About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Kind Of Rough CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Sheriff Wayne Rhoades/James (M/M)
EXPLANATION: Well, firstly, I wanted to pair Sheriff Rhoades with a guy who shares and/or understands his odd preferences. And secondly, I wanted to try out the erotic asphyxiation thing. *whistle* La la la. Mm-hm. That's about it.
DISCLAIMERS: Firstly, I have no clue what the going rate for a moderately classy yet affordable male prostitute is. Secondly, I don't know anything about erotic asphyxiation (it's not like I go looking for websites!), so I could be way off! ^_^;
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Kind Of Rough
James had liked the arrangement very much. $250 up front, his friend had promised, for a new "client" of his. Apparently he knew the guy from around, as he was somewhat reserved in telling James what he was up for. But tell him he did, as this biz was about nothing but the money.
$250, he'd said. Cash, up front. I should tell you, this guy's a little...strange.
How so? James had inquired.
Well...he likes it kind of rough.
James had smirked. As if that ever stopped me.
Well, I mean he likes it ROUGH rough.
Like erotic asphyxiation rough...I heard he likes to choke people. And he's...rather bigger than you are. A LOT bigger than you are. To tell you the truth, he scares me a little...I wouldn't want to get ass-fucked by this guy, he'd probably tear me in two.
YOU'RE not the one getting paid for it, James had politely reminded him with a smile. Me, I'd do just about anything for $250.
That mean you're taking the job?
Of course it does. So, where do you know him from...?
The boss had also informed him, afterwards, that the guy was a cop. Apparently his wife wasn't satisfying him the right way. James smiled again on hearing that. He could manage to satisfy anybody for two-fifty. He rather enjoyed the challenge. Some spice now and then was a good thing.
So now, he knelt upon the bed, head pressed down to the pillow except when yanked back by the leather choke collar. The ramming sensation making him lurch forward repeatedly was beginning to make his skin tingle. He gasped for breath and thought back on what had led to this.
When the guy had arrived, he could see that his friend had been right; he was easily six-foot-five, possibly more, and well built to boot. Not fat, but not gangly either. His eyes were cold and, to his friend, unnerving; for he cleared his throat and left the room. James had just smiled at him accommodatingly. Those eyes looked like murder. But hey, for two-fifty...
He'd led his new client to their own room, private and out of the way. Once there he'd cooed over him a little bit, stroking both his ego and his skin, but the guy didn't seem to want to fall for it. Oh well. He'd untied his robe and lightly let it slip from his shoulders, parting it and trailing it down so he stood before him in thong only. Those cold eyes had scoured his body and actually heated up some. Excellent!
"Interested?" he'd cooed, stepping closer to lean against him lightly. His fingers traced over his broad chest. "How about we get you out of those...then maybe you can tell me what you really want. Hm?"
No protest there. They kissed as he undressed. Normally James didn't do kissing, but if the pay was right he would. Two-fifty was certainly right. The man bit at his lips and even his tongue, stinging him, but James didn't complain. He just smiled some more, and, taking him by the hand, led him to the bed. He lay down back upon it with a coy look and smoothed the sheets.
"Room for one more."
A creak as his client accepted the invitation. James reached down beside the bed to pull something from a box, lifting it out and smoothing it over with another smile. Black leather shone in his hand.
"I heard you like it a little bit...strenuous." The cold eyes focused on him again, drilling. "I've always been partial to this piece, myself...it just makes everything feel so much more alive. Would you like to help me put it on, or watch?"
He got the impression that the guy wanted to watch, so snapped the choke collar around his neck himself. Attached to a ring in the back was a leather tightening strap. He let this trail over his shoulder and touched his client's chest.
"Any way in particular you'd like to go first, hon?"
Not long after this he first found himself kneeling, head down low, collar around his neck, a heavy panting filling his ears and hands roughly separating his buttocks. "Ooh! Bareback?" he exclaimed, and let out an almost girlish giggle. "No lube either? You do like it rough, don't you?"
He peered under his armpit to see for himself, as he hadn't been able to yet. He could see one muscled thigh rising up to meet soft hanging testicles, then the throbbing, protruding shaft above them, long and glistening purple. Wow. He was at least eight and a half, nine inches long, if not longer, with a girth to match. James had never tried one this big before--never one that was real. He had to keep himself from wriggling in delight. Such an interesting evening this would be!
And the throbbing purple shaft had abruptly entered, and he'd bitten off a scream. Only to feel the collar grinding into his neck, jerking his head back from the pillow. He gasped brokenly and clawed at it with one hand. Warm hips moved away from his own, and the pressure loosened so he collapsed against the pillow, gulping for breath. Colors swirled in his head already.
The rest of it was rather a haze. James gritted his teeth and bit into his lip as the time progressed, his partner thrusting into him slowly and viciously, breath hissing from his throat and hands grasping the strap tightly. With each push James choked for air and clawed at his throat until he was too dizzy to much care about it anymore; he then sank his head limply to the pillow and endured the action, although it didn't upset him. He knew that this was what got some guys off, and to tell the truth, he liked it a bit himself, except that it was difficult to much enjoy it when his head was swimming, half unconscious. His eyes stung and his tongue felt swollen. He did like the feel of the man's testicles rubbing against his backside; every time he felt them he'd wriggle his hips a bit and let out a choked moan. Too bad he couldn't caress the guy, that would have been great.
One hand pulled on the collar now while the other grabbed onto his hip, and then James gasped when it seized his own penis, squeezing hard enough to hurt. Yet a thrill ran through his body as well. Fingers ran up and down his length, hard and forced, matching the motions going on above. James moaned anew and arched his back so his partner could enter him further. One sharp ram and James felt dampness inside him, wondering if he bled.
A strong hand cupped and squeezed his soft hot sac, making him shudder. Up and down, up and down. James began to slowly rock, back and forth, making love to the man's hand, enjoying its feel. His hips gently pumped forward even as his partner thrust deeply and without restraint. A bit of early fluid dribbled from his tip and he shut his eyes with a sigh.
Mm, my friend was right, this guy DOES like it just the right way...
"Two-fifty," he whispered, hearing a brief quieting of the man's breath. "This'll get you a bonus blowjob once we're done here, if you're still in the mood, sweetie."
A low growling noise, and he choked off a gasp as the collar dug into his windpipe. Anyone else could have mistaken it for an angry reaction, but he knew better. He'd be having a mouthful once this was over.
As if anticipating this his partner sped up somewhat, bumping at him repeatedly, panting hard. Occasionally his head would drop back and he'd groan and shudder in pleasure, and once James thought that he felt a brief squirt, but he didn't come. They swayed upon the bed for a good half hour or so more before that happened. Damn, the guy had good endurance, he had to give him that. Only when his hand squeezed tightly, causing James to gasp and lurch, dribbling upon the bed, did he climax, grabbing one hip and pushing himself up inside deeply with a heavy, satisfied grunt and sigh. He didn't even tug on the collar one last time; James sank down into the pillows, panting weakly and salty with sweat. He listened to his partner's breathing, waited for it to slow, and for that heavy hand to grasp his thigh again, before groaning softly and turning himself over. The man leaned over him, lost in shadow, but James liked it better that way. Not so personal then. He smiled lazily and stroked his cheek, then licked the sweat from his fingers.
"My tongue can be a whole lot busier if you want it to, sugar."
A brief pause as the man stared at him a bit longer. Then he swung one leg from the bed and pushed himself up, standing. James smiled again and got to his hands and knees, crawling forward. He opened his mouth and the man took his head in his hands and guided him forward. James shut his eyes and his tongue felt the just-hardening fleshy tip that had before entered him so willingly. He swirled and tasted the tang of his pre-fluids, salty-bitter. Mmm. The hands pressed his head forward so he was forced to take the thick member deeply into his mouth, and he nearly gagged, but could control it. He knew well about pleasing men with his mouth. He let his tongue do all the work for him, sucking softly, licking, swirling and nibbling. The whole time the man held his head between his legs, his own head fallen back, breathing heavily, hips pumping just slightly. James smiled. He fondled the man's sac and ran his fingers over his tightening buttocks, gently prodding at his anus, tangling in his thick dark hair. For what seemed to be a long time they stayed locked in their slow rhythm, one standing tall and throbbing hot, the other submitting meekly, accepting his size. They moved and shifted beside and upon the bed and the reek of their sex filled the air. James tingled to smell it. Oh, how he loved that scent! The mixture of sweat and cologne and semen made him giddy inside, and he giggled in his throat and nibbled delicately at the man's tip. His breath grew louder and his fingers grasped James's head more tightly. He bared his teeth.
James offered a silent entreaty, fingers kneading the man's buttocks. Come on big boy...come on...bring it on, bring it for both of us...
Again, as if he heard and understood. James jerked when the man let out his breath with a deep sigh. He caressed the young man's cheek and neck as his fluid filled his throat, making him gulp hurriedly. A nice taste; not the best he'd ever had, but still passing nice. His partner let go of him and he slowly slid back, smiling up coyly and running one finger lightly over the softening shaft as it sank back between the man's legs. He sighed himself and lay back upon the bed with a lazy smile.
"Wanna stay the night, hon?" he inquired, patting the pillow beside him. "For two-fifty, hell, I'll even give you a backrub to send you off to sleep."
His partner was already busy gathering his clothes, putting them back on. James shrugged and reached over to the stand for a cigarette. "Your loss, sweetie. Remember though, anytime you want to stop in and say hi, I'll say hi right back, in every best way I know how...if you get my drift..." He ran one finger over the man's arm when he paused to button up his shirt. A brief glance told him that he had his attention, at least for the moment, and he smiled once more.
"Just ask for James, will you, honey? I can always make you feel pretty damn good. Who knows, you made me feel pretty good too." He pushed himself up on the bed and leaned forward to quickly kiss his partner's cheek. He then giggled and drew back, collapsing playfully on the bed and drawing up one leg so the hair between them just barely peeked out. He ran his hand up his thigh and side in a gesture tinged with erotic meaning, and wiggled. "Anytime you want, sweetie, James'll be waiting here for you." And he blew a kiss.
He was a tiny bit disappointed, when the man left, that he wouldn't have any bedmates that eve, though the thought of the man inside him, coupled with a convenient fast caress of the hand up and down his penis, substituted just nicely in James's mind, and he sighed and shut his eyes, masturbating himself to orgasm, imagining his erstwhile partner's perfect feel.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.