About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Insurance CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Det. Aiden O'Leary/Det. Ian O'Leary/Beth (M/M/F)
EXPLANATION: I THINK (I'm not sure) this was my first attempt at a threesome piece. Well, maybe my first attempt at a M/M/F threesome piece...I forget. o_o; These characters are from the Tiffin sidestory of the D Is For Damien series, which is why there is mention of Det. Tiffen (no relation to the city name) from all those other scenes with Tiffen...he is such a whore. Wait, this is about the O'Leary brothers and Beth...er...what was I talking about...? Anyway, Beth is actually setting these two cops up; Ian has a thing against Tiffen, so Beth and Melanie (see "Back Room Bonuses") are conspiring to blackmail him into keeping his thoughts to himself. What would work better than a video of a THREESOME? Bwa-ha-ha...man, all these guys are such whores.
DISCLAIMERS: Probably a ton of them, as I wrote this a while ago and have never fully developed the Tiffin storyline nor the characters involved, except to establish that Tiffen is a WHORE! But he's not even in this scene...damn it. Go find him in the bazillion other scenes with him in them.
* * * * *
Melanie ducked behind the closet door, placing the videocamera up against the slats so she could see out into the motel room on the viewscreen. The door opened and Beth came in, leading those two cops, the O'Leary twins. Melanie knew them both from her trips to the station to visit Tiffen; Aiden was the younger one, and Ian the older one and the mind behind this romp. Melanie knew because she'd overheard it at the bar. And she was tired of them always talking about telling of Tiffen's multiple interests, so had decided that this might help shut their mouths. Beth, an old friend of hers, had gone along and staked out the street where the two cops had been planning on looking for a hot prospect.
As Beth led them in Melanie could see the nervousness on Aiden's face. He stumbled a little, so she assumed that Ian had tried calming him down with some drinks; though he looked almost ready to be sick instead. Ian, on the other hand, appeared to be enjoying himself already, his arm over Beth's shoulder, smiling at her as she laughed. Melanie smiled also. Beth had always been a good actress--she had to be, in this profession--but Mel didn't doubt that she was enjoying this scheme too. Anything to get back at a cop. Especially a hypocritical cop.
Melanie seethed inside. Ian had no right to criticize Tiffen's habits. At least Tiffen never broke the law, like these two were now doing; he never had to. He'd ignored them and their talk, but Melanie felt that it was time for some insurance that no news got out.
The trio stopped beside the bed. Ian smiled and murmured something to Beth while Aiden looked around uneasily. He stepped aside a little when Ian chucked Beth under the chin and pulled her closer. Melanie focused the camera.
Ian grinned at him slightly. "C'mon, Aiden. Time to have some old-fashioned fun." He chucked Beth under the chin again. "You up to taking us on?" he asked; she giggled and gave him a sly look.
"Now? But you were..." Aiden looked from one to the other and his eyes widened. "Take--taking turns, you mean?"
"No." Ian sounded irritated.
Now Aiden went white. "At the same time?" Melanie thought that he'd actually pass out. "But...how can...only one of us--"
"She has a front and a back," Ian said, looking at his brother as if he were several years rather than several minutes younger. He gave an exasperated sigh. "Just come here."
Aiden did so, though he was shaking as if terrified. Beth had already started taking off her clothes; when she wore nothing but her bra and underwear she undressed Ian, then Aiden; as they watched she teasingly removed her undergarments, tossing them to the floor and heading for the bed. The camera caught both the lascivious look on Ian's face and the sudden alcohol-induced lust in Aiden's eyes. Beth sat on the bed and beckoned them to join her. She spread her legs to offer them a view. Ian grinned in anticipation. Aiden blinked and Melanie heard his breathing quicken.
"Come on," Beth coaxed. "I can handle the two of you. But remember, no rough stuff."
Ian nodded and moved forward; when Aiden didn't follow he shot him a venomous look and his brother reluctantly did so. Beth got on her knees and waited while they decided what to do.
"You get in front," Ian said to his brother. "I'll get behind since you seem so picky."
Aiden obeyed. Melanie made sure that the camera was focused now, the image on the viewscreen showing slightly grainy as the two men positioned themselves kneeling in front of and behind Beth. Aiden still looked anxious and embarrassed as Beth pressed close to him, draping her arms over his shoulders. Ian leaned over her, nuzzling her neck and caressing her sides. Aiden turned his head a little.
"Come on, Aiden," Ian prompted. His voice sounded breathless, husky. "We're here to enjoy ourselves. At least act like you like it."
Aiden looked at her. Beth smiled and held his hands up to her breasts. She kissed him and for a moment his eyes fluttered shut. Then she placed her knees apart, touching her thighs.
"Come on, Aiden," she echoed Ian. Melanie watched; as Aiden looked on his brother took Beth's buttocks in his hands, parted them, and moved closer, his own buttocks contracting as he pushed inside. He groaned, long and low; Beth gasped a little and shut her eyes. Aiden shook.
Melanie could barely watch, she was trying so hard not to laugh. "Come on, Aiden," Beth whispered again; Ian knelt behind her and in her, panting, his eyes closed. His hands clutched her shoulders. "Your brother's enjoying it. Don't let him have all the fun." She smiled at him welcomingly.
After a moment Aiden moved forward; Beth kissed him again and he entered her swiftly, grasping her back, dropping his head to noisily suck at her breasts while Ian nuzzled her neck again. They both started moving, Beth pinned between the two struggling men as they both used her.
As she filmed Melanie could make out the sexual differences between the two. Ian was the noisier one, groaning in moments of pleasure, grunting when he moved with difficulty. Despite what Beth had said about getting rough, occasionally he growled and scored her nape with his teeth. He kept his head bent forward and moved in and out as he thrust, continually arching the small of his back in a rather forced-looking motion. Aiden wasn't as loud, though he did pant heavily and would occasionally let out a high sharp cry, especially when his brother pushed harder, causing Beth to move. He also used a rounder, more undulating motion, swirling his hips quickly. He and his brother might have looked alike, but their styles of lovemaking were definitely distinct.
Melanie wasn't sure that Beth could enjoy this, being pressed close in front and behind, between the two sweating, panting men, as they groaned, pushed, and grunted like animals, pushing themselves into her urgently. This was something she couldn't understand, the way that men would willingly pay to use a woman overnight, simply to satisfy some drive. Tiffen she could understand. He might have been a highly sexual person, but if there was no one available he could simply wait until there was, without getting anxious or irritable like other men did. Not that he ever had to wait for a very long time. But at least he was capable of that self-control. These two, however, right now looked as if they'd been bottling up secret desires and frustrations just to let them loose at this moment. Especially the younger one. And they had the gall to mock Tiffen behind his back.
Behind Beth's back, Ian growled again and ran his teeth over her neck. She smiled as if enjoying it, then winced and bit off a cry of protest as his fingers sank sharply and--Melanie was certain--painfully into her shoulder. Beth forced a smile this time and raised a hand to touch Ian's face.
"Come on," she whispered as they moved. "None of that. You said you didn't want to damage the goods, remember?"
Ian snorted in impatience and frustration--Melanie could tell that he definitely wanted to be rougher--but obeyed, letting go his tight hold and instead concentrating on moving more quickly, as if speed below would compensate for what he couldn't do above. Aiden glanced at him with some reproach in his eyes, even while he nuzzled Beth's neck himself, fondling her breasts and hips gently if not deliberately. Melanie noted that further difference; Aiden, at least, would respect her wishes, while Ian needed a little prompting not to descend into sadism. She started to hate him a little more.
The two of them were thrusting more rapidly now, occasionally synchronized, so all three of them pushed up and let down at the same time, one occasionally thrusting after the other, so Ian would push Beth forward, then Aiden would push her back, forward, and back, each of them impaling her on the other. Both of them gasped and panted heavily; Melanie knew from experience that they were going to come soon. She panned the camera from Aiden's face--desperate, urgent, eyes shut tight--past Beth and to Ian's face, teeth clenched, snarling, barely containing a harsh animal growl. He shoved at Beth and sank his fingers into her again, one hand grasping her shoulder, the other one of her buttocks. Beth hissed through her teeth in pain and irritation; Ian didn't heed the sound and kept squeezing her right up to the end. And the end came abruptly, Aiden and Ian thrusting upward sharply, Aiden letting out a hoarse cry, Ian letting out an explosive grunt. They jerked; Beth gasped and bit her lip at the force of it, waiting for their flow to die down. After a moment the two brothers let out their breath and sank back down to their knees, pulling out of Beth, Ian collapsing on his back and Aiden trying to catch his breath. Melanie marveled. They both even climaxed at the same time.
She wondered how that had felt.
After a while Ian pushed himself up on one arm to smile at Beth again. Melanie focused the camera once more; she knew what that smile meant. The one that Beth used to greet it was a little forced. Obviously she was still annoyed with the way that he'd squeezed her.
"Come on," he coaxed, as if she needed coaxing. "What say we go for it again? Think you could handle it?"
"Ian?" Aiden's voice was faint and disbelieving.
"Of course I can handle it, if you're paying," Beth purred. Not missing a beat.
Ian sat up and waved to his brother. Aiden sat up as well, looking anxious and perplexed. Ian took Beth's hands and lay down on his back, drawing her over him; when Aiden still looked confused Ian waved him to get behind her.
"Come on, little brother," he said, as if mocking him. "You can try it that way now. See if you like it. Then if you ever get married, you can tell the lady how it's done."
Aiden paled again. Beth went down on Ian and waited for him; after pausing indecisively for a moment, Aiden positioned himself behind her, straddling her above his brother and parting her buttocks with his hands. Beth let go of Ian to help guide him inside. Melanie could see his hips quiver at the feeling; Ian pumped, Beth and Aiden gasped, and then Aiden responded with a thrust of his own. It didn't take long for him to get accustomed to it, as within minutes the two men were again at it, holding Beth in place between them as they spent themselves between her thighs. At one point along the way when both of them were so caught up that they were groaning and panting, their eyes shut tight, Melanie swore that she could see Beth glance over in the direction of the camera and grin. Melanie grinned back, though she was sure that Beth couldn't see it. Yep, I'm getting this all down, she thought.
After they were done this way, and after another short break, they went for one more round. Ian pinned Beth down and started pushing heavily between her legs, his breath thick and harsh. Aiden, with no place left to go, apparently dropped his inhibitions and straddled Beth's shoulders, deciding to simply find relief in her mouth. Beth complied; Aiden moaned and let his head fall back, grasping Beth's neck--not too tightly, Melanie noticed--to guide her further.
"You're getting the hang of it," Ian grunted hoarsely, concentrating on Beth's hips and their movement beneath him, "though I wouldn't've done it that way."
Sure, you wouldn't have, Melanie thought with a smirk. Give me a moment alone with this guy and I'll have him mouthing himself.
She filmed them until Ian pushed and Aiden pushed and they both released, both crying out as before, Aiden shouting brokenly and Ian letting out a guttural moan. After that they collapsed in exhaustion. When Beth sat up and asked if they were interested in anything else Ian waved it off, still unable to speak. Melanie tried not to laugh. Amateurs. One night she and Tiffen and a friend had coupled four times; and later that night she'd awakened to find Tiffen furtively making love to her friend yet again, as if the two didn't wish to wake her, though she hadn't minded. These two, on the other hand... She could tell that they weren't going anywhere for a while, whereas Tiffen would have needed only about ten minutes or so to get himself back together. She believed that he could keep going all night if need be. These two were giving up already.
Ian's eyes had closed and his breathing had slowed. Aiden managed to get up to pay Beth her money. He avoided looking at her as he did so; Melanie could see the flush of embarrassment and shame creeping up his face. Beth took the money, kissed him lightly on the cheek, and stepped into the bathroom. Aiden lay back on the bed; after a while, when the two of them had dropped off, Ian snoring--Melanie also didn't doubt that he'd had a few drinks himself--Beth crept back out and, keeping an eye on them, opened the closet door to let Melanie out. They tried to stifle their giggles on looking at the two naked men sprawled unconscious on the bed; Beth pointed at the camera and Melanie nodded, and they had to stifle another giggle.
"You going to show that around town?" Beth whispered. "How about your friend Tiffen? Bet he'd get a kick out of it. Who knows." She shrugged and looked at the twins. "Maybe they could teach him something." Another stifled giggle.
Melanie shook her head. "Think I'll just keep this copy safe. Let Ian know Tif's not the only one with something on him. I think I'll spare Aiden's feelings a bit, though. He seems kinda sweet."
"Yeah, couldn't you just keep him forever? That one--" she pointed to Ian "--is damn annoying, but I like this one. Didn't you love that shade of green he turned when he heard we'd all be doing it at once?"
They tried not to laugh. "He looks better, too," Beth mused. "His brother's bigger, but this one's better hung." They dissolved into senseless giggles; Ian snorted in his sleep and rolled over; Aiden frowned uneasily. "You better get going before they wake up. Jeez, I could lift their wallets if I wanted to, but I'll be nice about it since you told me they're cops. You set me up with twin cops! How d'you do it, Mel? Think you could arrange for Tiffen to meet with me sometime? He wouldn't even have to pay."
Melanie shrugged. "Well, if he didn't have to pay, I guess it wouldn't be soliciting. Maybe I could arrange something for you." She grinned and punched Beth lightly in the arm. "Later, Beth. Thanks for this. I owe you."
"Nah, you don't. Just let me know sometime the look this guy gets on his face when you let him know what you got on tape. God, I wish I could be there to see it!"
Melanie smiled back and waved, opening the door as quietly as she could and stepping out into the hallway, shutting it behind her. She stalked away on tiptoe though it wasn't necessary. Only once she was down the stairs did she start laughing out loud.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
InkSpot.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Click "Contact Me" to let me know what you think!
This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.