About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Substitute CODE: M (set in the Manitou Island storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Ocryx/Unnamed manitou (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Whenever there aren't any available human women, it just seems that Ocryx is bound to get antsy down in that lake of his. There are so many manitous down there. Surely, once in a while...? This scene came out of that idea. I don't know if it really happened or not, I was just fooling around.
DISCLAIMERS: I'm REALLY iffy about the last part, with the male manitous...that just does not seem like something the ultra-hetero Ocryx would do, no matter how riled up he is. I think he'd rather take care of it himself than be with a male. Like I said, maybe I just imagined the whole damn thing. I am repressed! I like yaoi! And there is like NO FRIGGIN' YAOI ON MANITOU ISLAND!! >_<
* * * * *
Ocryx arose from his stony bed with an annoyed growl and began pacing his cave, unable to sleep, all his thoughts too focused on his need. He could feel himself stirring and couldn't control it. He would have to go out and seduce someone, some ignorant female...but that would take too much time and too much energy. Damn it all. The heat inside him was just too great--he needed some release--
He paused, cocked his head, heard murmurings far off. His ears pricked. Manitous. They were his slaves, his servants, all around him, all the time. So why not put them to their full use?
It was a strange thought, and a disgusting one...what he suddenly, truly desired was to feel himself inside another Ocryx, a female, Ocryana...yet he trusted her not one bit. The manitous, they were larger and fur covered as he was...if he only imagined a little...
He proceeded for their area.
* * * * *
The manitous were surprised to see Ocryx in their midst, to say the least. They ceased milling around and gaped at him, as if expecting him to do something. He obliged them by looking around, sniffing at the air, attempting to find which ones were female.
He spotted a gray one off to the side and moved toward it. It stared at him as he looked it over, eyes large and stupid like those of a moose. He felt disdain but his lust was stronger.
Female? he snapped at it.
He sensed a general response in the affirmative, and moved toward her, nudging her arm. Come. To the far corner. You will be my mate for this night.
A surprised reaction from the other manitous. The female seemed to offer a vague mental protest but Ocryx irritably cut her off.
I don't care that we are not the same kind. Comply. Else I'll simply take another of you instead.
A pause, then resigned agreement from the female. She pricked one ear and frowned, a question.
To the far corner, Ocryx said again, impatient. We do it here.
Agreement. The female walked away and he followed. When she reached the furthest corner of the cavern, slightly sheltered but still within view of the others, Ocryx moved forward, one hand quickly reaching down and between her thighs to spread her open. His member immediately slid from its sheath and went erect. A sort of anxious feeling of surprise came from the female, disbelief from the others--he didn't care. He pressed down on her shoulder so she leaned against the ledge, then parted her buttocks--her tail lifted on its own, an instinctive response, he guessed--and thrust himself inside completely. His eyes rolled and his jaws parted. Pure bliss. She was smaller than Ocryana but no less useful. The manitou let out a low unhappy-sounding bleat in response; Ocryx tightly clutched her middle and began to pump. In, out, in, out--the hot slick smoothness--wrapping around him just right...he bumped his hips against the female repeatedly, attempting to sate his lust.
The other manitous watched the spectacle dumbly, eyes wide.
It was the same way as when Ocryana had seduced him, when he had fathered Tal Natha by her...instead of seeing the manitou on all fours, he saw Ocryana beneath him, hissing and snarling at him in his throes of passion. He knew she had tricked him into coming there. Still, that knowledge had not prevented him from coupling with her three, four times, at the least; although he detested her, still her body was the finest he'd known, and he desired her anew almost every night. She was Ocryx, as he was, and thus perfectly suitable for him. The contours of her body, the curves, the recesses, each fit him perfectly...which was why as he mated, he imagined he saw her beneath him, submitting with a low angry hiss, rather than the cowed manitou, bleating in protest as he moved harder against her.
The manitou mewed, pathetically. The other manitous stirred restlessly, some of the males obviously growing excited by the scene, members rising and poking out pink from their sheaths; Ocryx paid them no mind as they sniffed about to select females of their own, nudging them into their own dim corners, pressing them down and mounting them with soft cries from the females, soft grunts from the males. A few didn't bother to find their own private little areas, instead taking each other upon the ground in front of him. By the time he had worked up a hard heavy tempo, hips plunging madly, most of the other creatures were too busy coupling to notice him anymore; the room had become a veritable orgy of sex and lust, the numerous groans and cries and grunts and shouts nearly distracting him from the task at hand.
But not nearly enough. It was as if he saw Ocryana, wings flaring, snake tail writhing around him. With an angry growl he bent and seized her scruff in his teeth, tugging upward violently. The manitou gave a piteous whine and he finally heard her articulate words in his mind--Lord, Master, please, you're hurting me!
Silence, wench! he snarled back. Just do as you're supposed to do--stand still and let me do my work!
Yet she pestered him still again. Master, please...if you let go of me...I'll make it much better for you, a method we use, I promise you will enjoy it, if you just let me go!
He growled with extreme annoyance but did as she asked, teeth releasing the skin of her neck so abruptly that she nearly fell forward. Anything is better than listening to you whine! Now shut your trap and allow me to finish this!
Puffing with strain, he continued pushing at her, hips slamming hard. He sensed the manitou's gratitude and brushed it off. A moment later, seeing that she was going to get no response, she fell silent for a second, then moved.
Ocryx's ears flared. What do you think you're doing!
She didn't answer, but placed her head upon the ground. She planted her feet against the ground as well, knees bending sharply and toes digging into the soil, before bucking her hindquarters upward abruptly and without warning. Ocryx yelped at the sensation, his member driving straight into her through to her core. She knelt now so that he nearly stood over her, their feet touching. He drove into her as a man might handle a wheelbarrow.
Beside him, one of the male manitous let out an explosive grunt and pulled out, seed spraying his mate's fur. Nearby another female wailed in climax.
He wished to couple longer, but he could feel his fluid coming, surging down hard into his thrusting penis. His claws sank into his mate's hips and he bucked forward, tossing back his head with a harsh groan. The manitou whined out loud and arched her body to accept him. His seed coursed thick and strong inside her for at least a full moment before ebbing and dying, and with it he let out an exhausted breath and slumped over her back, hearing her tired panting. Around him, the rest of the frenzied manitous had reached orgasm already, except for a few who still rocked slowly and whimpered in the dimness, but he still paid them no mind. He stumbled to his feet and his member slunk back into its sheath as he turned around unsteadily, glancing over the room and attempting to steady his breath.
You will tell no outsiders of this, he ordered. The one who does will face my wrath. This is knowledge for us alone. Do you all understand?
The manitous--those who were not still preoccupied with mating--nodded to indicate that they understood. Ocryx snorted and turned away from the panting, crouching female, going to head back to his own caves.
As he went he noticed, to his surprise, a small group of three manitous--all of them male--leaning against the wall--or rather, one of them leaned against the wall, while the second embraced him from behind, and the third one embraced him. Their eyes were all shut and their hips swayed gently as they coupled, their bodies pressed close. The one in the middle tipped his head back and moaned.
Lust, surging and roaring and uncontrollable. Oh spirits...
The three manitous mated slowly and tenderly, unaware that they were being watched, having been so overcome by desire on seeing their master mating one of their own kind. There had not been any females nearby when they had been overtaken by their need, their penises thrusting out fat and pink; and so two of them had turned to each other questioningly, sniffing at each other's backsides to make certain they were compatible. After they had agreed and moved off to their own area away from the rest, a third male had appeared, asking if he could join them. They had readily agreed, and with one leaning against the wall had carefully eased themselves into each other. The feeling was a strange one for two of them, who had mated with only females; the third, the one in the middle, had admitted that he had been with his own sex before, and found it quite pleasurable. As he did--as they did--now. There was no denying it. Left without suitable mates, they tended to important matters themselves, and their hands roamed up and down over each other's swaying bodies. They murmured each in turn, appreciatively.
The manitou in back lurched suddenly and squealed. The other two turned their heads to see what was the problem, and their eyes goggled. Indeed, the eyes of every other manitou in the place goggled as well in blatant disbelief.
Ocryx--their master--had seized the third manitou abruptly and now humped against him, his body arching and his hips bumping in and out rapidly at the creature's backside. When the manitou attempted to move, his tail lifting inadvertently, the demon's penis found purchase and thrust inside him, earning another squeal. The other manitous gasped. While the three who had been mating so obliviously now moaned aloud, Ocryx clutched onto his unusual lover, his furry thighs contorting repeatedly and tongue lolling, and copulated with one of the males. The other three didn't know what to do aside from resuming their activities, albeit swaying faster now, to better accommodate their frenzied master's lusts. This did not last long before the first manitou cried out and sprayed, the other two following shortly; Ocryx grunted and growled and pulled himself free, his seed flowing to the ground. He despised the thought of leaving his precious fluid within such a beast, even as part of him acknowledged that it had felt very good.
He turned away from the bared manitou to face the others. "Remember," he panted. "No outsiders. This is for us, and us only. Understood?"
A collective nod. Ocryx snorted again in return and turned to leave. The front of his mind shuddered with pure disgust at what he had just lowered himself to...yet his body still trembled with pleasant memories of release.
If he did not find a suitable mate soon, he would simply continue to use the unsuitable ones.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.