About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Honored CODE: M (set in the Manitou Island storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Ocryx/Nita (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Just another one of Ocryx's random encounters with lucky Island females. I wanted to pair him up with a European woman who wasn't really in the storyline, just a little fling. Eh.
DISCLAIMERS: I'm not sure about the whole Red Bird/voyeur thing, but oh well...not like she could have easily escaped such sights! The only real problem is--what is Red Bird even DOING there?--she only knew about Tal Natha (and had made love to him) AFTER she had left Devil's Lake, and Ocryx, for good. (See the non-erotic story "Fly Away Home" for the details.) I only just realized this while typing this disclaimer. Well...just forget that part. o_o;
* * * * *
Nita sat up, pushing her skirts aside and brushing back her hair. She blinked several times and looked around herself, trying to gain her bearings. It was then that she noticed the shadowy form watching her far off to the side, its eyes glowing. She gasped and fell back, wrapping her arms around herself protectively.
The creature noticed her reaction and came forward, into the light. She was horrified to see that it was some sort of monster--part snake--mostly wolf--and its sheer size just frightened her all the more. It--he--towered over her, and she realized that this must be the demon of the lake. He'd trapped her purposefully; why, she was too afraid to think.
The old native's story: The Ocryx...his is an insatiable appetite, a lust for young women such as yourself...you'd best beware...
But now, with him here, approaching her, how could she beware...?
She started to shake as she watched him come. He stopped several feet away to peruse her. Her face grew hot. She shook harder, and nearly jumped when his thoughts filled her mind.
Human. Do you know why I've brought you here?
She shook her head. "N...no."
His look told her that he didn't believe that. I bring you here for a good reason. You should be honored, human.
"Are you going to hurt me?" she asked, voice quavery. It was a stupid question to ask, but she could think of nothing else.
His look humored her. That depends on what you wish to do. Do you want me to hurt you?
She shook her head timidly. Her throat was dry. "N...no. You don't have to. I'll...I'll do what you want."
A slight smile. What I want? You have a say in this too, human. You'll want it, as well. As he came toward her again Nita felt her head begin to cloud. The demon's eyes bored through her. Her face--all of her--felt even hotter. All that she could seem to see was him. As he reached her there was a stirring and his furry sheath, which had heretofore been hidden in his thick fur, rose; and his penis, pink and hard, slid forth from the sheath, rising quivering and glistening into the air. Nita's breath caught. It was ten, maybe eleven inches long...her fear was set aside...God, the things she wished to do with him...
Without saying a word she crawled toward him, hands reaching out--mouth reaching also--her fingers grasped the smooth hard member and she touched it to her face, her tongue just flicking over the tip. She was suddenly filled with desire, not fear. The demon's shaft throbbed hot in her hands. She needed relief.
As if sensing this... What do you wish to do first, human?
Her head swam. "...First?"
We Ocryxes have much more staying power than your own kind. We may couple several times within an hour.
"How long do we have?"
We have all the night, and all the day, if you wish.
She could take it no longer. She knelt before him and lifted up her skirts in front, tearing away her undergarments. She pressed her fingers to herself, knees wide apart, spreading herself open. "Please...please do something. Anything. Take this pain, this ache away...I can't bear it any longer..."
The demon came forward and grasped her. She shut her eyes. A moment later, cold stone against her knees--he'd moved her to rest atop the stone bench--and, gripping her legs, she let out a little shriek to feel his muzzle poking at her between her thighs. His tongue entered her. As it played along the edges of her opening, slipping inside, his nose prodded hard, rubbing against her in the most pleasurable spot. She moaned loudly, her head falling back, chest heaving.
Breaking away from her, rising, his paw and then his muzzle, wet with her own juices, brushing the side of her face. Don't cry out to your God, human. Cry out to me.
She could only moan again. The demon stood up before her. Her eyes fell on his shaft, still hard and throbbing, nearly a foot long, thick and round...oh God...with a cry, she turned herself over and around, bunching her skirts up over her hips, pressing her face and shoulders down against the stone, buttocks high and quivering, legs spread wide. She had seen wolves and dogs mate before. She knew that this was how he should like to take her, if the wolfish part of his nature prevailed. When she turned her head to see the glint of lust in his eyes, she knew she was right.
Behind? This is how you wish to proceed? If so, you please me greatly, human.
"Yes," she moaned. "Please. Both ways...take me both ways. And again, and again until you're sated...until I'm sated...please, this pain...take it from me...please..."
You have no need to beg me, human. I'd be more than pleased to take you until both our desires are sated--though that promises to be a while. A clawed paw gripping her buttock and she flinched and gasped. Prepare yourself, human. Your kind is not used to me. First I will take you in behind, then I will pleasure myself with you properly. Perhaps you will even bear me a child someday, do you agree?
"Yes. Yes. Anything. Please..."
He paused for a moment which to her stretched on forever. Then he moved, leaping up quickly and nimbly--Nita suddenly shrieked as a harsh pain, followed by the most intense pleasure she'd ever felt, coursed through her...
* * * * *
Red Bird crouched in the shadowy entrance, watching silently. Her father had been with many women. Today was no exception. Although a demon, he rarely had to force any to comply with him; they almost always came willingly, and even when he abducted them his magnetism somehow drew them in. He always knew what they wanted, and they always knew what he wanted.
At this moment she watched her father squeeze the woman's hip--she too could read his thoughts, he had no reason to mask them--heard the woman beg, "Yes. Yes"--saw her father leap atop the stone bench, wings flaring, grabbing the woman's buttocks to part them, hot thick member plunging inside, hips bucking and rocking forward on the first thrust. The woman cried out. A look of thick lust burned in Ocryx's eyes; his tongue lolled over his teeth. His own buttocks clenched, contorted--a hard deep push into the woman's anus--a ragged cry from her, a deep pleasured growl from him. His snake tail wound sinuously, the tip entering her vagina; she shrieked and pounded one fist. He thrust a few more times, but Red Bird could tell that he was not satisfied. His thoughts, his voice...
It may give you pleasure, human, but I wish to feel your longing--to feel your juices on me. I wish to bring you pleasure such as you've never known.
Red Bird watched as she had before. Ocryx pulled out--member throbbing--leaned over--grasped Nita's breasts--pulled her up and back almost violently--impaled her on his massive shaft--her scream stung Red Bird's ears. He growled viciously and thrust, thrust again--lust and pleasure--leaning over her.
Let's do away with this, cumbersome thing. Though we can leave part--if it feels "naughty" to do it this way--
His claws rent the top of her dress, slicing it open. Nita's breasts burst out, full and round. Ocryx saw them; immediately his eyes flashed red.
Your body is most pleasing, human. If you should ever have my pup, I should like to be the one to suckle at your breast first.
Nita's voice came, breathless. "Yes...yes, Lord Ocryx...I'll give you pups...I'll give you lots of pups...and each time you shall be the first to suckle at my teats...I should be pleased to give you the honor...the honor of tasting my milk...my body, my whole body shall be yours..."
An answering growl. I should like to sample your whole body now, human, milk or no milk...you are quite pleasing to look at, and I believe I shall taste of your teats now, while they are so ripe for me.
Red Bird had never heard her father talk such to any of his females before. Neither had she heard one respond so enthusiastically as this one.
Nita's breasts, the objects of Ocryx's fancy, bounced rhythmically as he pushed at her. Her eyes were shut, head thrown back. "Oh--yes, yes, Lord! Taste of me! Sample me--take of my body what you wish--it is all for you, all just for you--"
Frenzied thrusting. The demon's furry hips pushing hard and fast, bucking against Nita's buttocks as they coupled. A loud grunt, her cry, a warm gush that Red Bird could only imagine but...somehow longed for. Her father turning the woman over, onto her back, mouth clamping over one ripe, round breast, paws holding her shoulders down--Nita gasping, tossing her head--her own hands reaching up to run through his thick fur, then down to grasp his penis, rubbing it, stroking it--his growl--her voice--"Oh...yes, Lord...like that...taste me...fill yourself at my teat...if I had milk to give you...to make you full...it would all be yours...drink at my teat, fill yourself, fill me..."
Moving to her other breast, leaving the first bruised and wet. Her hands moving quickly. Heated animal growls. Tongue swirling, teeth nipping and tugging. Pink flesh resisting. Fingers stroking, up and down. Furry hips pushing slightly, then faster. Snarling. Guttural grunting. Gasping. His warm sticky seed splashing across her belly and breasts. Fingers going to her mouth, licking, tasting. Kissing, tongue entering the mouth of the demon as it came down over hers--mouths joining--bodies twining--
Red Bird ached deeply inside. Her body hurt. Tal Natha... She thought of him while she watched her father couple, and thought of what he'd said...My father has been with his own daughter...my mother lusts after me...why had Ocryx never come for her, why had he never called her, never entered her, never sucked at her breasts the way that he did with this stranger?...he had been with his daughter, Silver Eagle Feather...Red Bird wondered if she too had allowed him to drink of her teats, firm and round...
Her body ached for her father to turn away from the woman, to notice her, to come to her...to mate with her...to suck at her breasts, to enter and fill her with his seed. But even more, she ached for Tal Natha. To feel her brother do the things that her father had done tonight...not merely in her dreams...but to feel his seed, his fluid, hot and urgent within her, his tongue on her body, his claws raking her back...she suddenly longed to give him pups, many pups, just so he could have the honor of tasting her milk, warm, like her juices, warm for him, just for him...
Tal Natha. Brother...I need you. I ache for you. Wait for me, be there for me, Tal Natha. Please take me as I wish you to...taste me...have me whole...please remove this ache inside me...please, Brother...
Ocryx had pulled Nita up, spreading her legs, planting her atop him; she squirmed as he heaved, bellows of lust escaping him. Red Bird imagined her brother and herself locked in the same embrace, she an Ocryx as well, his fur coal black against her white--a growl-whine of desire rising within him as he climaxed--
She stood and ran for the exit, almost tripping in her haste, jamming her fists against her belly to dampen the pain. Her dress was wet already. Wait for me, be ready for me, dear Brother...I need you now.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.