About This Author
A changeling spirit,
constantly evolving,
revolving around an inner core,
spinning forth legend and lore,
stories and lives
as I come to grips
with who and what I am,
have been and may be.
I am a phoenix:
rising ever above and beyond!
Placesettings: the book
As this progresses it will contain all the chapters (combination of poetry, essays and short stories) which will comprise the book

January 26th
a brief written note changes everything.
The Island Letters
Short story written in an unusual format
The Birthing Place
It isn't the journey but what we are docked to. 2nd Place: March's Short Shots Contest.
Phoenix Rising
Ever rising...above and beyond
The Interview
How quickly the world forgets.....
Carousel to Hell
for RAW prompt: despair
True title is My Grandmother's Grandfather's Trunk
Email Song
why isn't there a zip code or email addy for heaven?
The Christmas Angel
Christmas poem with a message...great for children and/or reading aloud!
Dipping the Stars
Look deeply
Rainbow World
Fantasy, fiction or the unvarnished truth...ahhh but I'm not telling
Coloring Lesson
If life were a box of crayons.....
Footloose and wandering...a storyteller meanders the bylines of the world
Eternal Darkness
Now, WHY did I ignore that sign saying STAY OUT?
Foggy Revelations
There is always more than one side to every story. This one had three.
Icicles on Trees
Can you hear the silence?
Empty Nest Solution
She came into my life when i needed her most!
Boston by Land and Sea
An evening to cap off a day...two hundred years ago and tonight.
Anguish By The Numbers
Sometimes it doesn't matter how high the odds are stacked against you....
Long Winter's Night
Long nights at the top of the world
1st Date, Take 2
Love is better, the second time around.....
A Writer's Last Words
What I should have read when I am dead.
Still Singing...
Never stop the music....
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