About Tehuti
I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.
As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!
My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.
Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!
Tar! :)
Part 96: Wrath Of The Ice Queen Main story folder & table of contents: "Return To Manitou Island" 
Previous chapter: "Part 95: The Second Denial" 
Wrath Of The Ice Queen
NISKIGWUN TRAMPED THROUGH the snowy woods, staring at the ground as he went. Every so often he reflexively tried to flick one of his wings, only to feel that they weren't there anymore; and every time that happened, his look grew even gloomier. He was actually beginning to wonder if he should have torn them off like that...but then again, it was the least punishment he deserved, after neglecting his duties for so long.
I have grown sloppy. Sloppy! Not that long ago there was a time when I was esteemed among Geezhigo-Quae's ranks. And now I am barely more than an absentminded loaf. Following humans about...
All they do, all they have ever done, is cause us no end of trouble! The Island would have been so much better off without any of them...there is not a ONE of them that deserves to be there...!
Except perhaps for her...
His step slowed and his wings would have hunched, had they been there. He stared at the snow yet didn't even see it. A wince passed across his face, and he shuffled his quiver on his shoulder.
She is the reason I am so sloppy lately...where has my mind gone? Why am I even acting like this? I was perfectly capable, before I met her...
Yet she is the only one I have ever seen, so willing to sacrifice so much for this Island...why did she not just stay at home and never even come here?
Why am I even thinking about her so damned much...?
He grumbled to himself and adjusted his quiver again, resuming his trudging walk toward the East Bluff. "I will report to Geezhigo-Quae," he mumbled as he walked, "and ask for a reassignment as soon as this mess is over. If she is still willing to have me as one of her men." His look grew miserable. "And if not...I suppose there are other things I can do..."
There is nothing else I can do. Serving Geezhigo-Quae has been my life. Why would I give that all up for a petty human?
Because I have never met a petty human who cares as much as I do...
Niskigwun's step began to slow again, his brow furrowing in confusion. Before he could think over this too much, a chilly wind whistled through the trees, and he lifted his head, glancing upward with a frown. Clouds still scudded overhead, and the snow still clung to the trees as heavy as ever; shouldn't it have been melting by now...?
A shuffling, tromping noise further ahead in the woods made him bristle, and he brought his spear up into position. A scraggly shape appeared between the trees; it was a moment or two before Niskigwun slowly lowered his spear with a frown of puzzlement, Peepaukawiss's bedraggled form approaching him through the snow. He sniffled and rubbed at his nose as he came, all his feathers wet and limp and sticking out in ratty tufts; he halted and sneezed loudly, then shuffled forward again. Niskigwun stood in the trail to meet him; though when Puka at last lifted his head and spotted him, he didn't seem nearly so enthusiastic as he should have.
"Uuuuuuuhhhhhhh!" he moaned, and gave a big sniff. "This SNOW! This hideous, horridous, terriblus SNOW! It soaks me in and out and makes me shake and shiver and fills me with such MISERY! This is the MAIN reason why I left this place...this awful horrible snow...which comes in the autumn and leaves in late spring! I need WARMTH and SUNSHINE to live! Not this hideous, dripping, freezing, chilling mess...my bones are aching and my skin is cracking and I just know I shall surely DIE out here!!" And he put back his head as much as he could, and let out a quivering high-pitched wail which was so thin that it didn't even echo. And then he fell over backwards with a poof.
Niskigwun rolled his eyes. "Get up, you stupid oaf! It's not that hideously cold just yet!"
Puka sat up, but didn't stand, just drew in on himself and started wailing even louder, rubbing at his eyes. "It is TOO that cold just yet!! Have you ANY idea of the horrors I've gone through so far--? I walked, and I walked, and I fell in water, and from trees, and off of cliffs, and ran into rocks, and over roots, and fell through snow drifts, and froze and froze and froze, and starved, and froze some more..."
"Where have you come here from?" Niskigwun asked, genuinely puzzled.
Puka sniffled loudly and rubbed his nose. "The East Bluff!"
Niskigwun gawked at him, then flared his own feathers. "We are barely even in the interior of the Island!" he snapped. "The East Bluff is but a TEN MINUTES' WALK AWAY!"
"I KNOW!" Puka wailed, and started sobbing. "BUT IT WAS A HORRIBLY LONG AND COLD TEN MINUTES!!"
Niskigwun clenched his fists and tossed his quiver down into the snow. "I have HAD it with this sort of immaturity!" he shouted. "The moment a man cannot even walk ten minutes without whining and crying is the moment I no longer wish to BE here!"
Puka's wailing grew even louder. "Don't you even want to hear what I WENT through?!" he sobbed. "Here I am, having the grandest day of my life, chattering up a storm, and then she up and THROWS ME INTO A TREE! That's right--A TREE!! What did I ever do to her, I ask--? Is this any way for someone of my standing to be treated? I bet 'Bozho was never knocked over with wind and hurled into a tree! Totally unwarranted, I tell you! COMPLETELY uncalled for! As soon as I see her again, I shall DEFINITELY give her a piece of my mind...!"
Best save what little you have! Niskigwun thought, but then blinked and froze before he could say it aloud. Wind--? "'She,' who--?" he asked. "Who are you speaking of, who knocked you into a tree--?"
Puka sniffled and rubbed at his eyes. "Oh--now you're interested in speaking--"
Niskigwun clenched his fists again and bristled. "WHO THREW YOU INTO THE TREE?!" he roared, so loudly that Puka cringed and covered his head, bedraggled feathers quivering.
"All RIGHT already!" he cried. "You don't have to be so MEAN!" He lifted his head and peered out from between his arms. "That odd little woman with the wings! That's who! We hit it off so FAMOUSLY, and then she just throws me into a tree! ATROCIOUSLY rude! I do not even know what anyone could possibly see in such a witch!"
Niskigwun stared at him, hands clenching and unclenching; after a moment Puka untensed, coming out of his crouch with a confused look. "Hey, why are you staring at me like that--?" he asked uneasily. "SHE was the one who pushed ME first, you do know...!"
He found himself talking to Niskigwun's back. The Michinimakinong whirled away from him, grabbing up his quiver, and started racing for the west side of the Island as fast as his legs could take him.
* * * * *
Moon Wolf's head popped up, and he stared at the darkness of the cave wall, his eyes wide and unseeing.
Something has changed. I feel it, somehow.
What is it...?
Brow furrowing, he put his hands to the floor and carefully felt his way toward the cave mouth. It had been covered up with snow again; he poked some of the white substance away, clearing a hole through which the light dimly shone, and looked up out at the trees. Snow still fell; not as heavily as before, but it was still all around him.
The spirit stone.
Moon Wolf's look of unease grew, and he dug himself out of the cave, shivering at the cold air--he didn't have the proper winter clothing to keep himself covered--and looking up at the sky, then through the woods. He couldn't quite place the feeling he'd had...but it felt familiar. He pondered over it until it began to come a little bit clearer.
That's right...I can feel him. I do not know where he is...yet he's always with me, by me and around me. As if he is part of me. I know that he isn't, but still, I can sense him...
Something's changed...switched hands...
What is he doing now...?
He turned to look westward, in the direction of Devil's Lake. He couldn't stop shivering. That was where she had vowed to go, with his necklace...would she still be there? He tried to place the strange presence he felt, but couldn't...would it follow her there?
Why else would it come...? Augwak was sent to kill her...this one would be any different?
If it goes to her, then I cannot protect her anymore...I can shield her from him, for now, but anything he sends out after her...
Moon Wolf's muscles tensed. After the briefest pause, he started jogging toward the woodland road, ignoring the sting of cold in his feet as he ran.
* * * * *
Charmian, Thomas, and Ocryx stood upon the shore of Devil's Lake, staring at the small figure which stood just outside the treeline, wielding a glowing ball of ice.
Chepi lifted the ball up over her head. "I said no one treats me so shabbily," she said in a mild voice, and her fingers crooked to hurl the ball.
Charmian blinked. "Chepi?" she blurted out, then her brow furrowed. "You mean Chepi's the one who got the Wendigo spirit stone--?!"
"Rather looks that way," Thomas said, edging closer to her and taking her arm. They both saw how Chepi was not even looking at them, but past them; turning their heads, they saw that her attention was focused on Ocryx. The demon blinked as soon as he noticed this, and even looked around himself to be sure he wasn't mistaken.
Thomas leaned down to whisper in Charmian's ear. "Are you sure it's her, the same one--? She didn't seem like this before."
"You mean maybe Chakenapok found a way to, I dunno, clone her or something--?" Charmian whispered back. "I don't know, I guess it's possible..."
"Treat me like a queen," Chepi said, drawing their attention, "and then use me up, and throw me away. I will hardly tolerate such hideously disrespectful behavior. I have always deserved far greater than this."
Charmian winced. "No, that's her...pretty sure of it now." She stood up from the crouch she'd fallen into, Thomas sticking to her side. Chepi continued staring at Ocryx, who gawked back at her in disbelief when she lifted the ice ball higher.
"And then take up with someone who is not even half as beautiful as I am," she added, "when I have always been far more than anyone could ever need."
Ocryx's hackles prickled. Stupid little wench! THIS is the reason why I got rid of you! Every single little thing is a great issue to you! You are TIRING and bothersome--always sniffing about my caves like some lost puppy! I gave you those Windwalkers just so you would LEAVE ME ALONE!
Thomas's face screwed up. "Are they having a lovers' quarrel, or is it just me--?"
"Something like that," Charmian said, and took a step forward, closer to Chepi's line of sight. "HEY! Mind even saying hello now that you're here--?"
Chepi turned her head and looked directly into her face. The blank neutral look in her eyes didn't change. "You are the mainlander," she said, after a moment.
Charmian was the one to gawk now. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. "Duh, I'm the mainlander! Did you forget to powder your brain today?"
Chepi's wings flared and the ice ball in her hand glowed. "I will kill you secondly," she said, "after I have dealt with him." And she turned back to Ocryx and again cocked her hand.
Charmian's mouth fell open. "What the hell am I," she huffed, Thomas taking her arm, "CHOPPED LIVER?!"
"I think chopped liver is a fine place to be--!" Thomas exclaimed, and pulled Charmian back as soon as Ocryx flared his own wings and let out a hideous snarl, his claws digging into the snow. He lowered his head and charged toward Chepi, making Charmian gasp and nearly pull loose of Thomas's grip.
"He's going to kill her--!"
Chepi didn't even move from her spot. She merely brought back her hand, and flung the ice ball as hard as she could. It flew through the air before connecting with Ocryx's shoulder, and it glanced off of him with a brilliant flash of light. A split second later the demon was tumbling head over heels, landing with a sickening CRACK in the snow.
All the blood drained from Charmian's face. Did she--did she just HIT him--?!
Ocryx struggled to lift his head, shaking it and grimacing before pushing himself up unsteadily, blinking as if dizzy. He spotted Chepi again, and his lip curled back, muzzle wrinkling; he bristled and dropped to all fours as if to charge at her again, and Charmian knew he would do just that, if given the chance. Learning from his mistakes had never been one of his strong suits.
Chepi merely raised her hand and let another ice ball form over her palm, this one even bigger than before.
Charmian gaped, then started struggling forward through the snow. "Oh NO, you don't--!"
Thomas clambered after her. "CHARMIAN, are you MAD--?"
"Hey!" Charmian snapped, jumping out between Chepi and Ocryx. "This is OUR fight, remember--?"
She was cut off with a startled cry when Ocryx reached out and pushed her violently aside so that she fell in a snow drift. Thomas hastened to pull her out; as soon as they got to their feet they both looked up to see Ocryx standing on his hind legs, his flared wings making him look much bigger than he actually was, not that he was by any means small. All of his teeth glittered in the dim light and his eyes flashed red.
"You wish a fight with me, wench?" he snarled. "Then I will gladly GIVE you one!"
Chepi lifted the second ice ball. "So much swagger, and yet so little sting," she said mildly. "Surprising how some things just never change."
Ocryx's face went brilliant red, and even Charmian hurried to sink back down into the snow drift for safety. The demon's enraged bellow made all of the trees shake, lumps of snow cascading to the ground. Ocryx dropped to all fours again and managed to take two or three paces forward before the second ice ball struck him, and just as before he flipped over in the air, this time landing with a tremendous crash right near the shore of the lake. His tail splashed down into the water and he lay there blinking dizzily for a moment before he could even try to get up.
Charmian couldn't keep her mouth from dropping open. "She--she was never this powerful BEFORE!" she cried in disbelief. "Ocryx could've kicked her ass EASILY by now--!"
"Remember what she's working on!" Thomas returned. "That spirit stone made Augwak a whole lot more than a windbag, didn't it--?"
Charmian cringed at the thought of it, gripping his arm. That's right--the spirit stone! It's giving her power!
Ocryx staggered to his feet and stood there, swaying from side to side and shaking his head. Yet another ice ball formed in Chepi's hand and Charmian let out a gusty sigh.
"This could go on forever!" she exclaimed.
"Not if she kills him first!" Thomas returned.
"She can't kill him. That's just the thing! He can only be killed by another Ocryx--so unless she has some Ocryx horn on her, I don't see how that'll happen! This fight could drag on forever, or until one of them passes out!" All the color suddenly drained from her face. "Oh CRAP!"
Thomas's brow furrowed. "What--?"
Charmian turned to him and gestured frantically. "Chakenapok wanted her to kill ME! That's why she came here! But she's so full of herself that she decided against orders to take out Ocryx first--" she waved at the demon, who was growling and prickling "--which means that, if she can't take him out, what if she goes for the next best thing--?"
Thomas looked confused, then realization entered his eyes. "Someone who is not even half as beautiful as she is," he recited, and stood up to look at the lake.
Charmian got to her feet as well. "I'll be damned if she's going after SHADOW WATER!" She started running toward the two as they faced off. "Hey, you stupid--"
She gasped and fell to the ground when Ocryx reared up and flung his hands forward, sending a great spinning gust of wind straight at Chepi. Chepi covered her head and all of her feathers whipped around her as the wind tore and screeched before blasting itself apart, then Ocryx launched himself into the air and spun in a wide circle, his tail flying out over the lake. A great gout of water rose up over their heads, towering and splashing, and with one flick the demon sent it crashing right toward her. Chepi stood and watched the wave descend.
Charmian gaped. "Is she COMPLETELY stupid--?!"
As if in response, Chepi lifted her hands, then splayed them out to the sides just as the wave crashed down over her. At the last minute the water parted, splashing down at her sides and then zooming up again, rejoining, and crashing straight back at Ocryx. Ocryx had just enough time to stare at the wave in surprise before it slammed into him and he was swept from sight, tumbling head over heels in the torrent. Charmian and Thomas both gasped at the awful sight; after an agonizingly long moment the water all splashed to the ground, much of it ending up back in the lake, and Ocryx fell with a wet splat into the snow, his fur and feathers flattened against him. He feebly tried to lift his head, then suddenly gave out, and went limp, his breath forming a little puff of steam from his nostrils. His dripping wings sagged over him as he lost consciousness.
Charmian stared at him in utter disbelief. She--she KNOCKED HIM OUT!
She let out a little gasp when Thomas gripped her wrist. Chepi was walking toward them now, an ice ball forming over her hand.
"I believe you were next," she said in that annoyingly bland voice.
Charmian clenched her fists. "Like HELL I am--!" she managed to get out, before Thomas pulled on her arm and pushed her back behind him. She gawked when he gritted his teeth and flung his hands up in front of him, sending out a blast of frigid air. Chepi halted and watched the wind come toward her; it buffeted her feathers and wings, and she had to hold up a hand to shield her eyes, but as soon as it was gone she lowered her arm again, her face unimpressed.
"Is that all...?" she queried. "Not remarkably impressive, for a windling." And she lifted her hands, and shot a blast of air right back.
Charmian ducked her head; Thomas crossed his arms in front of him and took the brunt of the assault, the gust tearing at his clothes and nearly toppling him over. Just as it died down Charmian crawled around and stuck her head and hands out between his legs, aiming at Chepi.
She could tell that Chepi hadn't been expecting this attack, as mild surprise flashed in the small woman's eyes before she shielded them, her wings and dress flailing as the wind tore around her.
"Do you mind?" Thomas yelled in an oddly high-pitched voice, glaring down at her. "You're blasting off weapons a little close to something I'd rather like to keep!!"
Charmian's face went brilliant red and she withdrew. "Sorry! I was just trying to help!"
"You're not going to have any need of keeping anything once I'm through," Chepi called out, and they both looked up to see that she was still in one piece, even if her feathers were a bit askew. Charmian ground her teeth and pushed herself up to stand just behind Thomas.
"Damn it! Won't anything knock her over--?!"
"Why don't you try that thing of yours--?" Thomas exclaimed as Chepi readied another ice ball. "HER spirit's not dark, is it? So you wouldn't exactly be changing it, would you--?"
Charmian clenched her fists. "I said I'm NOT USING THAT ATTACK ANYMORE--!"
Thomas flung up his hands. "THEY don't seem to have qualms about using anything, I don't see why YOU should--!" He flung his hand down and the ice ball slammed into it, driving him backward; Charmian gasped and dug her feet into the snow when he ran into her, the two of them nearly falling over. When Thomas lowered his arm he was grimacing; she could tell the attack had hurt. Thomas glanced over his shoulder at her.
"I really think you should be seeking shelter by now! I'll hold her off until then!"
Charmian's brow furrowed. "But--it's me she wants!"
"Would you just HIDE already--?!"
Charmian bit her lip, then dashed out from behind him. She couldn't think of anywhere else to go--she started sprinting for Devil's Lake, sucking in a great breath and preparing herself as best as she could for the cold shock of the water. Just before she could reach it something latched onto her ankles and tripped her so that she fell with a startled yelp, landing hard on her chest a foot or two from the water. She rolled herself over to see Chepi pulling on an invisible rope, and as soon as she did Charmian was tugged forward.
"I said that you were next," she said. "Now why would you be running away when you were so eager to face me...?"
Charmian ground her teeth. "I wasn't running away!" she snapped, and struggled to get her feet loose. "Just show me what you've got and I'll give it back TENFOLD! You stupid little...skanky...HUSSY!"
Chepi paused in her pulling just long enough to purse her lips and then say, "From any other person, perhaps I would take that as an insult," and then yanked on the wind rope so hard that Charmian yelped and zoomed forward through the snow. Chepi aimed an ice ball at her and Charmian put up her arms to protect her face, knowing it was pretty much pointless, if those things could knock Ocryx out--!
A gust slammed the ball from Chepi's hand, and she watched it sail away, over the lake. Thomas sprinted forward and slashed his hand down at the invisible ropes, Charmian's legs drawing back toward her so that she fell over with an "Oof--!" Chepi had to regain her balance; he stooped down and grabbed onto Charmian's arm, pulling her to her feet and dashing back toward Ocryx.
"Another plan would be a brilliant idea right about now," he said between clenched teeth.
"Sorry. Fresh out," Charmian quavered. She heard a great commotion some distance away and lifted her head to see gangly shapes hopping up and down upon a rock ledge over the opposite side of the lake. "HEY!" she yelled at the watching GeeBees. "You know YOU guys could try lending a hand!!"
In response the GeeBees hopped up and down, gibbering and squawking some more, then turned and fled, disappearing over the rock ledge. Charmian felt like throwing snowballs. "A LOT OF HELP YOU ARE!!" she screamed.
Thomas grabbed her arm again and pulled her toward Ocryx. "At the least you can lie low over here--and I'll try stunning her or something. The MOMENT her eyes shut or her head turns, you try to jump into that lake! I'll do everything I can to make sure she's distra--"
Charmian dodged to the side as Thomas went skidding past her, a gust of wind propelling him backwards. She ducked down behind Ocryx and watched with wide eyes as he struggled to raise his hands and dispel the wind, sending out a blast of his own so the two met and cancelled each other out. Both he and Chepi squared off, the air whipping and screaming between them and their feet gouging into the snow. It looked as if they were about equal in strength, so far.
Charmian gaped at them for a moment or two, then forced herself to stop watching. "Hey!" She shook Ocryx's shoulder. "Come on, wake up!" she begged. "You can't let a WOMAN beat you, can you--?"
Ocryx didn't even open an eye. Leave it to him to be unconscious right when she needed a big demon the most.
She heard a horrendous WHAP, and looked up in time to see the roiling column of air disperse, Thomas and Chepi nearly falling over as the pressure disappeared. Thomas staggered to regain his balance, shaking his head dizzily; Chepi lifted both of her hands and an ugly seething mass of twisted, jagged ice crystals formed over her fingers.
Charmian's eyes goggled and she pushed herself up over Ocryx's shoulder. "THOMAS--!"
Thomas blinked and looked at Chepi. He saw the wicked ice crystals shimmering in the air, then cringed and put up his hands with a panicked look. Charmian felt her muscles tense to try to run out and assist him--she knew she should be going into the lake, but she couldn't just leave him--when Chepi threw the crystals forward, and they zoomed toward Thomas in a jagged barrage. Thomas crossed his arms and ducked his head, shoulders hunching.
KSSHH. The crystals splintered into a million harmless pieces, the tiny fragments pelting off of Thomas's arms and landing in the snow. Charmian blinked. Thomas lifted his head and furrowed his brow, looking around himself; both Chepi and Charmian glanced toward the woods at the same time. Charmian's eyes widened.
Niskigwun came to a halt just outside the treeline, holding his bow out in front of him. He fitted another arrow to the notch, its blue feathers quivering.
Chepi lowered her hands. "The Turtle Fairy," she said blandly. "Why am I not surprised."
"The castoff one," Niskigwun grated, his look growing positively ugly. "Why am I not surprised? Wind attracts wind!"
"This explains why you are here," Chepi said. She lifted a hand. "So I suppose you will be third upon my list."
"Niskigwun!" Charmian called out, sticking her head up over Ocryx's shoulder; the Michinimakinong glanced at her with some surprise, as if not having expected to see her there. "Be careful! She's a HUNDRED TIMES stronger than before--she knocked out OCRYX!"
Niskigwun's feathers flared. "No worry. She is still trifling compared to us." He lifted the bow. "Would you prefer it in your chest or in your face--?"
"Neither, if you please," Chepi said, just as Niskigwun let the arrow fly. It started glowing as it sailed through the air, and changed into a streak of wind as it went. It looked as if it would stab straight through Chepi's heart, but she jumped up at the last moment, wings flapping, and it sailed beneath her to disappear among the trees. "Now why is your aim so poor--? Is it because you're distracted, and have no wings to chase me with...?"
Niskigwun scowled and pulled out another arrow. He fitted it to the bow and drew back the string, aiming it up high as Chepi sailed down at him with her wings flared. Just as his fingers twitched to let it go, Chepi veered to the side, then veered to the other side, Niskigwun's eyes goggling as he tried to keep up with her. She even seemed to vanish from sight for just a split second before she reappeared right beside the bow and slapped her hand against it, sending the arrow flying far off to the side instead. Niskigwun stared in disbelief as it sailed straight at Charmian and Thomas before Chepi's foot met his face, snapping his head back so he tumbled backwards in the snow with a thud.
Charmian sucked in a breath at the sight of the wind arrow sailing toward them; Thomas got up in front of her to shield her from it, but Chepi appeared as if out of nowhere, and kicked him as well so he spun sideways and fell over. Charmian caught a flash glimpse of the almost bored look on her face before she vanished again, and then looked down to see the arrow still flying her way.
Niskigwun pushed himself up, hand to his bleeding mouth. "Charmian--!"
Charmian's eyes fixed on the spinning arrow as it changed into wind, and she gritted her teeth.
There's no WAY I can outrun that thing!! I can't even block it, if SHE can't block it! All I can do is take it, and hope at least part of me survives intact...
She ducked her head and held up her arms. She was pretty fond of her arms, always had been, but supposed it was better them than her head.
An odd crunching thumping sound came from behind her, and she lifted her eyes just in time to see something jump over her head and land awkwardly right in front of her. Her head jerked around and she gawped in astonishment when Moon Wolf threw his arms out in front of himself and hunched over, just as the shaft of wind struck. It blasted him backwards so he ran into her, then just like that it was over, and he was grimacing and clutching at his chest as if he'd just had a heart attack.
Charmian struggled to find her voice. "M...Moon Wolf--!"
Chepi landed several yards away and fluttered her wings. "Wonderful," she sighed. "Yet another to add to my ever-growing list."
Charmian grasped Moon Wolf's arm as he painfully sat up, wincing as he did so. "Moon Wolf...? Are you okay?"
He just ground his teeth. "The...spirit stone...?"
Charmian nodded. "She has it...and she's making it pretty frigging hard to get it back!"
You can hear me? a voice suddenly said in her head, and she blinked in surprise; Moon Wolf appeared to hear it as well, as did Thomas, who was carefully pushing himself up from the snow. Don't look at me! Niskigwun's voice ordered. She will know we're communicating!
I'm not nearly strong enough to get it back from her, Charmian thought at him.
I can force the spirit stone out of her if I can hit her in the heart with an arrow, Niskigwun explained. But she has to stand still for that. I do not have many arrows left as it is! If any of you can find a way to hold her still long enough, then I should be able to get it back.
Thomas's brow furrowed. Any idea how to do that, then--?
I suggest the three of you pool your talents and do it together, Niskigwun said, and took a step back, pulling out another arrow. Chepi didn't pay him any attention, instead walking toward the others. Charmian blanched and Thomas and Moon Wolf moved to stand closer to her as Chepi approached.
"Now," Chepi said almost boredly, "it would be most rude of me not to live up to my promise. I already promised to kill you, and perhaps these others should they convince me it's worthwhile. So please don't keep dodging about, it only draws out the unpleasantness."
"And would you tell a fly to stand still before you swat it--?" Charmian retorted, seeing how the other two tensed. She opened her mind and heard their voices in her head.
I will run, Moon Wolf said, as if fleeing. You two attack her, and I will grab her from behind. Charmian, use fire, the better to confuse her. She won't be expecting it.
Charmian and Thomas nodded just slightly. Before they could even say anything Moon Wolf had pushed himself off and sprinted away toward the woods. Chepi turned her head to watch him, then turned back to the remaining two with a small shrug.
"I take it he is the most intelligent of the lot of you. Though I imagine he will not live long, anyway." She lifted her hand and once more ice crystals formed over her fingers. "Now...where were we? Before we were interrupted...?"
"You were blathering with your fat yap about how stupid you are," Charmian said.
Chepi's eye twitched. "I do not believe this was so; yet it hardly matters. Killing is killing, and I will simply have to pick up in the middle of things."
"Cripes, you make old Chepi sound like fun!" Charmian said, just as Thomas planted his foot in the snow and brought his hands up, shooting out a blast of icy wind. Charmian lifted her own hands, wrists together, and yelled, "FIRE!" sending a flaring blast of flame straight at Chepi. The wind struck Chepi first, and she held up her arms to fend it off; then Charmian's fire washed over her, and her eyes widened in surprise as it melted her ice crystals and singed her feathers. Thomas attacked again, dousing the flames and coating her with a thin layer of ice; then Charmian's attack renewed, melting the ice and browning her clothes. She kept flexing her fingers as if trying to return fire, yet nothing happened; she looked at her hands as if in confusion, Thomas and Charmian continuing to lob wind and fire at her, one after another.
Something flickered behind her, and she gasped when her arms were suddenly yanked backwards. Charmian abruptly cut off her attack, grabbing Thomas's arm to stop him; Moon Wolf latched onto Chepi's arms and twisted them behind her so that she let out a startled cry. She started struggling, baring her teeth and hissing and hitting him with her wings, but he held onto her as tightly as he could.
Niskigwun dashed up to Thomas and Charmian. "Away!" he shouted, and they retreated, giving him his space. He aimed the arrow at Chepi's chest, the small woman still hissing and spitting, her eyes flashing yellow as her drained powers started returning. Niskigwun let go of the bowstring and the arrow flung itself through the air.
Chepi halted in her struggling and watched it zoom toward her, her eyes widening in panic. At the very last second Moon Wolf let go of her, and she started to lift her arms--but the arrow shifted into wind and struck her in the heart, hissing and whooshing noisily. A bright light flared, and Chepi let out a scream, her body contorting as little tendrils of light etched across her chest. Then the light grew so bright that it hurt Charmian's eyes just to look at it and she had to look away. A POP sound came, Thomas took a step back, and when Charmian glanced up, Chepi gawked into space, and then went limp and fell backwards as if in slow motion. Charmian's eyes scoured her and the area around her, but she couldn't see where the spirit stone had gone.
Chepi hit the snow and landed there with a thump. Moon Wolf stared at her for a moment before jogging forward, Charmian also hurrying toward her. They both stooped in the snow to look her over. Her clothing and feathers were a tattered, sopping mess and she was moaning already, lifting a hand to put it to her head. Niskigwun took a few steps forward and stopped as they shook her gently and felt her arms.
"Ooooohhhh..." Chepi moaned, and made a face. "My poor head!" She blinked her eyes open drearily and Charmian let out a breath of relief to see that they were dark again. Her brow furrowed when she saw the other two looking down at her and she glanced from one to the other. "What...what happened...?"
"You just became the second biggest pain in the ass in the world!" Charmian replied, but couldn't help smiling at her just the same. Even with how annoying she was, Chepi had never struck her as evil, and she'd never wanted much to kill her.
"My head is killing me!" Chepi complained, and sat up with a wince. She nudged Moon Wolf away indignantly, then looked down at her clothes. Her eyes goggled and she sucked in a horrified gasp. "Wh...wh...what h-happened to my d-d-DRESS?!"
Charmian rolled her eyes. "We'll lay a new one away for you!" she said, and pushed herself back up while Chepi looked herself over and stuttered in horror over her tattered state. "Niskigwun!" she called out to the Michinimakinong still standing nearby; he had taken several steps to stand not that far ahead of Charmian, behind Chepi, and was staring past her. "It was too bright for me! Did you see where the spirit stone went this time...?"
Niskigwun didn't answer. Instead he stood holding his bow loosely in one hand, his other hand clenched and his eyes wide. Charmian's smile dimmed and faded away when she noticed the look in his eyes, a strange mixture of shock and dismay and...fear? "Niskigwun...?" she asked again, wondering if he hadn't seen where it had gone. Would they have to scour the whole Island for it this time...?
She then noticed that he seemed to be staring at something directly behind her, and felt an eerie feeling creep up in her breast. She very slowly turned her head in the direction that he was staring in, dreading what she might see.
Thomas was the only one who stood behind her. He remained just as she'd left him when she'd run to Chepi...but even as she met his eyes she knew that something had changed. Thomas stared right back at her, and as the two of them looked at each other, his eyes flared ugly yellow.
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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.
This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.
If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.
If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.
I do hope you enjoy! :)
© Copyright 2005 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com).
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.