About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
After Dinner CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Det. Dale Tiffen/Melanie Campeau/Angela (M/F/F)
EXPLANATION: I wanted to try the idea of a shy inexperienced woman with somebody experiencd like--TIFFEN! (Melanie comes along for the ride.) Granted, he's probably not the best choice for a first-timer, but he treats her considerately enough...
DISCLAIMERS: I REALLY hate Melanie's hokey dialogue in this one. The sad thing is, I think that's how she really talks. Another reason to hate Melanie. *gag*
* * * * *
After Dinner
Melanie ducked her head, dodging people and making her way toward the small group of cops at the end of the hall. She lifted her hand. "Hey, Tif!"
One of the detectives looked her way and smiled, nodding. The other police glanced at her, shared knowing looks, and started drifting away. Melanie didn't care.
"Hi," Tiffen said as she reached him.
"Can I talk to you for a sec?" she asked, giving a sugary smile to the one other cop left. His nose wrinkled up.
"Sure." Tiffen turned briefly to address the other detective. "Bill. I'll get back to you in a minute, okay?"
The other detective snorted halfheartedly as they walked away to the empty squadroom. Tiffen went to get a drink from the vending machine. "What do you need?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to try something new," Melanie said, sidling up to him and speaking in a low voice, slightly stressing the word "new." Tiffen glanced back up at her, taking a drink and nodding at her to continue.
Melanie took another step closer, clasping her hands. "I have this friend named Angela," she said. "She's never really--been with a man before." A sly smile. "She's been with me." Now her voice took on a hint-hint tone. "I thought we might like to get together tonight so you can meet her in person. Maybe show her a few things."
Tiffen paused for a moment before smiling faintly--she knew that look--and taking another drink. "What time?" he prompted.
Melanie's own smile grew truly dirty. "Around eight or nine. When it's dark." A giggle. "Oh, and you might wanna bring your stamina with you. It'd be a long night." She lifted her eyebrows knowingly.
He smiled again. "Tell your friend I'll be there," he replied, kissing her and turning to leave the room. Melanie's grin widened and she also left.
* * * * *
Angie was understandably nervous when her housemate informed her that their guest was going to be a cop. A cop! Asking a cop to be one of a threesome! Melanie just told her to quit acting silly.
"Tif's a good friend of mine," she said. "Just wait'll you meet him."
And the man who did show up seemed just too polite, too well dressed and well mannered, to be anything like the man Melanie had described getting busy with in a storeroom--twice. He smiled and nodded at Angie politely, and joined them at a late dinner. He seemed nice enough. Yet Angie was still nervous, even more so as Melanie finally stood up, pushing aside her plate, and announced with a knowing grin, "Looks like it's time to hit the sack. In more ways than one." A giggle. "Follow me, Tif. I'll show you our room."
They all got up and went. Once they got to the bedroom Melanie turned around and spread out her arms as if to address them all.
"My boudoir," she announced. She flicked a hand at Angie. "Ange, go make yourself comfortable while the detective and I slip on something a little more 'convenient'--or slip off, I might say."
Angie moved away, behind the screen at the side of the room. She supposed that it didn't really matter but she didn't like undressing in front of others. As she pulled off her clothes she could hear Melanie and Tiffen murmuring and laughing softly together, talking in low voices. The lights dimmed. Taking a breath, she stepped out from behind the screen, holding her arms over herself. The other two--she could see that they were unclothed now, standing near the king-sized bed--looked at her. She tried not to look so nervous; Tiffen smiled at her again, and she thought she saw a look in his eyes, a look saying that he found her attractive. She smiled shyly back.
"C'mon, Ange, don't be shy," Melanie ribbed. Angie stepped over to them and Melanie draped an arm over her shoulder, tracing a finger along her jawline. "Tif and I are going to show you some things you will never forget."
She took Angie's hand and led her to the bed, climbing atop it and scooting to the middle. Tiffen joined them. Melanie pulled out a strap-on dildo; she showed it to Angie, who flushed red.
"This is for you," she said.
Angie started. "What? I'm not wearing that--!"
"If you want this to be a threesome you'll have to," Melanie said frankly. She put it around Angie's hips, fastening it in back. "See the button? That turns it on." She pushed a button and it started to vibrate softly. Angie flushed again while Melanie giggled and Tiffen smiled.
"Easy does it," Melanie said. "Now we're not gonna get into anything rough here, you both understand? Here's the first part of our itinerary--you do me, while Tif takes care of you. Understand?"
Angie swallowed and nodded nervously.
"Okay." A dirty grin. "Let's get down to business."
She turned away from Angie, placing herself on hands and knees. Angie felt the blood drain from her face. She felt almost ready to quit the whole thing when Tiffen took her arm, turned her toward him, and kissed her deeply.
Angie's tensed shoulders began to sink while her heartbeat increased. Tiffen cupped her face in his hands, his tongue gently probing at hers. She felt her fear slipping away.
"C'mon, you two," Melanie called with a laugh. "Save a little of that for me."
Tiffen broke away and slowly turned her away from him. Her breath sped up as he caressed her hips, lightly trailing his fingers over her skin and leaning forward to nuzzle at her neck. He squeezed her buttocks gently. She could feel him growing hard.
"Let's try to keep this coordinated," Melanie said. "First you, Ange, then Tif. Come on, let's get this show on the road."
Angie just wanted to feel Tiffen. However, she did as she was told, taking hold of Melanie's hips and, feeling a bit awkward, positioning the dildo, pushing inside. She couldn't feel anything, but Melanie moaned out loud, and Angie wondered how she felt.
Her question was answered. Before she could say anything she felt her buttocks being parted and something hard and hot and thick pressing inside. She gasped with surprise; Tiffen's hands slid up her body, fondling her breasts, and he bent to tease her ear.
"Isn't this good," Melanie said breathlessly. "All right, folks, let's go."
They all started to move, very slowly and carefully. Angie pushed into Melanie; Tiffen thrust into Angie. Usually Angie would push first, then feel Tiffen's answering thrust; a few times, however, both of them moved at once, making the motion stronger. Melanie moaned almost continuously; Angie could feel Tiffen's breath, hot and hoarse, over her shoulder. She shivered when he pressed into her. He was certainly well equipped, she thought; he straddled her closely, his fingers squeezing her breasts repeatedly, with each deep stroke. Angie's own breathing became a quick pant.
Of course she still fondled Melanie and thrust into her, yet the motions were more a result of how Tiffen was making her feel. He was so hot and full; Angie threw back her head in ecstasy, letting him kiss her neck. She cried out softly; he responded by clutching her buttocks, plunging in deep. She jerked with a cry, earning an answering yell from Melanie.
"Oh God, I can feel that," Melanie gasped. "I can feel you, Tiffen." A breathless giggle.
Angie's eyes closed. She relished the feeling of Tiffen rocking into her, slowly, gently. To her mild surprise his mouth moved back to her ear, and she could distinctly hear and feel his heavy breathing, hot and thick, brush against her face.
"Tell me how you like it," he whispered huskily in her ear.
She nearly started. "Huh?"
He held her to him, pushing deeply and steadily, moving to her other ear.
"How you like it," he repeated himself, still in that hot, breathless voice. He flicked his tongue over the edge of her ear, sending chills down her spine. "Tell me what you enjoy."
"Listen to him, Ange," Melanie panted. "He can drive you wild."
Angie swallowed. Her mouth was dry. Tiffen continued caressing her hips.
"I want you to do me," Angie whispered. It was all that she could think of. She wriggled, desire blazing through her. Tiffen's hips rocked against hers slowly and measuredly. "I just want you to get inside me and do me. Over. And over."
An almost silent, breathless laugh from Tiffen. He repositioned himself and began to thrust deeper, more quickly. Angie gasped and grabbed Melanie's hips.
Melanie gasped also. "I think you said the magic words, kiddo," she breathed. "Here we go--!"
She started moaning again. Tiffen squeezed Angie's buttocks tightly, his hips rocking harder, faster. Angie cried out with each deep, full thrust, her cries joining Melanie's. Soon enough Tiffen joined in, growling deep in his throat. As his pushes became more frenzied he let out a long, throaty groan; and as they grew faster and more frantic still the groan evolved into a series of tight, desperate grunts. Angie moaned loudly, throwing back her head as she pushed into Melanie and as Tiffen plunged into her; Tiffen threw back his head too, gripping her breasts, his muscles spasming and contracting rapidly, riding her and groaning wildly with pleasure. He suddenly gave a sharp, full, relieved grunt and thrust up, in, deeply; Angie felt a strong liquid spurt inside her and cried out, jerking into Melanie. Melanie shouted as well, her back arching abruptly. Tiffen pulled himself out of Angie and collapsed, panting; Melanie pulled away also, doing the same. Angie just sat with the dildo attached to her, still thrumming.
After some time Melanie turned her head back to them. "God, that was good," she panted. "Let's see what's in the second course."
This time Melanie lay down on her back, having Angie straddle her, Tiffen placing himself behind Angie again. He gripped her shoulders and gave her a slight smile.
"Don't worry," he said, jokingly. "I'll guide the way."
"I bet you will," Melanie returned, taking the dildo and guiding it inside her. "Mmmmm. Let's hope this is twice as good as last time!"
Again, they started slowly, rocking easily into one another. After a time they unconsciously began to speed up. Soon Angie was plunging into a writhing Melanie while Tiffen held her from behind, groaning thickly under his breath.
"Oh, yeah," he muttered, his voice deep, lustful. He whispered in Angie's ear again as he rocked. "You don't need to be shy. One look and--mmhhh--I knew I had to be in you."
Angie gasped, tossing her head. "M...more," she breathed. What he'd said had not only surprised her, it had aroused her.
"More?" A faint laugh. He squeezed her hips; he rotated his own. "There's too much." His tongue trailed over her ear. "You're pretty sexy. I don't see why you haven't been with a guy yet. Mmmhh." He gritted his teeth, urging himself deep.
"No one--" Angie gasped, arching. Melanie moaned loudly. "No one ever asked." She moved in tempo with him. She felt almost like crying.
The detective's breath was thick, his voice desirous. "They don't know what they're missing. Yes!" he groaned, forcing his hardness deep through her, tight and moist.
Angie gasped again, half disbelieving what he was saying.
"Ohhhh," Tiffen groaned, thrusting rapidly. "God, that's good." He leaned over her again. "God, you're hot. Mmh, oh, that's good." His breath was a quick, harsh pant. "God, Angie. They don't know--mhhh--this is what they're missing." A deep, pleasured grunt. "You are so good, Angie. Nice and tight--smooth--hot--ohh!" A wild groan and plunge.
"It's--" Angie was still rocking rapidly, tears springing to her eyes, almost unable to speak. "It's--true--?"
"Oh, yes!" Another full thrust. Tiffen's fingers sank into her skin. Melanie cried out and shuddered in climax. "Ah--Angie--all of this--all of this inside you--hard--full--mmhmm--you want me to do you--do you good--you do me good--ah--you're really good--good around me--oh! Good and tight, hot, mmm, just what I like." A breathless chuckle. "You do me really good."
He grunted and plunged; both Angie and Melanie shrieked, Melanie for the second time. After a moment they parted, but this time Tiffen didn't allow Angie to get away. Grasping her head, he collapsed over her, kissing her passionately, running his hands all over her body. A moment later Melanie joined them, grinning and nuzzling Tiffen's neck. They continued as such for quite a while, a tangled jumble of arms, legs, and bodies, hot with sweat, laughing and writhing carelessly, mouths meeting the most unusual places. It all came to Angie in brief flashes of clarity in a hazy mind--Melanie mouthing Tiffen, Tiffen squeezing her, Melanie embracing Angie--at one point Angie dimly saw Tiffen's head in her lap, nuzzling between her legs; she dimly saw herself laughing with wild abandon and holding him there, spreading herself for him. When she came to they were at it a third time, Angie astride Tiffen, who was lying on his back; she could feel Melanie pushing into her now with the dildo, laughing gaily. She couldn't remember having it removed; but when the haze cleared abruptly she wailed, feeling herself filled both in front and behind. Tiffen's eyes blazed at her cry and he smiled widely, firmly gripping her hips to draw her down onto him further.
"What's the matter?" Melanie laughed. "Too much for you?"
Angie lost all abandon. She sat astride Tiffen, swirling her hips wildly, Melanie grabbing onto her shoulders to keep up. Angie arched and let out a sound that was between a groan and a snarl. This time both of the others laughed.
"We've unleashed a wild woman," Tiffen gasped.
"Watch out, Tif!" Melanie shouted. "She might bite!"
Angie brought herself down and they kissed, sucking and biting at each other, growling with lust. The detective sank his fingers into her breasts. He broke away from her mouth with a snarl.
"Hold on, Detective!" Melanie cried. She moved faster and harder. "One, two, three!"
She thrust deeply. At the same moment Tiffen pumped upwards hard, spurting inside. Angie arched, her head whipping back at the double climax. She screamed at the air.
They all collapsed like a bunch of dominoes, falling one atop the other. All that could be heard in the tangle of slick, sweaty bodies was harsh panting and gasping. It seemed like forever before they could disentangle themselves, sinking exhausted onto the bed in the positions they fell in. It was a very long time before the room grew still.
Melanie finally pushed herself up. Tiffen followed, and then, achingly, Angie. Melanie shot her a look and grinned.
"How'd ya like that?" she asked, giggling.
Angie couldn't think of anything to describe what she'd felt. What Tiffen had made her feel. She flashed him another shy smile, and he grinned back, his breath still hard.
Melanie sidled up to him and reached a hand into his lap. Tiffen's breath hitched and he sat up straighter. Angie couldn't believe that he'd have enough in him to do it again.
"Whaddya say, kid?" Melanie asked, turning to her again, raising her eyebrows and wriggling her hips lasciviously. "Ready for round four?"
Angie shook her head, exhausted. "No." Her voice was faint. "I'm beat." She offered another smile.
Melanie pursed her lips and shrugged. "Whatever you want." She turned back to Tiffen and her grin grew wicked. "Got enough left in there for me, Detective?"
Angie lay back and watched while they moved off to the other corner of the bed so as not to disturb her, though she couldn't draw her eyes from them no matter how hard she might try. She was still awed by his virility. That was the only word to describe it. Four times in one night! For most guys that was impossible! For Tiffen it was voracious, insatiable!
She dimly watched while Melanie laughingly spread herself, Tiffen murmuring something to her softly before thrusting in with a fierce snarl. Melanie just shrieked and laughed and welcomed him, wrapping her legs around his waist and throwing back her head, giggling as he growled, pushing at her hard. Angie was still thinking about what Tiffen had said as he'd coupled with her. He'd told her that she was sexy; she felt good around him; and the other guys didn't know what they were missing. She knew that it could be just talk--he was groaning some of the same things to Melanie as he plunged--yet she couldn't get it out of her mind. No guy had ever called her sexy before.
One look and I knew I had to be in you.
Still trying to sort the thoughts swirling in her head, she sighed and shut her eyes, hearing Tiffen's throaty grunts of pleasure, falling asleep to the sound of his groaned climax and Melanie's answering cry.
* * * * *
One look and I knew I had to be in you...in you...deep in you...
Angie started slightly, coming awake, blinking up into the dark. She paused and listened carefully, hearing the sounds of soft, even breathing off to her side. She turned her head.
The room was dark but slight light filtered in the window, and she could barely make out two forms lying beside her; as her eyes adjusted she saw that Melanie was further away, turned away from her toward the door; Tiffen lay between them, on his back, his head turned slightly in Angie's direction. Both of them had dropped off into a deep, satisfied sleep some time after Angie had. Angie suddenly realized that all that she'd taken as a wonderful dream--feeling Tiffen deep in her, groaning that he found her good--had in fact been real. He was still there to prove it.
Her whole body ached, still sore from the virtual orgy of the night before; yet as she stared at him she felt her heart fluttering in her chest. She tried to still the feeling with a deep breath, but it wouldn't go away.
One look and I knew I had to be in you.
She reached over and tentatively shook his arm. He shifted and sighed in his sleep. She waited a moment, and tried again, shaking a little harder. This time he came awake, blinking around and rubbing his eyes. Realizing where the touch had come from, he turned to look at her.
"Yeah?" he whispered softly, being careful not to wake Melanie up.
"Detective," Angie said, then, feeling awkward, "Tiffen." She wasn't sure what to call him. She flushed, glad that he wouldn't be able to see it in the dark. She averted her eyes. "I just woke up, thinking about last night, what you said..." Her voice trailed off; she cleared her throat and tried again, wringing her hands. She smiled shyly.
"I was dreaming about you." Her smile grew even more shy. "I could just about feel you."
He stared at her for a while; after some time she could make out that he was smiling back, a faint smile. He reached out and touched her face. Angie stifled a giggle. Her heart fluttered again in her chest when he rose up on one elbow, pressing her back gently onto the bed and slowly climbing atop her. He bent down to kiss her, touching her cheek tenderly.
One look and I knew I had to be in you. He was so gentle now, not frantic and urgent as he'd been last night. She sucked in her breath as he ran his hands down her body; could this be the same person she'd been with before? Wild one minute, tender the next; she shivered and arched her neck, knowing that it was the same person as he nuzzled her, lifting himself from her.
"You said you were dreaming about me," he murmured, smiling slightly as he ran his fingers over her neck. "What exactly were you dreaming?"
"That you were in me," she murmured back, giggling shyly.
His smile grew wider. "That's one dream I can make come true." He kissed her again; she let out a faint moan as he took hold of her hips, gently spreading her thighs with his knees. He didn't thrust into her, rather pressing himself in slow and easy, filling her up; she hadn't even noticed him growing hard this time, and realized that it must be something that came on him quickly. She arched again. Tiffen sighed, burrowing his face against her breasts, his breath deep and even as he pumped gently into her, his own thighs tightening against each other the further he went. Angie moaned, and dimly heard Tiffen groan in response, the sound deep with pleasure and desire.
Melanie stirred at the sound, turning her head and blinking over her shoulder. She smiled to herself as she began to make out the two figures moving behind her in the dimness, one lying on its back and gasping, the other above, straddling the first, pushing steadily and firmly, murmuring soft words of desire. She could make out a little of what he was saying, as he sometimes said it to Melanie herself.
"God, you feel so good." The words weren't thick with lust as they had been last night; now they were whispered almost lovingly, a mere breath in the darkness of the room. "Angie...I had to be in you..." A soft sound, part moan, part murmur; a deep push. A gasp from Angie. "God, you're good."
Melanie just smiled to herself again and turned back onto her side, determined to give them a little privacy. Angie needed it right now, at least, judging by her soft, faint cries as Tiffen groaned deep in his throat, the cry breaking forth a moment or two later as he climaxed, taking her with him. Melanie continued smiling and shut her eyes, barely even hearing the gentle panting of her companions as they satisfied themselves.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
All rights reserved.
InkSpot.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.