About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
May & December CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline)
TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): All scenes: NA
PAIRING: Det. Dale Tiffen/Colleen Vandenburg (M/F)
EXPLANATION: The relationship between Det. Tiffen and Colleen Vandenburg was the first time I explored a May/December-type thing. The first scene here, "May & December" (so I'm not creative with titles), is NOT the first time these two paired up, obviously; that scene has never been written. I just started out with the second scene, for some reason. *shrug* The way the story goes is...Colleen is a wealthy older woman--probably in her sixties--married to this jerk named Alfred, who is maybe ten or so years younger than she is, and a total sleazeball. Don't know why they even married, but it's not much of a marriage anymore. (For the record I don't condone cheating even when a marriage is a mess--IMO that's what divorce is for--so remember that this story is just fiction.) Anyway. I think Colleen's house was burglarized or something, and she called the police to investigate. Tiffen shows up and...one thing leads to another, apparently...and then they both go their own ways. She expects him to call her back so they can get together again, but time passes...and jealous Alfred (he clearly knows what's going on) starts harping on her that there was no meaning to any of it at all. This is what leads up to the first scenario; the rest is just fun and silliness between the two. I believe this was Tiffen's very first appearance in my fiction, and I had fully intended on him pairing up with Colleen for good; however, I guess I grew bored of this and then he became a real WHORE! (Sorry, I just like using that word.) For the record, Colleen knows of his polyamorous interests, and has no real problems with him so long as he occasionally shows up on her doorstep.
DISCLAIMERS: Some details may be off, particularly in "May & December." POV problems. The burglary thing was just a plot device to get the two together, so the details of that bit in particular are probably a real stretch.
* * * * *
May & December
Alfred watched her carefully as she walked across the room, ignoring his stare. He knew that was what she was doing. Purposefully.
"Don't think I have no idea what's been going on," he said, at which she stopped abruptly. "I know you've been screwing that detective."
In response she turned and slapped him across the face so hard that his head spun to the side. He turned back to her, rubbing his stinging cheek. The look in her eyes was more than furious.
"You will not use that language in front of me," she threatened, keeping her voice low.
He simply stared back at her. "Why not? Is it any better than what language he uses?"
She sneered, forcing the panic inside her to remain inside. "You wouldn't know what language he uses. That's how far removed you are."
"Oh, I'm sure he uses something. Some kind of sweet charm. What is it, Colleen? What does he use on you, huh?" He had to raise his voice a little as she continued moving around the room, rearranging the objects on the mantel and shelves. "Is it his looks? He must be at least thirty years your junior. Is that it? Do you go for younger men now? You should have told me this before. Is it his job? Do you go for cops? Do you like blue collar? Does that turn you on or something? Or does he say things to you? Does he spout poetry? Does he tell you how beautiful you are? If he is then you know he must be lying through his teeth, Colleen. Nobody with that much going for him would fall for you. Not with how old you're getting. There's only one reason he slept with you, Colleen, and that's because he had the chance. He was here, you were here, that was it. It probably wasn't even the sex itself, did you think of that? He's probably got someone a lot younger and prettier on the side. I wouldn't doubt it. I could check up on him for you, since you seem to like detectives so much. But don't you think he'll be back. There's no way in hell he'll be back for you. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. I hope you haven't been wasting your time thinking he's going to call you now just because he did you."
Throughout his whole speech Colleen had forced her face to remain impassive, though she was falling apart inside. Everything he said made sense. Why would Tiffen be interested in her of all people? It must have been just the opportunity. But he'd seemed so nice. He'd been polite. Nobody that polite could be that cruel. Could they? She couldn't convince herself one way or the other.
"You wouldn't know what the hell you're talking about, Alfred," she said mildly as she arranged a vase of flowers. "You never knew what I liked."
She could hear him snort. "I know what you're thinking, though," he said. "You're thinking he's going to be coming right back for more. The only way he would is if you begged him. And maybe turned off all the lights so he wouldn't be able to see how old you are. In any case he'd have to be either desperate or bored out of his mind to come back here."
She just shook her head, not bothering to look at him. "You have no idea," she murmured.
"I have plenty of ideas," Alfred muttered.
"Then why don't you take them the hell out of this house along with your lazy, disgusting, putrid body?" she snapped, turning back to face him. He actually looked as if her words had stung him; Good, she thought. "This house could use some fresh air for once."
He scowled. "What, now you're going to throw me out of my own house?"
"It's not your house, Alfred," she replied, her voice all ice. "And if you don't haul your fat ass out of here right now, I'm going to call--"
"What? The police?" He sounded triumphant. "You're gonna call your cop friend? Your boy-toy Detective Tiffen?"
She picked up a pair of scissors sitting on the shelf and gripped them so tight that her knuckles went white.
Alfred backed away slowly. "Fine. Go ahead," he said, disgusted. "Go right ahead and call your good friend Tiffen. See if he decides to show up. And if he somehow manages to find the time, tell him your husband Alfred says hello."
"I'll tell him you're too busy rotting in hell to meet him," Colleen replied, miraculously keeping the despair out of her voice.
"Yeah. You would." He turned away to leave. She had the impulse to run up behind him and sink the scissors deep in his back, but knew that would be a bad idea. For more reasons than one. Instead she watched him go, her grip only loosening when she heard his car exiting the driveway. The horn blared as it went past the window, and she made a rude gesture which she was sure he could see. Then she dropped the scissors and sank down onto the couch, letting out her breath and dropping her head in her hands.
There was nothing she could think of to do but call him. She had nobody left now. All that she'd had was Alfred, and it seemed she'd gotten rid of him, at least for a while. She knew he'd be back.
Which was just why she wanted Tiffen there right now.
She picked up the phone and put it to her ear but didn't dial. There was nothing but a dull buzz. What Alfred had said kept echoing in the back of her mind. Nobody with that much going for him would fall for you. Not with how old you're getting. There's only one reason he slept with you, Colleen, and that's because he had the chance. It probably wasn't even the sex itself, did you think of that? He's probably got someone a lot younger and prettier on the side. But don't you think he'll be back. I hope you haven't been wasting your time thinking he's going to call you now just because he did you.
But he must feel something else. He was so kind...
She knew that didn't necessarily mean anything.
But I have to find out. I have to know.
She finally dialed the number she'd remembered from his card. She'd ask him to come over. That was all. She'd say there were a few more valuables in the house that needed going over. Just have him come over, check the place out a little. See what he would do. If he came on to her, then she'd have nothing to worry about, because he wouldn't do it a second time if he didn't feel anything for her. If he didn't, then Alfred was right, and then--she'd have to think about what to do later.
She finished dialing and heard the phone buzz. On the second ring someone picked up and said, "Detective Nakamura."
Tiffen's partner. "Hello. I was wondering, is Detective Tiffen there?"
"No, he's out right now." She felt her heart sinking. Out? "Would you like me to take a message for him?"
"Oh--no, don't bother. I'll just call him back later. Thank you." She hung up before Nakamura could say anything else, having to take a deep breath to still her nerves. Out? Out where? Probably on a case or something, yet she couldn't help wondering if it was with another--younger--woman. He certainly did have his looks going for him. A lot more than she did.
She pushed the phone away and sat back, drawing her legs up under her and staring disconsolately out the window. The sky was growing darker and raindrops were starting to pelt against the glass. She would just wait for an hour or so, then call again; if he still wasn't there then that would be it. She wouldn't bother him anymore. If he were truly that interested in her he would have called her himself. No use pursuing something that didn't exist.
So for the next hour she sat staring at the rain, not even seeing it, her mind was so dulled. All she could think about was what Alfred had called her. Old. Old. Old.
It seemed like an eternity before the minute hand had traced a full circle. She picked up the phone and dialed again.
One ring. The sound of a click as it was picked up. "Tiffen."
Her heart thumped. "H--hello, Detective Tiffen? This is Colleen Vandenburg."
"Hi," he said, casually--too casually. Not familiarly. "You getting things settled? Everything straightened out?"
"There's still a few things that might need cataloging," she explained, a bit hastily. "I've been checking around the house like you suggested."
"Have you made a list?"
No, I haven't. "Yes, I have. We--I have a few more valuables stored around the place. I never really knew I had so many." She forced a slight laugh.
"All right. I'll stop by when my shift ends and we can go over it. Add it to what you've already got written up."
"All right, yes. Thank you. Thank you very much." She heard him hang up and then did so herself, staring off into space. She couldn't understand it. The way he'd talked with her, so casual, as if nothing had ever happened between them a couple of days ago. There was no reason why he should have been so casual with her. Not with what had happened! With a sinking feeling she realized that Alfred must be right. Opportunity. That was the whole thing, nothing more. She forced herself not to sigh--self-pity would get her nowhere--and pushed the phone away again, sitting back and curling up in the corner of the couch to wait. She felt as miserable as the weather looked outside. She dozed a little, but it was fitful. That horrible word just kept flashing through her head.
Old. Old. Old.
* * * * *
She started at the sound of a car pulling in the drive, its lights flashing across the window and sweeping across her face. She sat up and glanced toward the door, as if she could see who it was. It must be Tiffen. There was no chance that Alfred would be showing up again tonight, with how she'd told him off. And it was after eight, just like the last time he'd come over.
The last time.
She forced that out of her head and got up to go to the door and answer it.
There was a knock just as she reached it, pulling it open and peering out. Detective Tiffen turned to face her, smiled warmly, and bobbed his head once. She smiled back--she was sure she did--yet didn't feel it. "Detective. Please come in."
He did so, casting a quick glance around the room. "This way," she said, as if he'd never been there before. It doesn't really matter. He may as well not have been.
He followed her into the sitting room. "You have more objects you need cataloged," he said--prompted, she was sure--as she turned back to face him.
She nodded. "Yes, a few more. There's this old safe Alfred had installed over the couch." She waved her hand at the wall. "I forgot about it till earlier today. I'm not sure what it has in it or if he took anything when he left."
"I guess we'll have to check it out, then." He turned to the couch, then glanced back at her. "You mind?"
She shook her head. "Not at all. Go right ahead."
He nodded back and stepped up onto the couch, taking hold of the painting over it and carefully pulling it down. Colleen stared at the small wall safe that was revealed. The truth was, she knew every article that was in that safe, had checked it already, and knew that nothing was missing. "Combination?" Tiffen said, inspecting it.
"Three right, seven left, four right."
He turned the dial three times and when it clicked pulled it open, peering inside. "Okay. Looks like a couple necklaces, I think. It's kind of dark." He stepped down from the couch, dusting his hands. "Do you have a flashlight anywhere nearby?"
"Yes, I'll get it for you." She turned and left the room, quailing inside. Old! Old! Old! There's not a flicker of interest there. Why did he do this? Why did he lead me through all of this for nothing? Why would anyone be so cruel?
She found the flashlight in a kitchen drawer and returned, holding it tightly in her right hand, like a weapon. All kinds of conflicting emotions were swirling around inside her. She wanted to bash him in the head with it; she wanted him to make love to her again, as he had before. She wanted to know why he even had done it before.
When she reached him he held out his hand to take the flashlight. He pulled and she didn't let go. He gave her a puzzled look when she wouldn't give it to him.
Colleen just shook her head. If she hadn't known any better she'd have said that she was in shock. "Maybe I just got the wrong impression," she said softly. "Maybe I just read something into something that wasn't there. But maybe you could at least tell me why. Why you were interested enough before and why you're not interested now."
Tiffen paused. Colleen didn't care what he was thinking at that moment; she was beyond caring. She felt dead inside. Everything that Alfred had said was right; but she at least had to know why. He owed her that much, if nothing else.
He looked at her for a moment, as if studying her face, trying to tell what she was thinking. She didn't care. At least, she thought she didn't, until she noticed the way that his eyes softened--just slightly--and he reached out his hand and touched her face. Not just her hair. He touched the side of her face, running the backs of his fingers lightly down her cheek to her neck. She felt her heart speed up.
She took a breath, fighting to keep herself steady. What was he doing? He must be setting her up. Get her hopes up, then crush her and laugh when he saw how funny it was. She was too old for him to possibly be attracted to her in any way. Unless the lights were turned off. And they weren't. They were all on, all around her. It was as if someone had twisted a knife in her chest; she was about to fall forward from the pain when he lowered his head and kissed her.
Her suspicions began growing confused, fighting with each other. What was this? Was this part of the act, too? But it couldn't be; nothing this passionate could be an act. And it was passionate. He took her face in his hands, gently prying open her lips with his tongue, tasting her own mouth with his. Her knees were turning to water. She was certain that she was going to fall, but he gripped her arms, lowering her slowly onto the couch. Colleen didn't know if her heart could beat any faster. Her mind was still bewildered--why hadn't he said anything to her? Why hadn't he told her, if this were real, that this was what he felt? Weren't two people supposed to tell each other that? She'd always thought so, but now she was so confused. Who was right? Alfred or herself?
When Tiffen broke away she opened her mouth to ask him why. He silenced her immediately, putting his fingers to her mouth and offering her a slight smile. He kissed her again, his hands moving to the buttons on her blouse. Her heart thumped again as he started to undo them. He didn't yank her top off as quickly as Alfred always did; he pulled it off slowly, drawing it out almost as if undressing were part of the act itself. Once her top was off he ran his hands up her sides, hooking his fingers underneath the back of her bra and unlatching it. Colleen had to struggle to keep her breathing level. Some part of her still demanded to know why he'd put her through this hell wondering if he truly were interested in her; yet the part of her that was responding to his touch was growing more dominant by the minute. She was growing hotter inside already, as she had the last time they'd been together, as she never did whenever Alfred was with her.
He sucked lightly on her lips, cupping her breasts in his hands, his fingers gently squeezing. She gasped. Alfred never touched her like that, indeed always commented on how she'd let herself go to hell, everything sinking because she was old. Tiffen touched her as if she were young again. That was how he was making her feel. He was making her feel young.
She arched slightly, allowing him to trail his tongue down her neck, nuzzling behind her ear. That sent shivers through her body. He was carefully removing her skirt as he did so, slipping it off of her legs, then tugging at her underwear. She moved, helping to pull them off, almost impatient. He started to remove his own clothing now, and she realized that both of them--him included--were panting, their breath thick with anticipation.
The lights are on, she thought distractedly while he unbuckled the belt on his pants. We're both here. We're on the couch. The couch, of all places! And the lights were on, and if she opened her eyes she could see him, and he must see her-- She did so, looking up, her breath catching in her throat; his eyes were open, and he looked down at her, giving her that smile again, an almost sly, knowing smile, his brown eyes both soft and blazing as he looked down at her--
Me! He's looking at me!
Again he bent down and kissed her. She responded this time, certain that it must be real. He managed to remove the rest of his clothing and again ran his hands down her sides, lightly raking his fingers over her hips and down her thighs. She thrilled to his feel against her; she'd never realized how much she appreciated someone younger, herself. Alfred, he'd never touched her like this; in his own words it was always Wham, bam, thank you ma'am, without the thank you. That must be what makes him so different, she thought. Why I'm so attracted to him when I have no right to be attracted to anyone anymore. He makes me feel young. He makes me feel beautiful. He makes me feel wanted.
She was actually unashamed that he could see her clearly, in all her post-prime glory. She knew that she wasn't ugly--she was actually pretty well off for her age--yet she'd never expected this kind of response from anybody. Most especially not from someone thirty years her junior.
At least thirty years.
He fondled her buttocks, breathing heavily against her ear. He gritted his teeth and squeezed; she gasped and arched up against him. Immediately she realized that the surprised reaction was what he'd wanted; his breath quickened considerably and she could tell just how much her response had aroused him, feeling his almost-instant erection. It stimulated her too. Fighting down a moan, she undulated beneath him, running her hands up and down, raking his back, cupping and fondling him in front, squeezing, rubbing. His mouth met hers, which was just as well, as she was on the verge of yelling. Tiffen grasped her buttocks again, spreading her open; when his fingers touched her she was moist already. She felt his hardness against her thigh, when he lifted himself from her, positioning his legs beside hers. In one fluid motion he moved forward and pressed inside. Colleen cried out loud. It didn't matter. She didn't care who heard. Tiffen was inside her, one with her; that was all that mattered. She clutched at him above, pressing against him below; his breath was short and quick in his throat as he bent down to kiss her again. His hips started moving, not ramming hard and frantic like Alfred always did, but rather rocking smoothly and gently into her, his hips almost rolling against hers. Colleen moaned in rapture. Tiffen responded, actually growling into her mouth with deep, throaty pleasure. Colleen could tell that was what it was. She had heard the sound before, a long, long time before; it was one that she'd never counted on hearing again. At least, not with her as the recipient.
She hugged him tighter to her, urging him deeper inside. Tiffen growled again, a harsh animal sound, his fingers sinking into her hips. She gasped and pressed against him, as she had before; he broke away from her mouth with a gasp of his own, and she felt him jerk inside her. She smiled this time; he grinned back, lust and more burning in both of their eyes. It helped to know that she had a few tricks up her sleeve, too.
His thrusting was becoming faster. Colleen threw back her head, baring her neck; Tiffen squeezed first her breasts, then her arms as he rocked into her harder, pulsing hot and strong, grinding now, their bodies pushing and straining against each other. He was almost sitting on top of her, thrusting steadily between her thighs; yet as they neared completion he bent over her again, running his hands under her shoulders, clutching her to him tightly so their bodies pressed together. She was blazing inside but the gesture was so unexpectedly intimate that it still surprised her. Their mouths were open, gasping, heaving at the air; her body was drawn as tight as a bow, ready to snap. She moaned, crying out sharply; her hands clutched his rapidly moving hips and she bucked upwards. Tiffen jerked again, snarling as he thrust into her; feeling his hot fluid spurt she wailed, pushing against him harder, feeling the bow snap. They both groaned this time with heated animal pleasure. Tiffen dropped his head down to touch hers, both of them panting hard, his fluid still coursing inside her. When the flow finally began to wane he lifted himself up and out, groaning this time in sweet relief at his release. Colleen let out her breath, feeling it as well. She still throbbed hot where he had pulled out of her, but it was a good throb, achingly tender, proof of what had just happened. Though with her other feelings, she didn't need any more proof.
Tiffen lay down again beside her, caressing her arms, his breath slowing; she knew he didn't have to go any further, yet when she turned her head lazily he burrowed against her, taking one breast in his mouth, sucking at it and teasing the nipple with his teeth. Colleen gasped. Alfred had never done that. And they'd already had sex. So what was this supposed to be, "postplay"?
Wham, bam, thank you ma'am?
She touched his face. He let go of her breast, grasping her head firmly but gently, tipping it to kiss her neck. Delightful shivers coursed through her body. He must have sensed before how she liked that; the heat building inside her again made it even harder for her to speak.
"Detective." She used his title, not his name; it aroused her even more. She didn't know; maybe the fact that he was a cop was part of the reason why she was attracted to him. He broke away from her neck, looking her in the eyes; he touched his forehead to hers, so they were directly face to face. A slight smile crept up her own face and she saw it mirrored in his, even as he was still trying to slow his breath.
"I don't ask for very much," she said softly, as they stared at each other, she feeling the heat of his body next to hers. He ran a hand down her leg as she spoke; her heart fluttered in her chest. He could stimulate her even when her mind was supposed to be on other things! "I want you to come here again. I want you to come back to me. I know it's not much of a trade for you, but--I have money, and I could always give you anything you want."
She hoped that didn't make him sound cheap. It was like paying for sex; God, wasn't that prostitution? She would really prostitute a cop? But it wasn't the same thing, it was a trade; she must give him something worthwhile in return, if she ever expected him to come back. Love would have been a good thing, sure, but right now all that she wanted was the assurance that he'd be back. Even if it was just for the sex.
Tiffen just cupped her head to his, continuing to caress her body. That smile of his was back. "I've already got what I want," he said, his voice low and soft, slightly hoarse in his throat. He tilted his head, his mouth meeting hers; again he eased her lips open, his tongue running over her teeth, meeting her tongue, breaking away and sucking at her lips, down her neck, back to her breast...
Colleen's eyes closed and she breathed in deeply, feeling his mouth sucking, his tongue gently teasing her nipple while he tenderly caressed her thighs. Her heart was leaping for joy. There was more than just cheap sex. Alfred was wrong. Tiffen must love her. After all, he was steadily bringing her body to heat again, and when she touched him again he was growing hard. She giggled, feeling giddy, and he laughed softly back, kissing her on the mouth as for a second time he moved into position above her, easily parting her thighs.
Getting Dirty In The Shower
The shower curtain swept abruptly to the side. Colleen let out a little shriek as she found herself being stared at. However, her fear quickly turned to halfhearted anger when she realized who it was.
"Tiffen!" she snapped, making a pathetic attempt to cover herself, even as the water still splashed down over her. Detective Tiffen just smiled, and his eyes looked her up and down. Colleen flushed red and swiped at him.
"I was hoping I'd find you at home," he said, still with that infuriating smile. It turned into a wicked grin. "Only I didn't think you'd be 'indecent.'"
"I'm in the shower, for God's sake!" Colleen snapped.
"Do you mind?" she pressed when he just continued leering at her. "I'm trying to clean up."
"Why?" he said. "Dirty suits me just fine."
"Detective!" She swiped at him again. He ducked her blow, stepping into the shower, grabbing her arms, and kissing her. She broke away with a sputtery laugh.
"Tiffen! You'll ruin your suit!" she cried, laughing even harder as the shower sprayed over him. He didn't reply, only stalking toward her, slipping once and nearly falling. Colleen couldn't stop laughing. Tiffen stooped and removed his shoes, tossing them over the edge of the tub and onto the floor. Colleen let out another indignant shriek when he pulled off his suit jacket. She backed away as far as she could, running into the wall, putting out a hand.
"No way, no how, Detective!" she said firmly.
"Why not?" he returned, shaking water from his head and undoing his shirt. "Nothing a little water can't clean up."
She tried to slip away but he cornered her, kissing her again. She struck his arms a couple of times but his tongue playing along her neck and behind her ear sent chills down her spine. Her indignation melted away and she started helping him with his buckle, fumbling once or twice, growing impatient in her desire. Soon enough he was unclothed, and he stepped toward her again, just about pinning her to the wall.
Colleen tipped back her head, baring her neck for him. Tiffen continued nuzzling her; he pressed himself against her, the water making their bodies slick. He broke away from her mouth briefly, curling his fingers over her breasts. "Mmm," he murmured, catching her eye and offering another smile as he squeezed gently. Colleen's heart sped up. Tiffen bent down slightly and, lifting her right breast, put it in his mouth, sucking at it, his tongue massaging and twirling around her nipple. As it grew hard she could feel the same thing happening to him down against her leg. She knew how much squeezing and sucking at her breasts aroused him. The second time they'd been together he'd given himself an erection just by fondling her buttocks. She didn't question it, but drew him away from her breast and back to her mouth. She ran her hands over his body, pressing her hips against him. Tiffen responded eagerly, murmuring deep in his throat as he pulled himself to her, keeping her pressed to the wall. He reached underneath her, groaning softly into her mouth as he handled her buttock, kneading and squeezing. His kiss moved to her neck. Colleen breathed in deeply, her fingers lightly scoring his back. She was boiling over inside with passion and desire, praying that he'd take her soon.
Still murmuring against her neck, Tiffen cupped his hands under Colleen's thighs, partially supporting her as he spread her legs. He was quivering, hot and full for her, aching hard. Nuzzling Colleen's ear, he took a breath and surged forward, pushing up, entering and filling her completely, letting out his breath as she gasped and whispered his name.
"Tiffen." Her fingernails raked his back. He growled softly, enjoying how tight and smooth she was, even at her age; the way that she welcomed him in and surrounded him with her moist warmth. She enjoyed his strength, both physical and sexual; her husband Alfred had never made her feel like this.
"Mmm. Yes," she whispered as he swayed his hips, undulating smoothly in and out, slowly, teasingly. He didn't speak but ran his tongue over her throat, still fondling her buttocks as he moved. He leaned closer so her breasts pressed against him; she felt his heart speed up, his labored breathing becoming a quick pant. Her nipples rubbed against him, the pouring water slickening them both.
He squeezed her harder, swiveling a little faster, burrowing his face in her full cleavage. She clutched him tight with another gasp. "Oh. Yes." Her voice was a husky whisper, the merest breath. Tiffen growled. Colleen's hips rocked with his. "Yes. Yes. Please. Oh God, yes." She gasped at the air.
In the hallway, a shadow. It heard the sounds within and moved to the door, peering inside. Alfred's eyes at first widened in shock at what he saw. There was his wife in the shower, plain as day, with that son of a bitch cop. And he was screwing her right in the shower with the water spraying all over them. And she was enjoying it. Her head was tipped back, her eyes closed and her mouth open. He had her right up against the wall, gripping her behind and pushing at her like an animal in rut, his buttocks contracting and releasing repeatedly. His back was to Alfred but he was grunting in pleasure, his face buried in Colleen's breasts. And she was moaning his name, urging him on, over and over, her hands running down to clasp his buttocks as well as if to push him deeper.
"Tiffen," she gasped; he thrust particularly deep and she clutched at him, crying out loud. "Oh God, yes! Fill me!"
Horrified, Alfred squinched his eyes shut and turned hurriedly away, fighting down both his nausea and the brief spurt of excitement that he'd felt on seeing them in the act. Just admitting it disgusted him. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't block out the sounds that they made, Tiffen's deep, lustful growling and his wife's cries--
"Oh! Yes! Tiffen--" A brief pause, then a groan from him, a cry from her. "Oh! God, yes! Fill me," her voice dropping to a throaty whisper that she never used with him, "fill me deep--hard--God, you are so good--oh--" sharply, with a hard grunt from him "--you feel so good--oh--please--God, fill me up, Tiffen, hard, hard, full--oh--oh, God, Tiffen--" Another animal growl. "Yes, just like that--mmmm--oh, God, yes--please--"
Alfred couldn't take it anymore. Shaking in rage and disgust, he stumbled down the hallway, out of the house and away, his hand to his mouth.
Tiffen's body against Colleen's was slippery and wet, and not only from the shower. She moaned obliviously as he thrust into her, growling as he savored her full, soft breasts. Neither of them had noticed in the least Alfred watching them out in the hallway. Both were too far gone to notice anything but each other. Colleen cried out again when Tiffen forced himself deeply, groaning thickly through clenched teeth. Keeping his hands underneath Colleen's buttocks, he hoisted her up, actually lifting her several inches from the floor, urging himself deeper.
"Oh, God!" Colleen gasped at his push. Her thighs tightened around him. Grunting slightly with both effort and lust, Tiffen lifted her, swiveling and pushing hard inside as he moved her against him, her thighs spread further. Colleen continued moaning, pleasure and ecstasy surging through her, grasping his waist to assist him, her muscles spasming.
"Oh! Tiffen!" She threw back her head. "Detective--oh! Yes! Deeper--fill me--just like that--just like that--!"
Tiffen moved faster. She could feel his urgency, thick and hot, swollen, throbbing, hard for her. For her. His fingers dug into her skin, squeezing tight. He lifted his head, and she heard him faintly whisper her name, his voice strained--"Colleen--"
She sobbed aloud, crying out, that one word bringing her abruptly to climax. He'd never spoken to her-- She shuddered in rapture but Tiffen kept pumping at her rapidly, his breath ragged, his muscles straining tight--the fire roared up inside her again and she clutched him, still crying his name--"Tiffen. Tiffen. Please. Yes. Yes! Yes--!"
Now Tiffen cried out, a harsh, broken sound, thrusting hard and full and deep, exploding inside her, pouring forth his fluid, hot with release. Colleen shrieked, feeling the gush deep within her. She pressed her hips hard against Tiffen's as his seed spurted inside; he held her to him, gripping her buttocks tightly with his eyes closed and his teeth clenched. Only when he felt his release come to its aching yet pleasurable end did he let out his breath in a low groan, his fingers letting go and his muscles relaxing. Colleen let out her breath as well. Tiffen carefully lowered her and pulled himself out, still breathing heavily, running a hand through his wet hair. Colleen leaned against the wall to gather her strength; he joined her, sliding down the wall and into the tub to catch his breath. When she looked down at him he managed another dirty smile; she grinned back and splashed him, causing him to sputter.
Better With Age
Tiffen stepped toward her, his brown eyes burning. "I can do things," he said, his voice low. He took Colleen's face in his hands. She felt herself drowning in his eyes. "I can make you feel ways you've never felt before."
He wasn't flattering himself. Colleen knew it was the truth. He'd already aroused her before, simply with his stare or his smile. He was arousing her now. Her chest was hitching as she lost herself further in his eyes.
"I know," she managed to get out, her knees weak.
"So tell me what you like." He smiled and bent to kiss her, still holding her head. Her legs started to shake. He broke the kiss and touched his head to hers, his breath fanning softly over her face as he smiled again, brushing back her hair. "I'll do what you want."
I want you to do anything. Her voice was stuck in her throat so nothing came out in response. He touched a finger to her lips and traced a line down her neck. She closed her eyes and arched, pressing against him instinctively.
"There's anything you want me to do?" She wanted to speak, but couldn't. His smile grew into a grin and he continued caressing her neck. "I know something. But first we have to get these off."
He unbuttoned and pulled her blouse down off of her shoulders. He tossed it aside, squeezed her breasts once, and pulled off her bra. When she reached for his shirt he stopped her hand and shook his head, making a slight clucking noise. She looked up at him through desire-glazed eyes. He leaned forward.
"First I'm going to do you." She dropped her hands, not certain what he meant by the words, but liking the sound of it nonetheless. He removed the rest of her clothing and stepped back, looking her up and down carefully.
Colleen flushed. She wasn't sure if she liked the way that he was examining her, as if looking for flaws, of which she knew there were plenty. But he just sighed and smiled, nodding his head and stepping forward. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him, feeling him run his hands down the curve of her hips, fondling her buttocks, his fingers tangling her hair in front. He gave her a narrow-eyed smile.
"Some things just get better with age."
At any other time, from any other person, she would have taken it as an insult. However, coming from him, it made her body tingle. She tried to stifle a giggle and rubbed herself against him, throbbing hot between her legs.
He started to remove his clothing and she helped him. She wasn't sure what he wanted to do until he backed her slowly to the long chair in the corner, settling her down on it with her legs stretched out in front of her. He cradled her closely as he did so; she felt her heart beating hard in her chest. He broke away and stood, one leg on one side of the chair, one on the other, standing over her. She was surprised that he wasn't erect yet; when he sat in front of her, straddling the chair, she reached out her hands and started to caress him, aware of the heat between her fingers. His own chest hitched; he leaned forward and placed his hand on her arm, stopping the motion.
"You don't need to do that," he said softly, though she knew it wasn't because he didn't want her to. He gently pressed her back against the chair. "Leave everything to me. You don't even have to move."
She sat still as he took her thighs and parted them slowly; first he felt her with his fingers and her breath quickened, but she gasped when he put his head down there, gently biting, his tongue working. She hadn't expected that from him at all. She threw back her head and gasped at the air, her fingers clawing into the cushion. She had to strain to keep from writhing; she felt the painful desire to squeeze her thighs together in an attempt to halt the ache that was building up there, but knew that it wouldn't be a good idea. So instead she moaned aloud, her hips arching slightly to spread herself further for him, Tiffen taking hold of them and squeezing as she did so. Her fingers dug deeply into the cushioned seat. Clenching her teeth and looking down, she could see the stirring, swelling between his own legs.
Tiffen heard her cry out and pulled back before she could come, the ache sharply dying down. Colleen sank down with it, her taut muscles relaxing instantly. He stood over her again, touching her face. When he spoke his voice was slightly breathless, and she wondered if that had been good for him too. It certainly looked like it, judging by his erection. She could barely focus on his face.
"Now tell me what you want."
"What I want." Her own voice was dazed.
"How you like it." He grinned again.
She shook her head dazedly from side to side. "Any way. With you I like it any way."
He kissed her, bringing himself forward and sitting between her legs. He placed his thighs over hers and had to squirm forward on his buttocks to penetrate her. Colleen arched again, baring her neck.
"Let's try it this way first." He probed her mouth with his tongue, squeezing her breasts, starting to push himself with his feet against the floor. This pushed him into her, starting slowly and just as slowly building in intensity. To her it felt as if he were getting up and sitting down upon her repeatedly; again she felt the urge to squeeze herself shut, draw herself tight against him, and as if sensing it he gripped her thighs and kept them parted. His fingers sank into her skin.
Colleen moved with him, clenching her teeth and clawing the cushion to avoid screaming out loud. She opened her eyes and looked at him out of a haze. Tiffen had closed his eyes too; she could clearly see the desire and pleasure on his face, the intense pleasure he was receiving from her, in his closed eyes and slightly open mouth, the way that he bared his teeth slightly with each push, the slight murmur he'd let out as he strained himself into her. She'd never noticed the gratification that he'd received during the act before, and it sent shivers through her; as she shuddered against him he clutched her tighter, groaning through clenched teeth, "Oh, God..." Colleen shivered again with a moan of her own on hearing him speak in desire for her.
In due time they couldn't contain themselves; Tiffen was pumping into her rapidly while she bucked and wailed at his every thrust. Her thighs did squeeze together when he ejaculated suddenly with a gasp, her body arching sharply upward like a bow. He pulled himself out to allow her to sink back and rest, panting and shining softly with sweat. He traced lines down her belly, up under her breasts and around her neck, waiting for his own breath to settle, his eyes themselves tracing over the contours of her body.
Colleen opened her eyes and stared at him for a while before allowing a faint smile to come to her lips. She was lying back against the chair in seeming exhaustion. "I take it you're ready for seconds."
Tiffen paused and Colleen was surprised to see the hesitation in his eyes. He ran his fingers down the side of her face and studied her hair.
"I'm always ready for seconds. But not unless you're interested."
That made her pause. She wasn't sure if she'd ever heard something that close to declining coming from him. When she looked at him more closely she could see why. There was more than just hesitation in his eyes; behind that, thinly veiled, voracious lust and desire for her were almost boiling over. She knew that any man could have more than a gentle side and he was pretty close to showing it.
She smiled and stroked his face back. "I think I owe you that much." When he dared to look puzzled, she explained, "Not even my first husband ever made me feel like that. Alfred's a limp fish compared to you."
He blinked. He actually blinked. Her remark had caught him offguard. "Any way you like it, I suppose," she said, sitting up and trailing her hands down his chest, over his taut stomach. She felt him twitch. "You gave me the choice. Though it's not much of one when any way you do it is fine with me."
Again the hesitation. "You don't owe me anything, you know."
"Really. However you want it." She teased his ear with her finger. "How do you want it?" He didn't answer. "Do you want me to guess? We already did it modified missionary style. I'm a little tired to stand right now. Sitting up?" He didn't say anything and she looked him in the eyes, searching him. "Behind?"
That was it; she saw the slight change in his look. "Ooo, Detective," she murmured, tracing along his jaw. "You are nasty."
He still didn't speak, and she took it that he wasn't going to unless she gave him a yes or a no.
She snorted lightly and tapped him on the chest. "Don't think I've never done it before, Detective. Alfred used to do it that way all the time, especially when he was loaded. He didn't have to look at my face then, I suppose. Though I can't say I enjoyed it nearly as much as him." When he started to back away almost imperceptibly she tapped him again and drew him close. "But like I said, any way is good with you."
The fire lit up in his eyes again. Colleen grinned at him and pulled herself away. "I hope this chair is good enough. You might have to bend yourself a little."
Evidently he didn't care about that. She turned away from him and laid herself down, out upon the chair, settling her head on her crossed arms against the chair back. She could hear him breathing above her, a quick pant. She looked over her shoulder the most that she could, wriggling her hips. "Come on, Detective," she said in as sultry a voice as she could muster. Tiffen knelt one knee on the chair beside her, running his fingers down her back. She shivered. She wasn't sure if he was already erect or stalling in order to bring himself to, but she spoke again anyway, attempting to prod him on.
"I feel so helpless," she murmured, wriggling again.
That must have done it; he gripped her shoulder and she heard his panting turn harsh. A second later he'd brought his leg over and was sitting astride her thighs, parting her buttocks hurriedly with his hands, arching his back to enter her, pushing through her, hard and throbbing against soft and fleshy, pushing deep inside to her core. Colleen took in a breath and heard Tiffen's snarled groan above her head; he reached beneath her to grasp her breasts. The motion was a little abrupt and it made her gasp and jerk against him, moaning softly. He snarled again, panting, and started driving himself into her, not rapid but hard, as if she were so tight that he had to force himself through her.
Colleen barely moved. Tiffen controlled the motion this time, and this fact didn't upset her in the least. He was a good lover, in many ways, and even though she felt that she did owe him this, she was enjoying it too. Alfred had never made it feel good, not this good; and he'd never made her feel more desirable about it either. With Tiffen, she felt almost like a goddess that he worshipped for how he acted toward her. As she thought this he thrust in deeply, clutching her hard, groaning thickly, "Oh, yes." She lifted her head with a gasp and her fingers raked the back of the chair. She was throbbing inside, boiling over painfully. She could tell that he was holding himself back, probably thinking that she'd only agreed to this because of him. She had to convince him otherwise.
She moaned and writhed, grabbing his hands underneath her as he squeezed her breasts with each thrust. "Detective," she gasped, relishing the sound of his title. "Oh, God, yes." Her voice came out thick and heavy. "I'm so hot. You have to reach me. Put it out for me. God, you have to put it out, let me feel you so hot and wet putting it out, get deeper in me--"
She broke herself off with a cry. At the word "wet" Tiffen had plunged inside forcefully, apparently getting her point. He immediately sped up, and she didn't stop him, urging him on with her moaned, "Oh, please, yes, yes," as he rolled his hips over and into her, thrusting quickly, driving into her steadily and repeatedly as a nail is driven through wood. There was pleasure deep in the throaty grunts that he let out as he thrust deeper, pleasure immense and wild in the harsh snarl that he let out, throwing his head back, when he plunged and his hardness burst inside, his fluid pouring out, surging through her, dousing the fire deep within her body. She arched, her buttocks drawing together as Tiffen shuddered in orgasm, letting out his breath in relief. Colleen felt her own release, like a snap within her, conjoined with his; she writhed with it, moaning softly as her ache died away. She could hear Tiffen's panting again, this time weary and satisfied instead of heated and lustful; he took her buttocks again and gently spread them to remove himself, sitting down beside her and touching her back. She drew herself up as well to face him. He smiled and tenderly kissed her neck below and behind her ear, where he knew from past experience that she liked it; he was rewarded with a shiver of delight that passed through Colleen's body from her shoulders down through her spine. He smiled again and placed his hand over the back of her neck, drawing her close to slowly fondle her. She knew that was often his prelude to making love; yet she somehow could tell that this time he was doing it out of the desire to simply touch and be with her. "Postplay," she called it. She laughed softly and drew him down with her so they could both caress each other as much as they liked. And if either of them ended up wanting to make love again, that was fine by her.
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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)
I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.
Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. 
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.