About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Feeling It CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Det. Justin Reichert/Doug Nyrkkanen (M/M)
EXPLANATION: Wow, this scene turned out to be, like, a bust. Or. Something. Who knows. This was my very first romantic scene featuring relative newcomer Det. Justin Reichert, formerly of the NYPD. (He helped out the Minot detectives on a case, then quit the NYPD due to memories of 9/11 (he was buried alive for three days) and being disowned by his family (he outed himself, with some unpleasant results), and went to Minot permanently.) I think this scene takes place right after he moves to Minot for good. Stan Brooks, I believe, sets him up with Doug Nyrkkanen, and this scene and a followup scene (in progress) take place. I had intended Reichert and Nyrkkanen to be steady partners, much like Devetko and Brooks...wow did THAT not work out. Reichert ends up dumping Doug for no apparent reason whatsoever, then starts trolling the gay bar scene...then gets into S&M...then tries to get out, and temporarily partners up with a fireman...then dumps him and goes back to the bar and S&M scene...then sees another detective for a time...then dumps him...back to the bars...somewhere in here he's beaten and mugged by two sex partners of his, and sometime I believe he's slipped some Rohypnol and the inevitable happens (which he doesn't even bother reporting), AND I think at one point he even has a one-night stand with Sheriff Rhoades...and last I knew he was either with another cop or dumping him also and heading back to the bar scene. GAH, Reichert, SETTLE DOWN ALREADY! For some reason he turned into a real whore. I know the obvious reasons, but he doesn't want to admit them yet. So even while he's a good cop, his personal life is really a shambles...though it started out innocently enough, with this scene.
DISCLAIMERS: Keep in mind that while they seem happy together, this pairing just doesn't last...nor the next, nor the one after that...I really need to convince Reichert to get in and STAY in therapy... o_o
* * * * *
Feeling It
Reichert paused and his eyes focused on Doug's. Doug returned the stare, unblinking. After a moment or two Reichert tipped his head forward and his lips pressed against the other man's, flesh warm against flesh, parting, seeking. Doug's mouth opened and their tongues flicked at each other, tasting. Their lips began to gently suck. Reichert shut his eyes and savored the taste. It had been so long, it seemed. He touched Doug's face, and just barely felt him lean into the touch as if yearning for more. His breath came a little faster, especially when he realized that he was excited.
He wasn't certain what to do. They'd only just met each other, yet here they were, in the throes of petting. How far would this thing go? When Doug touched his face back, and then pressed against him, he moaned inwardly and thought that he would go insane. Flames flared up inside him, threatening to burst forth and consume everything. God. His body felt so perfect right now, just what Reichert needed. Doug slipped his hand inside the back of Reichert's pants and his whole body tensed, stiffening. The other man kissed him obliviously, eyes shut, breath coming fast. His fingers kneaded at Reichert's buttock.
Oh, God!
He allowed his hand to lightly brush against Doug's front, earning a flinch. The man's hardness strained against his pants; he was just as excited. As if finally realizing this their hands began to roam each other's body, running through their hair, over their necks and shoulders, down their backs, cupping their hips, rubbing against their fronts, gently clawing their thighs. Reichert could barely control himself anymore. He trembled all over in desire and need. He found himself fumbling with Doug's zipper, then with his own; he vaguely felt Doug's hands helping him remove his jacket and shirt. He hated how they had to part kissing when doing so, and again when Doug pulled off his own top. Warm fingers traced lightly along taut chests. Doug slipped both of his hands inside Reichert's pants this time, giving his buttocks a firm squeeze and earning a sharp gasp. They struggled to remove their pants and undergarments over the stiffness rising between their legs. Kicking off his shoes and socks, Reichert drew the other man close so their bodies touched again, groaning softly at his feel. Doug caressed his face and neck. They briefly stroked each other. Reichert gently but firmly clasped Doug's arms, guided him toward the bed. His heart hammered in his chest; God, he hoped that he was doing the right thing.
They reached the soft mattress and fell over onto it. Doug didn't protest Reichert's insatiable exploring, his questing fingers. He encouraged the onslaught, tilting his head, arching his neck, embracing his lover to him. Lover. Perhaps for the night. He would have to see how things went.
"Doug," he found himself whispering. Doug tipped his head back, lips parted and eyes almost shut, the slits beneath the heavy lids glazed and distant. He glanced down and stroked Doug's penis, admiring it as it swelled upward and outward. His hand caught the thick slick fluid that emerged from the tip, rubbed it upon him like unguent. Doug moaned.
Reichert kissed his neck, sucked lightly at his nipple, raked lightly at his skin. Doug clutched at him. Reichert lifted himself from his lover's body and turned about, feeling Doug shifting beneath him, grabbing onto his thighs. He let out his breath in a shudder, and looked down. Doug parted his legs and that member, so firm and hard, so smooth and perfect, rose before Reichert's face. He sucked in another slight shuddery breath--
He gripped Doug's thighs. His lover whimpered and Reichert felt the first kiss of his lips against his own throbbing tip. He breathed heavily as he spread his knees and went down, hips pushing in, lips parting and slipping around. A warm wetness enveloped him and his buttocks quivered in ecstasy. His fingers sank into Doug's hips as he accepted his hot shaft into his mouth. He let out his breath and felt Doug tremble beneath him. They sucked and swirled at each other for a moment or two, becoming accustomed to the taste and feel; then Reichert moved forward slightly, and back, and forward again, and they began to slowly rock, mouths mimicking hot tight openings, tongues gently caressing and slickening, bodies taut and heated. Reichert pressed himself more closely to his lover. Their bodies joined almost as one now, shifting, changing, changing again. Their hips pushed and their hands slid up and down, squeezing. Reichert opened his eyes briefly to see Doug's own hips arching and relaxing, testicles growing tight as they lay against his body, round and smooth. He let go of Doug's penis, earning a gasp, only to lick at his testicles and then blow upon them gently. Doug cried out. Reichert made certain to take him in his mouth again, quickly; the technique was an old one, very effective in bringing on climax. Their bodies rocked faster, shifting more rapidly. Doug pulled his mouth away from Reichert to pant at the air, while still squeezing him. The bed creaked and thumped slightly with their efforts, until Reichert stiffened with a jerk and shut his eyes. His head tipped back. His hips quivered unceasingly. Doug's warm fluid sprayed up into his face as his lover cried out softly, body sinking back to the bed. Reichert lovingly licked the seed away from his lips and sank down with him. Sometime, they disentangled their sweating bodies and collapsed upon the bed, catching their breath, staring at the ceiling. That...that had been good.
A long while passed. Reichert had just shut his eyes, to open them again when he heard Doug murmur.
"I don't usually act like that..."
"Don't worry," Reichert replied, and gave a slight smile. "Neither do I."
Doug smiled back at him, and reached out his arms. Reichert moved closer so they snuggled into each other's arms, leaning against each other and sighing as sleep began to take hold.
* * * * *
Reichert stretched languorously and slowly opened his eyes. He felt a slight weight against his body, not enough to bother him, but enough to let him know he wasn't alone. He saw the man from last night...the one he'd been with--smiling down at him kindly. He smiled back, and they kissed.
Doug caressed his cheek. "Feeling good?"
Reichert nodded, still smiling. "Good."
His lover leaned down to nuzzle at his neck. Reichert closed his eyes. "I thought maybe it would be the good way to start off the day, too...d'you feel like it?"
Reichert's smile grew. "If you do."
And now, Doug's smile. "I do."
Reichert placed his arms around him. They kissed and laughed a bit. Doug ran his fingers down Reichert's tight belly, caressing his penis and tangling in the curly hair around it. Reichert lifted his foot to slowly stroke Doug's leg. Doug lifted himself slightly and his fingers slipped between his lover's thighs, prodding, seeking. He felt what he was looking for, and gently pressed the tips of his fingers in.
Reichert stopped kissing him long enough to gasp and stiffen, his whole body going rigid. Doug broke away from him, lifting his head with a puzzled look. He saw the tight look on Reichert's face, his teeth, just slightly bared, eyes shut. He seemed tense, uncomfortable.
Doug frowned and touched his forehead to Reichert's, their soft panting mixing in the damp air. "Justin? You've...you've never had sex with another man before...?"
Reichert let out his breath and his body began to relax. He shook his head.
"Oh." Doug seemed genuinely surprised, and he sat up a bit more and ran his hand back through his hair with a mildly embarrassed look. He kissed Reichert upon the cheek. "Do you still want...?"
Reichert kissed him, and stroked his back. He mouthed the lobe of Doug's ear, earning a shiver.
Doug gave him a quick squeeze and pushed himself up and off, smiling at him. "I'll go get a condom...and some lotion."
He got up from the bed and left the room, Reichert's eyes following his lithe naked body as he did so. The detective sighed and shivered. He lay upon his back where he'd been left, his own penis rising hard and quivering into the air. He stroked at it absently as he waited, which thankfully wasn't too long. Doug returned with a small packet and a container, still smiling at him. Reichert's arms were around him as soon as he had climbed back over him. He tore open the little package and slipped it on and over Doug's length himself, snapping it into place. He watched as Doug squeezed some lotion out of the small container, rubbing it along himself, then down between Reichert's thighs again, carefully moistening his opening. Reichert's breath picked up. His lover set aside the container and came down over him with a quick kiss.
"You're ready...?"
Reichert nodded, breathless.
"It might hurt a little at first...since you're new...but I'll go slow."
Two fingers, testing him. Reichert tensed again in discomfort, but parted his thighs nonetheless, raising his knees. Doug prodded at him gently, testing his readiness. Reichert arched his hips and tipped his head back and nodded when Doug's lips grazed his shoulder. He felt fingers parting his thighs a bit more, pressing his buttock out of the way. Doug's own thighs were warm against his own. The fingers withdrew from inside him, and a moment later were replaced by a hard hot pulsing, which pressed against the tight opening and stopped. The detective patiently waited. Doug kissed him. His hands took hold of Reichert's thighs. He came down slowly, pushing forward, inward.
The tip of Doug's penis pressed its way inside him, then the shaft. Reichert's features instantly contorted into a flinch and he grunted in pain. Doug froze where he was and showered him with kisses, stroking his heat. Reichert's breath came hard and fast.
"If you want me to stop--"
"No. Keep going."
"It won't hurt too much more. I promise."
Reichert nodded shortly. Doug took hold of him and again began to ease himself inside, carefully watching his lover's features. Reichert's face twisted again, his teeth grinding as his body tightened against the pressure, fingers digging into the bedclothes; when Doug had buried himself inside to the hilt, only then did he begin to loosen and sink back. Doug slowly pulled himself out, and pressed forward again. Again his lover tensed and arched, this time biting off a cry. He went slowly, yet they could both still feel the slickness of blood between the detective's thighs.
Reichert let out his breath and tried not to whimper. Doug stroked his hair and nuzzled at his neck.
"Maybe this isn't..."
"No, keep going. Keep doing it...I'm feeling it."
"You're sure...?"
Reichert nodded and took in another breath, letting it out. "Come inside."
Their mouths met. Doug pulled back, pushed in. When Reichert grunted and tensed this time their bodies met, hips pressing together; they both collapsed to the bed, and pushed again, tensing. Reichert began to loosen and his breath came heavier, full of desire. He began to groan softly as their movements began to increase. Doug set the tempo and they fell into a slow, easy thrust, squeezing each other's buttocks as they gently rocked upon the bed. Doug murmured as Reichert mouthed his earlobe and whispered.
"Oh, God..."
"If it hurts..."
"No. No. Keep going. Keep going..."
Their speed increased a bit. Reichert murmured and nuzzled against Doug's neck, then mouthed his nipples. Doug arched and sighed. Their legs tangled, hands exploring. Reichert couldn't keep his mouth off of that exquisite body. He thought dimly about how he had to take a shower, and get to work soon; he groaned against Doug's breast.
"It's still hurting...?"
"No...have to get ready for work. Damn it..."
"We can finish this up soon..."
Doug took hold of his hips. Reichert wrapped his legs around his lover's waist and held him close. Doug let go of him now to place his hands upon the bed, and using his own feet for leverage, bit his lip and began to push rapidly. Reichert cried out and bucked up into him and their motions joined, merging into a barely controlled frenzy of wanton need, just barely contained lust. Doug panted harshly, thrusting fully. Reichert's member rubbed against his belly. The cop craned his neck and tore at the sheets, their bodies sleek with sweat. His feet pressed against Doug's buttocks, urging him in; they grew faster, and he abruptly grunted hard and cried out again, a wetness spreading between them as his fluid released, shooting against Doug's belly. Doug tossed back his head and let out his breath. He bumped his hips forward and quivered in climax. They kept their eyes shut as their pleasure died, and then slowly sank back to the bed together, panting heavily, regaining their strength.
Doug waited until they had sufficiently caught their breath before taking hold of Reichert's thigh and gently easing himself out. Reichert moaned softly. Doug examined him, dabbing away the blood that had smeared between them, wiping at the semen slickening his chest. Reichert burrowed his head into the pillow and sighed when Doug caressed his face.
"You feeling all right...?"
The cop nodded, eyes still shut. "Y...yeah...just have to...get used to it..."
"Sorry it hurt like that."
"'S okay." He turned his head back and opened his eyes, lazily smiling up at his partner. Doug smiled back. Reichert reached up to touch his face, his own shining and flushed from exertion. "I liked it a lot...sorry I have to clean up and get going so soon."
"Maybe I can stop by tonight."
Reichert's smile grew. He started to forget about the sharp unpleasant pain that had passed through him. He thought now only of the pleasure that had come afterwards, and was still to come, if he wanted it.
"I think I'd like that."
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Please DO NOT rate if you won't review.
Thank you!
This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
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Click "Contact Me" to let me know what you think!
This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.