About Tehuti
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I am an amateur writer of novels, serials, and novellas. Most of my work is in the genres of fantasy, mythology, drama, occult, GLBT, and erotica.

As I'm not seeking publication, I offer my work online for free reading. I'm not seeking stylistic critique so much as feedback from people who just like reading what I write. I love hearing what people think of my characters, plots, themes, etc., so if you have any comments or advice on those, feel free to share. I'm not hugely popular and often go many months without hearing from readers so I enjoy all the comments I get!

My interests are Ojibwa mythology, Mackinac Island, Egyptian mythology, Jungian symbolism and dream interpretation, ritual crime, fantasy writing, and various other things you can find in my personal bio, available just to the right. Please click to learn more about me and what I'm looking for in terms of readers and potential friends.

Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in any of these things, and enjoy my writing!

Tar! :)
Part 128: Stupid Is As Stupid Does
Main story folder & table of contents: "Return To Manitou IslandOpen in new Window.
Previous chapter: "Part 127: Fear & LoathingOpen in new Window.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

NISKIGWUN'S WINGS FANNED out from his back and he shot up into the air--not so wisely, as he was still deep within Crack-in-the-Island, and he had to gasp and duck his head as he zoomed upwards. His right wing caught on an outcropping of rock and tore open; he made a face and flapped it harder, though it made flying difficult. Cursing himself for his stupidity, he vaulted out of the Crack and ducked his head again, keeping himself low and flying beneath the trees, veering from left to right and dodging branches. He headed roughly west, casting about and trying to remember where the Crooked Tree stood.

He made it all the way to the west shore before stopping, staring at the lake in confusion, then turning and heading back inland. He flew back and forth a bit, then rose as high as he could, which wasn't terribly high due to his torn wing; there were plenty of trees, but none that resembled the one he'd seen before. Furrowing his brow, he turned and started flying east again. He scanned the woods the entire way without luck and chewed furiously on his lip.

Where is the damned thing!!

"Michinimakinak!" he yelled out of frustration, turning his head from left to right as he flew. "Why won't you let me see the Tree?!"

The East Bluff began to come into view and he came to a halt in midair, lifting his hands to tear at his feathers. He never got lost! Especially not HERE! He'd seen the Tree in the crystals in the Sky Tree--so why couldn't he find it now? He thought he'd flown right near it...yet apparently the Island was shielding it from his view. He couldn't understand.

He glanced at the bluff before turning about again and flaring his wings, ready to head back west--he would just have to fly back and forth as long as was necessary until he found it. Perhaps he'd gone too far north or south. He tensed his muscles to take off when a snuffling noise from below made him gasp and whirl around, glancing down at the ground. He blinked when he saw the two demons from the cave, and they stared up at him in return, heads cocking.

They looked puzzled for a moment, then the female's eyes grew wide and she started hopping excitedly. "I remember him now! He's the one who stopped by the cave! And got rid of that unpleasant person who was bothering us!"

The male demon's ears pricked up like Manabozho's feathers, and he looked just as excited as the female. "I remember him now! He's been with Charmian a lot, too!"

Niskigwun blinked at them stupidly as they started chattering, apparently forgetting he was even there. They flared their wings and tilted their heads and wagged their tails the entire time, pacing around each other.

"He's a Michinimakinong!"

"He helped clear out our cave!"

"He MUST be a good person if Charmian likes him!"

"We'll have to invite him by someday!"

The Turtle Fairy listened to their excited prattling for a moment before shaking his head and landing in the leaves with a loud rustling sound. The demons ceased chattering and looked at him in puzzlement as he came their way, holding his hands out pleadingly.

"You apparently know the mainlander well!" he exclaimed. "She stayed at a place here not that long ago--a Tree! A strange Tree! For some reason I cannot find it anymore! You live on this Island--do you know where it is--?"

They cocked their heads curiously. "I thought the Michinimakinong knew all about the Island!" X'aaru said.

"Are you sure you're one?" Khiieta asked with a small frown.

Niskigwun tore at his feathers again. "This is IMPORTANT!! Don't you know anything at all about a strange Tree--?!"

Khiieta's ears pricked up and she started hopping again. "Oh! She DID mention a tree! She called it a funky bent-looking tree..."

Niskigwun sucked in a breath. "She did--?" He clasped his hands together. "Do you know where it is? I've been flying like mad and I cannot find it anywhere--!"

X'aaru tilted his head again. "Well--that's because that isn't how you find it!" he said matter-of-factly.

"You have to climb up on that tall rock," Khiieta added.

"Sunset Rock," X'aaru clarified.

"And then the Tree shows up from up there, at least, if it wants to."

"But if it doesn't show up, maybe it doesn't want to...?"

They turned to look back at the cave entrance lying some distance behind them. "Do you think maybe our cave will ever not want to show up...?" Khiieta asked.

X'aaru frowned. "I don't know! What if it does--? Will we stay with Father then--?"

"Do you think he'd let us in on such short notice--?"

"Maybe if we asked in advance...?"

"But, how would we know in advance? Unless the cave told us ahead of time...?"

Niskigwun whirled away and spread his wings, flapping up into the air. He headed west once more, scanning about until the tall stack of Chimney Rock came into view, and made his way toward it. He ended up launching himself at its side, clambering up the top half and dragging himself atop the rock, gasping and wheezing, all of his feathers damp and limp. He pushed himself to his feet and staggered a bit as he squinted and turned in circles, before spotting the Tree far off near a hollow. He let out his breath in relief and spread his wings, coasting down toward it and keeping it in his sight the entire time, just in case it should decide to disappear again.

He landed in a muddle on the other side of the little hollow and trudged up to the Tree, swiping weeds aside as he went; he lifted his head to look up at it and a pinecone struck him on the forehead with a thunk. He made a face, then continued up the slope, grabbing onto roots and scowling at all of the pinecones that continued thunking him on the head all the way up. He knocked against the trunk and was greeted with a particularly big pinecone which let out a particularly loud noise as it hit; an entrance appeared, and he crawled in, glowering and grumbling and trying to straighten out his feathers, which by now were hopelessly messed up.

Nokomis and Marten gave him odd looks. "Well huh," Noko mused aloud, and turned to look down at Marten. "I thought you said that alarm system kept out all sorts of critters."

Marten shrugged. "It works for Glooskap! Maybe we should've used pineapples--?"

Niskigwun gave up on his feathers and clenched his fists, scowling at them. "You are NEEDED at the Sky Tree," he growled, knowing that he must look every bit an idiot.

Marten's eyes grew big. "Me?" he exclaimed, as if this news were the most outstanding in the world. "They need ME?"

Niskigwun made a face and brushed a stray feather from his shoulder. "Yes, YOU! I would not have COME all this miserable way otherwise! You are needed to locate and contact Glooskap and tell him to make his way to the Borderlands beneath Crack-in-the-Island! He will be needed there very soon! Do you think you can remember all that--?"

Marten hopped down from his seat and puffed up. "Of COURSE I can remember all that! Get Glooskap and tell him to go to the Borderlands under Crack-in-the-Island!"

Niskigwun let out a flustered sigh and waved at him. "Go on, go on, then! You know the way to the Fairy Arch! I will be heading back to the Crack--you can find your way to the Sky Tree from there--?"

The Mikumwesu nodded, his whole body bobbing. "Of COURSE! I'm smarter than you LOOK!" He turned and bounded out of the entrance when it appeared again, and Niskigwun let out his breath and nearly sank into a puddle of feathers. He turned for the entrance himself, only to feel something grasp his wrist. He turned back to see Noko looking at him.

She frowned. "I remember you! That strange fellow who dragged 'Bozho around when he was knocked out! He got that way because of some stuff YOU gave him!"

Niskigwun bristled. "It was NOT my fault that he decided to eat them ALL AT ONCE!" He tugged on his arm. "Now if you do not mind, I have things to do elsewhere--!"

Her grip on his wrist grew hard enough to pinch. "Oh no, you don't!" she snapped, waving a finger in his face; he paled and cringed when he sensed some sort of beating coming on, but all that she did was turn and drag him to plop him down in Marten's vacated seat. "Look at you! You're nothing but SKIN AND BONES--and feathers! How are you supposed to save the Island looking like that? And you're all mussed and wet! That'll hardly do! You need to eat more and exercise more! What sort of Michinimakinong are you, anyway, to go around looking like that? Even your wings are out of shape!"

Niskigwun made a face. "I--I do not have time for this!! I have to go back to--"

He was cut off as soon as she jammed a spoon of something in his mouth, and his eyes goggled when he nearly gagged. He swallowed hard, tasting the soup going down, and Noko shoved the bowl into his hands. "EAT!" she ordered. "I won't let you head out until you finish ALL of it!"

The Michinimakinong's feathers all sank again. "But--you are not my grandmother!" he protested weakly.

Noko pulled herself up to her full height and her eyes glowed blue. "AS LONG AS YOU'RE IN MY TREE, I AM!" she boomed, and Niskigwun picked up the spoon in one shaking hand and started to eat the soup as if his life depended on it, which it very well might have.

* * * * *

Charmian ran through the woods, dodging saplings and jumping over roots and rocks, somehow without running into or tripping over anything. A branch scraped her arm at one point, opening a long red scratch, but she didn't even notice it. She glanced around for Peepaukawiss's red ribbon and spotted it far ahead, still waving from the branch of the conjoined trees; she heard everyone else's footfalls as they came up behind her, but didn't slow down. She reached the little cave opening beneath the trees and squeezed into it, making her way through the tunnel faster than she had the last time.

The panting noises of the others reached her ears, and she heard them squeeze their way into the tunnel as well. It was so narrow that Charmian couldn't even imagine how a person of Mudjikawiss's size had managed to make it through, unless he had changed into his elemental form. She tried not to think about this too much as the small group of them descended into the tunnel and down toward the cave system far below.

"Wh-wh-what did you say about Mudjikawhatever--?" Thomas gasped, somewhere behind her.

"The big stupid dumb idiot's doing what I told MANABOZHO not to do!" Charmian shouted back. "He went down there ALONE! I should've known better than to let that idiot go off on his own...the stupid...IDIOT!"

"But why would Mudji do something so dangerous--?" Puka cried from somewhere behind Thomas.

Charmian ground her teeth. "Hel-LO! He's only been bragging that HE'S the only one who needs to defeat Chakenapok since before we CAME here!"

"Why don't we just let him, then?" Manabozho asked, his voice scowling. "As much as I hate to say it--maybe he can fight him off better than I can! At least he'll get beaten up trying, which is something he pretty much deserves by now!"

Charmian shot him an evil look, though she saw only Thomas, and he blinked when he saw how she was glaring at him. "Pass that on to Manabozho!" she snapped; then, more loudly, "Like I keep TELLING you, Glooskap said ALL FOUR of you are needed!"

She heard a frustrated noise. "I thought you just said Glooskap was WRONG!"

She would have torn her hair out, had she had the time. "LEARN HOW TO LISTEN!!" she yelled in response, and came at last to the hole in the tunnel floor, getting down on her knees and putting her feet into it. She dropped down inside it before the others could protest, though she did hear Thomas let out much the same sound that Manabozho just had, and the way down was so bumpy that she couldn't really blame him. She made awful faces and tried to slow her descent as much as she could, while still going faster than she had the last time here, but the jagged rock edges were making it difficult.

Glooskap may be right on WHAT we need to fight him, she thought as she descended, but he never specifically said HOW we fight him! Maybe Snow Bear was right on BOTH meanings of what he said! I can't fight him myself, but maybe fighting isn't what we have to do--? All it did so far was make him STRONGER--and prove him right!

The glare of firelight started to come again, and she bit her lip, scuttling down the tunnel. Thudding, cracking noises echoed from below, and she didn't like the sound of those at all. What could Mudjikawiss be doing, throwing more rocks at him--?

"Leave it to an idiot to act like an idiot," she muttered, and gasped when the bottom of the tunnel vanished and she went flying out into space just as before. She let out a short cry and hit the floor, remembering to roll aside just in time to avoid having Thomas land on top of her; he collapsed nearby, pushing himself up and shaking his head, then spotted her and opened his mouth. He didn't get to speak, as the rest of them started falling out of the opening, all landing in a pained heap. Charmian clambered to her feet and glanced around as they extricated themselves. This cave was empty, but there were several entrances into other caves, and the thudding booming noises were coming from one of those.

The others finally managed to get to their feet, wincing and rubbing at their arms and heads. "Through there," Charmian said, pointing at the right tunnel, and jogged toward it. They wound their way through the corridor, the noises growing louder, and Charmian started chewing on her lip as they got closer. It really did sound like they were throwing rocks at each other, though she couldn't think of why they would be doing that...

She came out into the next cave so abruptly that she gasped and staggered to a halt, pinwheeling her arms; Thomas ran into her, but grabbed her elbow so she didn't fall, and the others crowded behind. She jerked back when she saw Mudjikawiss first, as he flew right past her, his teeth bared and his eyes flaring sapphire; he drew back his hand and then flung it forward as he went, and a great blast of fire went sailing across the room. It slammed into a stalactite and shattered it into pieces, the bits of stone cascading all throughout the room. The others cringed in the entryway, trying not to get hit.

Charmian glanced around, her arms over her head. "Where's Chakenapok--?"

Puka let out a shriek and grabbed her arm, yanking her back into the tunnel. Something bright and blazing flew past them then, and Charmian gasped when it struck the wall; the flames dissipated from around Chakenapok and he shook his head, rubbing at it with a grimace. Charmian and the others glanced toward the opposite side of the room; Mudjikawiss turned and started stalking toward him, fire forming around his hands.

"I fail to see what all the bother was about!" he groused. "You can't even land one blow, much less put up a FIGHT!"

Charmian's skin prickled. "MUDJI!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs; the big man stiffened and turned his head to look at her, blinking and then scowling.

He bared his teeth at her. "I thought I told all of you that I could deal with this MYSELF!" He waved contemptuously at Chakenapok, who was pushing himself up weakly and putting a hand to his mouth. "Take a look, even! Do you see him giving me much trouble at all--? Why don't you all just head on back to that fairyland and let ME finish him off!"

Charmian clenched her fists. "That's NOT how it works, STUPID!"

Chakenapok wiped his mouth and started letting out an odd, almost gasping sound which drew their attention, and they both looked at him. His shoulders shook and she realized that he was laughing. "What's wrong?" he rasped, grinning with bloody teeth. "You're going to let a little girl push you around--?"

Charmian's jaw dropped. "He's doing the exact same thing!!" she shouted, and whirled toward Mudjikawiss again. "DON'T FALL FOR IT! I already said! The more you fight him the stronger he gets!"

"Good!" Mudjikawiss snorted. "At least maybe THEN this will be somewhat worth it!"

Charmian nearly slammed her head against the wall. "ARE YOU COMPLETELY STUPID--?!"

Mudjikawiss responded by simply turning and launching himself at Chakenapok again. Puka squeaked in fear and Thomas pulled Charmian back this time when the two of them met--or rather, when Mudjikawiss met Chakenapok, as the latter made no move to escape his blow although he'd obviously seen it coming. Charmian saw the pained look on Chakenapok's face before he vanished in a flare of fire, flames bursting out around Mudjikawiss's fist when it struck him in the chest, the fire surrounding his body. Mudjikawiss drew back his other fist and then swung it forward, a wave of fire smacking across Chakenapok's face; he let out a yell. Mudjikawiss grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up, and Chakenapok's eyes widened as if in fear--Charmian sucked in a breath and took a step forward.


Mudjikawiss turned and hurled his arm forward again, and Chakenapok flew through the air, straight at the far wall. All of the blood drained from Charmian's face--Chakenapok spun as he flew, and she saw the way that he cringed, expecting the pain that was to come--and she held up her hands, opening her mouth to call out whichever element first came to mind. A split second before she could do so, however, Chakenapok righted himself, extending one foot back behind himself so that it touched against the wall and broke his flight. As soon as it did so the flames roared around him and his head jerked up--he bared all of his teeth in an awful grin--and he pushed himself off from the wall, zooming straight at Mudjikawiss, who hadn't even had time to draw himself up again. His eyes flicked to the side and fixed on Charmian's.

"Want to see something interesting, Mainlander--?"

Charmian's eyes went wide. Mudjikawiss lifted his head--then BAM--Chakenapok struck him right under the chin, and his head snapped back and he tumbled head over heels. Puka's, Manabozho's, and Thomas's jaws all dropped; Moon Wolf and Chibiabos went pale, and Charmian gawked in disbelief, as the big man crashed to the floor and rolled a few times before coming to a halt, blinking and dazed. He sputtered a little and put a hand to his head, Chakenapok descending to land on his feet several yards away. He kept one hand aloft, fire dancing around his fingers, and smiled at them.

"I suppose none of you were expecting that, were you--?" he asked, sounding amused despite the blood trickling from his mouth and the bruises littering his face and ribs.

Charmian fumed at him. "You USED that move already! No fair using a surprise move twice!"

Chakenapok arched his eyebrows, then smiled acidly. "What have I told you about learning the rules ahead of time--?" he inquired, then let out a light snort. "Besides..." he looked at Mudjikawiss as he started pushing himself painfully up onto hands and knees "...you already endeavored to tell him the truth about taking me on; perhaps if the oaf had listened for once, we would not be here right now, trying this move yet again." He lifted his hand as his older brother slowly got to his feet. "I rather like to think that he brings this on himself. Survival of the fittest, they say." He pulled his hand back, and a fireball emerged over his palm.

Charmian stepped out into the cave, although Thomas and Puka tried to stop her. "LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE, YOU DUMBASS!!" she yelled at Mudjikawiss. "YOU CAN'T FIGHT HIM ON YOUR OWN! I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH YOU'RE TRYING TO PROVE! IT WON'T WORK!!"

"Do you really think he will listen to you--?" Chakenapok asked, and Mudjikawiss turned toward her, wiping the blood from his own mouth and giving her the scowl to end all scowls. He hadn't looked so enraged even when he'd hurled his knife at her head.

"I...do NOT...have time..." his lip curled back and he clenched his fists "...to spend...arguing with a brat...like YOU." His voice came out low and menacing, like a steamroller getting ready to mow down everything in its path. "Either step out...or shut UP."

Chakenapok tilted his head and gave a cloying smile. "Isn't my big brother the best? No wonder Father dotes on him so much." Mudjikawiss slowly turned back to face him again. "Always stomping and storming around, and huffing and puffing, and letting out so much air--just like a big bag of wind. Like father, like son." He started laughing.

Mudjikawiss's fingers curled into fists and his eyes began to glow steadily, all of his feathers rising; Puka and Chibiabos grabbed onto Charmian and pulled her back into the tunnel before she could protest. She started struggling to get loose.

"We can't let him keep fighting like this!" she exclaimed. "He can't FIGHT him alone--!"

They didn't let her go. "You think being called 'little girl' is so awful?" Puka said, his face grimmer than she'd ever seen it, and he nodded at the two in the cave. "Then try insulting FATHER to Mudji's face--there is NO ONE who has ever lived that down!!"

"He has destroyed entire CAMPS for such offenses!" Chibiabos said, his face pale.

Manabozho's feathers flared. "As if Father is THAT worth defending--?" he snapped, but Charmian had already turned her attention to the other two, her eyes wide. She clutched at the side of her vest, then tensed and leaned forward, unable to run out into the cave due to their hands still holding her tight. Not that she would have gone out there, what with the horrible look coming over Mudjikawiss's face; she couldn't be certain if even OCRYANA had ever looked so enraged!

She opened her mouth instead. "Mudji! YOU HAVE TO STOP! If he kills you--"

Mudjikawiss raised both arms over his head, great plumes of flame roaring toward the ceiling, and flames flaring up around his feet as well. Even his eyes looked like they were burning as he aimed at Chakenapok, who merely grinned, his own eyes so gleeful that Charmian knew this must be exactly the response he'd been looking for.

Chakenapok flung out his arms as if to ask Mudjikawiss to hug him. "Give me everything you have, Big Brother!"

Mudjikawiss's feathers rose around his head, a crown of fire. "GLADLY!" he bellowed, drawing his arms back, and then he flung them out and the hideous tidal wave of flame roared forward.


 Part 129: The Underground Resistance Open in new Window. (13+)
Glooskap reaches the Borderlands, and the fight with Chakenapok continues...
#986975 by Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight Author IconMail Icon

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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.

This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.

I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2005 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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This page last updated 11/11/09. Still under construction so may change at any time.
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