall. This is--this is my third! He grunted and his eyes rolled, his body quivering in a paroxysm of lust. Ocryana whimpered at the warm gush of his fluid. And now...now I shall try for four! he whispered madly.
Ocryana didn't protest. The more they coupled, the greater her chances of bearing an offspring...which was her true purpose with the lusty manitou. So she simply smiled and submitted to whatever he wished. One heated hour found her pressed up against the cave wall with the great beast thrusting up into her deeply; another hour found the two locked together in frenzied coupling, Mitchi leaning back with his legs before him, Ocryana gritting her teeth as he impaled her, her legs bending back to encircle his waist as he tightly gripped her hips, her back to him, their motions furious, fast, rocking, sweating, groaning, lusting. She had not slept, and neither had he, before the morning came. The other waking manitous rubbed their eyes and sat up to groggily watch the two mating, now standing, Ocryana bowed, in the middle of the room, Mitchi hugging her waist tight and tossing his head back, letting out a long string of short, tight, desperate grunts with each quick spasming push. He had even learned to bring his hands down to rub his fingers along her wetness, gently rubbing her spot of pleasure, to make the orgasms coursing through her much more pleasurable to both her and him. His seed exploded from him and the demon arched and snarled. The others merely watched, dumbfounded.
True to his word, once he was done, Ocryana was exhausted, bleeding, covered with sweat, aching and entirely satisfied...and full of her new bull's strong seed, positive that a child would soon drop from her loins. A weakened smile came to her panting face. This night had gone exactly as planned. She was in such a good humor that she tolerated Mitchi running his hand along her belly as he nuzzled at her ear. Manitous...so easily fooled when they got what they wanted.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.