About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
The Demon Comes CODE: M (set in the Manitou Island storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Ocryx/Leaves Falling (M/F)
EXPLANATION: The scene behind the birth of Silver Eagle Feather. Yep, that's her mother. Nope, I don't have much else to say. *blushes* o_o;; (I am currently working on a VERY long, VERY graphic erotic story about what happens to Leaves Falling following the birth of Silver Eagle Feather in "Daughter Of The Demon." It'll probably be the longest, non-Ameni Chronicles erotic story I have written so far...let's just say that it features lots of manitou sex. *cough*)
DISCLAIMERS: I'm not certain why I included the whole deal with Leaves Falling's brother...I guess I was just bored. Hmwahhh. And I have no clue who the hell that is watching them, nor why he's there. AAGGGGHHH voyeurism!!
* * * * *
The Demon Comes
Leaves Falling took a step backward and then started running through the woods with all of her might, panic welling up inside her. She knew she was watched...probably by the demon of the lake. She had to reach her camp, reach safety. Her feet barely touched the ground.
As she ran, she could almost feel his breath upon her neck, hear his panting as he advanced, gaining on her. Her panic turned to terror. She could never outrun a manitou or a demon. If he wished to, he could easily catch her. Despair swelled inside her heart and even as she picked up her pace, she knew that it was useless.
Her foot snagged in a root and she collapsed hard, the breath knocked from her. Her head whirled. Not too far behind, she could hear the leaves rustling, then a snuffling sound, growing closer. Fear sparked and she scrabbled at the ground with her hands, trying to drag herself forward.
When something furry and warm brushed against her leg, a wetness nudging at her neck, she screamed.
* * * * *
He sat back in the woods and watched silently the strange proceedings. The native woman raced into the clearing and fell; her landing sounded painful, and he winced. She lay there for several moments...before a wolf, larger than any he had ever seen, entered the clearing behind her. His eyes widened on seeing it. It ambled toward the prone woman and then reached her, snuffling at her body, then her neck. She gave a short scream and scrabbled at the leaves in a futile attempt to rise.
The beast didn't let her. It bit at her nape and brought itself over her body. She cried out and struggled. He sat and watched in awe as the wolf placed its hind feet between her legs, keeping them apart, its hips positioned over her. From its furry sheath, its penis slowly emerged. Its tail wagged slowly as the stiff member protruded, and it wriggled itself down toward her backside, seeking entry. It was going to mate with her, whether she wished it to or not.
He sat and held his breath and awaited the results.
* * * * *
Leaves Falling cried out and flailed. Whatever was over her bit down on her nape, rendering her unable to break away; her arms and legs she could still move, but not her body. She felt something furry brush against her again, and then felt its paws nudging at her thighs. Soft warmth lightly touched her backside, and she could now hear it panting hard, snorting through its nose. She could smell its musk. She moaned in fear as she knew what it intended now. The demon. He was here. He had her. He was going to take her, possess her, own her. As if to prove this she felt his furry hips pressed to her own, and screamed anew, bucking her own hips from side to side in a hopeless effort to shake him off. Her cries trailed off into broken whimpering. "Please...please...don't..." She pressed her face to the ground, eyes welling up and spilling over. She bit into her lip hard enough to bleed. Terror laced through every bit of her body.
A voice came into her mind.
This is what you seek, what you have always sought. This, and nothing else. I give you what you most desire. What you most desire in a man, that he would never give you. I give you pleasure, as you will give to me. This is the only price.
"N...no," Leaves Falling whimpered, eyes shut tight. She could feel his penis now, slick and wet, nudging between her buttocks. She tightened and cried harder, shaking.
Yes. You have long desired this.
"N...no...I have not...please, please, let me go...please, I will give you anything...if you'll let me go..."
Foolish human, you can give me nothing more. This is what I seek, this day. And you shall give it willingly.
"Please, let me go!" Leaves Falling sobbed. The prodding appendage poked against her opening and she quailed and arched with tears streaming. It stopped there, didn't enter her.
How must I convince you! Foolish woman! Your body has cried for this for years! Ever since you were of the age of four years and ten. Your brother. You saw him, within the woods. He had caught himself a she-manitou. She cried out, yet he took her, upon the ground. Among the trees and leaves. Upon her back, and then like a dog. She did not desire it. Yet he took her anyway. You watched as he did this, as he groaned his pleasure when he took her.
"No!" Leaves Falling screamed. She shut her eyes again, trying to block out the memory. The wolf panted heavily in her ear.
Yes. This you saw. When he released her she bled. She was a young one, not much older than you. You watched your brother pull up his loincloth and leave her bleeding on the ground. You wanted to tend to her yet you left her for fear of his anger. Yet you hated what he had done. You wished for revenge. This you got, or the manitous themselves got, when one of their own kind took your brother and bent him over and impaled him like a dog. Before he was killed by their kind. This you saw as well.
"Please! STOP!"
And though you detested all you had seen, so the desire still rose within you, to be taken as you had seen, like a dog. For years you have sat in silence, in darkness, fingering yourself, dreaming of your dog to come and mate you as his own. You have dreamed to be his bitch. So much so that it consumes your every sleeping thought. Not a night passes that you do not dream of your cur, and you, his bitch. Is this not so, human?
"No! It is not!" Leaves Falling began to sob as she felt the hot member slowly begin its entry, her captor growing impatient. His thighs pressed to hers and he mounted her hips.
It is little matter. Your body will speak for you. I have decided to give you your dream, to make you my bitch this night. This is all the payment I ask for making your dream come true. You may make yourself happy by believing I force you, yet the truth will be plain in the arch of your body, the heat of your skin. Prepare yourself, I am entering you. This may hurt you.
"Spirits, no, please, DON'T--!"
Leaves Falling arched and shrieked. The wolf entered her, still biting her nape, and then huddled down and furiously began humping at her, whuffing with each push. She bucked and screamed with each movement, tendrils of pain flaring inside. She'd never been with a man before. She felt the blood pooling between her legs and her eyes shut tight, fists digging up the leaves, a loud whimper escaping her.
* * * * *
On the ground the woman lay, prone and unspeaking but for her whimpering. The large wolf held her nape clamped in his teeth. His hips thrust at her rapidly. He grunted and panted and his testicles, large and swollen, swung with each movement. His tail wagged stiffly like that of a friendly dog. The watcher could tell that the demon was pleased with this one.
* * * * *
Leaves Falling lay still and sobbing quietly, unable to believe what was happening to her. She'd heard stories of the demon's lust, of him coming to women in the night, seducing them, coupling with them in whatever form they most desired...one had claimed to have had him as a man...another as a bear...another as a mighty bull moose. One had even claimed that he had mated her as an eagle, she clutching herself to his feathery breast in ecstasy as his wings beat and his talons impaled her limbs. They had not always been willing at the start...yet he had always swayed them. The pleasure from the demon, they claimed, was too great to resist. It always overcame their fear, left them breathless with passion and quaking with desire. Their husbands, they said, could no longer satisfy them afterwards. She believed them. She had seen the looks in their eyes, afterwards. Their pained, shuffling gait, their glazed eyes and faraway expressions and mussed clothing, the marks upon their skin...every so often, one of them would simply wander off toward the lake, and never return. Some said that they gave themselves willingly to the demon, and joined him within his watery home. Others insisted that he coupled with them one last time before ending their lives in the most unspeakable ways possible.
And now, he had chosen her.
Why has he chosen me? she thought despairingly, as his teeth scored her nape and he plunged into her heatedly. He growled and his tongue lolled over her neck. Why of all the women, did he choose me? What do I possibly offer him, over them? Why me...?
Even as she thought it, she shut her eyes tight again and whimpered. Her body began to tighten. She felt a fiery ache deep in her belly and it spread down to sear between her legs. She started shaking and couldn't tell what was wrong with her. The skin on her back prickled, and suddenly she could feel every strand of his fur brushing against her backside, his sac slapping warm against her flesh. Her fingers curled.
A voice, husky and deep with lust, came in her mind. You see...you begin to feel it, now.
Feel...feel what...? Leaves Falling couldn't understand. She'd never coupled before.
The wolf grunted. I see...you have never been mated before. The blood upon your legs should have told me...you begin to feel your desire, your pleasure. You cannot fight it. Do not try. There is no wrong in it. Let it come. We will enjoy this together.
She shut her eyes once more and bit her lip. She didn't want to enjoy it, to give this demon rapist the satisfaction of seducing her willingly. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop it. A whine rose in her throat as she tightened, tightened, aching and on fire. Spirits! The feeling in her belly drove her insane. Her whine grew louder, more desperate.
* * * * *
Upon the ground, the woman whined loudly and began to move. Her hands scrabbled at the leaves; her legs flailed and kicked at the ground. Her back arched, relaxed, arched, relaxed, arched. Her hips bounced beneath those of her canine lover. Her head flew back, baring her neck.
The wolf began to hump faster.
* * * * *
Leaves Falling cried out, clawing at the ground and bucking. She could feel him, hunched over her, his furry hips pinning down her own and convulsing rapidly. His thick pleasured panting filled her ears. He let go of her nape when they both realized that she would no longer fight. She couldn't fight. The strange feelings coursing through her body were too great. She arched herself and tossed her head, and he licked her neck, tongue going inside her ear. She screamed. She twisted, hips pinned down, and kicked futilely. She wished that her breasts were free, so she could offer them to him. Spirits...she wished that she crouched beneath him and licked at his sac and sheath. She couldn't believe the thoughts she was having.
You wish for this...? For more...? You may suck at my rod, and I will suck at your teats, if you so desire, human.
Leaves Falling shrieked. "Oh spirits! Yes! Anything--anything! Yes!"
He grunted once more, a guttural sound, pleased. His teeth lightly seized her nape a final time as he bore down on her in his last heated round of thrusting. Leaves Falling bounced with his movements, breasts heaving, one hand slipping up and over his body, clutching at him, hoping to grasp the tight swinging sac that seared her skin. Her fluids gathered, thick and slippery so he growled as he sought final purchase. He achieved it, pounding his hips upon and within her, barking and yelping in climax. His behind quivered as he released. Leaves Falling let out a breathless cry and froze, accepting him, all of him. In that instant, she knew that she would drop his pup. Her legs trembled and bunched. She finally gasped and lurched, slickness spewing forth from inside her to dampen the fertile ground. Her eyes rolled back and she sank into the leaves and dirt, the wolf sinking down over her, panting hard. She lay still and weak; he stayed where he was, flaccid member within her, waiting to recover himself. This did not take long.
Leaves Falling didn't cry out or protest when the wolf nudged her over onto her back, licking at her face, her neck, licking the juices away from her legs. She sighed and whimpered softly, reaching up to place her arms about his furry neck, holding him to her. She stroked his ears, his flanks, his belly. She stroked his sheath, his testicles, felt them heat. He panted.
Your wish...? Your desire...? True, all of them, I will make come true...
* * * * *
Their watcher smiled. He smiled as the woman lay upon her back, clutching tightly to her wolf-lover's hips, lips wrapped about his mighty shaft as he plunged forward into her throat with an ecstatic look upon his face, tongue lolling, eyes slitted. No, this here, his warm semen filling her throat, would not earn them any pups...but from the looks of it, it was earning them a great deal of pleasure. She might not ever be able to return to her tribe for this action...but for the moment, this did not matter. The heat of their bodies, their supreme joy in this stolen moment of lust, mattered. And he understood this fact.
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Thank you!
This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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Click "Contact Me" to let me know what you think!
This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.