About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Wife Watching CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA
PAIRING: Det. Dale Tiffen/Lucie (M/F)
EXPLANATION: Eegh...this one makes me leery. o_o; I think this was my first interracial piece (unless you want to count such characters as Officer D'Amato, who is of Italian descent, as being of another race than white; or Didrika, who is Roma (Gypsy)), and I don't really like it on those merits. It's okay as an erotic piece but the whole race thing makes me feel uncomfortable, as I think the way that the characters handle it is rather insensitive and possibly insulting. (That's Tiffen for you, trust me.) Please remember that these are the characters' thoughts and points of view and not my own. Personally I don't think interracial relations are such a big deal, but it was something I hadn't tried yet, thus I wasn't sure how to emphasize the racial angle properly so I believe I messed up. I'm made further uncomfortable by the fact that the vast, VAST majority of my characters are either white or of primarily Caucasian descent; I admit I have very few black characters. Not really sure why that is; I guess I just feel I can't write black characters very well since I have known all of like two black people in my whole life. *shrug*
DISCLAIMERS: See the above; apologies if this scene comes across as insulting, which it probably does, but which I did not intend. Please rate accordingly and let me know if it offends; advice on how to make it less offensive would also be appreciated. Oh yeah. Also beware of the horrid POV problems.
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Wife Watching
Warren let himself into the closet and shut the door quietly as he heard the front door open and close, and two voices murmuring coming closer. Lucie had driven in the side driveway; so he knew that she'd been successful picking somebody up. He wondered what the guy was like, though he knew they'd never truly find out anything other than what they saw tonight. This meeting was going to serve a twofold purpose: It would probably excite him enough to be able to make love to his wife, and--if they were lucky--the other man might get her with child. Which Warren had so far been unable to do.
He uncovered and peered out of the small hole he'd drilled in the closet door for just this purpose. He'd told Lucie not to tell the man anything about this meeting unless it was absolutely necessary. He figured any guy would just take it to be a one-night stand and leave it at that. He found himself wondering how she'd managed to find somebody willing enough to come over. Like Lucie had said, Tiffin was about 100% white.
He heard the door open and peered in that direction. Lucie came in first, smiling and gently tugging in the other man by his hands. Warren was shocked to see that he was white! He supposed that it was what he should have expected, but it still surprised him. The guy was handsome, and well dressed, too; just the way that he smiled back at Lucie gave Warren the feeling that he knew his way around women. It was the kind of smile that would drive most of them crazy trying to pick him up. Why would he have come home with Lucie of all people?
"Right over here," Lucie said to him, her voice barely audible. Warren had made certain ahead of time that she was completely in agreement with this. She was; she wanted a child just as much as he did, as well as to feel him excited over her. The white man just kept smiling and stepped forward into her arms so they bumped against each other, bent his head down because he was taller, and they kissed. Warren swallowed a little. He wondered how Lucie was feeling. She wouldn't have gone along with it if it had disgusted her too much. She could at the very least act as if she liked it.
He watched as they went on. It was a very long, very deep soul-kiss, and he could tell from the motions of their mouths that they were very much inside each other. He could feel himself growing excited already. They hadn't even undressed yet.
Lucie felt her own body turning to water as the man she'd brought home--he'd said she could call him Tiffen, like the city, only spelled differently--continued kissing her, touching her face as he did so. She'd never been kissed so long before. She felt as if he could penetrate deep to her core just by doing this. If he kept it up much longer, at least, they would be done before they started. Fortunately, he broke it off and stared down into her face, still smiling slightly.
"Wow," Lucie managed to get out. It was all that she could think of to say.
His smile grew. "There's more where that came from." He bent to kiss her neck, his hands holding hers. They stood beside the bed, fully clothed. "Mind letting me know now why you wanted me here?"
Lucie stiffened. In the closet, Warren did the same. When Tiffen made eye contact again Lucie tried to look nonchalant.
"Why is there any reason?"
His smile had an almost reproving look to it now. She could tell that he'd seen right through her, and felt a little embarrassed that he was that discerning. "Come on," he said, his voice still soft. "I can tell just by looking at your bed that you're not alone in this house. Some kind of problem with your boyfriend?"
Lucie paused a moment before deciding that she would tell him half of the truth. "All right," she said, leaning forward against him, studying his fingers as they locked around hers. "My husband and I have a bit of a problem. He's not able to--function--properly, unless he sees me--doing it with another man."
Warren braced himself. She hadn't mentioned the part about wanting a baby. He needed to see how the guy would react to this.
Tiffen just looked down at her, his expression mild. "Is he anywhere around here?"
Lucie nodded. "He is. Hiding. So he can see us." She kissed his neck this time. "I hope that doesn't turn you off in any way...."
"Not at all." He nuzzled her ear, and Warren relaxed a little. "I've been in stranger situations."
Right now, she believed him. Anybody this liberal about it had to have been.
He took her by the arms and led her to the bed, where they both sank down. In the darkness of the closet, Warren sat down and listened to them as they talked, kissing, touching, and gently exploring each other with their fingers. Tiffen went down on his back, propped up against the headboard, and brought Lucie to his side, stroking her face and still nuzzling her neck while she traced her fingers over his shirt.
"You're not very turned off by me," she said, deciding to be frank about it. "Most of the people in this town wouldn't even like to think about sleeping with a black person."
"I say it doesn't matter," Tiffen replied, his fingertips light on the line of her jaw. "You do it the same way as I do."
Lucie smiled slightly--allowed her leg to drape over his. "You're not Irish, are you."
"Half," he admitted. "The other half's French."
She should have known. He didn't have nearly as much to lose as the full-blooded Irish in the city. An outsider was an outsider, no matter how white they looked. They kissed again, Lucie sliding her leg up and down slowly. When they broke away again he studied her face closely, touching her cheek and appearing to appraise her. She sat still and let him. Who knew, maybe he got a kick out of faces. After a moment or two he smiled faintly.
"You have beautiful cheekbones," he said.
Lucie hoped that her eyes didn't widen too much. That certainly wasn't what she expected to hear. "I do?"
He nodded. "Beautiful eyes, too. Most of the other people look pretty plain."
She flushed as she realized that he was complimenting her for being black. Half Irish, half French or not, he was still completely white, and here he was complimenting her. He must have noticed her blushing, for he smiled wider and ran his hand down her neck. "I wonder if the rest is as beautiful," he murmured, and, suddenly remembering just why he was here in the first place, Lucie kissed him, moving herself closer, allowing him to cup his hands behind and draw her to him. Their legs met as he pulled her over him. Lucie started touching him, sliding her hands behind him and down over his back, around to the sides and up. She reached under his left arm and froze completely, her eyes snapping open. Her fingers clenched over something he had there, something hard and cold pressing against his side. She almost literally felt herself pale as much as she could. From his vantage point, Warren saw her freeze and felt a tiny bit of alarm begin to grow inside.
Tiffen noticed the reaction and pulled away from her mouth, looking her in the face. "What is it?" he asked, sounding truly concerned. Lucie just stayed the way she was, absolutely still, her fingers still bent around the object. Tiffen saw her arm reaching behind him; he felt her hand, searching for what had startled her, and when he found it he relaxed, starting to laugh softly.
"It's all right," he reassured her, gently prying her fingers loose and reaching for what was under his arm. Lucie knew what it was already and stayed frozen. Warren saw him pull out a gun from the holster hidden under his arm and silently panicked.
Oh, shit, I knew there was something fishy about some white guy just coming in here--!
Tiffen saw the near-terrified look on Lucie's face, held the gun up and pointed it at the floor, away from them. "I'm a cop," he said, putting one hand to his chest as if to emphasize what he was saying.
Oh, shit, Lucie thought also. I picked up a cop. A white cop!
She didn't say it. Instead, all that she could force out was, "I..."
"It's all right," he said again, setting the gun aside on the bedside table and facing her again with his hands open. "I don't have anything else on me. You can check."
"I didn't--know you were--a cop," Lucie finally managed to say, starting to very, very slowly back away from him. "God, I'm so sorry about all this, really I am--"
"No." He took her arms, stopping her. Lucie froze again. He tried to calm her down with another smile. "It's okay. Really. I'm not going to do anything."
He sounded sincere, and the look on his face seemed to indicate that he found it amusing that she thought he could be dangerous. Lucie began to feel foolish for her abrupt reaction. Her tensed muscles relaxed again, and she felt like hitting her head.
"I'm sorry," she said, feeling stupid. "I'm getting just as bad as those half-drunk Micks running around out there."
She wished she hadn't said that; but Tiffen just laughed and pulled her closer. In the closet, Warren sighed silently in relief. "It's okay," Tiffen said again. "Maybe I should have told you, but I didn't think you really cared too much. I'm a detective with the city. I probably should have explained why I'd be carrying a gun hidden under my jacket."
"A detective?" Lucie was impressed. It had always sounded like an interesting profession. "For how long?"
"Some years now," he said vaguely, as she brought herself up over him and started unbuttoning his shirt. She supposed that Warren must still be waiting in the closet, and it would be best to get this thing started rather than sit talking all night. Tiffen probably had work to do tomorrow. She mulled over in her mind just what kind of work he'd be doing. Narcotics? Homicide? Missing persons? He never really told her, and she didn't ask.
"I haven't met many detectives," Lucie said softly, looking him in the eyes.
"I hear that a lot," he replied, before she bent down and kissed him, and this time the two of them reached for each other, Tiffen pushing himself up slightly and unbuttoning her blouse as she'd done for him. They both moved a little more hastily than they'd liked; when a button popped off of Lucie's blouse she started giggling and heard Tiffen laughing quietly too. She pushed his jacket off his shoulders while he reached for her skirt to undo it, rather than just push it up like she knew he could have. He helped her remove his pants. Lucie then sat over him in just her undergarments, same as him, tilting her head forward with an almost shy smile.
He sat up with a smile of his own, his tongue gently running along her neck. Lucie took a breath and closed her eyes. God, she loved that. "How do you like it?" Tiffen murmured, stroking her side.
"Any way you like it," she replied. She figured that anything short of sadism would be fine by her.
He kissed her chin. "I prefer doing what pleases the lady," he said this time, and Lucie felt a definite thrill run up her spine.
"Well," she admitted, just loud enough for Warren to hear, "I do like being licked." She stifled a giggle for the sake of sounding too silly.
"Fair enough." He hunched down so she knelt over him, straddling his chest, and, holding her hips, ran his tongue over her belly. Lucie gasped and threw back her head, her stomach muscles tightening. As Tiffen moved up, up, closer to her breasts, she felt her whole body growing tense. She found a certain satisfaction in pretending to be with a person who was both Tiffen and Warren at once. In her mind's eye she kept seeing the face of one phase into the face of another. Right now it was Warren touching her, right now it was Tiffen undoing and releasing her bra. It was both Warren and Tiffen as she felt his mouth, warm and wet, close over her left nipple, gently sucking and tugging. She gasped again.
Warren watched in growing excitement--he could tell how excited Lucie was herself--as Tiffen pulled himself up against the headboard again, still mouthing his wife's breast. He hadn't thought of doing that to her before, but he would be sure to keep it in mind. He could see Tiffen's mouth working like that of an infant suckling, as well as how much it aroused Lucie. Lucie shivered when Tiffen let go and turned his attention to her other breast, his fingertips gently squeezing and twisting her wetted left nipple. Warren could see Lucie's chest rising and falling, could hear their breath coming faster. He was careful to keep his own quiet. He didn't want to do anything now to disturb them. A good moment could come at any time now.
Lucie allowed Tiffen to move himself so he was sitting upright, back to the headboard, his knees partly drawn up. She reached for him in a haze and pulled off his underwear, murmuring in surprise and admiration when she felt his member, swelling and growing warmer beneath her touch. Tiffen's breath sped up in response and he tugged at her own underwear, somewhat impatiently. Lucie dimly heard a ripping sound as the fabric tore in Tiffen's insistent grip but didn't care; she pulled them off and tossed them away before he could feel any kind of guilt over it. Warren heard the sound too, and all of the images it conjured up made his breath come quicker in his throat. He hastily undid his own pants, safe in the blackness of the closet, and drew himself out, already getting hard, moving and placing a long-necked bottle below him. He wasn't going to leave any messes if he could help it. He pushed himself in slowly and watched, panting, out the peephole, waiting for whatever would happen next.
Tiffen was still kissing and fondling his wife, only now there was an urgency to it, a purpose. Warren saw one of his hands drop briefly to stroke himself, as if preparing himself for Lucie; then he was holding her again, throbbing outward, yearning for a taste of her. His excitement aroused Warren. Warren almost wished that he could be in Tiffen's place right now; he was sure he'd be able to come. But he had to make sure and wait his turn. Plus, this cop guy could get nasty if interrupted, and Warren didn't want to find out.
Lucie's head floated in a fog. She wondered vaguely how many other people Tiffen had been with, how many other women--and/or men--he'd been with in order to exude such self-assurance, such self-confidence in his abilities. His almost nonchalant attitude regarding this consensual adultery actually turned her on. Weakened self-confidence was the last thing she needed right now.
She felt his hands on her hips. When he'd sat up she'd moved to the side to allow him; now he cupped a hand around under her leg, pulling her back. She obeyed and drew herself over his knees, resting against his thighs as he sucked at her breasts. He put his fingers up between her buttocks, parting them; understanding him, Lucie came forward, sitting down slowly, drawing him into her. She could feel him taking a deep breath and letting it out again, at the same time his whole body, from head down to feet, quivering in pleasure. She brought her thighs close, snug against him on both sides, both of them inside each other, sitting upright. Tiffen put his arms around her and embraced her tightly, body pressing against hers. She felt his thigh muscles tense against her back and shivered. She loved the feel of his body so close to hers, the two of them made almost one; the sight of his skin, almost pale compared to hers, against her darker skin, driving her wild inside. She'd never thought of making it with a white person. Or a white, well-dressed cop, for that matter.
Warren lifted the bottle and began to slowly, gently manipulate it, pulling it forward and back, rotating it slightly. His wife and the detective, so close together, bodies merging, made him think of a yin-yang, black against white. His wife accepted Tiffen's kiss, her thighs pressing against his hips on both sides. Warren breathed heavily in the darkness. He barely heard the detective moan softly.
"This," Tiffen whispered, his voice made husky by desire, and he cupped Lucie's breasts in his hands while she stared down at him, eyes glazed. "This is what I like."
Lucie sat up straighter, and could tell that the movement excited him.
"Anything you want?" she asked, her smile almost sly. Her own voice was faint.
Tiffen's response wasn't what she'd expected, nor even anything she'd had in mind. "Touch yourself."
She started mentally. Warren did the same. Tiffen just stared back at her, a faint grin tugging at his mouth as he panted. "Touch myself?"
He nodded, so Lucie did so, feeling a little awkward. She cupped her hands under her breasts at first, squeezing slightly; she ran her hands down her front to her crotch, and up again to her neck, then repeated the motion, surprised by how much she actually liked it. Tiffen took hold of her buttocks and started moving slowly, a gentle, steady rocking motion, pressing her to him each time. Lucie gasped, lost in her own world. Her head fell back with her long black hair trailing; she continued running her hands up and down her body, her eyes closed, moaning passionately as if Tiffen himself were touching her. The detective instead concentrated on his thrusting, his hips rolling smoothly against Lucie's. His breath was coming faster, his eyes narrowed to mere slits as he worked.
Neither Lucie nor Warren apparently got the trick, Tiffen making her excite herself so she'd excite Warren in the process. Warren had no idea that it was Lucie touching herself that made him feel so hot. He manipulated the bottle a little faster as he saw Lucie moving up and down with Tiffen's motions, her cries growing louder. Tiffen himself barely had to do anything to maintain her desire. Once in a while he mouthed one of her breasts again, but it was mostly Lucie who touched herself.
Warren continued to watch while things on the bed grew more complex, his wife and the detective's lovemaking more urgent, more hurried. Tiffen wasn't plunging into Warren's wife. Rather the two of them were rotating their hips against each other, Lucie riding Tiffen as he thrust, both of them building momentum. Lucie was barely even looking at Tiffen now, too lost in her own world. Tiffen didn't seem to care; he clutched Lucie's buttocks and groaned out loud, throwing back his own head. He even spoke several times as the pressure built, and both Lucie and Warren felt aroused by his speech.
"Oh, yes," he panted, his head hanging back and his neck bared. "Yes--ah--like that--oh, damn, you're good--a good black one--hot inside--"
Lucie leaned forward with a fiery smile, grasping his head in her hands. "Better than any white screws you've had, huh."
Tiffen grinned back. "Best thing to come along in a long time."
Lucie gasped and tossed back her head. Tiffen groaned loudly and rocked faster. Warren could barely control his breathing, bringing the bottle up and down and around in circles, matching the movements of the two outside in his bed. "Oh, damn," Tiffen gasped, eyes shut tight. "That is so good--oh, God--keep doing it, just like that, just like that--keep moving--come on--come on, faster--keep moving--ah, that feels so good--yeah, just like that, come on--"
This time he very nearly jerked up into her, grunting as he did so. Warren covered his mouth to prevent himself from moaning, the same thing that Lucie did, her own cries almost drowning out Tiffen's. He watched, moved faster. Tiffen moved faster as well. He was thrusting quickly and steadily into Lucie, driving himself between her legs, clutching her buttocks tightly as he rocked, his teeth bared, almost smiling with the intense pleasure that must be coursing through him like fire by now. "Ah--yeah--come on--oh yeah, that's good--oh, God--oh, yeah, Lucie, just like that--come on, ride me--come on, Lucie--move faster--faster--"
Lucie cried out and obeyed him immediately, driven wild by the sound of his voice urging her on. His hands were grasping her almost hard by now; she didn't care, not with the pressure they both felt, her thrills of ecstasy, his obvious pleasure with her. She'd completely forgotten about Warren by now, and had completely forgotten about herself; it was only Tiffen's voice that kept her aware in any sense. She felt the world roaring around her, rising up to wash her away.
"Ahhhhhh--" she moaned, her voice rising.
"Yeah," Tiffen gasped, thrusting full and deep, "that's it, that's it! Come on! Ah--yeah--ah, that's good, that's really good! Oh, God, you feel great! So good--come on, that's it, keep it up, keep it up! Mm!" He let out a throaty grunt, pushing hard. "Just a little bit more--just a bit more--come on, Lucie, come on--just a little further--a little bit more--just--right--there!"
Both Tiffen and Lucie cried out, their backs arching in unison, shuddering in climax. Warren very nearly bit down on his hand and released into the bottle, hearing the dull squirt of the fluid striking the insides and running down to the bottom. Lucie collapsed over Tiffen as he fell back, panting hard for breath. Her perception started to come back--where she was, who she was, who she was with, who was watching. They were both so exhausted that for a while they didn't move, instead lying in a naked tangle, she across his hips, supported against his chest, her legs flung wide over him. She rested her head against his shoulder as she waited to catch her breath. She enjoyed the sound of Tiffen's own breath soft and warm in her ear as he did the same, gently stroking her hair.
They lay that way for a while, at least twenty minutes, maybe longer, before Tiffen and Lucie barely heard the closet door come open. Tiffen turned his head slightly to see Warren step out, holding a bottle in one hand, staring at his wife as she rested. His eyes met Tiffen's only briefly before he turned away; he seemed too timid to talk to the detective directly. Understanding, Tiffen lifted Lucie's head up, looking into her still-glazed eyes. Her lips were wet. It took her a moment to focus on him.
"Time to get up," he whispered, kissing her lightly, then helping her move so he could sit up and pull himself off of the bed. He retreated to a padded chair sitting in the corner and eased himself into it, leaning back, tired. Back on the bed Lucie lifted her head as Warren joined her, removing his clothes, his eyes blazing. The look on his face seemed to give her strength; she sat up again and welcomed him as he fell over her, pinning her down as she giggled and squirmed against him.
Tiffen picked up an old towel lying on the floor and set it beside himself before he reached down one hand and started stroking himself gently, up and down, lazily watching Warren and Lucie in the bed as they struggled to get situated, and hearing Lucie's high-pitched cry as her husband penetrated and commenced going at her quickly, puffing and grunting hurriedly with each push. His eyes half closed so the two were a plunging, thrusting blur; his left hand clutched the towel as his right hand moved up and down more rapidly, fingering his now-swollen member which heated up with excitement on seeing them. The other two didn't even take any notice of him. He might as well have not existed--though he was sure they got some kind of thrill out of at least knowing that he was there, watching them. His hand stroked faster the faster they went, Lucie sobbing with desire, Warren panting heavily and grunting with the effort; and when they came loudly, Lucie wailing and Warren shouting, Tiffen clutched the towel to himself and tipped his head back, his eyes shutting as his body shivered with the sublime pleasure of his release.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.