About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
After The Storm CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Sheriff Wayne Rhoades/Nora Rhoades (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Sheriff Wayne Rhoades of Ward County (where Minot, ND is set) and his wife. Now Rhoades is an odd character. He's bisexual, but not in the same way that most bisexuals are. Whereas I'm assuming that most bisexuals just...fall in love with the person they fall in love with, whether they're male or female, Rhoades's preferences change. He's married, true, but sometimes he prefers men. And when he prefers men he tends to get...sadistic. o_o Notice that the first scene here starts out rather oddly, like some details are missing? That's because "Jekyll & Hyde" IS missing--you can read it separately. That particular scene I've deemed nonconsensual, as, even though Nora agrees to sex, she doesn't agree to that particular KIND of sex, and doesn't enjoy it in the least. Go and check the scene out if you want...the scenes here following are 2-4. Oh yes, what the hell's up with the fantasizing in "Bait & Switch"?--turns out that Rhoades has been lusting after Det. Kristeva for quite a while now, not that the relationship has ever been pursued. He tried, just once, and...it did not go very well at all. Hm-hm.
DISCLAIMERS: Given above--the missing Scene 1 is posted separately. Rhoades has changed somewhat since that scene, though his preferences are as fickle as ever. (I think he even went with Det. Reichert once. Damn you Reichert!!)
* * * * *
After The Storm
He moved beside her in the dark, and she felt his fingers slightly touch her face. "Nora," he whispered softly.
She felt both fear and mild desire course through her. Ever since that last time--the way he'd forced himself in her from behind so hard that he'd ended up bringing her to the hospital--she'd been both dreading and wondering about the next time. Was it another phase? In front or behind? Gentle or brutal. There seemed to be a very fine line between the two extremes now, and she was wondering if he'd ever quit crossing it.
If he was in his good mood, there would be nothing to worry about. If he was in his bad mood, she'd better comply with him. Again.
She turned her head.
It was dark, so of course she couldn't see him, only his shadow in the dimness. She was starting to convince herself that he had only one mood now, and it was the one she didn't enjoy. She was already on her side with her back to him. She gave a resigned sigh--"Go ahead, Wayne"--and buried her face in the pillow, turning herself over.
"No." He kept his voice low--good for the kids, she thought--yet managed to sound appalled. She turned her head back and he touched her face again.
For some reason the only thing she could think of was how he'd sounded last time--had the kids heard them? How he'd been groaning in wild pleasure while she was sobbing and crying out in pain? She suspected that they had, with the meek look that Krystall and the sullen look that Sean had given them at breakfast the next day. That had been the worst thing of all. Even for her husband. He hadn't been looking at anybody.
So how does he want it this time?
She sat up. He followed suit, still looking at her. Her vision was adjusting to the dark and she could almost see the look on his face. "What?" she asked out loud, shrugging. "I know it's not a good idea, the doctors said to take it easy that way; that probably wouldn't be good enough for you, would it; maybe you'd like me to use my mouth?" A horrified look fluttered across his face. "That way you wouldn't physically hurt me, though I can't say it appeals to me very much. I don't really care. Your call."
"No," he said again, and the way that he trailed off at the end made it sound almost like her name. She paused and flushed, turning away and rubbing her forehead to hide the guilt she was already starting to feel at sounding so spiteful. He touched her face again and she looked back.
"I'm sorry," he managed to say after a while; he appeared to want to say more, yet the words wouldn't come. She could pretty much imagine what he wanted to say, though. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I used you to satisfy my own lust. I just don't know what comes over me sometimes, I just feel like using people. From behind. And I guess I got carried away. Just like she'd said to the doctor asking the questions, by way of an excuse to spare him.
We just got carried away.
Of course, she could tell that he hadn't believed her too much, but it wasn't like there was anything he could do about it.
Rhoades stared at her for a while, still unable to say anything he wanted to. He continued touching her face, trailing his fingers down her neck and through her hair. By now the fear and desire that she was feeling were pretty much balanced. When he finally moved toward her, slowly and tentatively, her heart thumped.
Fear and desire. Fear and desire.
His lips touched hers, just brushing against hers softly. He touched her hair and lightly kissed her again. She felt his tongue against her closed mouth; Don't let him, part of her said, but she could sense the disappointment in him and slightly opened her mouth. His tongue gently probed hers, running along her lips. Already she could tell that his breathing was growing deeper. Doesn't it always work that way. He gets excited just thinking of what's coming up for him. For him.
He touched her shoulder and pulled himself nearer, his hand moving to her back. She knew what that meant and automatically lay down. He supported her, though, so she didn't go down as quickly as she'd planned. Rhoades was breathing harder. He bent down to kiss her again, and she accepted it unhesitatingly this time, but when he slowly, carefully brought himself over her, covering her body with his, she stiffened against him.
He pulled away from her mouth. "Nora," he whispered, bending to nuzzle her neck. She sucked in a breath, keeping her arms straight at her sides, her fists clenched. She knew very well that he never spoke to her when in his bad mood, and never allowed her to speak back; however, that didn't mean he was above changing his mind. She simply lay still as he lifted himself a little, reaching a hand under her nightgown to caress her thigh, running up to her hip, her underwear, tugging on them gently, trying to pull them down.
Only one thing. Only one thing they always want.
She couldn't understand why her feelings toward him had suddenly grown so spiteful.
As he continued kissing her neck he managed to pull down her underwear, removing them over her feet. Her breathing was a little harder too but she strove not to show it. Rhoades brought his hand up again, under her top, running his fingers over her breasts. His chest was rising and falling quicker, his breath hot on her neck. Nora shut her eyes to wait for whatever was going to come. Her husband kissed her, tenderly stroking her body, pressing warm against her; she winced slightly on feeling how he was becoming below, against her legs, already growing hot and stiffening. She forced down any complaints that she might have had and steeled herself.
"Nora." This time he said her name out loud. She opened her eyes and looked at him. The hurt look was back in his eyes; he stroked her face lightly with the back of his hand.
"Don't make me feel like I'm using you." He paused, as if searching for words. "If this isn't what you want, tell me."
You bet your ass I'll tell you. Yet her throat stuck and all that she could do was swallow. He stared down at her, waiting for an answer.
A while passed. "I don't want to do what I did last time," he said softly, and she heard the catch in his voice.
I don't want to do what I did last time. Last time. Last time.
Her heart beat harder. The fear in her started dying away, though not completely; he could always change his mind. Like he changed his moods. She responded by taking hold of his neck, bringing his head down, and kissing him.
He sensed her approval, or permission, or whatever it was that she was giving him; she could feel him moving, lifting himself from her. As he was bigger than she was she was sure, if he'd been in the right mood, that just pressing his body against her he could force the breath from her lungs; yet he hadn't done that. His kiss had grown slightly more insistent yet she sensed that he was holding back. And the tempo of his breathing wasn't one of lust, it was one of desire. His hand slid between her legs, touching her to see if she was ready for him or not; she was surprised that he waited a moment until he felt her moisture on his fingers. He gently spread her legs apart and lowered himself between them so their bodies touched again. He nuzzled her neck.
Yet he still didn't enter. He ran his hands along her thighs, murmuring softly in her ear.
"Nora." She closed her eyes and arched her neck, her mouth opening. He moved to her throat, kissing her lightly. "I love you." He touched her face, her eyes opening and the two of them staring at each other. He broke the look first, burrowing his head against her breasts and tenderly squeezing her hips. She gasped.
"God, I wouldn't live without you." He shut his eyes tight, burrowing deeper against her. She took his head and held him to her. "You're so beautiful to me." He looked up again, and kissed her. "I love being with you, Nora. I don't show it but I do. I love you more than anything. I never meant to hurt you."
She knew that he'd never have been able to say all of this if he hadn't been as highly aroused as he was; she felt his hardness against her. Yet she also knew that he wouldn't have been saying any of this at all if he didn't mean it. She kissed him deeply, trailing her hands down his sides, pulling at his pants and arching against him, accepting him.
Rhoades strained to keep his breathing level as he removed his pants, stroking Nora's thighs and hips. His wife shifted beneath him, spreading her legs further and touching him. He rose, brought himself forward; she guided him in. Both of them took deep breaths as he entered. Rhoades continued caressing her tenderly, nuzzling her breasts and her neck, kissing her, moaning softly, whispering how much he loved her. He moved slowly, careful to restrain himself, not pushing in as deep as he could, as deep as he desired to; he knew that it would hurt her. He wanted it badly but not bad enough to hurt her again.
Nora sensed this. He was holding back; he was throbbing hard and strong, yet he thrust inside her slowly and gently, striving to satisfy himself as well as her. She knew he would always be too much for her all the way yet believed that he could go further. She certainly felt inside that he could; an ache was building up inside her and she needed him to reach it almost as much as he needed to go deeper. She slid her hands down to his hips, stroking him, sliding over his back to his buttocks which contracted and released slowly with each push. He seemed to flinch slightly feeling her there; when he pressed into her she arched her hips up as if straining at him, at the same time clutching him tightly to her, her head falling back and her chest heaving in a breathless moan. When he pulled out and pushed in again she repeated the movement until he began to understand what she meant; his own chest heaving, he reached underneath and squeezed her buttocks, bringing himself down and into her deeper, fuller. This time they both moaned out loud, moving slowly together, their hips rocking.
Krystall opened her eyes when she heard the faint sound down the hall. She raised her head, and then sat up, listening. Silence. Then another sound, the same as before. She bit her lip and sat there in bed in the dark.
They'd tried to hide it and cover it up but from what her brother had told her she knew that Daddy had hurt Mommy that one night. If he was doing it again, she'd have to tell Sean.
She climbed out of bed and left her room, silently creeping down the hall. As she neared her parents' room the faint sounds grew slightly louder, though not nearly as loud as they'd been that one night. She tiptoed to the door, braced herself, and peered inside.
She wasn't quite sure what it was that she was seeing at first. Her parents were both in bed, her father on top of her mother. They were moving; or at least, her father was. His upper half was raised a little, and his lower half was moving, swaying back and forward, back and forward. Once in a while he'd lower himself to kiss her mother. At first Krystall thought that maybe she'd better tell Sean; but even in the dark she could see her mother's legs twining around her father's, the way that her mother arched her neck and ran her hands up and down her father's back as he moved, touching his behind. She let out a breathless moan and Krystall could hear her father's name--"Wayne." Her father started moving a little faster; once he seemed to pull up and away almost completely, and Krystall caught a glimpse of something he had down between his legs, long and thick, something that he was pushing inside her mother; he did so now and Nora arched up against him, gasping and crying out. "Oh! Wayne..."
Krystall bit her lip. She knew that she shouldn't be there, but Daddy could be hurting Mommy again, should she tell her brother or not, what was that he was doing to her in there--?
"Oh. Wayne." Her mother whispered again, and Krystall could hear her father murmur as he burrowed his face against her, pushing into her harder and deeper. Her mother quivered, her legs moving against her father's, tangling, sliding up and down. "Yes. God, I love you. Yes. Please. Ah--"
She didn't sound like she was being hurt. Feeling a little ashamed now, yet also relieved, Krystall tiptoed away from the door and back to her room. She'd have to ask just what it was that they were doing in the morning. Ask her brother, that was. She didn't want them to know that she'd seen them doing whatever they'd been doing.
Nora was moaning in desire as Rhoades pressed inside her. She urged him on, deeper, deeper, as deep as she could get him without feeling pain; the deeper she urged him the harder he grew, the harder his breathing became; the deeper he could go the more aroused he was. As it was he apparently hadn't known that he could go so far inside her without hurting her; she sensed that maybe they could both end this being satisfied after all. Her whole body was straining against him; he pulled himself out of her, thrusting back inside, causing her to arch her back and cry out his name in rapture. She twined her legs around him and he could tell that the motion, feeling her excitement, excited him too. He cupped her buttocks, kissing her mouth now, pushing inside, deeper, deeper--moving faster but still gentle, tender in his movements, going only as far as she could allow him--pressing against her, thrusting deeply, panting for breath, in and out, in and out, deeper, further, deeper--
Nora gasped, arching and wrapping her legs around his waist, squeezing his buttocks. Rhoades gasped as well at her tightening around him; immediately he expanded and spurted inside her, thick and hot. He moaned softly again and lowered his head, sinking against her as he felt his swollen thickness and hardness lessen, his fluid die down; Nora was breathing hard but he didn't collapse on her, instead lifting and carefully drawing himself out of her body, spreading her legs again as he did so. He moved to lie beside her and for a while they just lay there breathing deeply.
When they'd finally slowed their breath she felt him touch her face again. A bit of anxiety resurfaced; was he ready again already? Rhoades moved closer, as before, yet settled beside and against her, still caressing her face and neck. He tipped his head to hers; she could feel his breath again, but it wasn't thick and hot and lustful, it was soft and warm and slow, a gentle breeze over her cheek. After another moment she turned and shifted, snuggling up against him. He responded by putting his arm around her and burying his head against her neck. Nora fell still, and eventually the two of them drifted off to sleep.
When The Mood Strikes
He accepted her kiss, her touch, and touched her back, his tongue deep in her mouth. It was insistent. She could very nearly feel his heart beating harder. His hands gripped her arms a little tighter as they kissed--then he pulled back, snorted in frustration, and turned away.
Nora felt something tighten a little inside. What Detective Kristeva had told her--about her husband's changing preferences--came back to her. As if it had ever left. Here was possibly proof that it was all true.
She swallowed it down and gently touched his arm. He turned his head a little, as if to acknowledge her presence; that in itself was more than she could have gotten before. She knew that his turning away was what had replaced his near-brutal attacks on her before he'd hurt her so badly that he'd had to take her to the hospital for her bleeding. She was glad that he could show that restraint, and yet sorry that it meant going unsatisfied on his part, as well as on hers. She didn't want to be what determined whether he'd end up satisfied or not.
"We can try something else," she offered, hoping that it didn't sound as if she knew. If he'd wanted her to know about him, he'd have told her by now. She wasn't quite sure what she could offer him as a substitute, but he turned his head a little more and his eye barely met hers, not quite suspicious--it wasn't as if he distrusted her--but skeptical nonetheless.
He knows I'm not what he wants tonight.
"We could just try something else for once," she whispered with a shrug, stroking his arm. He turned away again with a small sigh but didn't push her away. She rubbed his shoulder and tried to think of something to do.
"We could do it that way," she finally said, not quite sure what else to offer him. Now he did look at her, and the expression on his face was one half of disbelief, half of disgust. He turned before she could see too much of him there.
"Really," she pressed, holding and running her hands over his arm, a reassuring touch. "I don't mind. We could do it that way if you wanted, just as long as...just as long as we try to keep it down, and not wake the kids."
Just as long as we don't get violent!
This time he shook his head. "That's not good either way," he said, and by that she knew that he meant neither for her nor for him. She herself wasn't sure if it would still hurt after how he'd treated her the last time they'd done it that way. All that she knew was what the doctor had told them: If you're going to do it that way again, try to tone it down a little, though I wouldn't recommend doing it at all anymore.
Which wasn't a good thing, for him, at least.
He didn't speak. She sat stroking his arm in the dimness, still trying to think of a way to get rid of his frustration. She paused for a moment, thought of a few things the counselor had told her, mixed them together in her mind.
"I have something," she said softly. He barely lifted his head this time. "Come on. We can try something else." She tugged on his arm.
He looked at her again, and she was surprised by the dismal expression on his face. He looked as if he'd given up on anything for that night, and had decided to wait until his mood changed again. Nora continued pulling at his arm and he turned around all the way with another sigh, rejoining her in the middle of the bed.
She took his hands in hers and ran her thumb over his knuckles, looking up into his face. He avoided her eyes. "I know it's hard...when I'm not quite what you want," she said, her voice quiet. His eyes met hers, something like shock and anger and guilt mixing in them. He seemed to be realizing now that she somehow knew. Nora pressed on before he could let it sink in. "I want us to both be happy. Not just when the mood strikes us. I'll try to be good enough until then."
To show that she meant it, she reached down one hand and slowly, gently stroked him. His eyes closed briefly; she could tell that was all right, if not satisfactory. When she pulled her hand away his eyes opened again. Now they looked grieved, as if he knew she'd never be able to do what she said she wanted for them.
"Come on," she murmured, taking his hands and getting up onto her knees. She moved to be in front of him, her back to him, her hands not letting go of his until she was in position. Then she let go.
Rhoades shook his head and started to back away. "Nora--"
She reached back and took his hands again before he could say any more. "Shh," she whispered. "Come on."
And she let go of his hands once more, reaching instead to take hold of his member, sliding her fingers slowly up and down.
She heard him suck in his breath, half in surprise. She knew. The suggestion surprised him too. He'd never imagined her wanting to masturbate him.
Yet she kept moving her hands, noticing now how he swelled out and grew firm beneath them, protruding, rising up, up, further. He was very well endowed; it was one reason why he'd hurt her so easily before. Nora could hear the increase in his breath, and could imagine the half-closed look of his eyes. She listened to his soft panting for a second before turning her head.
"Come on," she whispered again.
Rhoades hesitated only briefly before complying. He moved closer to her, close enough so that they touched, his member pushing hard against the part of her buttocks--and there he stopped. Nora clasped her hands around him firmly, her head still turned to the side.
"Enough?" she asked.
"Harder," he panted; she squeezed him tighter and she could feel his pulse start to pound. "Harder."
Nora squeezed a little tighter and gave him a questioning look. He shook his head breathlessly; she could tell from the sharp, hot pulsing beneath her fingers how aroused he was. His voice was guttural when he spoke.
"More," he whispered.
She squeezed as hard as she could without sinking her fingernails into him; he shivered and let out a sound something like a whimper and clasped her hands briefly, nodding, then took hold of her hips. He moved a little closer so he could feel the fleshy warmth of her buttocks rubbing against him; he nodded again, unable to speak, and Nora turned her head away, starting to move her hands up and down.
She did so slowly, still grasping him as hard as she could, pushing up in a forceful gesture against him, pulling down and pushing up again. She could hear his breathing, rapid, labored; the same way that he'd breathed when forcing himself in her from behind. She wasn't sure if sadism was in his nature or not, but that was the time it had most seemed so. She'd thought that she'd be afraid on hearing him this way again. So far she was wrong.
She felt him move with her, the only pain now, very brief, from his fingers sinking into her hips each time she pushed her hands up. He was trembling. She wondered how he imagined her, who he imagined her as. The thought neither aroused her nor turned her off. She simply wondered how he was thinking right now.
Rhoades kept his eyes shut, imagining that he was making love to a young man, the skin supple beneath his fingers. Nora's hands and his motions simulated his thrusting; he trembled in building pleasure at the man's imagined tightness, so strong around him, only accepting him as he pushed hard and deep. Though Nora made no noise, he could hear in his mind the sound that the man made as he cried out, half in desire and half in pain. He never wanted to admit it, especially to Nora, but the feeling that someone found him so big as to be painful excited him almost as much as the sex itself. He didn't say anything, but groaned deep and low in his throat, pushing harder. He raked his fingers up and down Nora's hips, feeling instead the trembling hips of a young man kneeling before him on hands and knees, completely naked.
* * * * *
Sean crept down the hall, hearing the slight noise that his father made. He'd told Krystall to let him know if she ever heard anything like what they'd heard that one night coming from their parents' room again; so far neither of them had, but there was something that sounded a lot like it. This time he was going to call the city police or maybe the state police if his father was hurting his mother again.
He knew that it was wrong to look in on them, but he had to find out if his mother was in any trouble or not. His vision into the room was clear; the moon was out and it lit up the big window behind his parents as both of them knelt in the middle of the bed. At first he considered his suspicions verified--his father was indeed groaning from the sex, though a second look made him pause uncertainly. Though his father was right behind his mother and obviously in a high state of arousal, his mother simply knelt there, not crying out or sobbing or throwing back her head or anything. She was simply there. As if waiting for something. Sean blinked and squinted, trying to get a better look.
He could finally see that there was a gap between them--his father was behind his mother, but not in her. Why was he groaning? Sean squinted harder and saw with surprise that his father was grasping Nora's hips tightly, and thrusting his own hips forward, over, and over, and meeting nothing. He was barely touching Nora at all. But she was touching him.
He saw it now. His mother's hands were tightly wrapped around his father's member, moving up and down as his father pushed forward, panting heavily. He jerked roughly, grunting at the pressure; thrust again, and grunted again, tossing back his head, his whole body shuddering, his buttocks contracting sharply. Sean could clearly see his member, thick, heavy, and long, protruding from his mother's hands. It seemed to quiver in the dim light as Rhoades groaned again, more softly this time, pleasure lacing the sound. He stroked Nora's hips and buttocks, parting them, rubbing against her, but not entering. Nora waited.
Sean had never imagined them doing that. He supposed that it was the only way his father could get his satisfaction for now. He felt a little disgusted seeing his parents doing that but also a bit relieved that he wouldn't have to call the hospital or the police, especially when his father was a police officer himself. It wasn't only awkward, it could be bad for the family. He sighed tiredly and turned to go to bed.
* * * * *
Rhoades had sped up considerably. Nora had known that it would only be a matter of time. He pushed at her closer now, actually up partially between her buttocks, but was somehow careful enough in the heat of passion not to push into her. His breathing was almost nothing more than a series of quick, harsh gasps. He took Nora's hands, urging her throatily, "Harder," let go, clutched her hips, dug his fingers in. Nora bit her lip but it was much more tolerable than what he'd put her through before. She squeezed, sinking her fingers in as deep as she could; Rhoades gave a thick, heated groan, and thrust at her faster, quicker, harder, a pounding, plunging motion. The bedsprings squeaked slightly beneath them.
Nora had to hang on so she didn't fall over. Her husband's motions had grown desperate now, frenzied; he gasped aloud, a noise rising in his throat, and at first she thought he was going to cry out somebody's name, and wondered whose it would be. Kristeva's? Would he really yell out Kristeva's name? Kristeva had assured Nora that nothing had ever happened between them, but she wondered if her husband still harbored feelings for him--
But no, Rhoades didn't call out anybody's name. His fingernails sank into Nora's hips, gouging her. He thrust forcefully, jerking against Nora's hands, breaking off a shout before it had the chance to leave his throat; Nora instinctively clutched tighter and felt a shudder pass through him, and the warm splash of his fluid against her backside, and heard the low, soft groan of relieved pleasure that he let out as with his release he grew softer again between her fingers. She slid her hands down and away, making certain to simulate the motion of his pulling out from someone's body. Who the someone was, she didn't know. She decided that she didn't care to know. At least he'd been satisfied this way.
She wiped her hands against her thighs and turned back to him. He leaned forward and kissed her, covering her mouth with his, placing his arm around her back and sinking down toward the pillows. Nora followed, and allowed him to lay her on her back, straddle her on both sides, and continue kissing and touching her, running his hands over her body, cupping her breasts until he was ready, and then push into her, not as far as he would have gone before, but still deeply. Nora took a breath and arched, pleasure her turn now as her husband made love to her. She wasn't sure why he could do it now; perhaps her pleasing him first had been enough. He certainly seemed pleased, and still aroused, as he kissed her, running his mouth down her neck and over her shoulder, licking and sucking gently at her breasts as he moved steadily, in and out. He didn't have to pretend this time. She supposed that he was still heated and excited from the first session. It didn't matter. She loved him for it, for making her feel good. With each deep, full push she felt the fire rising hotter, the ecstasy throbbing almost painfully inside her, consuming her, devouring her, until her husband's fluid came and quenched it all, drowning it down, putting it out.
Nora could barely let out a whimper of relief as she sank into the pillows, panting and sweaty. Rhoades pulled himself out and dropped down beside her, both of them panting up at the ceiling. He put out a hand and trailed his fingers along her belly as it rose and fell, her thigh, the soft warm area between her legs. As she breathed in she could smell his sweat mingling with hers in the air, a strong, musky scent. She smiled rapturously and closed her eyes, breathing it in as if it were perfume, enjoying the odor clinging likewise to her and her husband's bodies. She moved herself to be close to him, let him put his arm around her shoulders again; and sighed at the scent of her husband so close to her, shutting her eyes. Rhoades tenderly stroked her face and hair and watched her go to sleep.
Bait & Switch
Nora smiled as she crawled toward her waiting husband. There was no doubting that he would be ready for her tonight. She'd already surprised him greatly at work, slipping under his desk and unzipping his pants before he could even protest. She'd almost laughed at the sharp gasp he'd let out when she drew him out, taking him in her mouth. He had had to hold tightly to the arms of his chair the remaining time she sucked on him, and she'd sensed his desperation to keep control even then. Now that they were alone, there was no longer any need.
She came to him and reached down toward his crotch, cupping him. Dipping her head, she enveloped the soft warm sac with her mouth, sucking gently on his testicles. His breath hitched and he let it out raggedly. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his musky taste, her fingers trailing up in the hair between his legs, over his hips to his buttocks.
She felt him take her head in his hands, guiding her slowly. He leaned back against the headboard with his own eyes shut and his lips parted. He breathed heavily, and the longer she sucked, the more he moved, his hips just barely straining up into her.
She would have smiled if she were able.
Rhoades himself didn't even see her. The moment her mouth had gone around him and he'd shut his eyes, a different person had entered his mind. Right now he groaned softly to feel Kristeva's mouth around him, opened his eyes to look and see Kristeva nuzzling between his legs. He was naked but for his necklace, and for some reason this made Rhoades go hard. The detective's hands slid over his hot body, lean muscles flexing; Rhoades could see the fox-head tattoo on his arm, and the mandala tattoo on his shoulder, moving as he moved. His tongue flicked expertly. Rhoades took his head and guided him as he saw fit, and the detective didn't complain. If anything, he sucked harder, and Rhoades groaned more loudly, shivering with pleasure.
Kristeva pulled away from his scrotum and drew himself up, looking him in the eyes and brushing back his hair. His gray eyes smiled as much as his mouth did, and Rhoades touched his face, out of breath. He felt badly as if he had to come, but Kristeva's hand, clenched around the base of his member, prevented him from doing so.
"I thought maybe we could try a few different things," he whispered, his smile knowing.
Rhoades wasn't certain what "different things" he meant. All he knew was that he'd lusted after Kristeva for years now, and finally, his desires were coming true. He didn't much care what the detective had in mind.
Kristeva's smile grew a bit. "I'm sure you'll like them all," he said, and trailed his tongue over Rhoades's chest. Rhoades closed his eyes in rapture.
He stiffened abruptly as soon as he felt something prod at him underneath. Kristeva still smiled, but kissed him as if seeking apology.
"You're always on top...haven't you ever wanted to be on the bottom?"
"N...no," Rhoades whispered, baring his teeth just a little.
Kristeva pouted and stroked his face. "Just once? You feel so big when you're in me...you don't want to try it?"
Rhoades ground his teeth now, but more out of frustration than anger. The truth was, he had never wished to be on the receiving end...until now. The way that Kristeva smiled at him, running his hand up and down his chest, inflamed him like nothing else. And if he had to have someone in him, he would have preferred Kristeva.
He didn't protest this time, neither did he accept; he shut his eyes again and let out his breath. Fingertips lightly touched his forehead.
"It'll be really good for you...I promise."
Hands gently tugged on his arms, bringing him down. Their mouths briefly touched. Then he lay down upon the bed and rested his head against his arm, panting slowly. He felt cool fingers parting his buttocks, and something pressing to him--Kristeva's tongue tracing over his tightened anus, licking him carefully, until he let out a shuddery sigh and opened. He felt three wet fingers slip inside him and gently slide in and out.
Breath against his ear. "You ready?"
He nodded, keeping his eyes shut and his teeth bared slightly. The hands pressed down on his backside again, spreading him open, and Kristeva's weight pressed against his back. At the same moment something hot and hard and smooth prodded against him, slipping inside, going deeper, more deeply, until it filled him completely. He tipped back his head and arched with a throaty groan, all of his muscles stiffening.
In reality, things were much different. Rhoades lay upon his stomach on his bed, arching, his wife lying atop him with her arms wrapped about his own and her head pressed to his neck. The large, realistic dildo that she wore strapped around her hips throbbed inside her prone husband. She had bought it without his knowledge, hadn't even mentioned it to him, in an effort to enhance the fantasy she knew he must be having. She didn't mind. In fact she knew that the happier and more aroused he was, the better it would be for herself once they were done.
She knew also his predilection for men, for being inside them...which was why she had decided to get him to try something different. She ran her leg up and down along his own, relishing the moan that he let out. Her hands tangled with his own and she felt him sway, before he spread his legs wider, knees bending and back arching further, body begging her to plunge deeper. She could tell that he liked it.
"Inside me," he whispered, voice husky. "Now..."
Nora smiled again. She grasped his shoulders and began to push her hips into him. Rhoades groaned and jerked, electric pleasure coursing through his body. She felt his arousal, hard and strong; as she began to move in rhythm she slipped a hand beneath him, searching, finding his penis fat and swollen against his belly. She stroked it as best as she was able, enjoying the harsh guttural pant of his breath.
"Enjoying it?"
Kristeva's voice murmured in Rhoades's ear, soft and wry with pleasure. Rhoades nodded slowly. His fingers dug into the bedsheets. He dimly heard his lover laugh softly before kissing his ear.
"I thought you might..."
Rhoades nodded, eyes shut and mouth open. Kristeva murmured with laughter again.
"Whatever you want, love..."
Kristeva's hips pushed deeper into him. His muscles stiffened again, taut and trembling. His lover spent no more time talking, instead grasping him and pushing inside, over, and over. Rhoades groaned harshly and dropped his head back to the bed in desperation. The strange sensation was such a good one, he couldn't maintain his erection for long. After what must have been merely ten minutes or so he clutched the sheets and grunted into the bed. He felt his semen dampening the sheets below him, but couldn't feel Kristeva come. Before he could, the detective was drawing himself out.
"Max..." he whispered, heady with desire. "Fuck me, Max..."
Nora heard the whisper, but couldn't tell what her husband had said. She unstrapped the dildo from herself, letting it go and nudging it under her pillow. "Wayne," she murmured, then moved closer to him again and rubbed his shoulder. "Wayne..."
His eyes dragged themselves open and blinked slowly, uncomprehending, before focusing on her face. She smiled down at him and her fingers ran through his hair. "Welcome back, big guy."
His fantasy with Kristeva faded. He pushed himself up heavily, a trail of his semen clinging to the tip of his flaccid member. Nora glanced down at it and her mouth twitched with a smile; she bent down and placed her lips to the tip, licking. Rhoades shut his eyes briefly, and took her head in his hands. He stretched out one leg as she stretched herself out beside him, one of her hands gently caressing his scrotum while her mouth played along just the tip of his penis, teasingly.
He let out a shuddery breath and pulled her forward, so her mouth enveloped him, so he pushed deep into her throat. Her hands trailed over his body and she murmured. He pumped his hips forward and back slowly, hardening, enjoying the feel. When he was erect again he pulled himself out and leaned down to kiss his wife, their tongues meeting. He took her shoulders and eased her back onto the bed, hearing her soft giggle as she reached up to pull him close.
"Did you enjoy that?"
"Immensely," he whispered huskily, kissing her again, deeply. Nora giggled into his mouth and clung to him. She spread her legs, waited patiently for him to enter. He complied. Within moments his thick member pushed slowly up and into her, and this time she arched and moaned out his name.
Yes, this was definitely good. He was satisfied...now she would be, as well. Tongue tracing over her neck and collarbone, he hoisted her hips up to his and began their slow, leisurely lovemaking for the night. He knew they would both end this heated and happy.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.