About Tehuti
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I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.

As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!

My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.

Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!

Tar! :)
Great Royal Wife
CODE: H (set in the Horus/Kemet storyline)

TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA

PAIRING: Ra/Nebhet Hotep (M/F)

EXPLANATION: God Ra, in my fiction, has two main wives--the Great Royal Wife Nebhet Hotep, and his secondary wife (and sister) Rayet. He married Nebhet primarily for the political ties with the House of Amon; he then later on married Rayet out of love. This REALLY pissed Nebhet off. She was further pissed off when her husband started spending more time with RAYET than with her! However, Ra tends to go to her when he's feeling particularly steamed about something...so at least Nebhet gets to have SOME fun. Sometimes. At least when Ra's in a bad mood, I guess... (See "Little Sister" for Ra's kinder, gentler side.)

DISCLAIMERS: Back when this was written, Rayet's name was given as Rat. I have since changed that, seeing as Rat sounds like...it should be in another storyline entirely. o_o

* * * * *

Great Royal Wife

Ra shifted uneasily in his bed. Sleep would come only fitfully to him now; anger and frustration welled up in him too greatly to allow him rest. He had only two options--to continue to toss and turn, or to...do something else. The alternative won out in his mind; with a frustrated sigh he sat up and rose from his bed, pushing the curtain aside, slipping on his sandals, and heading for his door.

He must see Nebhet. There was nothing else that would cool the fire in his blood. He couldn't be certain how she did it, but whenever he was with her, her soothing voice, her touch, would always manage to turn the anger in him into passion, which he could sate upon her. She had never failed him yet. He doubted that she would now.

Leaving his quarters, he barely acknowledged the guards who bowed as he passed. He went straight for Nebhet's quarters, his stride quick and purposeful. Thinking of her already--her cool fingers upon his warm skin--caused a stirring of desire within him. He could barely contain himself all the way there.

Damn these halls that were so long!

On finally reaching her rooms, he nodded at the guards, who bowed and ducked aside to let him enter, unchallenged. Once inside he caught sight of Nebhet's serving girls, asleep on pallets near the wall. They must not have slept too deeply as they awoke and looked up at him. Ra nodded curtly and they too bowed, hastily, gathering themselves and leaving the room. The door shut behind them, and Ra turned to face Nebhet's bed, the gauzy curtains which surrounded it not completely successful in obscuring the form of the sleeping goddess. He headed her way.

* * * * *

One of the serving girls awoke too late. As she lifted her head, blinking, she saw the last of her companions exit the room and the door shut. She gasped and sat up, then sank back down, noticing who had entered the room. God Ra. He walked in the direction of her mistress's bed, and she knew that she was trapped in there now. There was no way out; she'd have to stay, hidden and quiet in the shadows, until they were finished with whatever they wished to do, and hope that they didn't notice her.

She kept herself low and watched God Ra part the curtains and step up to stand beside Nebhet's bed. He bent to light an oil lamp at her bedside, and she saw the goddess stir awake, heard her exclaim with some surprise, "Majesty."

In response Ra reached for his belt, loosened it, and let his kilt fall. The girl stifled a gasp. His back was to her, but she somehow hadn't expected this. If only she'd awakened in time! What trouble she could get in for witnessing this!

Still she couldn't turn away. She saw Nebhet reach out her arms in greeting, saw God Ra swing one leg over hers and lower himself down to start kissing her neck. Nebhet giggled softly. The two of them shifted and writhed a little, and the girl could see him kissing her all over her body, Nebhet touching and caressing him back.

She hoped that it would be quick.

Their loveplay, at least, lasted only a few minutes. God Ra growled and she sensed his impatience. Partly silhouetted by the curtains, she saw Nebhet sit up, touching his shoulders, whispering in his ear; she turned herself over and knelt, placing her head down upon her pillows. The girl gasped again when God Ra pulled off his loincloth and sat up--member erect--took hold of her hips, straddled and entered her from behind. As she watched the god leaned over his prostrate wife, arms on both sides of her, and began to push, quickly, hurriedly; there was no forethought, no building up; he thrust into her heavily, his hips bucking against her, grunting and snorting like a bull in heat.

Nebhet kept her head down and allowed him to take control, his hurried motions just increasing, his frustrated groans rapidly rising.

The girl watched, unable to turn away; barely five minutes had passed before Ra's groans rose and exploded in a furious bellow, his buttocks contracting and Nebhet letting out a muffled cry as his seed poured forth. The god sank down over her, panting to catch his breath.

The act had been quick. The girl was surprised by how short it was. Still, it was lucky for her; if she lay still enough, the god would leave without even noticing her, and she would escape his wrath...

She quailed, though, when she suddenly realized that it was not over. Their first coupling had been only perfunctory; she saw now that his need had been very great, too great to contain, and now that he'd released himself he could further enjoy it--and his wife.

* * * * *

Nebhet submitted to Ra's heavy thrusting, felt her own lack of satisfaction once he was done, but cried out just the same. She knew better than to tell him to slow it down for her benefit. Best to make him feel virile. Whenever he went this quickly, she knew there was much more to come.

She rolled over to lie on her back as soon as he pulled himself out of her, and they lay panting at the canopy for a short time. She smiled and shivered when he reached out to touch her face and immediately pressed herself close to him. He smiled at her slightly in turn, tracing his fingers along her cheek.

"How was that, my fiery little mate?"

"Wondrous, as always, Mighty Bull. Of course you know that once is never quite enough to sate me..." She stuck out her full lower lip in a mock pout, trailing her fingers over his breast. His smile grew and he kissed her.

"Of course, my little flame...name what you most desire and it's yours."

Nebhet giggled. "Well...if it is not too much to ask...this little flame would much love Her Majesty to quench the flame that roars below..."

He kissed her cheek again and pushed himself up on one elbow. "Ah...so this is what you wish for? Be aware that you must quench my flame as well."

The goddess laughed softly again, the color rising in her cheeks. "Of course, Majesty! I will never forget my duties to you...if you will allow me to perform them!"

They both laughed together, and shifted upon the bed so that he lay upon his back, and she moved atop him...

* * * * *

The servant girl watched with her lips slightly parted and awe in her eyes as the two upon the royal bed laughed to themselves and attempted to sate their desires upon one another. As she watched now the god lay upon his back tightly grasping his wife's thighs, groaning as he nuzzled, sucking on her bedewed lips, tonguing her swollen mound. The goddess likewise moaned around the thickness within her mouth, her lips working up and down him as he pushed. They both rocked in a slow, slightly awkward yet highly pleasured motion. Nebhet's hands ran up and down her lord's legs and her thighs quivered. Ra's hips pumped up and down, slowly yet heavily.

The girl's breath came quick and shallow. And...her fingers reached down, trembling, beneath the edge of her dress, gently sliding inside herself, testing her slick wetness. She took in a shaking breath. The divine loveplay she was witnessing stoked a raging fire inside her, and she could not quell the blasphemous image that arose before her mind's eye, of God Ra tightly grasping his mate's legs, her eyes gliding along his hard lean body to view the face of she who pleasured him most--only to see her own face, flushed and puffy with desire. His gleaming rod, capped with deep brilliant purple, rose before her face and gushed forth its bounty into her yearning mouth, trailing from her lips as the column of fire overwhelmed her...

Nebhet cried out and arched, lapping at the juice which sprayed into her face as she pulled away, Ra giving a harsh groan and sinking his fingers into her, feet digging into the bed. Her legs nearly clamped together from the pressure. As soon as he let his breath out, and she hers, she sank down over him with a soft whimper, tongue still licking the remaining juices from his body as he lay panting heavily. They rested, a tangle of damp limbs and glistening skin, awaiting the renewal of their strength.

The serving girl let out her breath and lowered her hand as the last of the tremors passed silently through her body. Her fingers came away damp and slightly bloodied. She had wished that her god and lord could have taken her maidenhood from her...

She heard them murmur to one another, kissing. Nebhet leaned over her lord, smiling and tracing fingertips over his skin; he smiled back and touched her waist. They quietly laughed and their foreheads touched.

"Do you suppose we shall do this properly, now?" he inquired, running his hand along her jaw. "Perhaps you may even give me another son."

"Or a daughter?"

"Or a daughter. A beautiful little princess."

"You claim you wish for heirs, yet you have so many as it is that I cannot help but wonder if you like this simply because it makes me fat and round and fills my breasts up with milk for you to suck."

The girl put her hand to her mouth, mortified and expecting to hear a slap. Instead the god merely chuckled; their heated lovemaking had put him in a good humor, evidently.

"Well, I would lie if I were to say I did not miss suckling at your teats, wouldn't I?"

Nebhet giggled and pushed herself up, cupping one full breast. "I have no milk to offer my lord, but I do have plenty to suckle upon!"

He smiled and reached up for her. She brought herself down over him, rubbing her hips against his until his thick shaft entered her willing body. They rocked in sensuous embrace, rolling about and tangling in the sheets until she lay upon her back, spread wide and moaning, he above her, thrusting deeply and soundly. The serving girl watched as they mated for an hour or more, the god bringing his wife to the edge of climax repeatedly until she begged to be set free, and it was only when the stars had grown bright in the night sky that the goddess's sharp cry rang through the royal bedroom and beyond.

"Mighty Bull...!"

She crouched still in the shadows, praying not to be seen, hand working furiously to relieve her own stinging heat. All the while she wished so deeply that it hurt, that it could be herself crying out upon that bed, lost in pleasure with her divine master. Oh, how she wished.

Please REVIEW if you rate.
Please DO NOT rate if you won't review.
Thank you!

This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)

I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.

Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome.
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
InkSpot.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Click "Contact Me" to let me know what you think!

This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.
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